ylh Apps

Historia de España 3.0.0
Resumen de la historia de EspañaSummary of the history ofSpain
Chinese zodiac 2.0.0
Chinese zodiac, is a scheme, and asystematicplan of future action, that relates each year to ananimal and itsreputed attributes, according to a 12-yearmathematical cycle. Itremains popular in several East Asiancountries, such as China,Vietnam, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.In this app you will find the characteristics of each animal.
Historia de la Filósofia 3.0.0
Contiene la filosofía de los autoresmásconocidos y estudiados.Platón, Aristoteles, Santo Tomas de Aquino, Descartes, Kant,Marx,Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset .Toda la información están recolectado de paginas fiables dehistoriade la filosofía. Contienen las teorías de losfilósofos.Contains the philosophyofthe authors best known and studied.Plato, Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Kant,Marx,Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset.All information are gathered from reliable pages of historyofphilosophy. They contain the theories of philosophers.
Derivadas 2.0.0
formulas de las derivadasformulas ofthederivatives