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Breaking Bitcoin News & Prices 3.3
The Bitcoin News Aggregator delivers thelatest news on Bitcoin. Rather than search news, get latest newsdelivered to you. News is delivered as it happens ordered by newestfirst. Stop reading old and outdated news forever. The goal is tofind reputable news stories only, and get them too you as theybreak.We aim to find world news, not only english publications. Seenews from international sources with headlines and the full articletranslated to english for you. Don't miss important stories andevents from Russia or China on Bitcoin.Stories are updated constantly. The news feed typically hasaround 100 items, the newest on top are often less than an hour ortwo old. Depending on how many stories are breaking, the enturefeed may contain news from the last few days.The feed shows the title (may be translated), how long ago thenews was published, the source of the story, and whether it hasbeen translated.At the top is also the current price. The USD price is alsocompared with the Yuan price and Euro price converted to USD withthe current exchange rates. This shows which regions are moving theprice up or down. China often has big spreads from the US andEurope. Also a bar chart indicates the latest 24 hour price trend,with red and green bars. Change the chart period in the settings toshow up to 7 days, and view longer trends. The 24 hour trend shouldroughly correlate with the first page of news stories.From the settings, Price Alerts can be configured. Provide aswing amount, and a duration for the alert. For example, alert on a10% change in a 4 hour period. A notification will be received onthe phone (along with an optional vibrate and sound). Or provide alow and high price for notifications. On crossing that threshold, anotification will be received. Configure notifications also in thesettings, to be silent (just a notification), to vibrate, or tomake a sound.Free and No Ads.Comes with minimum set of permissions required to access theinternet and send push notifications.No third party software or calls to third party sites. Nosign-in required, and no data collection of any type, just getsnews and prices.
Doodle Magic Mirror Draw! Kids 3.8
Glow draw in neon with magic effects! Kids doodle mirror magic funfor all ages!
Party Game - Bottle Spin 1.0
Block Party is a game based on bitcoin blockdiscoveries incorporating Spin the Bottle.Spin the Bottle is done when a block is found.The block might come soon, or might be 10 minutes, or more!Then use the automatic spin the bottle to choose the next person.When a block is found, a notification pops up!Click on the notification and a spin the bottle is performed aswell.Customize the notification with audio and/or vibrate.Also Customize the background by selecting your own picture fromthe phone, and update the arrow for spin the bottle.Information on the block found is also presented, including theblock number, the number of transactions in the block, and thenumber of bitcoins moved across all transactions in the block!
Local Questions and Answers 2.4
Send questions and receive answers in thelocalarea. Ask a question, post a local event, advertise stuff forsale,and it will be sent to the local community of users nearyourlocation. Answer questions from users nearby your location.Includea picture from the camera as well. Anonymous andsecure.
Crime Watch, Crime Rates Stats 2.0
Crime Watch tracks crime rates by city,markingareas with higher crime rates in stronger red.Your location marker gives your location and currentthreadlevel. Click for information on your current locationincludingyour 'threat level', crimes in your area and nearbycrimerates.City markers show crime statistics per city, and crimemarkersshow individual crimes. Click for information on a cityincluding a'threat level', populations, crime rates and top 8offences.Crime markers show individual crimes. Click for information onaspecific crime including the place, address, distance andbearingfrom you, date, time and type.Crimes can be added live. Enter a crime using thewizard,including the location (it will present locations for youbased onyour location), and is added to the crime listings.Historical data is loaded for NSW Australia, and hashistoricalcrime data imported for the state, city by city. It usesGoogleMaps with Heat Maps, Google Places, and was originallysubmittedfor the places api developer challenge.