1.1 / Dec 10, 2019
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Application for social-emotional learning based on facialrecognition algorithms


  • App naam
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    Dec 10, 2019
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 5.0
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Fundación Orange
  • Installaties
  • Price
  • Categorie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Fundación Orange Parque Empresarial La Finca Paseo del Club Deportivo, 1 Edificio 7, Planta 2 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid
  • Google Play Link

Fundación Orange Meer...

Dictapicto 1.1.1 APK
Voice translator to pictograms to support communication
El viaje de María 1.0 APK
Dentro de su labor por difundir y hacer llegarel conocimiento del autismo a la sociedad, la Fundación Orange haproducido El viaje de María, un cortometraje de animación deldibujante Miguel Gallardo, que se difunde gratuitamente enInternet. Esta aplicación contiene el cortometraje en diferentesidiomas, así como información del mismo y capturas de pantallas.Cuando María está con nosotros, hace del mundo un sitio mejor,cuenta Miguel Gallardo en El viaje de María, una pequeña excursiónal mundo interior de una adolescente con autismo, un viaje lleno decolor, amor, creatividad y originalidad, que nace en el recorridode unos padres que ven cómo su hija se comporta de una maneraespecial hasta confirmar el diagnóstico: autismo. La idea, comentaMiguel Gallardo, era intentar meterme en el mundo de María eintentar comprender y visualizar las cosas que perturban a María denuestro mundo, las cosas que le gustan, las que le hacen sonreir yun pequeño trozito de su planeta tal como yo lo imagino, de unamanera fluida, divertida y comprensible incluso para el público queno conoce este trastorno.El cortometraje, como dice su propio autor, no es una obra sobreel autismo, es sobre el cariño, sobre la relación entre un padre yuna hija que, por encima de las dificultades de la comunicación, setransmiten alto y claro su mensaje de amor.El cortometraje, con guión, ilustración y dirección de MiguelGallardo, cuenta con la música de Pascal Comelade, la animación deLa Pera Animación, la postproducción de Nueve Ojos, la edición ycoordinación de Karin du Croo y la sonorización de Humanvoices.Within its work todisseminate and to bring awareness of autism society, the OrangeFoundation has produced Maria's journey, an animated short filmcartoonist Miguel Gallardo, which is broadcast free online. Thisapplication contains the short film in different languages ​​aswell as information about it and screenshots.When Mary is with us, makes the world a better place, saysMiguel Gallardo in Maria's journey, a little excursion into theworld of a teenager with autism, a colorful travel, love,creativity and originality, which rises in the tour of parents whosee their child behaves in a special way to confirm the diagnosis:autism. The idea, says Miguel Gallardo, was trying to get into theworld of Mary and try to understand and visualize things thatdisturb Mary of our world, the things you love, that make you smileand a tiny little chunks of their planet as I imagine, for asmooth, fun and understandable even for the public who do not knowhow this disorder.The film, as its author says, is not a work on autism, it'sabout the love, the relationship between a father and daughter,above the difficulties of communication, and its message istransmitted high clear love.The film, written, illustration and directed by Miguel Gallardo,features the music of Pascal Comelade, animation Pear Animation,postproduction Nine Eyes, editing and coordination of Karin du Crooand the voicing of Humanvoices.
Application for social-emotional learning based on facialrecognition algorithms
e-Mintza 1.1 APK
e-Mintza is a customisable and dynamicsystemof augmentative and alternative communication aimed at peoplewithautism or with oral or written communication barriers. Born outofthe collaboration between the Orange Foundation and FoundationDr.Carlos Elósegui of the Policlínica Gipuzkoa, it allows the usertocommunicate with other people by means of tactile andmultimediatechnology, adapting to the necessities of its userseasily. Alsoit promotes its autonomy through a customisedagenda.e-Mintza (which in Euskera means electronic speech) is afreedownloadable program that shows communication displaywithpictograms or associated images and sounds that allow a directandsimple communication. The display is easily customisable as farasthe language used is concerned, texts, images, videos orsounds,based on the necessities of the user, who will be abletopreferablyinteract using a touch screen on a tablet typedevice,but also using a conventional mouse on a computer.Considering a beginning to ensure communication for peoplewithautism, on who the application has been tested, the program canbeused by other many people, given its high customisationcapacity.Thus, for example, it may be useful for deaf children whohave notyet acquired a language, people with seriousintellectualdiscapacities, patient with cerebral damage caused bytraumas oraccidents, senior people with degenerative neurodiseases, peoplethat cannot express themselves, who may requireintubation orassisted ventilation during their stay in hospital,etc.One of the characteristics of the e-Mintza software isthepossibility of personalisation with photos instead of pictogramsorwords. In addition, there is an option to add videos.The technical development of e-Mintza was done by Nesplora,countingon essential evaluation on the part of the GautenaAutismAssociation during the different phases of the project.Likewise,some of the pictograms used are from the Aragonese websiteofpictograms and graphical resources (ARASAAC).The evaluation with real users continued over a nine monthperiodconsidering parameters such as the adaptation of pictograms,thesize of the photos, the motor capacity of the user,realcommunicative utility and not so much a recreational tool,themanageability and educative functionality, among other aspects.Theagenda is emphasised among the new features incorporated aftertheevaluation with the users, in which the user can locate atemporaryplanned sequence of up to six activities a day, a week ora periodof time.e-Mintza has counted on the economic support of Plan Avanza2fromthe Ministry of Trade, Industry and Commerce.________________________________________How to use e-MintzaThe program is made up of two integrated applications:- e-Mintza: opens up a board so that when pressing on everycategorya new screen opens showing a series of pictograms. Eachone has anassociated sound and when pressing each pictogram avoice sends amessage directly to the board which then constructsthe phrase. Forexample, in the food category, different dishes andfoods areoffered and the user can choose among them (shown withphotographsor pictograms). The program speaks with real voices, ineuskera orCastilian, donated by collaborators of variousages.- The authorising tool: from which, the tutor (familiar,therapistor similar) or the user themselves, will be able topersonalizee-Mintza and to create the communication adapted to thespecificindividual needs of each person. Being able to add or edit,newpictograms, photographs or sounds in any category and in asimpleway. Each update done by author will automatically bereflected inthe e-Mintza application.
Día a Día 1.1.2 APK
Día a Día es un diario visualpensadoespecialmente para personas con autismo o dificultadesdecomunicación que permite:• Guardar y revisar lo que has hecho, de forma gráficayestructurada• Anticipar lo que ocurrirá en los próximos días (en el mesdediciembre prepara la Navidad)• Facilitar y fomentar la comunicación (aprovecha las fotos ycuentaa otros lo que hiciste ayer).Además, puedes ajustar el diario a tus necesidadesañadiendopersonas de tu entorno e incluyéndolas en tusactividades,insertando los lugares frecuentes para ver después loseventos quetranscurrieron allí, ocultando vistas y elementos que noutilices,cambiando la carátula, bloqueando la edición,...Day by Day isdesignedespecially for people with autism or communicationdifficultiesthat enables visual diary:• Save and review what you've done, graphically structured• Anticipate what will happen in the next few days(Decemberprepares for Christmas)• Facilitate and encourage communication (seize the photos andtellothers what you did yesterday).Also, you can adjust your daily needs by adding people aroundyouincluding them in your activities and inserting frequent placestosee after the events that transpired there, obscuring viewsandelements that do not use, changing the cover, locking the issue,...
Opérame 1.0 APK
Educational App to bring opera to a pleasant and fun to families
Sigueme 1.0.6 APK
Educational App for enhancing attention and communication personwith autism
José Aprende 1.3.2 APK
José Learn, a collection of stories adapted to pictograms