美柚 Apps

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柚宝宝相册-原柚宝宝时光记录宝宝成长每一天 2.0.2
柚宝宝相册,原名柚宝宝时光,是美柚公司继美柚、柚宝宝孕育之后又一力作。它专为妈妈打造,是分享孩子成长点滴的相册,更是记录宝宝童年的日记。•有了孩子,一切都变得神奇有趣•你们初次的见面,TA哭你也跟着哭了;TA的笑脸,能让你心花怒放一整天;听到TA会叫“妈妈”,一万遍辛苦都值了;TA勇敢跨出小脚丫时,你惊喜又紧张;想TA快些长大,又怕TA长得太快;童年很短,你能做的是把爱珍藏在柚宝宝相册。•等TA长大后,还能看见小时候•【萌宝时光机,捕捉亲子间的美好】上传照片,定格孩子成长的画面,随时翻阅宝贝的笑颜。还能一键共享,打开全家人亲子的任意门。【童年放映室,让成长记忆动起来】你还能拍摄视频,将宝宝咯咯的笑声、刚学走路时的萌态,一个不落的保留下来,会动的,才更感动。【育儿百宝箱,你守护孩子的摇篮】产后该做哪些护理?什么时候打疫苗?宝宝兴趣如何培养?都有育儿知识和工具教你应对,学会早教宝典和智力开发,不让孩子输在起跑线上。【扎堆宝妈圈,新手妈妈的智囊团】在这里,与千万新妈聊圈子里的热门话题,升级你的育儿技。分享带娃的喜忧,无论起名、还是母婴问题,都能为你支招。马上下载,给宝宝一份童年礼物!反馈交流QQ群:541037165Grapefruit baby album,baby time formerly grapefruit, grapefruit is the US company afterthe United States and grapefruit, grapefruit baby conceived anothermasterpiece.It is designed to build the mother, the child is growing little bylittle share albums, but also record the baby's childhooddiary.• have a child, everything becomes magical fun •The first time you meet, TA cry you cry followed;TA smile, make you elated all day;TA will hear the call "mother", a thousand times the value of allthe hard work;When TA taken the brave little feet, you surprise andnervous;TA want to grow up quickly, afraid TA grow too fast;Childhood is short, you can do is love in grapefruit collectionbaby album.• TA etc. grow up, can see a child •[Meng Po time machine, capture the best between parents]Upload photos, screen freeze children grow, ready to read babysmile. But also share a key to open the door to any parent-childfamily.[Childhood screening room, let the memories move up]You can also shoot video, the baby giggle, just learning to walkwhen Meng state, not a drop of preserved, will be moving, it ismore moving.[Parenting treasure chest, guardian of your child's cradle]What do the post-natal care? When vaccination? How to cultivateinterest in the baby? Have parental knowledge and tools to teachyou to learn to early education and intellectual development canon,let the children lose at the starting line.[Baoma get together think-tank circles, the new mothers]Here, with ten million new mom talk circles hot topic, upgrade yourparenting skills. Share grew by nearly with baby, whether named ormaternal problem, can you Weapon.Download now to give the baby a childhood gift!Feedback exchange QQ group: 541 037 165
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美柚孕期-快乐怀孕必备 2.2
美柚出品, 初次当妈妈,就用美柚孕期!千万女性口碑推荐!轻松搞定怀孕那些事!● 美柚出品,必属精品 App Store健康榜受孕妈们欢迎的孕期软件,火爆的同龄孕妈交流社区。● 专为准妈妈打造 跟踪孕妈和宝宝变化,提供全面孕期指南●人气爆棚的孕妈圈子 专为孕妈、辣妈打造的交流社区!涨姿势、学经验就往这里跑!●更懂准妈妈的应用 呵护孕期,助您平安顺利有好孕~主要功能:#提醒#全程把控身体变化,健康孕期每一天! 订阅孕妈贴士,应对妊娠症状有秘方!#宝宝动态,随时掌握#宝宝成长3D可视,呵护宝宝零距离~ 预产期倒计时,宝宝降临的日子心里有数!#分享好孕,畅聊心得#育儿知识、经验、胎教,新一代萌宝靠你打造! 产后康复、塑身、保养,想做辣妈怎能错过!#孕期指南,快速查询#全面的饮食宜忌,方便查询! 健康的营养食谱,一键即阅!#孕程点滴,随时记录#备忘孕期体征,还有宝宝的新“动”态 更有贴心的产检预览、记录、提醒功能哟!美柚孕期为什么特别贴心?只因这里:专业:关注宝宝成长,孕妈天天报;安心:跟踪孕程,贴心关怀伴你全程;热闹:千万辣妈与你同交流,孕期不孤单;放心:涵盖孕产百科,让你调理无忧!特别贴心的孕期应用,还不火速下载?US grapefruitproduced,for the first time when his mother, on the use of USgrapefruitpregnancy! Ten million women word of mouth! Easy to getpregnantthose things!● US grapefruit produced, will be fine App Store chartshealthypregnant mother welcomed pregnancy software, popular peerspregnantmother exchange community.● Designed for expectant mothers pregnant mother and babycreatetracking changes, providing comprehensive pregnancyguide● popular overflowing circle designed for pregnant motherpregnantmother, Freaky build exchange community! Up position, goout intothe learning experience here to run! ● know better care during pregnancy the mother'sapplicationto help you have a good pregnancy safely and smoothly~ The main function: # # RemindsThe change in control of the entire body, healthy pregnancyeveryday! Subscribe to pregnant mother tips, coping pregnancysymptomsrecipe!# Baby trends, keep abreast #Baby grow 3D visualization, care of the baby up close - theexpecteddate of the countdown, the baby had an idea comingdays! # Sharing good pregnancy, chat experience #Parental knowledge, experience, prenatal care, to create anewgeneration of Meng Po by you! Postpartum recovery, bodysculpting,maintenance, hot mom wants not miss!# Pregnancy guide, quick query #Taboo diet comprehensive, easy access! Healthy nutritional diet,akey to read!# Trimester bit, keep records #MEMO pregnancy signs, as well as the baby's new "dynamic" statemoreintimate check-preview, recording, reminders yo!Why did the US grapefruit pregnancy intimate? Because here:Professional: concerned about the baby growing, pregnantmotherdaily newspaper;Confidence: Tracking trimester, intimate care with youthewhole;Lively: Do Freaky communicate with you during pregnancy arenotalone; Rest assured: Wikipedia covers maternity, conditioningmakeyou worry!Particularly attentive in pregnancy, not rushed to download?
美柚 - 经期·备孕·怀孕·育儿
Menstrual period prediction, pregnancy preparation, pregnancyandchild care essentials