妞妞娛樂城 Apps

妞妞娛樂城 2.4.6
妞妞娛樂城-全台最軟機台! 最好玩最真實的機台類博奕遊戲。絕對公平、公正、公開。水果盤(SLOTS)-是一支風靡全球的休閒遊戲,規則簡單且輕鬆刺激,只要進入座位,選擇好倍率,就可以開始遊戲。「5PK」-完美重現經典五張撲克遊戲。換牌?不換牌?考驗您的運氣與智慧!快來試手氣!50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能另有,7PK、海之霸、妞妞小瑪莉、骰寶、妞妞滿貫雙人麻將對奕遊戲、五輪九線決戰叢林、百家樂,更有超刺激的牛牛及牌九即將上線,請玩家敬請期待!系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777妞妞官網:www.new777.com.tw粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
妞妞5PK 1.3.8
妞妞「5PK」完美重現經典五張撲克遊戲(梭哈)。在遊戲中,玩家共有兩次機會取得中獎牌型,第一次先發出5張牌,您可使用手指點擊需要保留/放棄的牌張,確定選擇後按下「發牌」按鈕,即開始第二次發牌。遊戲中還會出現Joker牌,大幅提昇中獎機率!一局牌、兩次機會,換牌?不換牌?考驗您的運氣與智慧!※Joker牌為萬用牌,可代替所有的牌。50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777妞妞官網:www.new777.com.tw粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/newnewonlineNiu "5PK" perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In the game, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issued first fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need to retain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button to start thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777Niu official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
打字衝衝衝 1.15.4
打字衝衝衝Typing Rush
麻將連連看 1.15.5
隨時視訊 AnyTime! 1.0.6
主要特色:【尋找新對象】只要在螢幕上輕輕一滑,就可以馬上遇見新朋友!更可以設定自己想要的條件,讓您更快遇見適合對象!【連結老朋友】通過連接Facebook,可以邀請老朋友一起來隨時視訊!免費視訊聯絡感情,邀請好友還可以獲得好禮喔!【送禮】利用 隨時視訊 的贈送功能,可以快速簡單的表達心意。一按就可以送出難以表達的心意。【拿大獎】使用隨時視訊交朋友,賺鑽石,還有機會得到各種大獎!這種好康哪裡找!還不快下載跟朋友一起來隨時視訊 AnyTime!遇到問題或建議→請來信newnewonline@gmail.com或撥打客服電話:(04)22629591
隨選視訊AnyTime 15.4.2
主要特色:【尋找新對象】只要在螢幕上輕輕一滑,就可以馬上遇見新朋友!更可以設定自己想要的條件,讓您更快遇見適合對象!【連結老朋友】通過連接Facebook,可以邀請老朋友一起來隨時視訊!免費視訊聯絡感情,邀請好友還可以獲得好禮喔!【送禮】利用 隨時視訊 的贈送功能,可以快速簡單的表達心意。一按就可以送出難以表達的心意。【拿大獎】使用隨時視訊交朋友,賺鑽石,還有機會得到各種大獎!這種好康哪裡找!還不快下載跟朋友一起來隨時視訊 AnyTime!遇到問題或建議→請來信newnewonline@gmail.com或撥打客服電話:(04)22629591
妞妞水果盤 1.2.7
妞妞水果盤(SLOTS)是一支風靡全球的老虎機台類博奕休閒遊戲,規則簡單且輕鬆刺激,只要進入座位,選擇好倍率,就可以開始遊戲。當畫面出現特定的圖案時,就會有對應的獎勵!50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777維護時間每週四早上09:00-中午12:00
妞妞5PK-HK 1.15.2
妞妞「5PK」完美重現經典五張撲克遊戲(梭哈)。在遊戲中,玩家共有兩次機會取得中獎牌型,第一次先發出5張牌,您可使用手指點擊需要保留/放棄的牌張,確定選擇後按下「發牌」按鈕,即開始第二次發牌。遊戲中還會出現Joker牌,大幅提昇中獎機率!一局牌、兩次機會,換牌?不換牌?考驗您的運氣與智慧!※Joker牌為萬用牌,可代替所有的牌。50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。Niu "5PK"perfectly reproduce the classic five poker game (Stud). In thegame, players get two chances in the total medal type, the firstissue of the first five cards, you can use your finger to click onthe need to retain / abandonment of a card, select OK and press the"Deal" button, which began on secondary licensing.Joker cards will appear in the game, significantly increasing thechances of winning! A game of cards, two opportunities for alicense? Not for a license? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Jokercards for universal card, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to a bank transaction with yourfriendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9: 00 ~ AM12:00.
FRUIT SLOTS is a popular global gaming slotmachine class casual games, the rules simple and easy to stimulate,just go to the seat, choose a good magnification, you can start thegame. When the screen appears when a specific pattern, there willbe a corresponding reward!50 may have a function to banking transactions with friends Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777Maintenance time every Thursday morning from 09:00 - 12:00
妞妞牌九-HK 1.1
★遊戲方式每局遊戲在玩家押注選擇完成後,每家發兩張牌,根據兩張牌的總合跟莊家的牌面比大小,點數較大者贏。================================================================================★遊戲賠率點數和 獲勝倍率7 2倍8 3倍9 4倍豹子 5倍================================================================================系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777
NEW777 5PK 1.4.9
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce the classicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get two chances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you can use yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card, sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the first secondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
★遊戲方式每局遊戲在玩家押注選擇完成後,每家發兩張牌,根據兩張牌的總合跟莊家的牌面比大小,點數較大者贏。================================================================================★遊戲賠率點數和 獲勝倍率7 2倍8 3倍9 4倍豹子 5倍================================================================================系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777
NEW7775PK-HK 1.15.3
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce the classicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get two chances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you can use yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card, sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the first secondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonlineNEW777 "5PK" perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In the game, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issued first fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need to retain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button to start thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
妞妞牌九 2
★遊戲方式每局遊戲在玩家押注選擇完成後,每家發兩張牌,根據兩張牌的總合跟莊家的牌面比大小,點數較大者贏。================================================================================★遊戲賠率點數和 獲勝倍率7 2倍8 3倍9 4倍豹子 5倍================================================================================系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777
妞妞7PK 1.0.4
「7PK」是以撲克牌為基礎所發展出的一種電動撲克遊戲,玩法類似梭哈,但不同的是每局遊戲可分為 4 次派發牌共計 7 張,每次派發牌的張數依序為3 張、 2 張、 1 張、 1 張,而且完全按照一定的公式派發牌。一次可以選擇押200分或是500分。帶牌規則:遊戲總共會發出7張牌,依序由左至右看,可以分為三組帶牌與一張隨機牌三組帶牌分別為:第1張牌帶第5張牌第3張牌帶第7張牌第6張牌反帶第2張牌一張隨機牌為:第4張則是電子隨機牌彩金介紹:大船入港:拉連線彩金條件.開出正同花大順 (同花大順不含鬼牌),即可拉下連線彩金鐵樹開花:含鬼牌開出4張以上同數字牌型。累積五次後,即可拉下鐵樹開花單機彩金試玩會員無法累積『鐵樹開花』彩金次數。50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777妞妞官網:www.new777.com.tw粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline"7PK" is based on thedevelopment of poker as a video poker game, play like Stud, but thedifference is that each game can be divided into four payment cardstotaling seven, the number of copies of each payment cards insequence 3, 2, 1, 1, and fully distributed according to a certainformula brand.You can select bet 200 points or 500 points.With licensing rules:A total of seven game cards will be issued sequentially readfrom left to right, can be divided into three groups with cardswith a random cardThree groups with licenses were: first a card with the first fivecardsThe first three cards with the first seven cardsThe first six cards with the first two cards Anti-A random card as follows: Section 4 is the electronic randomcardsChoi Jin Jieshao:Ship into the territory: Pull out the connection winningsconditions are Royal Flush (Royal Flush ghost-free card), you canpull down the connection winningsTieshukaihua: with ghost cards out four or more cards withdigital type. Cumulative five, the prize money alone can pull downTieshukaihuaTrial members can not accumulate "Tieshukaihua 'winningstimes.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777Niu official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
日本風景拼圖 1.15.2
日本風景拼圖Japanese landscapepuzzles
妞妞牌九 III
★遊戲方式每局遊戲在玩家押注選擇完成後,每家發兩張牌,根據兩張牌的總合跟莊家的牌面比大小,點數較大者贏。================================================================================★遊戲賠率點數和 獲勝倍率7 2倍8 3倍9 4倍豹子 5倍================================================================================系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777
NEW777 5PK AU 1.15.10
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce the classicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get two chances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you can use yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card, sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the first secondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonlineNEW777 "5PK" perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In the game, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issued first fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need to retain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button to start thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
NEW777 CASINO 1.6.4
NEW777 Casino Taiwan softest machine truestmost fun class gaming machine game. Absolutely fair, just and open.Fruit Solots (SLOT) - is a popular global leisure game rules aresimple and easy to stimulate, just go to the seat, choose a goodmagnification, you can start the game."5PK" - perfectly reproduce the classic five poker games. For alicense? Not for a license? Test your luck and wisdom! Come and tryyour luck!50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsOtherwise, 7PK, Pa sea, niu little Mary, Sic Bo, niu slam DoubleMahjong Playing Chess games, five rounds of nine lines junglebattle, baccarat and more super exciting Taurus and Pai Gow comingon-line, please respect the players Please look forward to!System Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777Niu official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
NEW777 5PK II 15.12.002
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce the classicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get two chances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you can use yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card, sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the first secondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonlineNEW777 "5PK" perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In the game, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issued first fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need to retain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button to start thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
NEW777 5PK EN III 16.01.002
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce the classicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get two chances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you can use yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card, sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the first secondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonlineNEW777 "5PK" perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In the game, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issued first fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need to retain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button to start thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chances ofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not for alicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as a universalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
大寫字母連連看 1.1
用可愛的英文大寫字母來連連看吧!!!!With the lovely capitalletters to lianliankan it !!!!
CUTECAT手電筒 1.0.5
■超人氣 手電筒APP可愛的貓咪主題設置讓你只要一個按鈕就立即使用的LED的免費APP★多個可愛貓咪主題讓你光是看著心就會被治癒愉快的使用吧!■ super-popularFlashlight APPCute cat theme settingsJust to let you use a button LED immediately free APP★ more than cute cat theme let you just look at heart will behealedHappy to use it!
NEW777 5PK EN IV 16.02.001
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce theclassicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get twochances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you canuse yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card,sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the firstsecondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonlineNEW777 "5PK"perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In thegame, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issuedfirst fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need toretain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button tostart thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
NEW777 5PK III 16.04.001
NEW777 "5PK" perfectly reproduce theclassicfive poker games (Stud). In the game, players get twochances intotal medals type, first issued first five cards, you canuse yourfinger to click on the need to retain / give up a card,sure toselect press the "Deal" button to start the firstsecondarylicensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonlineNEW777 "5PK"perfectlyreproduce the classic five poker games (Stud). In thegame, playersget two chances in total medals type, first issuedfirst fivecards, you can use your finger to click on the need toretain /give up a card, sure to select press the "Deal" button tostart thefirst secondary licensing.Game will appear Joker cards, significantly enhance the chancesofwinning! A bureau card, two opportunities for a license? Not foralicense? Test your luck and wisdom! ※ Joker card as auniversalcard, can replace all the cards.50 may have a function to banking transactions with friendsSystem Maintenance Time: every Thursday AM: 9:00 ~ AM12: 00.Customer Service Phone +886422605155Customer LINE ID: newnew777NEW777 official website: www.new777.com.twFan Page: https://www.facebook.com/newnewonline
★遊戲方式每局遊戲在玩家押注選擇完成後,每家發兩張牌,根據兩張牌的總合跟莊家的牌面比大小,點數較大者贏。================================================================================★遊戲賠率點數和 獲勝倍率7 2倍8 3倍9 4倍豹子 5倍================================================================================系統維護時間:每周四AM:9:00~AM12:00。客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777
妞妞水果盤(SLOTS)是一支風靡全球的老虎機台類博奕休閒遊戲,規則簡單且輕鬆刺激,只要進入座位,選擇好倍率,就可以開始遊戲。當畫面出現特定的圖案時,就會有對應的獎勵!50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777維護時間每週四早上09:00-中午12:00
妞妞水果盤(SLOTS)是一支風靡全球的老虎機台類博奕休閒遊戲,規則簡單且輕鬆刺激,只要進入座位,選擇好倍率,就可以開始遊戲。當畫面出現特定的圖案時,就會有對應的獎勵!50級可以擁有至銀行與好友交易的功能客服電話+886422605155客服LINE ID:newnew777維護時間每週四早上09:00-中午12:00