
50+ Most Popular Mocktail Lite 1.2
Mocktails are mock cocktails, or those that do not contain anyalcohol. Any drink recipe can be modified by simply leaving thealcohol out, however these recipes are some of the more commonmocktails. These non-alcoholic drinks are great for serving theentire family and a nice alternative for party guests who prefernot to drink alcohol.For those of you who love cocktails, but can't or don't want tohave alcohol the answer is mocktails. Colorful and full of flavor,mocktails give you all the fun of a cocktail with none of thebite.This app provide more then 50 most popular cocktail recipe withsimple steps and very clear ingredient list. The simple interfacealso make finding and browsing very intuitiveNo need internet connection, all contents are stored in yourphone and you can access it anytime
Healthy Juice Recipes 1.3
Fresh fruit juice has been around for ages andproven to benefit our health significantly. Juice with correctingredients offer benefits like:- Boost your immunity- Help detox your body- Improve blood circulation & digestion- Reduce risk of heart problem- Prevent anemia- Prevent constipation- Help in weight loss- Natural blood cleanser- Improve skin complexion- Natural skin whitening- Improve health of eyes- lots moreThis app provide more then 50 secret recipes for tasty and highnutritional juice.With simple steps and very clear ingredient list.Simple interface make finding and browsing very intuitive
Healthy Juice Recipes Lite 1.3
Fresh fruit juice has been around for ages andproven to benefit our health significantly. Juice with correctingredients offer benefits like:- Boost your immunity- Help detox your body- Improve blood circulation & digestion- Reduce risk of heart problem- Prevent anemia- Prevent constipation- Help in weight loss- Natural blood cleanser- Improve skin complexion- Natural skin whitening- Improve health of eyes- lots moreThis app provide more then 50 secret recipes for tasty and highnutritional juice.With simple steps and very clear ingredient list.Simple interface make finding and browsing very intuitive
健康果汁食谱试用版 1.0
新鲜果汁适合所有年龄段的人饮用,且对我们的身体健康起着重要的意义。营养成分合理的果汁能提供以下功能:- 提高免疫- 帮助身体排毒- 改善血液循环和消化- 降低心脏病风险- 预防贫血- 预防便秘- 帮助减肥- 血液自然清洁器- 改善肤色- 皮肤自然美白- 改善眼部健康- 其他该应用软件为美味营养的果汁提供50多种制作秘方含简单的步骤和清晰的成分列表
100+ Baby Food Recipe Lite 1.2
The benefits of making your own baby food areenormous ...- You know exactly what your baby is eating - none of the dreaded"fillers" commonly found in commercial baby food- You know that the ingredients are fresh and healthy- You can "tailor make" your baby's food to best suit his/herpreferences and needs- You will save money. These homemade baby food recipes cost afraction of the price of ready made foods- And most importantly ... making your own baby food istremendously satisfying - for you AND your baby.Are you concerned that you don't have enough time to make yourown baby food?It's not nearly as time consuming as you might think! On the babyfood preparation and storage page you'll learn how to preparebatches of food quickly and easily. After all, cooking for babyshould not be a chore - but a PLEASURE!To keep things simple, recipes on this site are grouped accordingto age - so you can be sure that the ingredients are safe andappropriate for YOUR baby.Key points to remember when making homemade baby food &introducing solid foodsALWAYS consult your pediatrician prior to beginning any new foodfor your infant. Discuss making homemade baby food with yourpediatricianALWAYS follow the 4 day wait rule when introducing a new food tobaby - offer your baby the same new food for 4 days to test forallergies to that food. This applies even when you are makinghomemade baby food. Never introduce more than 1 new food at a time.

ALWAYS use clean hands, clean cooking utensils, preparationsurface(s), pots/pans etc when making and and preparing homemadebaby food. Cleanliness and Food Safety is a MUST when makinghomemade baby food.And Finally All babies are different and will not like/tolerate thesame foods or food textures. Do Not Despair. You should be willingto experiment with baby solid food for your baby. Offer your babydifferent foods, use different ways of preparing those baby foodsand be willing to have a huge store of patience.
Palm Reading Secret Lite 1.0
Palmistry is one of the oldest of the occultarts. People have been fascinated with hands since time began. Atsome stage people realized that every hand is different, and fromthis discovery palmistry began.The fact that no two hands are the same must have intriguedprimitive people. Some 2600 years ago Aristotle wrote a book onpalmistry for Alexander the Great, and there is nothing in thatbook that a modern-day palmist would dispute. Consequently, thebasic principles of palmistry have been around for a longtime.Since the end of World War II, the Kennedy-Galton Center, attachedto the University of London, has been studying palmsscientifically, using them to determine the predisposition ofpeople towards certain illnesses. Certainly, nothing could be moreimportant than health, and it is exciting that modern-dayscientists are proving scientifically what palmists have known forthousands of years.Palm reading can show current state of someone, their backgroundand their characters. In this app you will find plain English,fully illustrated guide to read palm. It’s so simple and easy tounderstand till you don’t need to have any prior basic knowledgeabout it. From the basic meanings of the lines to the fine pointsof marking and complexion, these clear descriptions will have yourevealing secrets and foretelling the future from the firstday.
Destiny Calculator (Ba Zi) 1.0
The 八字秤骨 (ba zi chen gu) is a famous methodsof fortune telling from Tang Dynasty. The accuracy was very highthat the method was applied widely until now.This approach believe that the birthdate and birthtime of personcan be use to determine the luck of person's life which includesgood or bad fortune, rise and fall of honor, good health or badhealth and ultimately the destiny of a person.The birth year, month, day and time of each person determinetheir own weight of fortune. The weight has specific provisions offortune. The minimum weight is 2.2 and maximum weight is 7.2.Person that born with 7.2 of fortune weight is destined to rule anempire with millions of people.
100+ Baby Food Recipe 1.0
The benefits of making your own baby food areenormous ...- You know exactly what your baby is eating - none of the dreaded"fillers" commonly found in commercial baby food- You know that the ingredients are fresh and healthy- You can "tailor make" your baby's food to best suit his/herpreferences and needs- You will save money. These homemade baby food recipes cost afraction of the price of ready made foods- And most importantly ... making your own baby food istremendously satisfying - for you AND your baby.Are you concerned that you don't have enough time to make yourown baby food?It's not nearly as time consuming as you might think! On the babyfood preparation and storage page you'll learn how to preparebatches of food quickly and easily. After all, cooking for babyshould not be a chore - but a PLEASURE!To keep things simple, recipes on this site are grouped accordingto age - so you can be sure that the ingredients are safe andappropriate for YOUR baby.Key points to remember when making homemade baby food &introducing solid foodsALWAYS consult your pediatrician prior to beginning any new foodfor your infant. Discuss making homemade baby food with yourpediatricianALWAYS follow the 4 day wait rule when introducing a new food tobaby - offer your baby the same new food for 4 days to test forallergies to that food. This applies even when you are makinghomemade baby food. Never introduce more than 1 new food at a time.

ALWAYS use clean hands, clean cooking utensils, preparationsurface(s), pots/pans etc when making and and preparing homemadebaby food. Cleanliness and Food Safety is a MUST when makinghomemade baby food.And Finally All babies are different and will not like/tolerate thesame foods or food textures. Do Not Despair. You should be willingto experiment with baby solid food for your baby. Offer your babydifferent foods, use different ways of preparing those baby foodsand be willing to have a huge store of patience.
100+ Killer Jokes 1.0
There was this Chinese lady married to anEnglish gentleman and they lived in London. This Chinese lady wasnot very good in English, but somehow managed to communicate withher husband. The real problem arose whenever she had to shop forgroceries.One day, she went to the butcher and wanted to buy pork legs. Shedidn’t know how to put forward her request, and in expiration,lifted up her skirt to show her thighs. The butcher got the messageand the lady went home with pork legs.The next day, she needed to get chicken breasts. Again, she didn’tknow how to say, and so she unbuttoned her blouse to show thebutcher her breast.The lady got what she wanted.The 3rd day, the poor lady needed to buy sausages. She can’t find away to communicate this, she brought her husband to thestore…What were you thinking?==========Helloooooooooo, her husband speaks English!!Get more of this from the app!!
Baby Brain Development Lite 1.1
Did you know that the amount of stimulationyour baby receives on a daily basis has a direct influence on hisbaby brain development? These findings are supported bystate-of-the-art brain-imaging techniques. As your baby grows, hisbrain is developing, and tiny synapses, which are electricalconnections, are forming.As scientists continue to study the brain's development, theirfindings continue to fascinate and educate others.1.The first years of life are the most important in braindevelopment.2.The amount of stimulation your child receives directly impactsthe amount of synapses that are formed within his brain.3.The creation of these synapses are virtually complete after thefirst three years of a baby's life.4.Babies prefer high contrast images and pictures. This is why yousee baby's books and toys decorated in bright colors!5.You aren't the only one who wants your child to learn. Your babyhas an inate need to learn, also!6.Your baby's environment will play a huge role in his braindevelopment.7.Visual stimulation plays an important role in stimulating yourbaby's curiosity, concentration and attentiveness.8.While toys and books are wonderful stimulants, simple interactionbetween you and your child is the best way to help his braindevelop!This application includes:- Educational toy for babies (separated by age group)- Learning activities for baby's brain development- More then 150 games for baby from 1 - 36 month- Toddler brain development- Baby development milestones- many moreHave fun with your baby while develop their brain and motoricskill at the same time!!
Palm Reading for Lover 1.0
Palmistry is one of the oldest of the occultarts. People have been fascinated with hands since time began. Atsome stage people realized that every hand is different, and fromthis discovery palmistry began.The heart line runs horizontally across the upper palm,surrounding the mounts of Mercury, Apollo, Mars, Jupiter andSaturn. This line indicates the strength of emotions, quality ofrelationships, timing of important relationships such as marriagesand love affairs and whether these relationships bring happiness orheartache.Ideally, the heart line should be clear and without breaks Thiskind of lines suggests someone who will be the dominant partner ina relationship. Breaks in this line spell broken relationships,while islands along this line spell tragedies of a brokenheart.Little lines that branch out above the heart line going upwardsindicate strong and happy relationships, while lines that branchout below the heart line are said to be less fortunate. Secondarylines also indicate how busy a social life you have.The relationship lines by the side of the palm indicate seriousrelationships and some read these as marriage lines. The strongerand longer these lines are, the better.When relationship lines are missing, it suggests a difficulty ingetting married, while several lines here indicate several loverelationships. Two equally strong lines suggest two marriages.These are the generalizations in palm indications of your lovelife. We also include additional indications revealed by the heartline.Palm reading can show current state of someone, their backgroundand their characters. In this app you will find plain English,fully illustrated guide to read palm. It’s so simple and easy tounderstand till you don’t need to have any prior basic knowledgeabout it. From the basic meanings of the lines to the fine pointsof marking and complexion, these clear descriptions will have yourevealing secrets and foretelling the future from the firstday.
Face Reading Secret 1.0
For thousands of years, the ancient sageswondered if our facial features could determine our fate orpersonality. They began to compile individual studies, one featureat a time, to see if there was a direct correlation between facialfeatures and specific fates. In ancient Greece, Aristotle wroteextensively on physiognomy categorizing his findings into sixchapters that included physical characteristics of face, body &voice.In the 21st century face reading has emerged as a guide inpsychoanalysis or, as a tool for a competitive edge in theexecutive boardrooms of corporate America. It is no longer a parlorgame. The continues interest in face reading has given credence toan art that the Chinese have always known has been an importantguide in human understanding.Characteristics like honesty, intelligence and reliability aremajor attributes that we all seek in others and ourselves. Facereading will immediately offer you valuable information about humanbeings. You can begin practicing face reading by observing friends,family members and work colleagues.Face reading gives you insights into your own and others'character through an understanding of what their facial featuresreveal. See whether you recognize any of the character traits inyourself or others
Massage - The Art Of Healing 1.3
Massage is a healing art practiced in allcultures and regions of the world. It is the systematic placing ofthe hands on a body and applying techniques to treat the body andthe person to relieve ailments and stress.Massage is simply one of the simplest and natural way of medicalcare. It is considered to be one of the oldest treatments used bymankind and has been used as early as 300 BC as a therapy in FarEast.This guide is compiled by professional Massage Therapist withmore then 50 tips & techniques than anyone can use to give agreat massage.
Baby Guide First Year Lite 1.0
Guide on monthly growth & development forbaby. Includes month-to-month guide for the crucial first 12 monthsand also tips on common health problem for baby.During the first year of life your baby responds best to a warm,loving environment. Holding your baby and responding to her criesare essential in building a strong, healthy bond. Remember, youcan't spoil a baby.Use these guidelines to offer age-appropriate activities foryour baby. Click on each month for even more week-by-weekdevelopmental information. Remember, these are just guidelines, anda healthy child may achieve a milestone later than average. If yourchild is lagging in several areas, contact your pediatrician foradvice.
Baby Brain Development Guide 1.1
Did you know that the amount of stimulationyour baby receives on a daily basis has a direct influence on hisbaby brain development? These findings are supported bystate-of-the-art brain-imaging techniques. As your baby grows, hisbrain is developing, and tiny synapses, which are electricalconnections, are forming.As scientists continue to study the brain's development, theirfindings continue to fascinate and educate others.1.The first years of life are the most important in braindevelopment.2.The amount of stimulation your child receives directly impactsthe amount of synapses that are formed within his brain.3.The creation of these synapses are virtually complete after thefirst three years of a baby's life.4.Babies prefer high contrast images and pictures. This is why yousee baby's books and toys decorated in bright colors!5.You aren't the only one who wants your child to learn. Your babyhas an inate need to learn, also!6.Your baby's environment will play a huge role in his braindevelopment.7.Visual stimulation plays an important role in stimulating yourbaby's curiosity, concentration and attentiveness.8.While toys and books are wonderful stimulants, simple interactionbetween you and your child is the best way to help his braindevelop!This application includes:- Educational toy for babies (separated by age group)- Learning activities for baby's brain development- More then 150 games for baby from 1 - 36 month- Toddler brain development- Baby development milestones- many moreHave fun with your baby while develop their brain and motoricskill at the same time!!
Baby Guide First Year 1.3
Guide on monthly growth & development forbaby. Includes month-to-month guide for the crucial first 12 monthsand also tips on common health problem for baby.During the first year of life your baby responds best to a warm,loving environment. Holding your baby and responding to her criesare essential in building a strong, healthy bond. Remember, youcan't spoil a baby.Use these guidelines to offer age-appropriate activities foryour baby. Click on each month for even more week-by-weekdevelopmental information. Remember, these are just guidelines, anda healthy child may achieve a milestone later than average. If yourchild is lagging in several areas, contact your pediatrician foradvice.
八字秤骨:看你一生运势 1.1
Fengshui Ruler 1.0
Luban ruler is a widely popular constructiontools in ancient China. Used mainly to measure the size ofresidential doors and furniture. In ancient times, people thinkthat the size determined by Luban ruler will shine auspiciousgateway and will bring good fortune to the family.All objects resonate to a particular vibration depending ontheir dimensions, this can bring good luck and benevolence ormisfortune and ill health. The energies that most strongly effectyou are that of objects which are important to you or that youspend a great deal of time immersed in e.g., your desk, bed,office/arm chair.One of the most important object to measure is the front door,as this is the particular quality of Ch'i (energy) that is beinginvited in to your home or workplace.Use the fengshui ruler to attract good luck and stay away from badluck
Baby Skin Problem & Guide 1.0
View More By This DeveloperOpen iTunes to buy and download apps.DescriptionWhat's that rash on your baby's face? It's the question doctorsmay hear most often during a child's first year. Identify yourbaby's rash easily with our visual menu and diagnose the conditionwith symptom guide. Also include first aid advice on how to handlethe most common baby rashes.A baby's skin is well-known for it softness and sweet smell.However, babies are prone to a wide variety of skin conditions andrashes that may cause discomfort or just be painful to look at.This application compiles handful of very important first aidguides for baby rashes and skin problem. A very useful informationfor young parent.This guide includes details symptom and first aid for:- Folliculitis- Erythema toxic (newborns)- Boils- Cellulitis- Diaper Rash- Infantile Eczema- Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac- Fifth Disease- Heat Rashes- Coxsackie (hand-food-mouth disease)- Scarlet Fever- Allergic Hives (Urticaria)- Chicken Pox- Baby acne- Impetigo- Moles- Millia- Measles- Jaundice- Pytiriasis Alba- Psoriasis- Ringworm- Scabies- Swimmer's itch- Molluscum Contagiosum- Rubella (German measles)- Tinea Versicolor
面相解讀 1.0
几千年来,古圣先贤知道面部特征能决定我们的命运或个性。他们开始编译个别的研究,‭‬看看面部特征是否和具体之间的命运直接相关。在古希腊,亚里士多德写了广泛的地貌分类,分为六个章节,包括脸,身体和声音的物理特性的研究结果。21世纪面部阅读特征重新成为精神引导,也成为了美国公司执行董事会会议室的竞争利器,它不再是一个津津乐道的话题。中国人类对于面部学一说‭‬具有重要的指导艺术。诚实,智慧和可靠性的特点是我们寻求的。面相将为您提供于全人类的宝贵资料。你可以通过观察朋友,家人和同事的面相作为练习。每个人都有他独特的脸部特真,‭ ‬通过面相學,人類的面部特征你可以揭示自己和他人的性格。‭‬以下一些例子看看您是否能从脸部特真认识到自己或他人的性格特征。
Bigger Melon 1.0
A lot of people think that plastic/cosmeticsurgery is the only option to enhance or enlarge your breasts. Thetruth is there are other natural ways that can help you improveyour bustline effectively.With the Breast Performance program you will improve all thefeatures of your breasts, increasing their strength and volume withjust a few minutes each day. You can achieve all of this withouthaving to undergo surgery or trying other ineffectivetreatments.Breasts themselves are made up of fatty tissue and there reallyis NO exercise that you can do for the breast itself. However,underneath is the Pectoral Muscles which can be built up in a waythat gives your breasts a higher, firmer look.The exercise also produce stronger pecs that lend good supportto hold up firm my breasts so that they would not sag that easilydue to gravity and age.For best results, we have compiled 7 performance workouts thatwill effectively improve your bustline. Do these workouts twice aweek, allowing two to three days between workouts to allow themuscles to recover. If you are new to exercising, you'll want tostart on the low end and work your way up.
China Travel Guide Lite 1.0
Where should I go when traveling to China?Which cities are must-sees for the first travelers? How can I getclose distance to the 100% Chinese Culture? China TravelDestinations pages will help you to solve these problems.Destinations such as the capital city Beijing, the ancientcapital Xian, the famous metropolis Shanghai, the fairy landGuilin, the hometown of panda Chengdu, the roof of the world Tibet,the mysterious province Yunnan, as well as the ethnic habitsGuizhou will be presented to you with photos and historybackground.You will get touch with a city in all facets ranging from thosefamous attractions to local shopping areas.
健康果汁食谱 1.0
新鲜果汁适合所有年龄段的人饮用,且对我们的身体健康起着重要的意义。营养成分合理的果汁能提供以下功能:- 提高免疫- 帮助身体排毒- 改善血液循环和消化- 降低心脏病风险- 预防贫血- 预防便秘- 帮助减肥- 血液自然清洁器- 改善肤色- 皮肤自然美白- 改善眼部健康- 其他该应用软件为美味营养的果汁提供50多种制作秘方含简单的步骤和清晰的成分列表
FengShui Poison Arrow 1.2
Feng Shui warns against Shar Chi or thekilling breath. This brings misfortune and a great deal of badluck, and are caused by the presence of secret Poison Arrows.*** The effect of poison arrow has been very wellknown in asia,that even banks use it on loan approval process. ****** Its wise to avoid house or apartment unit that pierced bypoison arrow because the value will very seldom increase and youwill have hard time to resell it in the future. ***Poison Arrows are created by pointed, angled and sharp objectsthat seem to be aimed directly at a house, and especially at itsmain front door. And the foul energy that emanate from them travelin straight lines, carrying with them ill fortune and other odiouseffects. Feng Shui experts strenuously warn against sleeping,sitting, working, eating and living in places that are hit orattacked by these invisible pernicious forces.When one's main door or sitting and sleeping positions lie inthe path of such energy forces, the consequences are believed to beextremely negative, and sometimes even disastrous, causing gravemisfortune to the residents or individuals affected. The sharperand more threatening the Poison Arrow, the more dire are therepercussions of being "hit" by these Poison Arrows.Misfortune caused by such arrows take the form of illness,missed opportunities, law suits, quarrels, financial losses, andother forms of bad luck. Feng Shui offer a variety of solutions tocombat or avoid Poison Arrows, and knowledge of Feng Shui enablespractitioners to both diagnose and take proper precautions againstPoison Arrows.The pernicious effect of all these Poison Arrows must bedeflected, dissolved or diffused. Feng Shui recommends several waysof doing this, and they have to do with blocking or redirecting theShar Chi away from the house. Thus main door directions can beshifted, trees can be planted, or walls can be built to combatPoison Arrows.
风水毒箭 1.0
痣的秘密 1.0
2012 is Fake Lite 1.0
Are you TIRED of all the 2012 BALLYHOO? Do youhave an annoying friend, family member, or co-worker who just won’tshut up about the 2012 doomsday prophecy? Perhaps deep down in yourheart, you know that this is all a bunch of hoop-lah, but you’dlike some science to back you up. Whether you’re here for your ownpeace of mind or to shut your friend up, you’re in the right place!This application is dedicated to debunking a few of the mostcommon 2012 Doomsday Prophecies. The information gathered has comefrom CREDIBLE sources such as NASA and Scholarly Journals fromrelevant scientific fields. So the next time someone launches intoa doomsday tirade, just whack them with one of the facts fromwithin this application, and go back to eating your sandwich!
2012 is Fake 1.2
Are you TIRED of all the 2012 BALLYHOO? Do youhave an annoying friend, family member, or co-worker who just won’tshut up about the 2012 doomsday prophecy? Perhaps deep down in yourheart, you know that this is all a bunch of hoop-lah, but you’dlike some science to back you up. Whether you’re here for your ownpeace of mind or to shut your friend up, you’re in the right place!This application is dedicated to debunking a few of the mostcommon 2012 Doomsday Prophecies. The information gathered has comefrom CREDIBLE sources such as NASA and Scholarly Journals fromrelevant scientific fields. So the next time someone launches intoa doomsday tirade, just whack them with one of the facts fromwithin this application, and go back to eating your sandwich!
Instant Magician 1.0
This app will teach you, regardless of yourskill level, how to entertain and amaze your friends and family.Teaching a variety of magic, including: Card, Coin, Illusion,Levitation, Mentalism, Close-up, Rope, Ring, and many more. A greatresource to all magic lover!The magic tricks compiled from famous magicians around the worldincluding Houdini, David Blaine, Cyril, David Copperfield and manymore. Complete with step by step picture and illustration to helpyou understand faster.Become real magician in 5 minutes!
Secret of Moles 1.3
The Chinese believe moles can be lucky orunlucky depending on where they are located, what colour they are,and how large they appear in proportion to our body. A mole can bea tiny black speck on the feet signifying opportunities for travel,or it can be a dark red dot on the hand, often interpreted asindicating a particular skill or luck associated with one’s hands.Moles on our backs denote some kind of burden we have to carry,while moles at the front of our bodies are said to attract successluck. This issue we offer this special feature on moles based oninformation from the Tung Shu and other Taoist sources. If you haveever wondered what that mole on your neck, back or thigh means,read on.Some say that the moles on our bodies are in reality secretimprints carried over from our previous lives, stamps of some pastkarmic deed meant to ripen in this life, good as well as bad.Others contend that moles are messages of good fortune andmisfortune that reflect important turning points of our life. Eachnoticeable mole on our body carries a hidden meaning, or depictssome secret obstacle or unexpected help from someone.In certain traditions, the messages of moles were so significantit could even be read as bringing bad luck to the family, or sohighly revered that the member of the family with the mole would behighly revered. Many cultures contend of course that the larger andmore prominent the mole, the greater its power. Another widely heldbelief is that lighter-coloured moles spell better fortune. Here iswhat the Chinese generally have to say about moles on our body.
Bigger Melon Lite 1.0
A lot of people think that plastic/cosmeticsurgery is the only option to enhance or enlarge your breasts. Thetruth is there are other natural ways that can help you improveyour bustline effectively.With the Breast Performance program you will improve all thefeatures of your breasts, increasing their strength and volume withjust a few minutes each day. You can achieve all of this withouthaving to undergo surgery or trying other ineffectivetreatments.Breasts themselves are made up of fatty tissue and there really isNO exercise that you can do for the breast itself. However,underneath is the Pectoral Muscles which can be built up in a waythat gives your breasts a higher, firmer look.The exercise also produce stronger pecs that lend good support tohold up firm my breasts so that they would not sag that easily dueto gravity and age.For best results, we have compiled 7 performance workouts that willeffectively improve your bustline. Do these workouts twice a week,allowing two to three days between workouts to allow the muscles torecover. If you are new to exercising, you'll want to start on thelow end and work your way up.
面相解讀试用版 1.3
几千年来,古圣先贤知道面部特征能决定我们的命运或个性。他们开始编译个别的研究,‭‬看看面部特征是否和具体之间的命运直接相关。在古希腊,亚里士多德写了广泛的地貌分类,分为六个章节,包括脸,身体和声音的物理特性的研究结果。21世纪面部阅读特征重新成为精神引导,也成为了美国公司执行董事会会议室的竞争利器,它不再是一个津津乐道的话题。中国人类对于面部学一说‭‬具有重要的指导艺术。诚实,智慧和可靠性的特点是我们寻求的。面相将为您提供于全人类的宝贵资料。你可以通过观察朋友,家人和同事的面相作为练习。每个人都有他独特的脸部特真,‭ ‬通过面相學,人類的面部特征你可以揭示自己和他人的性格。‭‬以下一些例子看看您是否能从脸部特真认识到自己或他人的性格特征。
Lose Weight Secret 1.0
This is not a diet — or a rigorous exerciseprogram. (Nobody can stick to those for long.) Instead, it’s asimple way to make weight loss a natural part of the life youalready live. And guess what? It’s fun! You don’t have to give upthe foods you love or join a gym. It’s about balancing calories intiny ways that add up to big benefits. You just adopt some tricksnaturally lean people do. Pick the ones you like, stick with them,and you’ll slim down and tone up — for good!The diet includes:- All about calories & losing weight- Secret of losing weight- 12 high performance diet plan- 26 recommended low calories meal recipe- 16 fast result exercise set- many more
China Travel Guide 1.0
Where should I go when traveling to China?Which cities are must-sees for the first travelers? How can I getclose distance to the 100% Chinese Culture? China TravelDestinations pages will help you to solve these problems.Destinations such as the capital city Beijing, the ancientcapital Xian, the famous metropolis Shanghai, the fairy landGuilin, the hometown of panda Chengdu, the roof of the world Tibet,the mysterious province Yunnan, as well as the ethnic habitsGuizhou will be presented to you with photos and historybackground.You will get touch with a city in all facets ranging from thosefamous attractions to local shopping areas.
Face Reading Secret Lite 1.0
For thousands of years, the ancient sageswondered if our facial features could determine our fate orpersonality. They began to compile individual studies, one featureat a time, to see if there was a direct correlation between facialfeatures and specific fates. In ancient Greece, Aristotle wroteextensively on physiognomy categorizing his findings into sixchapters that included physical characteristics of face, body &voice.In the 21st century face reading has emerged as a guide inpsychoanalysis or, as a tool for a competitive edge in theexecutive boardrooms of corporate America. It is no longer a parlorgame. The continues interest in face reading has given credence toan art that the Chinese have always known has been an importantguide in human understanding.Characteristics like honesty, intelligence and reliability aremajor attributes that we all seek in others and ourselves. Facereading will immediately offer you valuable information about humanbeings. You can begin practicing face reading by observing friends,family members and work colleagues.Face reading gives you insights into your own and others'character through an understanding of what their facial featuresreveal. See whether you recognize any of the character traits inyourself or others
Baby First Aid Lite 1.0
We'd all like to think that we'll never beputin the position of having to save our baby's life, but itcouldhappen. Babies choke on food and toys, slip under the water inthetub or a pool, and get caught in drawstrings and curtain cords.Ifyour baby is ever choking or suddenly lifeless, you'll want toknowwhat to do.This application compiles handful of very important firstaidguides for baby.A very useful information for young parent.The chapter includes:- Stop baby from choking- How to do CPR- Burns and scalds- Swallowing poisons- Shock- Allergic Reaction- Cuts & animal bites- Fits or convulsions- Electrocution- Objects in the nose or ears- Colds- Constipation- Diarrhea- Ear infections- Fever- Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD)- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)- Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Instant Magician Lite 1.0
This app will teach you, regardless ofyourskill level, how to entertain and amaze your friends andfamily.Teaching a variety of magic, including: Card, Coin,Illusion,Levitation, Mentalism, Close-up, Rope, Ring, and manymore. A greatresource to all magic lover!The magic tricks compiled from famous magicians around theworldincluding Houdini, David Blaine, Cyril, David Copperfield andmanymore. Complete with step by step picture and illustration tohelpyou understand faster.Become real magician in 5 minutes!
八字秤骨:看你一生运势试用版 1.0
Nail Art DIY Lite 1.0
We can go a little nuts over nail art intheoffice—but can you blame us? It's a long-lasting beautytrickthat's fun to do, fun to share, and even more fun to look at.Thespectrum of nail art goes from a simple single-color polishtoridiculous decimeter-long acrylic sculptures, but we think themostinteresting designs are the ones that will get you complimentsonthe subway, but won't get snagged on your clothes.These step by step nail art tutorials were created to helpallthose who had a desire to learn the art of airbrushing butwereunsure as to how to go about it. Each tutorial comes completewithstep by step thumbnail showing the nail art as it develops fromtheinitial step, the bare nail, right up to the final step, thenail'morphing' into the finished product, a beautiful pieceofairbrushed nail art.
Fengshui Ruler Lite 1.0
Luban ruler is a widely popularconstructiontools in ancient China. Used mainly to measure the sizeofresidential doors and furniture. In ancient times, peoplethinkthat the size determined by Luban ruler will shineauspiciousgateway and will bring good fortune to the family.All objects resonate to a particular vibration depending ontheirdimensions, this can bring good luck and benevolence ormisfortuneand ill health. The energies that most strongly effectyou are thatof objects which are important to you or that youspend a great dealof time immersed in e.g., your desk, bed,office/arm chair.One of the most important object to measure is the front door,asthis is the particular quality of Ch'i (energy) that isbeinginvited in to your home or workplace.Use the fengshui ruler to attract good luck and stay away frombadluck
FengShui Poison Arrow Lite 1.0
Feng Shui warns against Shar Chi or thekillingbreath. This brings misfortune and a great deal of badluck, and arecaused by the presence of secret Poison Arrows.*** The effect of poison arrow has been very wellknown inasia,that even banks use it on loan approval process. ****** Its wise to avoid house or apartment unit that piercedbypoison arrow because the value will very seldom increase andyouwill have hard time to resell it in the future. ***Poison Arrows are created by pointed, angled and sharpobjectsthat seem to be aimed directly at a house, and especially atitsmain front door. And the foul energy that emanate from themtravelin straight lines, carrying with them ill fortune and otherodiouseffects. Feng Shui experts strenuously warn againstsleeping,sitting, working, eating and living in places that are hitorattacked by these invisible pernicious forces.When one's main door or sitting and sleeping positions lie inthepath of such energy forces, the consequences are believed tobeextremely negative, and sometimes even disastrous, causinggravemisfortune to the residents or individuals affected. Thesharperand more threatening the Poison Arrow, the more dire aretherepercussions of being "hit" by these Poison Arrows.Misfortune caused by such arrows take the form of illness,missedopportunities, law suits, quarrels, financial losses, andotherforms of bad luck. Feng Shui offer a variety of solutions tocombator avoid Poison Arrows, and knowledge of Feng Shuienablespractitioners to both diagnose and take proper precautionsagainstPoison Arrows.The pernicious effect of all these Poison Arrows mustbedeflected, dissolved or diffused. Feng Shui recommends severalwaysof doing this, and they have to do with blocking or redirectingtheShar Chi away from the house. Thus main door directions canbeshifted, trees can be planted, or walls can be built tocombatPoison Arrows.
Skin Rejuvenating Lite 1.0
Is your skin looking dull and lifeless? Areyoulooking for ways to restore its natural glow? There arenumerousways to rejuvenate your skin at home. Since it is veryimportant toremove the dead cells of your skin and replace themwith new cells,the treatment should be done on a regular basis.This will make yourskin look brighter and softer. Rejuvenatingskin involves cleaning,exfoliating and moisturizing it. In thisapp we will let you knowthe secrets of fresh, young and vibrantskin.Every different type of skin require different way ofmaintainingit. Read more to know the secret for each type ofskin
Pocket Fashion Consultant 1.0
Problem with big arms, big legs? This appwillhelp you with your outfit. Revealing fashion tricks to makeyoulook your bestAlso include solutions for:- Short Legs- Long Legs- Fat Legs- Thin Legs- Short Torso- Long Torso- Big Bust- Small Bust- Big Arms- Wide Shoulders- Big Belly- Saddlebags- Big calves
Palm Reading for Lover Lite 1.0
Palmistry is one of the oldest of theoccultarts. People have been fascinated with hands since timebegan. Atsome stage people realized that every hand is different,and fromthis discovery palmistry began.The heart line runs horizontally across the upperpalm,surrounding the mounts of Mercury, Apollo, Mars, JupiterandSaturn. This line indicates the strength of emotions, qualityofrelationships, timing of important relationships such asmarriagesand love affairs and whether these relationships bringhappiness orheartache.Ideally, the heart line should be clear and without breaksThiskind of lines suggests someone who will be the dominant partnerina relationship. Breaks in this line spell brokenrelationships,while islands along this line spell tragedies of abrokenheart.Little lines that branch out above the heart line goingupwardsindicate strong and happy relationships, while lines thatbranchout below the heart line are said to be less fortunate.Secondarylines also indicate how busy a social life you have.The relationship lines by the side of the palm indicateseriousrelationships and some read these as marriage lines. Thestrongerand longer these lines are, the better.When relationship lines are missing, it suggests a difficultyingetting married, while several lines here indicate severalloverelationships. Two equally strong lines suggest twomarriages.These are the generalizations in palm indications of yourlovelife. We also include additional indications revealed by theheartline.Palm reading can show current state of someone, their backgroundandtheir characters. In this app you will find plain English,fullyillustrated guide to read palm. It’s so simple and easytounderstand till you don’t need to have any prior basicknowledgeabout it. From the basic meanings of the lines to the finepointsof marking and complexion, these clear descriptions will haveyourevealing secrets and foretelling the future from the firstday
Destiny Calculator Lite 1.0
The 八字秤骨 (ba zi chen gu) is a famous methodsoffortune telling from Tang Dynasty. The accuracy was very highthatthe method was applied widely until now.This approach believe that the birthdate and birthtime ofpersoncan be use to determine the luck of person's life whichincludesgood or bad fortune, rise and fall of honor, good health orbadhealth and ultimately the destiny of a person.The birth year, month, day and time of each persondeterminetheir own weight of fortune. The weight has specificprovisions offortune. The minimum weight is 2.2 and maximum weightis 7.2.Person that born with 7.2 of fortune weight is destined torule anempire with millions of people.
Secret of Moles Lite 1.3
The Chinese believe moles can be luckyorunlucky depending on where they are located, what colour theyare,and how large they appear in proportion to our body. A mole canbea tiny black speck on the feet signifying opportunities fortravel,or it can be a dark red dot on the hand, often interpretedasindicating a particular skill or luck associated with one’shands.Moles on our backs denote some kind of burden we have tocarry,while moles at the front of our bodies are said to attractsuccessluck. This issue we offer this special feature on molesbased oninformation from the Tung Shu and other Taoist sources. Ifyou haveever wondered what that mole on your neck, back or thighmeans,read on.Some say that the moles on our bodies are in realitysecretimprints carried over from our previous lives, stamps of somepastkarmic deed meant to ripen in this life, good as well asbad.Others contend that moles are messages of good fortuneandmisfortune that reflect important turning points of our life.Eachnoticeable mole on our body carries a hidden meaning, ordepictssome secret obstacle or unexpected help from someone.In certain traditions, the messages of moles were sosignificantit could even be read as bringing bad luck to thefamily, or sohighly revered that the member of the family with themole would behighly revered. Many cultures contend of course thatthe larger andmore prominent the mole, the greater its power.Another widely heldbelief is that lighter-coloured moles spellbetter fortune. Here iswhat the Chinese generally have to say aboutmoles on our body.
Pocket Fashion Lte 1.0
Problem with big arms, big legs? This appwillhelp you with your outfit. Revealing fashion tricks to makeyoulook your bestAlso include solutions for:- Short Legs- Long Legs- Fat Legs- Thin Legs- Short Torso- Long Torso- Big Bust- Small Bust- Big Arms- Wide Shoulders- Big Belly- Saddlebags- Big calves
100+ Killer Jokes Lite 1.0
There was this Chinese lady married toanEnglish gentleman and they lived in London. This Chinese ladywasnot very good in English, but somehow managed to communicatewithher husband. The real problem arose whenever she had to shopforgroceries.One day, she went to the butcher and wanted to buy pork legs.Shedidn’t know how to put forward her request, and inexpiration,lifted up her skirt to show her thighs. The butcher gotthe messageand the lady went home with pork legs.The next day, she needed to get chicken breasts. Again, shedidn’tknow how to say, and so she unbuttoned her blouse to showthebutcher her breast.The lady got what she wanted.The 3rd day, the poor lady needed to buy sausages. She can’t findaway to communicate this, she brought her husband tothestore…What were you thinking?==========Helloooooooooo, her husband speaks English!!
100+ Baby Games Lite 1.0
Wondering what games your baby will enjoy?Wecan help. We've got more then 100 games for you and your babytoplay everyday. And while you are having fun together, yourbabywill be developing new skills and discovering fresh talents.Best way to have fun with your baby while develop their brainandmotoric skill at the same time!!
Baby Skin Problem & Guide Lite 1.0
What's that rash on your baby's face? It'sthequestion doctors may hear most often during a child's firstyear.Identify your baby's rash easily with our visual menu anddiagnosethe condition with symptom guide. Also include first aidadvice onhow to handle the most common baby rashes.A baby's skin is well-known for it softness and sweetsmell.However, babies are prone to a wide variety of skinconditions andrashes that may cause discomfort or just be painfulto look at.This application compiles handful of very important firstaidguides for baby rashes and skin problem. A very usefulinformationfor young parent.This guide includes details symptom and first aid for:- Folliculitis- Erythema toxic (newborns)- Boils- Cellulitis- Diaper Rash- Infantile Eczema- Poison Ivy, Oak & Sumac- Fifth Disease- Heat Rashes- Coxsackie (hand-food-mouth disease)- Scarlet Fever- Allergic Hives (Urticaria)- Chicken Pox- Baby acne- Impetigo- Moles- Millia- Measles- Jaundice- Pytiriasis Alba- Psoriasis- Ringworm- Scabies- Swimmer's itch- Molluscum Contagiosum- Rubella (German measles)- Tinea Versicolor