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日美健康生活 NeiMay 1.0006 APK
背景從事國際貿易已逾20年,致力於提供安心、安全且品質優異的高級水產品,2015年旗下特別成立新公司,專營健康、美容補給品,引進日本、歐美各地優良品牌產品,秉持一貫安心、安全、高品質的原則,為注重美與健康的您,提供最佳的營養幫助。製造商簡介UNIMAT集團以租賃咖啡機、提供優質咖啡豆聞名日本全國。自1968年以高橋商店為名創業,至今已有47年歷史。在這47年中,UNIMAT集團將業績版圖擴展到不同的領域;其中包含渡假村、幼兒教育、餐飲、養老設施、房地產、藥妝店等...眾多領域。集團年營業額1400億日圓,旗下員工超過15000人。UNIMAT RIKEN為集團內專營美容、保健產品的子公司。自創業以來以追求「美麗、健康」的經營理念,致力提供消費者安心、安全的產品與確切的情報為基本,努力研發各類保健美妝產品,提供高品質的美妝、保健產品。這些高品質的美容保健商品於保健醫藥專賣店、自然有機健康食品專賣店及網路商場、通信通路中販售。UNIMAT RIKEN更在日本國內19家大葉高島屋百貨中設立自己的直營店鋪。隨著少子及高齡化社會的來臨,想保持美麗、年輕健康的願望與日俱增,UNIMAT RIKEN將為消費者不斷追求健康與美麗為己任、提供最適合的完美產品為目標而努力。PChome商店街:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/home1/日美健康生活 NeiMaybackgroundEngaged in international trade for more than 20 years, is committedto providing comfort, security and excellent quality of advancedaquatic products, especially its 2015 founding of new companies,specializing in health and beauty supplements, introducedthroughout Japan, Europe and the United States excellent brandproducts, maintaining its peace of mind, safe, high-qualityprinciples, to focus on the beauty and health of you and providethe best nutrition to help.Manufacturer ProfileUNIMAT Group lease coffee machines, providing high-quality coffeebeans is famous throughout Japan. Since 1968 in order to store thename of Takahashi venture, has been 47 years of history.In these 47 years, UNIMAT Group Performance territory extended intodifferent areas;Which includes resort, early childhood education, catering, pensionfacilities, real estate, drug store, etc. ... many fields.Group annual turnover of 140 billion yen, its staff of more than15,000 people.UNIMAT RIKEN within the group specializes in beauty care productssubsidiary.Since the venture in pursuit of "beauty, health" businessphilosophy, is committed to providing consumers with peace of mind,safe products and accurate intelligence is essential,Efforts to develop various types of health Beauty products,providing high-quality Beauty, health products.These high quality beauty care in health medicine merchandisestores, natural organic health food stores and Internet shoppingmalls, communication pathways sold.UNIMAT RIKEN more set up their own outlets spread in Japan 19 largeTakashimaya Department Store in.With the advent of low birthrate and aging society, we want tomaintain a beautiful, young and healthy growing desire,UNIMAT RIKEN consumers will continue to pursue health and beautymission to provide the most suitable products for the perfectgoal.PChome Store Street:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/home1/Japan-US healthy living NeiMay
GUY-SHOP日本進口服飾精品 1.0001 APK
您好!歡迎光臨GUY-SHOP!我們主要提供的商品均為歐美日本品牌精選商品提供給您最優惠的價格與高品質的產品讓您的快樂生活更添精彩!*包裹上絕不會有任何情趣用品與商品名稱請您放心購買^_^*另外不時會有特價活動與滿額好禮放送就請您常來逛逛這裡囉!^_^我們的實體店鋪位於西門捷運站1號.6號出口3-5分鐘路程的地方首頁有部落格連結詳細的圖文介紹怎麼到店內購買http://www.guy-shop.com/map/map.htm~歡迎您來店參觀選購~*包裹上絕不會有任何情趣用品與商品名稱請放心購買:)*GUY-SHOP成立以來感謝各界朋友的支持與鼓勵秉持著客戶服務品質至上的理念向上發展我們會持續努力做到最好引進更多國外優質品牌精品與多元化產品線給您精緻.高品質的快樂享受 ^_^***春節期間歡樂不打烊照常出貨***春節期間 宅配寄送不打烊 照常出貨門市一樣全年無休 歡迎來店參觀選購 ^_^***************************PChome商店街:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/guyshopGUY-SHOP日本進口服飾精品
S咖啡果醋美肌 1.0002 APK
So Charming《蒐、藏、美》(意喻:如此迷人)本店所有產品、都是店長用心所選、讓大家更加美麗健康迷人!店長的初衷,像是照顧呵護小嬰兒一樣的心情所精挑、嚴選的商品!「天然、健康、安全」是最重要的!不論是各項商品都必須要讓所有的消費者吃的「安心」、用的「放心」!在服務方面也需要大家提供更好的建議,讓店長可以更加貼心的為大家服務。健康、美麗、迷人的首選~So Charming《蒐、藏、美》PChome商店街:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/socharmingSo Charming《蒐、藏、美》
BG手機周邊商品 1.0003 APK
BG手機周邊商品為銷售市場主流行動電源、手機傳輸線、周邊商品批發為基礎,低價格卻有高品質的規格,強調品質要好,支持買家7天購買無瑕疵退換貨,無須維修!保障3個月全新換機,歡迎買家及商家大量批發享有更優惠的價格唷。PChome商店街:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/begreatBG手機周邊商品BG phone market for thesale of merchandise mainstream action power transmission linephones, merchandise wholesale basis, there is high-qualitylow-price standard, emphasizing the quality is better, supportbuyers flawless return seven days later, no maintenance!The new three-month replacement guarantee, welcome wholesale buyersand businesses enjoy a more favorable price yo.PChome Store Street:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/begreatBG phone merchandise
1768購物網 滿500免運費 1.0003 APK
1768購物網 宅配到府 - 貨到收款(或信用卡付帳)-隨貨附發票 - 滿500免運費.只要點選商品 - 加入購物車 -結帳 簡單三個步驟 優惠商品通通e指入袋。 PChome商店街:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/17681768購物網1768 ShoppingNetworkDelivery to the government - the goods to payment (or pay bycreditcard) - the invoice with the goods attached - just click over500free shipping of goods - Add to Cart - Checkout simplethree-stepprocess all e refers to preferential trade into the bag .PChome Store Street:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/17681768 Shopping Network
緬皇御品 翡翠.玉 1.0004 APK
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Jolie Femme e-shop 1.0002 APK
簡易的操作介面讓您能更輕鬆享受高品質購物的樂趣。定時更新商品及優惠資訊,讓您隨時隨地都能一手掌握最新消息!PChome商店街:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/joliefemmelifeJolie FemmeSimple user interfacemakeit easier for you to enjoy high quality shopping.Regularly updated product information and promotions, so youhandthe latest news anytime, anywhere!PChome Store Street:http://m.pcstore.com.tw/joliefemmelifeJolie Femme