1.0 / October 10, 2014
(5.0/5) (3)


JieWen Shop Memudahkan anda untuk terhubungkewebsite Jie Wen Shop . sebagai situs penjualan kosmetik danparfumasli dari brand terkemuka.


  • App naam
    JieWen Shop
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    October 10, 2014
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Modal Nekat
  • Installaties
    10 - 50
  • Price
  • Categorie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Google Play Link

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Tebak Nama Batu Akik 1.0 APK
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Kamu suka dengan jenis-jenis batu mulia? Kamutahu tentang nama-namanya? Coba game ini!Test pengetahuan kamu dengan menebak nama dari gambar yang muncul.Bisakah kamu menebak semuanya?Cara Bermain :1. Lewati level demi level dengan menebak nama pahlawan indonesiadari gambar game.2. Isi kotak - kotak huruf dibawah gambar3. Jika bingung bisa mengklik bantuan yang ada di atas kiri game.Jangan lupa, share dengan teman kamu yang juga suka dengan batumulia untuk mengetahui kemampuan mereka!Disclaimer: Semua konten yang terdapat dalam game ini diperolehdengan menggunakan mesin pencari. Semua bahan adalah milikmasing-masing pemiliknya.You like with other typesof precious stones? You know about the names? Try this game!Test your knowledge by guessing the name of the image that appears.Can you guess everything?How To Play:1. Skip the level-by-level to guess the name of Indonesian hero ofthe game image.2. Fill in the boxes - under the letter box picture3. If the confused can click on the help of those on the left ofthe game.Do not forget to share with your friends who also like theprecious stones to determine their ability!Disclaimer: All the content contained in the game is obtained byusing a search engine. All materials are property of theirrespective owners.
Kisah 25 Nabi Dan Rasul 1.2 APK
Modal Nekat
Sebuah buku yang berisikan tentang kisah-kisah sejarah perjuangan 25 Nabi dan Rasul dalam melakukanDakwahIslam keseluruh umatnya.Buku ini simple untuk dibaca maupun dimengerti, cocok untukandayang ingin belajar sejarah para Nabi-Nabi. Diceritakansecaradetail dan membuat pembaca mudah untuk mengerti.Jika anda pikir aplikasi ini berguna dan bermanfaat untukyanglainnya silahkan share ke keluarga, teman, maupun kerabatanda.Terdapat beberapa kisah Nabi dan Rasul, yaitu:- Kisah Nabi Adam AS- Kisah Nabi Idris AS- Kisah Nabi Nuh AS- Kisah Nabi Musa AS- Kisah Nabi Yusuf AS- Kisah Nabi Ibrahim AS- Kisah Nabi Ismail AS- Kisah Nabi Isa AS- Kisah Nabi Muhammad SAW,dan lainnya.Info: Kisah2 ini diambil dari beberapa situs, harapkirimkanemail jika ada kritik dan saran mengenai aplikasi ini.A book containingthestory - the story of the history of the struggle of 25 prophetsandmessengers in doing Dakwah Islam throughout his people.This book is simple to read and understand, suitable forthosewho want to learn the history of the Prophets. Told in detailandmakes the readers easy to understand.If you think this application is useful and beneficial toothersplease share to family, friends, and relatives.There are several stories of the Prophet andMessenger,namely:- The story of Prophet Adam- The story of Prophet Idris AS- The story of Noah AS- The story of Prophet Musa- The story of Prophet Yusuf- The story of Prophet Abraham- The story of Ishmael- The story of Prophet Isa AS- The story of the Prophet Muhammad,and others.Info: Kisah2 is taken from several sites, please send us anemailif there are criticisms and suggestions concerningthisapplication.
New Logo Quiz : One Word 2.1 APK
Modal Nekat
Do you like a guessing game? Then try this newLogo QuizIn this game, you must answer all name of brand logo in thepicture.This game is simple, and easy to use. Just input the answer onthe box and you will rewarded with a coin.The coin is usefull to help you stringing the answer of words..New Logo Quiz is a straightforward however energizing diversionwhere you can attempt to figure logos of distinctive brands in viewof some piece of the logos indicated on the screen. Play theamusement is much the same as to give yourself a test on broadinformation questions. It's additionally the fun approach to killsooner or later or stall while practicing your mind.Play and share with your best friends!Disclaimers:1. All trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Theuse of low resolution logo images in this app for use ofidentification qualifies as "Fair Use" under copyright law.2. Some brands use different names in different countries. For suchcases always the name for the widest market range has beenselected. We're sorry for the inconvenience if the brand is knownunder a different name in your country.
Guess The Footballer 5.2 APK
Modal Nekat
Guess Football Player is a trivia gamewhereyou have to guess the pic that is in this game. This game isveryfun, and also can test your skills in the world offootballknowledge.You're football fans? Guess the names of your footballstarsplayers here! There are 32 pictures of footballers who had toguessthe name. Experience the higher the level, and getmoredifficult!--How To Play--- Click the Play Now- Play at a 1-1 level of player images and guess his name.- If it's correct then you will proceed to the next level whichismore difficult.- If you are confused to answer would be a help menu with avarietyof assistance options.- This Option using coins were obtained from the timeyousuccessfully answer the name of the player!Don't forget to share this addicting game to your friends :)Disclaimer: All content contained in this application isobtainedby using google image search. All materials are theproperty oftheir respective owners.If you feel there is a copyright or trademark violation thatdoesnot follow the guidelines direct "legitimate use", pleasecontactus directly by sending your evidence that the originalowners.
Kata Kata Bijak 1.0 APK
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Kumpulan Kata Kata Bijak terbaruadalahkumpulan kata motivasi yang semoga bisa menginspirasi kitaagarmenjadi insan yang lebih bijak untuk menjalani kehidupan ini.Dankumpulan kata kata mutiara tersebut dapatkan dariberbagaireferensi yang menyajikan rangkuman kata motivasikehidupan. Itulahbeberapa kata bijak yang bisa kami sampaikan.Resapilah denganbismillah, dan jalanilah sepenuh hati. Mohon maafapabila terdapatungkapan yang tidak berkenan. Semoga banyakinspirasi yang kitadapatkan.Fitur:- Terdapat 100 kata-kata bijak dan motivasi yang merupakanrangkumandari berbagai sumber- Navigasi mudahSemoga aplikasi buku ini dapat membantu anda dalammeningkatkanrasa percaya diri dan membuat motivasi anda semakinmeningkat dalammenghadapi setiap masalah.Share dan berikan rating jika anda menyukai aplikasi ini.Words of Wisdomlatestcollection is a collection of motivational words thathopefully caninspire us to be wiser human being to live this life.And acollection of words that get the pearls of various referencesthatpresents a summary of the life of the word motivation. Thosearesome words of wisdom that we can say. Resapilah with bismillah,andLive it wholeheartedly. We are sorry if there are expressionsthatare not pleasing. Hopefully we get a lot of inspiration.Features:- There are 100 words of wisdom and motivation is a summary ofthevarious sources- Easy navigationHopefully this book application can help you to boostyourconfidence and make you more motivation to rise in the faceofevery problem.Share and give rating if you like this app.
Guess The Picture Words 2.9 APK
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This is the best word search game that you must try. Are you readyfor guessing words from the pictures? Let's try it if you think cananswer some hidden words from picture with clues. Try thinking withyour brain!! This game will really do brainteaser, so try hard forit. What to do? - In this game you will find image with some textclues which will lead to the correct answer. - If you already findthe answer, put that in the text box below image. - Don't worry ifyou stuck in some level, there is a "Help" menu that will help youin answering the question by issuing several letters. - If yousuccessfully answer the Words you will get a coin that is useful tohelp you continued to the next level. - There's 20 levels image andwill be updated soon. Have a Question or Suggestion? do nothesitate to contact me via email :) This game is very addictive AndDon't forget to share with your friends :)
Riddles Word Search 2.0 APK
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Let's play Riddles Word Search guys!There's 35 Riddles to Solve.Try to guess the Riddles that contained on the image and fill theanswer in the text box.If you feel difficult to guessing, there are "HELP" menu that willhelp you to get the clue part of the answer.This game may relieve your boredom at home and can also lead toaddiction :)Share this game to your best friends :D
Kumpulan Kata Kata Motivasi 1.2 APK
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Kata Kata Motivasi adalah jendela hati.Manusia diberkahi dengan organ-organ pengucap yang sempurna,tentunya agar manusia dapat dengan leluasa mengutarakan maksudhatinya lewat bahasa lugas. Kata yang kemudian dirangkai menjadikalimat menjadi bermacam-macam bentuknya, ada yang menimbulkan efekpositif maupun negatif, tergantung bagaimana si pemilik lidahmenggunakannya. Kata-kata juga bisa berperan sebagai motivator ditengah peliknya problematika kehidupan. Kata-Kata MotivasiKehidupan biasanya berasal dari kejadian nyata yang terjadi padapenulisnya, tetapi tak jarang juga hanya rekaan dengan tujuanmemotivasi lingkungan sekitarnya.Kumpulan Kata - Kata Motivasi ini dirangkum dari berbagaisumber.Fitur:- 100 Lebih Kata Kata Motivasi- Navigasi mudah untuk memilih kata dan mengkopi- fitur setting night/modeBeberapa kata yang kami bagi di atas adalah sedikit upaya kamiuntuk membantu siapapun yang tengah membutuhkan dorongan untukmenjadi lebih baik. Share dan beri rating jika anda suka aplikasiini.Words Motivation is theheart of the window. Humans are endowed with organs reciterperfect, of course, so that people can freely express his intentionthrough straightforward language. The word then assembled intosentences into many different forms, there are positive andnegative effects, depending on how the owner of the tongue usingit. Words can also act as a motivator in the middle of the severityof problems in your life. Words of Life Motivation is usuallyderived from real events that occurred on the author, but oftenalso just inventions with the aim of motivating the surroundingenvironment.Set Word - The word motivation is summarized from varioussources.Features:- 100 More Words Motivation- Navigation is easy to select and copy words- Setting night features / modesSome words we share is slightly above our efforts to help anyonewho is in need of encouragement to be better. Share and give ratingif you love this application.