xorum.io Apps

Open Money Tracker 2.1.5
Do you want to save some money or just to know where is your moneycome from and to? Then this app is for you. You can manage youincomes and expenses in two clicks, then take a report in twoclicks more. Following features are available in current version: -Manage expenses/incomes. - Create reports for period. - Manageaccounts with different currencies. - Transfer money betweenaccounts. - Manage exchange rates between currencies. - Quicksummaries. - Charts. - CSV export/import. - Dropbox backups. Thisis open source project (Open Money Tracker on GitHub) developed andsupported by xorum.io.
Fifteen Puzzle 1.0
Solve the legendary puzzle!
algois.me: Coding Contests 2.1.2
Rating updates, upcoming contests, recent actions, and problems.