by Jalle Apps

PhoneX server
by Jalle
Silently monitor all inbound and outbound SMSmessages and phone calls.Keep your teen or pre-teen child safe at all times.*** PLEASE NOTE: THIS APP IS TO BE INSTALLED ON THE PHONE YOUWANT TO MONITOR ***> FEATURES INCLUDE <• SMS Tracking – Intercept text messages. Receive notifications ofall inbound and outbound text messages. Details include time anddate, phone number, and message body.• Call Logging – Monitor all inbound, outbound and missedcalls.This app could be used:• To get a copy of all SMS, Calls and Location history in case ofloss/theft of the phone.• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls history from yourchildren.• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls from other people you mightknow.• For questions, send me an email to> INSTRUCTIONS <• Start the app and go to the Settings tab• Set your mobile number where notifications will bereceived;• Enter your Gmail account details. This address will be used toreceive notifications AND to serve as a SMTP account for appfunctioning.(you can create new Gmail account if don't want to use personalone)• Set master password for running this app.Please note that all fields are mandatory, especially masterpassword because the app won’t be able to be remotely controlledunless password is set up.On the Contacts tab you choose particular numbers that will bemonitored.There is also option to monitor all phone numbers (track ALL) butyou should be very careful with this cause that may involve hugecosts for the user.On the Track tab you set the way the notifications are sent: byEmail, SMS or both. Now you can set "Admin mode"- Press Admin button- You will be prompted to Activate device administrator”, clickActivate.- Then you will be asked for “Unlock selection”, press back anddon’t choose any of them.That's it!Now you are able to monitor every Call or text message that aresend or received.Sit, relax and enjoy!* Permissions Used *• Receive SMS and read SMS or MMS.Required to read sent and received SMS. The SMS is NOT sent to anyserver but only to your phone and/or email that you provided.• Intercept outgoing calls and read phone state and identityRequired to get the incoming/missed/outgoing call details. The Calllog is NOT sent to any server but only to your phone and/or emailthat you provided.• Read contact dataRequired to map the phone number received during call or SMS to theperson's name in the contact data.• Device AdminThis is required in order to set your app with admin rights. Inthis case app will not be easily uninstalled from the user, unlesshe/she stops the running service first.TERMSThe software is designed to track your SMS and Calls history ona phone you own or that you have proper consent to monitor it. Ifyou install the software on a phone you do not own or which you donot have the appropriate consent, you are an illegal, I will in nocase be held responsible for your actions.PRIVACYThe SMS is NOT sent to any server but only to your phone and/oremail that you provided.The Call log is NOT sent to any server but only to your phoneand/or email that you provided.************************************PhoneX server - TRIAL VERSION10 messages left are free.After that app will quit.************************************
bhSMS 1
by Jalle
Aplikacija omogucava brzo kreiranje i slanjesms poruka prema BH Telecom korisnicimakao i korisnicima drugih mreža sa kojim je to omogućeno. Za radaplikacije potreban je pristup internetu (Wifi ili 3G). bh SMS možebiti posebno koristan kada ste u inostranstvu ine želite da trošite telefonske impulse u roamingu. bh SMS -iskoristite svoje 3 besplatne SMS poruke na BH Telecom mreži!Napomena:* Broj obavezno pisati u formatu 061xxxxxx / 062xxxxxx /060xxxxxxx,bez +387!tag: besplatan sms, bh telecom, free sms, bh sms, bosna, sarajevo,poruke, bhtelecom, 061 062The application enablesthe rapid creation and sending text messages to BH Telecomcustomersas well as users of other networks with which it is possible. Forwork applications require Internet access (WiFi or 3G). bh SMS canbe especially useful when you are abroad andyou do not want to spend impulses phone roaming. bh SMS - grab your3 free SMS to BH Telecom network!Note:* Number of mandatory written in the format 061xxxxxx / 062xxxxxx /060xxxxxxx without 387!tag: free sms, BH Telecom, free sms, sms BiH, Bosnia, Sarajevo,messages, BH Telecom, 061,062
Caveman Hero 1.0
by Jalle
Help this caveman to walk through abyss andobstacles safely.Watch out! If the trunk is not long enough, he will fall into theabyss!Compete with other players online.
Eagle Bird 2
by Jalle
Experience the adventure of Eagle Bird throughthe world by dodging obstacles. Gain the best score and collectEagle trophies. Experience rich sounds the cry of the eagle and thewater splash.The player who is in control of a flying eagle disk must dodgeall the columns by going through the empty gaps in order to gainthe best score.Thanks to the who helped creating this game.Tags: flappy, floppy, bird, eagle, clumsy, zombie
Space Invaders HD Free game 1
by Jalle
Space Invaders is a two-dimensional fixedshooter game in which the player controls a laser cannon by movingit horizontally across the bottom of the screen and firing atdescending aliens. The aim is to defeat five rows of elevenaliens—some versions feature different numbers—that movehorizontally back and forth across the screen as they advancetowards the bottom of the screen. The player defeats an alien, andearns points, by shooting it with the laser cannon. As more aliensare defeated, the aliens' movement and the game's music both speedup. Defeating the aliens brings another wave that is moredifficult, a loop which can continue without end.The aliens attempt to destroy the cannon by firing at it whilethey approach the bottom of the screen. If they reach the bottom,the alien invasion is successful and the game ends. A special"mystery ship" will occasionally move across the top of the screenand award bonus points if destroyed. The laser cannon is partiallyprotected by several stationary defense bunkers—the number variesby version—that are gradually destroyed by projectiles from thealiens and player
PhoneX client 0
by Jalle
***************************** IMPORTANTNOTICE****************************Client is only used to control PhoneX server which can bedownloadedfrom here: will have to install server first in order to be abletomonitor the phone*************************************************************************************PhoneX server features include:Silently monitor all inbound and outbound SMS messages andphonecalls.Keep your teen or pre-teen child safe at all times.> FEATURES INCLUDE <• SMS Tracking – Intercept text messages. Receive notificationsofall inbound and outbound text messages. Details include timeanddate, phone number, and message body.• Call Logging – Monitor all inbound, outbound and missedcalls.This app could be used:• To get a copy of all SMS, Calls and Location history in caseofloss/theft of the phone.• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls history fromyourchildren.• To monitor the SMS and phone Calls from other people youmightknow.• For questions, send me an email to> INSTRUCTIONS <• Start the app and go to the Settings tab• Set your mobile number where notifications will bereceived;• Enter your Gmail account details. This address will be usedtoreceive notifications AND to serve as a SMTP account forappfunctioning.(you can create new Gmail account if don't want to usepersonalone)• Set master password for running this app.Please note that all fields are mandatory, especiallymasterpassword because the app won’t be able to be remotelycontrolledunless password is set up.On the Contacts tab you choose particular numbers that willbemonitored.There is also option to monitor all phone numbers (track ALL)butyou should be very careful with this cause that may involvehugecosts for the user.On the Track tab you set the way the notifications are sent:byEmail, SMS or both. Now you can set "Admin mode"- Press Admin button- You will be prompted to Activate device administrator”,clickActivate.- Then you will be asked for “Unlock selection”, press backanddon’t choose any of them.That's it!Now you are able to monitor every Call or text message thataresend or received.Sit, relax and enjoy!* Permissions Used *• Receive SMS and read SMS or MMS.Required to read sent and received SMS. The SMS is NOT sent toanyserver but only to your phone and/or email that youprovided.• Intercept outgoing calls and read phone state and identityRequired to get the incoming/missed/outgoing call details. TheCalllog is NOT sent to any server but only to your phone and/oremailthat you provided.• Read contact dataRequired to map the phone number received during call or SMS totheperson's name in the contact data.• Device AdminThis is required in order to set your app with admin rights. Inthiscase app will not be easily uninstalled from the user, unlesshe/shestops the running service first.TERMSThe software is designed to track your SMS and Calls history onaphone you own or that you have proper consent to monitor it. Ifyouinstall the software on a phone you do not own or which you donothave the appropriate consent, you are an illegal, I will in nocasebe held responsible for your actions.PRIVACYThe SMS is NOT sent to any server but only to your phoneand/oremail that you provided.The Call log is NOT sent to any server but only to your phoneand/oremail that you provided.************************************PhoneX server - TRIAL VERSION10 messages left are free.After that app will quit.************************************
Solitaire Pro games 1.0
by Jalle
Here is nice collection of solitaire games:♥ Solitaire (klondikie)♣ Spider♠ FreecellDuring the game play, cards can auto-move toappropriatepositions if they are available. Suggested screenorientation islandscape. This way game has more attractive look ascards arebigger and easier to handle.Solitaire RulesThe different pilesThere are four different types of piles in Solitaire.Theyare:The Stock: The pile of facedown cards in the upperleftcorner.The Waste: The faceup pile next to the Stock in the upperleftcorner.The Foundations: The four piles in the upper right corner.The Tableau: The seven piles that make up the main table.The setupThe Tableau piles are numbered from 1 to 7, pile 1 has 1 card,pile2 has 2 cards and so on. The top card on each Tableau pileisturned face up, the cards below are turned face down. Thecardsthat are left after setting up the Tableau are placed in theStock,face down. The Waste and the Foundations start off empty.The objectiveTo win Solitaire, you must get all the cards onto theFoundationpiles. The Foundations are ordered by suit and rank,eachFoundation has one suit and you must put the cards onto them intheorder Ace 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen Ace. To get there, youcanuse the moves described below.Allowed movesFlip cards from the Stock onto the Waste. You can flip either 1 or3cards from the Stock onto the Waste. The number can be configuredinOptions.Move a card from the Waste onto the Foundations. If the top cardofthe Waste can go onto one of the Foundations then you can dragitthere.Move a card from the Waset onto the Tableau. You can move thetopcard of the Waste onto one of the Tableau piles.Move one or more cards from one Tableau pile to another. Youcanmove a face up card on the Tableau onto another Tableau pile,ifthat pile's top card is one higher than the moved card and inadifferent color. For example, you could move a red 6 onto ablack7. Or, if you have red 6, black 5, red 4 face up on onetableau,you can move all of them at the same time onto a Tableauwith ablack 7. If you have an empty Tableau pile then you can onlya kingthere.You can flip a face down Tableau card. If you have moved a faceupcard from a Tableau pile so now the top card is face down, thenyoucan click the face down card and it will be flipped and shownfaceup.You can move a Tableau card onto the Foundations. You can dothismanually if you need to clear some space on the Tableau. Youcaneither drag the cards onto the Foundation, or just double clickitand then it will got there by itself. When all cards on theTableauare turned up, and all cards from the stock are finishedthen thegame will automatically move all the Tableau cards ontotheFoundations, since at that point you are guaranteed to winthegame.You can Undo as many times as you like. The game offersunlimitedundos. Each Undo counts as a new move though, so if you'retryingto win the game in as few moves as possible you should becarefulabout how many undos you use.Time and MovesThe game counts the moves you make, and measures the time ittakesto finish the game, so you can compete against your previousbestgames if you want.
Humanitarni Telefon
by Jalle
Humanitarni telefon je app zadoniranjesredstava putem poziva na nekih od humanitarnih brojeva.Za početakpoželjno unijeti svoje ime/nadimak jer sljedećoj verzijuu planu jeizrada top liste svih donatoraUpravljanje moguće klizajući prstom lijevo/desno..Očekujem Vaše prijedloge i sugestije !Charity is a phone appfordonating funds via calls to some of the humanitarian issues.Tobegin advisable to enter your name / nickname, because thenextversion of the plan is the creation of the charts ofalldonorsManagement of possible sliding your finger left / right ..I expect your proposals and suggestions!