2.0 / February 1, 2017
(4.2/5) ()


Ji Calendar is astate-of-the-art,educationally rich, imaginative and enrichingseries of modules toteach everything that a child needs to knowabout the Jewishcalendar. The app is divided into a classroom tooland an addictivegame for students.

Making this app cross-curricular, are simulations of theastronomyinvolved with days, months and years. Each simulationdisplays awindow representing what you would see on earth, togetherwith aworking 3D model of the solar system, that students andteacherscan manipulate to create certain circumstances. There arethreemodes for each simulation:
PLAY – A free play mode that allows the user to manipulate theearthand moon freely to explain how days, months and yearswork.
LEARN –A step-by-step mode that guides the learner from thegeneralastronomical model down to the Jewish application, such asthe moonbeing the basis for the Jewish months.
QUESTS – Students have quests that can be answered bymanipulatingthe 3D solar system models.

Jewish Calendar
At the heart of the product is a calendar tool, which can be usedasa classroom tool. Teachers are encouraged to use this tooleveryday, to discuss today, this month, and this year. Thetooldemonstrates clearly the overlay of the secular andJewishcalendars. If you have enabled your location settings onyourdevice, then the time shown in the calendar for the zmanim,ortimes of the Jewish day, will be accurate for yourlocation.

Time Challenge
Students will find this game addictive, while being immersedintravelling through time. Major concepts are reinforced, andearning‘powerups’ involves completing quests in the simulations.Studentswill run through a Jewish day, learning zmanim, through theJewishweek, learning the connection between Creation and the daysof theweek culminating in Shabbat, through the month, connectingmoonphases with the date in the lunar cycle, and through theyear,connecting seasons with Jewish months in Israel.

Ji Tap Lessons on the Calendar
The educational content is reinforced with highlyinteractiveeducational lessons, built by Ji experts, in Ji Tap.These gamesare accessible from within the app.

Educator Guides
Ji Calendar is accompanied by a comprehensive educator guide,withrich Jewish content to support the app.

"Ji Calendar" is produced by Jewish Interactive (Ji) and fundedbyThe Center For Initiatives In Jewish Education (CIJE) and theGlattCharitable Trust.


Jewish Interactive LLC Meer...

Make it Grow 3 APK
Plant a Tree, Make it Grow! This app helps young kids bring natureto life by learning all about planting and nurturing trees.Children join virtual friends to grow their own garden and enjoyits fruits, just in time for the Jewish holiday of the trees--TuBishvat. With guided feedback, kids can •Dig a hole, plant theseed, water it, and direct sunlight to make the seed sprout •Tourthe garden from a butterfly’s view •Go underground with a ladybugto give water to the tree roots •Catch falling fruit off the trees•Cut fruit and earn more seeds to start all over again! FAMILYENGAGEMENT With a kid-friendly interface, this is an app childrenwill enjoy again and again as they master the art of planting,learn about Tu Bishvat, and appreciate the importance of trees andour environment. The app also features information on Tu Bishvatfor parents, holiday music, and a photo diary for families toupload photos as they grow plants at home. Great for Tu Bishvat oranytime! ABOUT THE PJ LIBRARY / JEWISH INTERACTIVE COLLABORATION PJLibrary sends free Jewish children's books to families with kidsages 6 months through 8 across the world every month. We know thatsomething magical happens when parents sit down together to readwith their children. PJ Library shares Jewish stories that can helpfamilies talk together about values, traditions, and culture thatare important to them. Jewish Interactive is a not-for-profiteducational trust that utilizes educational technology to createaccessible, affordable and engaging Jewish education for any child,anywhere. “Make It Grow” is a collaboration between PJ Library andJewish Interactive.
Alef Bet Wheel 1.0 APK
Tool to practice combining Hebrew letters and vowels for initialHebrew reading
Ji Calendar 2.0 APK
Ji Calendar is astate-of-the-art,educationally rich, imaginative and enrichingseries of modules toteach everything that a child needs to knowabout the Jewishcalendar. The app is divided into a classroom tooland an addictivegame for students.ExperienceMaking this app cross-curricular, are simulations of theastronomyinvolved with days, months and years. Each simulationdisplays awindow representing what you would see on earth, togetherwith aworking 3D model of the solar system, that students andteacherscan manipulate to create certain circumstances. There arethreemodes for each simulation:PLAY – A free play mode that allows the user to manipulate theearthand moon freely to explain how days, months and yearswork.LEARN –A step-by-step mode that guides the learner from thegeneralastronomical model down to the Jewish application, such asthe moonbeing the basis for the Jewish months.QUESTS – Students have quests that can be answered bymanipulatingthe 3D solar system models.Jewish CalendarAt the heart of the product is a calendar tool, which can be usedasa classroom tool. Teachers are encouraged to use this tooleveryday, to discuss today, this month, and this year. Thetooldemonstrates clearly the overlay of the secular andJewishcalendars. If you have enabled your location settings onyourdevice, then the time shown in the calendar for the zmanim,ortimes of the Jewish day, will be accurate for yourlocation.Time ChallengeStudents will find this game addictive, while being immersedintravelling through time. Major concepts are reinforced, andearning‘powerups’ involves completing quests in the simulations.Studentswill run through a Jewish day, learning zmanim, through theJewishweek, learning the connection between Creation and the daysof theweek culminating in Shabbat, through the month, connectingmoonphases with the date in the lunar cycle, and through theyear,connecting seasons with Jewish months in Israel.Ji Tap Lessons on the CalendarThe educational content is reinforced with highlyinteractiveeducational lessons, built by Ji experts, in Ji Tap.These gamesare accessible from within the app.Educator GuidesJi Calendar is accompanied by a comprehensive educator guide,withrich Jewish content to support the app.Collaboration"Ji Calendar" is produced by Jewish Interactive (Ji) and fundedbyThe Center For Initiatives In Jewish Education (CIJE) and theGlattCharitable Trust.
Ji Calendar for Jewish kids 5.0 APK
Ji Calendar is a state-of-the-art, educationally rich,imaginativeand enriching series of modules to teach everything thata childneeds to know about the Jewish calendar. The app is dividedinto aclassroom tool and an addictive game for students.ExperienceMaking this app cross-curricular, are simulations of theastronomyinvolved with days, months and years. Each simulationdisplays awindow representing what you would see on earth, togetherwith aworking 3D model of the solar system, that students andteacherscan manipulate to create certain circumstances. There arethreemodes for each simulation: PLAY – A free play mode that allowstheuser to manipulate the earth and moon freely to explain howdays,months and years work. LEARN –A step-by-step mode that guidesthelearner from the general astronomical model down to theJewishapplication, such as the moon being the basis for theJewishmonths. QUESTS – Students have quests that can be answeredbymanipulating the 3D solar system models. Jewish Calendar Attheheart of the product is a calendar tool, which can be used asaclassroom tool. Teachers are encouraged to use this tool everyday,to discuss today, this month, and this year. The tooldemonstratesclearly the overlay of the secular and Jewishcalendars. If youhave enabled your location settings on yourdevice, then the timeshown in the calendar for the zmanim, or timesof the Jewish day,will be accurate for your location. TimeChallenge Students willfind this game addictive, while beingimmersed in travellingthrough time. Major concepts are reinforced,and earning ‘powerups’involves completing quests in thesimulations. Students will runthrough a Jewish day, learningzmanim, through the Jewish week,learning the connection betweenCreation and the days of the weekculminating in Shabbat, throughthe month, connecting moon phaseswith the date in the lunar cycle,and through the year, connectingseasons with Jewish months inIsrael. Ji Tap Lessons on theCalendar The educational content isreinforced with highlyinteractive educational lessons, built by Jiexperts, in Ji Tap.These games are accessible from within the app.Educator Guides JiCalendar is accompanied by a comprehensiveeducator guide, withrich Jewish content to support the app.Collaboration "Ji Calendar"is produced by Jewish Interactive (Ji)and funded by The Center ForInitiatives In Jewish Education (CIJE)and the Glatt CharitableTrust.