돼지왕왕돼지 Apps

Multiplication Table By Speak 1.0.6
Now let's throw boring multiplication tableremember.Multiplication Table By Speaking has come!!The app provide total 12 levels. From 2 to 11 level and one thatmixes all levels.Just yell out when the problem appears.2 x 4 = eight!!There is also "Study" function for those who have not rememberedall multiplication tables.In the study mode, you can find problems and ? buttons.You can check the correct answer after you think the problem byyourself tap the question mark button.Then the answer will appear.Try to solve problem by speaking after you study multiplicationtable enough."Solve Problem" function records your score.So you can check how much you improved by checking scores.Also your parents can check, so study hard :)You can learn the multiplication table with pleasant.Start now!!p.s) If you change your device language to other one, then theanswer will be recognized as the language you set.For example, if you set the language as Korean, for 2 X 5 question,you have to answer as "Sip", which is 10 for Korean.
연금복권 1등 당첨! 1.2.4
연금복권 1등을 꿈꾸시나요?"연금복권 1등 당첨!" 앱과 함께 해보세요~연금복권 1등 당첨 앱은 다음과 같은 기능이 있습니다.• 당첨 확인- QR 코드로 당첨 확인- 직접 입력으로 당첨 확인• 몇 조 몇 장 살까?• 판매점 찾기- 내 위치 주변 판매점 찾기- 동/읍/면 검색으로 판매점 찾기- 시/도, 구/군 선택으로 판매점 찾기• 회차별 당첨 확인========== 상세 기능 설명 ==========• QR 코드로 당첨 확인- QR 코드를 인식시키면 바로 당첨여부를 확인할 수 있습니다.- 여러장을 사서 한번에 당첨결과를 확인할 때는 번호 직접입력이 빠르고 편합니다.- 당첨 결과 확인은 빨간색으로 덮어두어 긴장감을 주었습니다.• 몇 조 몇 장 살까?- 예산을 입력하면 몇 조를 몇 장 사야하는지 추천해줍니다.- [마구잡이 뽑기] 는 예산 범위 안에서 추천하는 조합을 제공합니다.- [예산 꽉 채워 뽑기] 는 예산을 꽉 채워 여러분이 입력하는 행운의 숫자 기준으로 컴퓨터가 좋은 조합을제공합니다.• 판매점 찾기- 내 주변의 판매점 위치를 지도를 통해 볼 수 있습니다.- 동/읍/면 검색으로 판매점을 찾을 수 있습니다.- 시/도, 구/군 선택으로 판매점을 찾을 수 있습니다.• 회차별 당첨 확인- 최근 회차부터 시작하여 1회차까지 당첨 번호를 볼 수 있습니다.편하게 꼭 필요한 기능을 쓸 수 있도록 앞으로 계속 업데이트 하도록 하겠습니다.앞으로도 많이 사랑해주세요~----개발자 연락처 :schweine7@gmail.comDo you dream of one suchpension lottery?"Pension lottery win first prize!" Try with apps -Pension Lottery first prize winning app has the followingfeatures.• Winning confirmation  - Check winning with QR code  - Check winning by direct input• several trillion few buy?• Find a Dealer  - Find a dealer close to my location  East / town / surface search Find a Dealer  - State / Province, City / Town Find a Dealerselected• Discrimination time winning confirmationDetailed Description ========== ==========• Check win with QR code  - When the QR code recognition, you can see immediatelywhether the vote.  - When you see the winning result librarian multiplepages at once quick and easy number input directly.  - Vote results confirmed the couple had a tense coveredin red.• several trillion few buy?  - When you enter a budget makes several recommendationsthat the actions of a few to buy.  - Draw random] offers a combination recommended in thebudget.  - Draw a tight budget populated] offers a goodcombination with a computer numerical criteria of good luck to fillthe budget is tight you enter.• Find a Dealer  - You can see the dealer position in the vicinitythrough the map.  - You can find a dealer in East / town / surfacesearch.  - State / Province, with City / Town selection, you canfind a dealer.• Discrimination time winning confirmation  - You can see the winning numbers to start from thelast round of the first round.Easy to write the necessary functionality, we will continue to beupdated in the future.Please continue to love a lot ~
SushiCalculator 1.1.2
You must be wondering if the clerk calculatedproperly when you pay forsushi that you ate, right?You must be tired of typing the prices of each plates and thenumber ofdishes you ate, right?You must have calculated several times to figure out whether youtypedcorrectly on the calculator, right?Now, You don't need to do that any more.You can easily calculate with "Sushi Calculator".You can enter the VAT as well.You can use this app not only sushi restaurant, but also allotherrestaurants.With "Save" function you can save your eat-out record.With "Share" function you can send a message via Messenger likewhat'sapp.With "Dutch pay" function you can send your bank account andeatingrecord to your friends very easily.Keep records about what you eat with "Sushi Calculator",and request your friends pay back easily!!
오늘의 환율 1.1.3
매일, 매시 갱신되는 각 국가별 환율을 볼 수 있습니다.관심 환율을 즐겨찾기 할 수 있고, 계산기도 제공됩니다.환율 변동추이를 그래프로 볼 수 있습니다.위젯도 제공하여 바탕화면 ( 홈 스크린, 런처 ) 에서도 손쉽게 환율을 확인할 수 있습니다.설정을 통해 특정 국가의 환율이 원하는 가격에 도달하면 알림을 받을 수 있습니다.꼭 필요한 기능만 넣은 가벼운 오늘의 환율앱입니다.----개발자 연락처 :schweine7@gmail.comDaily, hourly updatedexchange rates of each country can be seen.Interest rate may be your favorite, calculators are alsoavailable.Currency fluctuations can be viewed as a graph trends.Widget also provides the desktop (home screen, launcher) can befound in the easy exchange rates.The exchange rate of a particular country set the price you want tobe notified when it is reached.Essential features today's exchange rate, but the light into theapp.
그림동화 맹순이를 찾아라 ( 동물소리 배우기 ) 4
지금 '맹순이를 찾아라'를 무료로 다운받으세요!!'맹순이를 찾아라'는 듣고, 만지고, 느끼며 배울 수 있는 스마트한 그림책이에요.그림책을 보다보면 어느새 다양한 동물 친구들의 울음소리를 익힐 수 있을거예요======================================================동물마을에 놀러간 토끼자매 토미와 라비, 그리고 귀여운 강아지 맹순이!그런데 갑자기 맹순이가 사라져버렸어요~!!!어떻게 된 일일까요??맹순이를 찾아다니는 토미와 라비는 고양이, 염소, 돼지, 닭, 사자 동물 친구들을 만나게 되요.여러 동물친구들의 울음소리를 들으며 사라진 맹순이를 함께 찾아주세요!동물친구들을 누르면 움직이며 소리도 낸답니다. 어흥~----개발자 연락처 :schweine7@gmail.comNow 'Find maengsunyi' toget a free download!'Find maengsunyi' to hear, touch and feel books to learn I'm asmart one.It was looking more books in a variety of animal friends cry'llbe able to learn================================================== ====Tommy and sisters to play in the village between the animal andthe rabbit ravioli, and maengsunyi cute puppy! Suddenly maengsunyi is gone ...!What's up??Tommy and Ravi maengsunyi-seeking cats, goats, pigs, chickens,lions doeyo to meet our animal friends.Friends, listening to the cries of various animals with missingmaengsunyi find it!Pressing the animal friends move out and laid down a sound. Boo...
Memory Optimization 1.1.1
With memory optimization, you can extend battery duration, andspeed up the smartphone. Unlike other memory optimizing apps, socalled process killers, "Memory Optimization" shows all processeswhich consumes memory space. You can order apps by alphabeticallyor by amount of memory used via menu. With alphabetic ordering, youcan easily find the apps that you want to check. With memory usageordering, you can see what apps use large amount of memory. If youfind some apps that seldom used but take much amount of memory, youwould better delete those apps. Some system apps and service appswill revive even though you try to kill them. Keep in mind :) Withsimple but powerful app "Memory Optimization", you can say goodbyewith the slow and crazy battery consuming smartphone.
Next Number Find Extreme 1.0.7
Next Number Find Extreme has very simple logic, but is veryaddictive. This game is developed for those who have suffered fromthe difficulty of finding sequential numbers in the version of"Next Number Find Extreme". They confessed that they were angry inthe middle of finding next numbers : -). How to play? Very simple!!You should find the number in sequence from 1. The more sequencialnumber you find, the higher score you will get. You have 45 sectime limit. Find numbers in sequence as much as you can!! In thisgame, every 10 numbers are classified into one color so that thegamers can find next number very easily. Additionally, the next 10numbers color is hard to recognize at the first glance, so I addedblinking effect on the first number of the next 10 numbers. You canbet with your friends, colleagues, and family members. The prizecan be anything : beverages, nice meals, and so on. You can alsocompete with world wide game users. Now, let's start!!! 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, .... !!! If you find yourself that this gametoo easy to continue, you can try "Next Number Find Extreme"instead of extreme version : -)
Next Number Find Game 1.1.0
Next Number Find Game has very simple logic, but is very addictive.How to play? Very simple!! You should find the number in sequencefrom 1. The more sequencial number you find, the higher score youwill get. You have 45 sec time limit. Find numbers in sequence asmuch as you can!! You might think finding numbers in sequence among25 numbers is very easy. But.. try!!! you will find out that yourthought was wrong :-) You can bet with your friends, colleagues,and family members. The prize can be anything : beverages, nicemeals, and so on. You can also compete with world wide game users.Now, let's start!!! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, .... !!! Ifyou are angry at or bothered from finding next number, so you don'twant to play this game any more, please install and try "NextNumber Find Extreme". "Next Number Find Extreme" is designed tomake you find the next number more quickly. So you can enjoy theexciting experience of finding next numbers : -).
초과근무수당 계산기 1.0.1
회사에서 매일 야근하고, 주말에도 출근하는데 수당이 얼마 나올지 매번 계산하기귀찮으셨죠?이제 이 앱을 통해 월급정보를 한번만 설정하면, 간편하게 야근과 휴일근무기록도 남길 수 있고 수당도 미리 알 수있습니다.이 앱은 통상임금 기준으로 제작되어, 기본급, 고정상여금, 식대, 통근수당, 기타 항목등을 입력할 수있습니다.야근과 휴일근무는 퍼센트 적용과 고정급 적용 ( 예를 들어 시간당 5,000원 ) 두 가지 형태가 가능하도록해놓았습니다.이제 야근, 휴일 수당 등의 초과근무수당을 손쉽게 기록하고,미리 월급날 지급받을 초과 근무수당을 계산하여 더 효율적으로 재테크 ( 돈관리 ) 해보시길 바랍니다.그럼 오늘도 야근과 주말출근을 밥먹듯이 하는 직장인들 화이팅!!p.s. 디자인 센스가 없어 죄송합니다! 애교로 봐주세요 ㅎ----개발자 연락처 :schweine7@gmail.comThe company did overtime,work on weekends and every day to come out some time to calculatethe allowance every gwichaneu?Easy to leave you now working overtime and holiday records setonce the salary information through this app, and you can also findpre-payments.Reference is made to the normal salary, including base salary,you can enter a fixed bonus, meals, commuting allowance, this appother items.Applicable overtime and holiday work and apply percentgojeonggeup pointers (for example, per 5,000) to allow two types ofsun.Now, what to record, such as overtime pay overtime, holiday pay,andPlease jaetekeu (money management) Try Sigil more efficient tocalculate the payday advance be paid overtime.So today, the workers are fighting for overtime and weekend workis meokdeut Bob!p.s. Sorry, no design sense! Please see charming heh
Coloring Exercise 1.3.0
I'm sure that you are embarrassed about whatto install when your kids play with smart phone.Now, it's the time to install "Coloring" App.Your kids' creativity and sensibility will be grown up naturallywith this app.It provides various colors which will make your kids happy :)12 cute animals are waiting for being painted.Fill colors beautifully, save what your kids painted, and share thecolored picture with family members such as grand parents.The extension version of Coloring app is launched.The representative extension version is "Coloring - CartoonCharacters".You can install the extension version app with the followinglink.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cklee.coloringrescartoonIf you finish installing the extension apps then select "MoreImages" on the first screen menu.Then you can select and exercise many other nice coloringimages.I will see you with prettier, cooler, and more beautiful coloringimages via extensions apps.
Coloring - Birds 1.0.0
This app is the extension version of coloring exercise app. To usethis app, you need to install following link app in advance. Ifbelow app is not installed in advance, the app automatically linkto the download page.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cklee.coloringWith this app, you can do coloring exercise of birds. Bald Eagle,Bats, Chicken and Chick, Duck, Flamingo, Hen, Hummingbird, Owl,Peacock, Pigeon, Sparrow, Turkey I will provider many otherextension versions of coloring exercise. Please keep an attentionto my app~ :)
Coloring - Animals ( Mammals ) 1.0.0
This app is the extension version ofcoloringexercise app.To use this app, you need to install following link appinadvance.If below app is not installed in advance, the app automaticallylinkto the download page.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cklee.coloringWith this app, you can do coloring exercise ofmammalanimals.Bear, Cow, Dog, Elephant,Fox, Giraffe, Lambs, Monkey,Pandas, Racoon, Tiger, ZebraI will provider many other extension versions ofcoloringexercise.Please keep an attention to my app~ :)
AppManager 1.1.5
You can easily and quickly search and manipulate apps on yourdevice.
Image Resizer 1.2.1
You can resize images in your smart phone to specific size orcapacity.
English Typing Practice 1.2.2
This is English typing practice game. Enter words before they reachto bottom!
그림 동화 과일 가게 이야기 ( 색깔 배우기 ) 2
지금 '과일가게 이야기(색깔 배우기)'를 무료로 다운받으세요!!'과일가게 이야기(색깔 배우기)'는 듣고, 만지고, 느끼며 배울 수 있는 스마트한 그림책이에요.그림책을 보다보면 어느새 알록달록 다양한 색깔을 배울 수 있을거에요.======================================================과일가게에 과일을 사러 간 토끼남매 토미와 라비.과일가게에는 알록달록 여러 가지 색깔의 과일과 사자아저씨가 있었어요.토미와 라비는 과일가게에서 무슨 과일을 샀을까요??그리고 집에 돌아오는길에 과일에서 무슨일이 일어났을까요??결말은 앱을 다운받아 꼭!꼭! 확인해주세요^^----개발자 연락처 :schweine7@gmail.comNow 'fruit shoptalk(Color Learning)' to get a free download!'Fruit shop talk (Color Normal) "to hear, touch and feel bookstolearn I'm a smart one.It was looking more variegated picture book I'm sure you'regoingto learn a variety of colors.================================================== ====Between the fruit shop to buy fruit and rabbit raviolibrotherTommy.Variegated fruit shop has a variety of colored fruits andunclewas dead.Ravi is what Tommy and fruit in the store bought fruit you??And on the way home from the fruit what happened??Please download the ending of the app! Means! Check back ^ ^
Mirror LockScreen 1.0.6
This application shows mirror whenever the screen is turned on.
Just! Flashlight! 1.1.0
Simple flashlight application which focused on the basic functions.
Korean free wifi search 1.2.3
This is one of the must-have application when you travel to Korea.You can find free, verified, and high speed wifi hot spots based onyour location. Here verified means that the wifi hot spots are runby government, so it's secure. There is no capacity limitationabout using these wifi. So you can download or upload big sizefiles. You can share nice pictures with your friends as free ofcharge. What you should do is to agree the location permission,then the wifi hot spots around you will be shown. (Your locationwill be used only for finding free wifis. It will not be sent tothe network.) You can change the coverage area in the setting sothat you can plan your journey based on the wifi hot spots. EnjoyKorean more with free high speed wifis :)
Contacts Generator 1.1.7
Easy contacts utility helping generating and deleting contacts, andpulling DB.
SilentCamera 1.2.1
You can take pictures without shutter sound.
Coloring - Transportations 1.0.1
This app is the extension version ofcoloringexercise app.To use this app, you need to install following link appinadvance.If below app is not installed in advance, the app automaticallylinkto the download page.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cklee.coloringWith this app, you can do coloring exercise forcartooncharacters.Airplane, Bulldozer, Forklift,Helicopter, Racing Car, Ship,Spacecraft, Taxi, Train, TruckI will provider many other extension versions ofcoloringexercise.Please keep an attention to my app~ :)
Coloring - Reptile and others. 1.0.0
This app is the extension version ofcoloringexercise app.To use this app, you need to install following link appinadvance.If below app is not installed in advance, the app automaticallylinkto the download page.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cklee.coloringWith this app, you can do coloring exercise of reptileandcrustacean animals.Armadillo, Chameleon, Crocodile, Dinosaur,Dragon, Iguana, Jellyfish, Lobster,Seahorse, Shark, Snake, TurtleI will provider many other extension versions ofcoloringexercise.Please keep an attention to my app~ :)
Spanish typing practice - Acid 1.0.0
Spanish typing game. Enter words before they reach to bottom!
로또 1등 당첨! 1.6.3
Try predict lottery numbers, try querying the winning numbers viaQR code. Lotto first prize is yours!
Concentration!! 1.1.7
The app helps sleep well or concentrate on something. 100k usersverified :)
Korean typing practice 1.2.5
This is Korean typing practice game. You can practice with fun.
무료 오늘의 환율 1.2.0
매일, 매시 갱신되는 각 국가별 환율을 볼 수 있습니다. 계산기가 제공되며, 그래프로 환율변동추이도 볼 수 있습니다.꼭필요한 기능만 넣은 가벼운 환율앱입니다. 오늘의 환율 유료제품에서는 다음과 같은 기능을 추가로 이용하실 수 있습니다.-관심있는 국가를 즐겨찾기하여 쉽게 찾을 수 있습니다. - 위젯도 제공하여 바탕화면 ( 홈 스크린, 런처 ) 에서도손쉽게환율을 확인할 수 있습니다. - 설정을 통해 특정 국가의 환율이 원하는 가격에 도달하면 알림을 받을 수있습니다.---- 개발자 연락처 : schweine7@gmail.com