oprofessor.online Apps

Lei 8112 Estatuto do Servidor 2.3.8
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Improbidade Admin. 2023 1.3.0
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Direito Ambiental 2023 1.3.6
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Direito Administrativo 2023 1.2.7
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Lei de Execução Penal 2023 1.4.2
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EBSERH - Lei 12.550 + Estatuto 1.2.2
Install Free! Practice, improve your knowledge and feedback incontests.
JECRIM - Lei nº 9.099 1.3.1
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Lei 14.133 + 8.666 Licitações 1.3.5
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Constituição Federal 2023 2.2.7
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Direito Penal 2023 1.8.8
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Código Penal 2023 1.3.7
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Lei Antidrogas 2023 nº 11.343 1.3.4
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Lei n°4.320 - 2023 1.1.4
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Lei Maria da Penha 2023 1.6.0
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Lei de Crimes Ambientais 2023 1.1.9
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Lei Orgânica da Saúde nº 8080 1.7.9
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ECA 2023 + SINASE 2.5.1
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Lei Brasileira de Inclusão 1.9.0
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LDB 2023 3.5.4
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O Professor VIP 2023 2.2.6
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LPA 2023 - Lei nº 9.784 1.2.4
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Lei nº 12.376 - LINDB 2023 1.2.5
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Código Tributário Nacional 1.1.5
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Lei de Crimes Hediondos 2023 1.2.8
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Estatuto do Desarmamento 2023 1.2.5
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Código Penal Militar 2023 1.2.2
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Direito Civil 2023 1.6.7
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Lei nº 12.527 + dec nº 7.724 1.2.1
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CTB 2023 - Lei nº 9.503 1.3.2
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Lei nº 8742 Assistência Social 1.2.2
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Código de Processo Penal 2023 1.3.8
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Código de Defesa do Consumidor 1.4.8
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Código Civil 2023 1.3.0
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Estatuto da Juventude 2023 1.1.9
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Código de Processo Civil 2023 1.5.4
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Abuso de Autoridade 2023 1.2.2
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Processo Penal Militar 2022
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Estatuto da Pessoa Idosa 2023 1.7.4
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LGPD 2023 - Lei n° 13.709 1.2.1
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Lei nº 7347 Ação Civil Pública 1.2.5
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Enfermagem 2023 1.2.1
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Lei n° 8.212 Seguridade Social
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CLT 2022 - Leis do Trabalho
Install Free! Know your labor rights and study the law.
DUDH - Direitos Humanos 1.3.0
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Lei nº 8.036 - FGTS 2023 1.1.2
Install Free! Know the Law of Guarantee Fund for Time of Service.
Lei 9613 - Lavagem de Dinheiro 1.0.6
Install Free! Learn about Law No. 9,613 - Money Laundering Law
Lei nº 8.213 1.1.1
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Constituição de Portugal 2022
Install Free! Know the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.
Estatuto da Igualdade Racial 1.0.6
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Lei das Eleições - Lei nº 9504 1.0.2
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