izzy-boo Apps

Custom Dice 0.1.4
FEATURES!- Custom Game Sets*- Custom Dice*If you want a specific feature and or have a bug request,pleaseleave a message. I know the app is rather basic in looks, butIpromise, it makes up for it in customization of dice/games. (Ihavenot seen another app like it in the 100+ dice apps I lookedat)Custom Game Sets lets you create a game that holds any numberandtype of dice. This allows quick access to the dice you need forthegame you are playing. For example, the screenshots are of theKingof Tokyo (http://goo.gl/AdJYEE) with the custom dice.Youcould have another game set with a set of standard dice forRisk,or any other game.Custom Dice lets you create any kind of dice, including textandany number of sides. Back to the screenshot of the King ofTokyodice. They are six sided: 1, 2, 3, hit, health, and energy.Whenyou roll the dice, it randomizes all of those and displaystheselected one.Features to come:- Holding of dice. Some games allow you to reroll some or allofyour dice. This will allow you to hold a selected portion ofthedice- Disabling of dice. Instead of having all die being rolled,thiswill disable certain ones. This is very similar to holding,butwill work in conjunction with...- Game Set default disabling of dice. This will allow the gametohave every single die available at the start, but withselecteddefault ones already disabled.