wiwistock Apps

晨間廚房小幫手 1.4.911
考勤123 1.0011
Famil互動通 1.0016
接送報報 1.0005
接送報報是一套能讓父母放心的兒童安全接送系統,透過GPS軌跡追蹤與即時接送狀態通知,讓工作忙碌無法親自接送的父母,也能放心的將寶貝兒女交給接送老師!接送報報亦可應用為點名系統,每位學生擁有專屬感應卡,進出感應記錄時間,管理後台報表一目瞭然,不用再大排長龍一一簽到囉!填寫下列表單,立即免費試用!立即免費試用:http://goo.gl/forms/dBuC90i1ht服務信箱:service@wiwistock.com.twShuttle newspaper reportis a reassuring parents make child safety Shuttle system, trackingthrough GPS Track and instant pick-status notification, so busyparents can not personally pick-up, the baby can rest assured thattheir children will be handed over to pick-teacher! Shuttle newspaper report can also be applied to named system, eachstudent has the exclusive card, out sensor recording timemanagement background reports glance, do not have long queueseleven sign Hello! Fill in the form below, free trial!Free trial: http: //goo.gl/forms/dBuC90i1htService inbox: service@wiwistock.com.tw
考勤打卡鐘 1.0004
SkyPos 1.131
一套幫助您做更流暢銷售、更精確營運掌控的智慧POS系統。立即下載試用,體驗SkyPOS帶給您的智慧銷售。[試用申請]:http://bit.ly/1P8ljel客服專線:0800-321-688【SkyPOS主要特色】1. 直接帶來大量客群→還在花錢發印傳單做行銷嗎?結合Famil互動通的周邊好店功能,您的商店直接在Famil互動通上曝光,不用另外花錢就為您做到品牌露出;還在花錢寫專屬的APP招攬生意嗎?消費者除了在Famil互動通能看到您的商店,還能進行線上訂購消費,無須另外安裝系統,訂單直接拋轉到SkyPOS,從虛擬商店到實體店面,全方位為您做導購,拉攏更多客群的聰明POS。2. 輕鬆掌握營運成本→SkyPOS內建的進銷存系統,經營者不用再做額外的花費,從採購、銷售到物料庫存管理,點線面的幫助您掌控各項營運成本,達到資金運用的最佳化。3. 營運決策彈指搞定→每套SkyPOS皆搭配老闆專屬的SkyBoss行動後台系統,不在辦公室也能利用手機登入行動後台查看各項營運狀況,輕鬆掌握最即時的營運情報。4. 平台滿足不同需求→SkyPOS適用於多數周邊硬體設備;跨平台的操作系統,使用者可以更自由的選擇適合的裝置導入,設備不受限、您的選擇更多變。5. 單店、連鎖都適用→透過雲端整合門市與後台間的資訊相互傳遞,讓管理者做最迅速的數據分析與訊息傳佈;從後端到前台,總部到分店,輕鬆達到管理效能最大化。更多產品資訊:http://www.wiwisky.com/product.htmlHelp you make asmoothersales, more precise control over the operation of wisdomPOSsystem.Download trial experience SkyPOS bring you wisdom sales.[Trial Application]: http: //bit.ly/1P8ljelCustomer Service Hotline: 0800-321-688[SkyPOS Main Features]1. Directly bring a lot of customer base→ also printed leaflets sent money to do marketing it?Familperipheral binding interaction through a good shop, youshopstraightFamil interactive connected through the exposure, noadditionalmoney to do for you expose brand; also write exclusivemoneyThe APP touting it? In addition to the Famil interactiveconsumercan see through your store, but also for onlineUsually the consumer, without additional installationsystem,order direct throw to SkyPOS, from virtual to physicalstoreshop, All for you to do the shopping guide, draw more segmentsofsmart POS.2. Easy to master operating costs→ SkyPOS built-in invoicing system, operators do not do theextracost, from procurement, sales to the objectMaterial inventory management, help point you in control oftheplane line operating costs, to achieve the best use offunds.3. The operating decisions get fillip→ Each SkyPOS exclusive owner of all match SkyBossactionbackground system, not in the office can take advantage ofthehandSign in action backstage view of the machine operatingconditionsto master the most immediate operationalintelligence.4. A platform to meet different needs→ SkyPOS for most peripheral hardware equipment;cross-platformoperating system, users can more freelySelect the appropriate means to import, equipment is notlimited,your choices more variable.5. The single-store chain are applicable→ through the cloud integration and backgroundinformationtransfer between stores each other, so that managers domost rapiddata analysisAnd spread the message; from the rear to the front,headquartersto the stores, easy to maximize managementefficiency.More info: http: //www.wiwisky.com/product.html
港泰中醫 2.0
港泰中醫診所成立於1996年,以濟世救人為職志,用傳統精湛中醫醫術為特色,以內服或針灸,治療各種內科疾病,痠痛症,疑難疾患...等等。Hong Kong andThailandCMCs established in 1996 to serve the people and for theblog,using traditional Chinese medicine superb features, withintheservice or acupuncture, the treatment of various medicaldisorders,pain disorders, incurable disease ... and so on.