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兜兜友非诚勿扰 4.7.5
想约会、想恋爱、想告别单身?报名参加兜兜友非诚勿扰,这些不再是烦恼。兜兜友首创非诚勿扰交友模式,现已聚集百万优质单身男女,覆盖全国各大城市,是同城交友、告别单身的绝佳利器!1.想体验当女嘉宾的感觉吗?众人围观,登上舞台,喜欢的留灯,不喜欢的灭灯。永远不知道下一位是谁,直到找到中意的他,牵手你俩的幸福。2.男嘉宾快来登台,你不仅要面对8位妹子,搞怪的主持人,还有上千名观众。自我介绍、情感剖析完全现场语音交流,紧张又刺激。最后若有妹子给你留灯,你懂的!3. 所有嘉宾资料真实,经过官方审核,交友诚意是基础,这个必须有。主要功能:1.覆盖全国:现已登陆全国主要城市,打造每个人都能参与的非诚勿扰。2.超炫会场:完全遵守电视版规则,犹如身临其境。3.真正男女交友:8位女嘉宾与1位帅哥现场语音交流、现场牵手。4.真实嘉宾信息:嘉宾信息全部经过官方审核,给你最真实的TA。5.牵手幸福:喜欢他就给他留灯,幸福将属于你们。6.精美礼物:送她一份大礼,撬开爱情大门。7.私聊功能:语音、文字、表情一个都不能少。8.人气排榜:赢得人气,成为众人瞩目的嘉宾。联系我们- 官方网站 http://ddy.me- 新浪微博 http://weibo.com/idoudouy- 意见反馈 support@dodoyo.comWant to date, to love, tobachelor? Enroll twists Friends You Are the One, which is no longera worry. Friends twists first mode, if you're dating now gather onemillion high-quality single men and women, covering the majorcities, is city friends, bachelor's great weapon!1. When the female guests want to experience the feeling? Thecrowd of onlookers, on stage, like to stay light, not like unlit.Never know who the next one is, until you find a favorite of his,hand you both happy.2. The male guests come on stage, you not only have to face eightsister, Funny host, as well as thousands of spectators.Self-introduction, emotional scene analysis is completely voicecommunication, intense and exciting. Finally, if you leave lightssister, you know!3. All information is true and gentlemen, after an official review,dating sincerity is the foundation, this must have.Main features:1. nationwide coverage: major cities are now landing, everyone canbuild, if you're participating.2. Stunning Venue: full compliance with the rules of the TVversion, immersive.3. real men and women dating: eight female guests with a guy livevoice communication, field hand.4. real guests Information: guest information all through theofficial audit, to give you the most realistic TA.5. Hand Happiness: like he left a light, happiness will belong toyou.6. exquisite gift: send her a gift, love to pry open thedoor.7. whisper function: voice, text, face one less.8. Name ranked list: win popularity limelight guests.Contact us- The official website http://ddy.me- Sina microblogging http://weibo.com/idoudouy- Feedback support@dodoyo.com
兜兜社交 1.1
兜兜社交是多人语音互动交友平台,以舞台为场景,独创8女1男的场景式社交模式,嘉宾、主持、观众多重角色体验;上兜兜社交,牵手爱情,从这里开始。[特色功能]#炫丽会场 8女1男1主持,舞台上实时语音,聊天吐槽乐在其中。#真实信息 诚资料要够真,照片要够美,信息审核,才能靠谱。#人气榜单 各类榜单时时更新,做社交圈的焦点人气王。#有群有缘人:群组聊不够?邂逅个有缘人,聊聊缘分。Going social is morethanvoice interactive dating platform to stage the scene, theoriginal8 1 male female style social scene modes, guests, presidedover theaudience to experience the multiple roles; social twists onthehand of love, start here.[Features]# Dazzling venue hosted 8 1 male and 1 female, on thestagereal-time voice, chat Tucao fun.# To be enough real information really sincere, photos shouldbeenough beauty, information audit, in order to fly.# Name list constantly updated list of all kinds, to make thefocusof popular king circles.# There is a group of people destined: Group chat is notenough?Encounter a nice ring, talk to fate.