2.17.1003 / April 17, 2014
(3.3/5) (26)


Additionally to information on Prague’sbeerpubs, attractions and well known Czech breweries, the appoffersalso an opportunity for recording experiences and adventures,aswell as for sharing them with friends. In order to have accesstothe functions such as rating of pubs, mug counting, planningbeertours, recording remarks and photos, you need to register onthePrague Beer Trip web site.
You can upload your own ratings and remarks from the mobilephoneapplication, and follow them up via the web siteuponregistration.
Registrate on this site: http://praguebeertrip.com/reg/

- saving the visited beer pubs and rating them according to5aspects (quality of service and food, beer selection,convenience,and price), recording of remarks and photos, countingmugs,
- upon registration on the web site -praguebeertrip.com,synchronization the data with the web site bychecking in via thephone,
- browsing others’ visits and ratings via the web site,
- verification of visits within 5 days after the visit ina250-metre area.


  • App naam
    Prague Beer Trip
  • Naam of Pakketnaam
  • Publiceerdatum
    April 17, 2014
  • Bestandsgrootte
  • Benodigdheden
    Android 2.2 and up
  • Versie
  • Ontwikkelaar
  • Installaties
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • Categorie
    Travel & Local
  • Ontwikkelaar
    Visit website Email info@myapps.hu
    INFOtec Informatikai és Információtechnikai Kft. Szeged Gogol u. 9. 1. em. 1. 6722 Magyarország
  • Google Play Link

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