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eFuse: Connect With Gamers 1.1.23
Meet, Compete, be Discovered. eFuse is THE place for all thingsgaming. Network with other gamers, grow your audience, and get theopportunities in the esports industry you have been waiting for allon one esports centered social media platform. As seen in: Forbes,Esports Insider, The Esports Observer, ESPN Esports & more…GROW YOUR AUDIENCE - The Lounge Feed Whether you are an aspiringcontent creator, professional gamer, or someone that has a passionfor gaming, the eFuse lounge feed is where YOU can get discovered.Post your gameplay videos, follow your role models, and share yourthoughts with hundreds of thousands of people. From competitiveCall of Duty players, to casual Fortnite gamers, and even MarioKart aficionados, there is a community for you on eFuse. FIND ACAREER IN GAMING - The Opportunity Portal Often referred to as theLinkedIn of gaming, the Opportunities Portal is what makes eFuse avaluable platform for anyone seeking a new team to join, a job,scholarship, tournament, or any number of events in gaming.. Searchthrough thousands of job opportunities, scholarships, teamopenings, and more unique esports experiences to set yourself upfor your dream career in gaming. SHOW OFF YOUR SKILLS - PortfolioOn your personal portfolio, showcase your influence in the gamingcommunity by connecting your Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube,and Discord, list your accomplishments, and connect your in-gameaccounts from Fortnite, Rocket League, League of Legends and moreto flex your in-game experience. CONNECT WITH GAMERS -Organizations The esports industry would not exist without creatorsand competitive organizations. On eFuse, owners can build out theirorganization pages, invite their fans and members, and extend theirimpact. Those wishing to be a part of a growing organization canfind hundreds of rapidly expanding groups looking for people justlike you to join them! Additional features: -The most recentesports news and updates sourced from a variety of platforms-Comprehensive guides written by industry experts about how tosucceed in esports -The Pipeline - A chance for high school gamersto put their portfolios in front of the most elite collegiateesports programs in the nation Contact us with questions orconcerns at info@efuse.io