v1.11b518525 / August 3, 2015
(5.0/5) (11)


Llastres, located in the Asturian town ofColunga, is a village with a genuine seaside charm that wasincluded in the list of the most beautiful villages of Spain.

Check the official app to discover all the secret corners. Walk itssteps, its port, fish market and fishing districts hanging on thecliff.

Using the app you will know the history and the way of life of itspeople. Check the integrated audioguides to find uniquespots.

It includes a handy interactive map with all the geo-locatedresources, so you know where you are and how to reach any point ofinterest.

We offer a lot more! you can find a restaurant or bar that fitswhat you are looking for and your ideal accommodation if you wantto sleep with the sound of the waves. Each place is geo-located,including pictures, descriptions and contact information. You cancall from the app and find the best way to reach them.

Do not settle for less! Download the app and discover Llastres withall the information you need.


- Travel guide, structured by categories

- Genuine and curated content

- Search

- Photo galleries

- Geo-located audioguides

- Interactive map with geo-located points of interest

- Geo-located services and tourist facilities and contactdetails

- Assisted navigation to each point of interest or facility

- Ability to save favorite resources

- Integrated module to check the weather

- Content available in English and Spanish

LASTRES. OFFICIAL GUIDE: An app created by the town of Colunga andfinanced by Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund.

AANVULLENDE INFORMATIE Lastres. Official guide

  • App naam
    Lastres. Official guide
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    August 3, 2015
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.3 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Installaties
    500 - 1,000
  • Price
  • Categorie
    Travel & Local
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Visit website Email info@naturapps.es
    C/Cimadevilla Esc.A-2ºA. C.P. 33003. Oviedo. Asturias. España
  • Google Play Link

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Naturapps, your hiking app 1.3.10 APK
Naturapps (BETA)The Best Spanish Active Tourism App "The AppTourism Awards 2014"DOWNLOAD NATURAPPSFIND YOUR TRAILENJOY OFFLINEUsing Naturapps on your smartphone you can find trails that willtake you to amazing places. Try our search to choose the trail thatsuits your requirements. You can search by location andcharacteristics (difficulty, length or type of trial). We includetours for all levels and also a specially recommended selection toenjoy with children and bikers.For each trail, Naturapps offers you a full path description, apicture gallery and the location of the starting point.Additionally, you will also be able to buy, directly from the app,high quality interactive maps where you will see the trail, yourGPS position and points of interest with interpretivecontent.Download the app now, receive 100 points for free to buy yourfavorite guide and enjoy totally free sponsored routes.If you are a hiking enthusiast you can upgrade Naturapps bypurchasing the PRO version to enjoy all our guides withoutrestrictions.Avoid signal problems, downloaded guides are 100% functional inoffline mode.Available guides throughout the Spanish territory, every day newselected trails are added.Within the app you will be able to manage the content you havepreviously downloaded to optimize memory usage of your phone. Onceyou acquired a new guide you can delete it from your smartphone andre-download it without additional charges as many times as youwant.NATURAPPS IS FOR EVERYONE, with trails of all levels, fromwalking to mountain climbing. You don´t need to be an expert inmaps or GPS to enjoy.Do not hesitate, Naturapps is your ultimate hiking app!FEATURES---> TRAIL FINDER---> HIGH QUALITY GUIDES---> DESCRIPTIVE CONTENTS OF EACH PATH AND ITS POINTS OFINTEREST---> PHOTO GALLERY---> GPS WITH INTEGRATED INTERACTIVE MAPS AND FUNCTIONAL 100%OFFLINE---> DOWNLOADED CONTENT MANAGER IN MEMORY DEVICENOTE: using GPS can dramatically decrease battery life, werecommend deactivating other utilities to optimize consumption.
Lastres. Official guide v1.11b518525 APK
Llastres, located in the Asturian town ofColunga, is a village with a genuine seaside charm that wasincluded in the list of the most beautiful villages of Spain.Check the official app to discover all the secret corners. Walk itssteps, its port, fish market and fishing districts hanging on thecliff.Using the app you will know the history and the way of life of itspeople. Check the integrated audioguides to find uniquespots.It includes a handy interactive map with all the geo-locatedresources, so you know where you are and how to reach any point ofinterest.We offer a lot more! you can find a restaurant or bar that fitswhat you are looking for and your ideal accommodation if you wantto sleep with the sound of the waves. Each place is geo-located,including pictures, descriptions and contact information. You cancall from the app and find the best way to reach them.Do not settle for less! Download the app and discover Llastres withall the information you need.MAIN FEATURES:- Travel guide, structured by categories- Genuine and curated content- Search- Photo galleries- Geo-located audioguides- Interactive map with geo-located points of interest- Geo-located services and tourist facilities and contactdetails- Assisted navigation to each point of interest or facility- Ability to save favorite resources- Integrated module to check the weather- Content available in English and SpanishLASTRES. OFFICIAL GUIDE: An app created by the town of Colunga andfinanced by Axis 4 of the European Fisheries Fund.
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Guides of Agullent Routes with 100% functional interactive mapsoffline
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Discover the Asturian coastal towns of Navia, Coaña, El Franco andTapia
Tierra de Osos v1.5.3b601263 APK
Asturias Tierra de OsosAsturias es uno de los últimos refugios de este gran mamífero enla Península, lo que revela el gran valor ambiental de esta zona dela Cordillera Cantábrica.Descubre en esta app todos los secretos de la especie y lasclaves para su conservación.Te proponemos actividades de ecoturismo para conocer y disfrutarla naturaleza de esta Tierra de Osos, descarga la app y¡vívelas!PROPUESTAS DE ECOTURISMO- Recorridos en coche que te llevan a miradores hacia lospaisajes que habitan los osos- Senderos autoguiados para recorrer su hábitat y descubrir sussecretos y los de otras especies con las que lo comparteFUNCIONALIDADES PRINCIPALES- Guía turística organizada en categorías- Contenido genuino- Buscador- Galerías fotográficas- Mapa interactivo de puntos de interés y rutasgeolocalizados- Herramienta de cómo llegar a cada elementoTIERRA DE OSOS: Una app creada por el Proyecto de Cooperación Redde Territorios Oseros 2015.+ info: www.tierradeosos.esBrother Bear AsturiasAsturias is one of the last refuges of this large mammal in thePeninsula, revealing the great environmental value of this area of​​the Cantabrian Mountains.Check out this app all secrets and keys to speciesconservation.We offer ecotourism activities to visit and enjoy the nature ofthis Brother Bear, download the app and vívelas!PROPOSALS FOR ECOTOURISM- Drive tours that take you to lookouts to the landscapesinhabited by bears- Self-guided trails to explore their habitat and discover itssecrets and other species with which it sharesKEY FEATURES- Travel guide organized in categories- Genuine Content- Seeker- Photo galleries- Interactive map of points of interest and geo routes- Tools for directions to each elementBrother Bear: An app created by the Network Cooperation ProjectTerritories Oseros 2015.+ Info: www.tierradeosos.es
Colunga. Guía oficial v1.11b518524 APK
En la guía oficial de Colunga encontrarás lainformación necesaria para disfrutar de este municipio costeroAsturiano.Su carácter marinero tiene su mejor representante en Lastres(Llastres), uno de los Pueblos más bonitos de España, con sus casascolgadas en el acantilado y el encanto de su puerto pesquero. No tepierdas los recursos y oficios más interesantes como la lonja, lasconserveras artesanales o las rederas, con descripciones,localización y fotografías.Podrás también localizar las playas en las que bañarte, bucear opracticar surf. Pero no te quedes sólo con el verano. Otras épocasdel año son perfectas para descubrir recursos de gran interés comolas huellas de dinosaurios de la playa de La Griega o lastrincheras de La Isla.Además de gozar de los encantos de la mar, en Colunga tambiénpuedes pasar una buena jornada practicando el senderismo en algunade las 15 rutas señalizadas que te ofrecemos, desde la Sierra delSueve hasta la senda costera y pasando por el Camino deSantiago.Visita los centros de información para dejarte asesorar y no tepierdas sus museos: el Museo del Jurásico de Asturias, el másvisitado de Asturias, o el Centro de Interpretación de la Sierradel Sueve, visita obligada para conocer a fondo la Sierra.La organización del contenido referente a equipamientos y serviciosde alojamientos, bares y restaurantes te permitirá encontrarfácilmente los que se adaptan a tus necesidades. Con la comodidadde poder llamar directamente desde la app y orientarte de cómollegar desde tu posición.FUNCIONALIDADES PRINCIPALES:- Guía turística organizada en categorías- Buscador- Galerías fotográficas- Mapa interactivo de recursos geolocalizados- Servicios y equipamientos turísticos geolocalizados y con datosde contacto- Herramienta de cómo llegar a cada elemento y distancia a él- Posibilidad de guardar recursos en favoritos- Integra un módulo de El Tiempo en ColungaCOLUNGA. GUÍA OFICIAL: Una app creada por el Ayuntamiento deColunga y cofinanciada por el Eje 4 Fondo Europeo de Pesca.In the official guide ofColunga you'll find the information you need to enjoy this Asturiancoastal town.Its marine character has its best representative in ballasts(Llastres), one of the prettiest villages in Spain, with its housesperched on the cliff and the charm of its fishing port. Do not missthe most interesting resources and crafts like the fish market, thecraft canning or net menders, with descriptions, location andphotos.You can also find the beaches to swim, dive or surf. But do notstay only in summer. Other seasons are perfect to discoverresources of interest such as the dinosaur footprints beach TheGreek or the trenches of the island.Besides enjoying the charms of the sea in Colunga you can alsospend a day practicing good hiking in one of the 15 marked routesthat we offer, from the Sierra del Sueve to the coastal path andthrough the Camino de Santiago.Visit the information centers to get advise and do not miss themuseums: the Jurassic Museum of Asturias, the most visited ofAsturias, or the Interpretation Center of the Sierra del Sueve,forced to get to know the Sierra visit. Content organization concerning equipment and accommodationservices, restaurants and bars allow you to easily find the onesthat suit your needs. With the convenience of being able to calldirectly from the app guide you on how to get from yourposition. MAIN FEATURES:- Travel guide organized in categories- Search- Photo galleries- Interactive map of geo-resources- Geo services and tourist facilities and contact details- Tools for directions to each item and distance it- Ability to save favorite resources- Integra module Weather in ColungaCOLUNGA. OFFICIAL GUIDE: An app created by the city of Colungaand financed by the European Fisheries Fund Axis 4.
Ruta Alzada Vaqueros Torrestío v1.9.9b814545 APK
Descubre la cultura de los Vaqueros de Torrestío y recorrelasdiferentes etapas de la alzada "De Las Marinas al Puerto" conlaayuda de esta app. Te ofrecemos ocho etapas en Asturias yelmunicipio de San Emiliano en León, disfrutando de los caminosypaisajes que durante siglos han recorrido los vaqueros.Ademásencontrarás información sobre los puntos de interésnatural,cultural y de la genuina cultura vaquera. La aplicación teofrece:- Contenido sobre los Vaqueros de Torrestío y su cultura -Guía dela Ruta de Alzada "De Las Marinas al Puerto" organizada enetapas -Trazado de cada etapa con GPS integrado - Foto galería decadapunto de interés - Posición de cada punto de interés sobre elmapa- Posibilidad de representar diferentes categorías sobre elmapa -Distancia a los puntos de interés - Posibilidad de guardarpuntosen favoritos - El tiempo en Torrestío
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