Top 3 Apps Similar to Spell 2 Autism Series

C with my eyes - Autism Series 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device beforelaunchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Airfrombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ C with my eyes - Autism Series is an ABA-basedlearninggamedesigned to improve eye-contact skills in childrenwithautismspectrum disorders. The app is developedbyWebTeamCorporation.Making and maintaining a steady eye contact often turns outtobea major challenge for children with special needs. C withmyeyes.Autism Series is specifically built to address this issue.Inthegameplay part of the app, there is a grid containingfourimages:three different objects plus a child looking at oneoftheimages.What the user needs to do is locate which object isbeinglookedat by the child. The objects include cap, toothbrush,cup,spoon,ball, toy, schoolbag, pencil, shoes, among others. Assoon asanactivity starts, the user gets a prompt, “What ishe/shelookingat?”In the app settings, the user can set time andselecteithersequential or random question types. The user canalsosetdifficulty levels on a scale of A and B. There is alsoatrainingpart that helps the user understand the basic conceptofthelearning game.As with other apps for autism developed by WebTeamCorporation,Cwith my eyes ☺ Autism Series too is based on the ABAmethodofintervention delivery. Each correct response given by theuserisrewarded with a positive reinforcement.At the end of a particular session, the user can see thescoreandshare it on Facebook/Twitter or rate it on a scale of 1to5.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation isaSomerset-basedmobile application development firm thathaspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management programcomprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’sABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts,researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage theentirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood andemployment.By developing apps for autism intervention,WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices,therebymakingthese necessary services available to theunder-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lackthe expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in acost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietarytechnology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 PowerfulAnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and sharedataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that willultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growingdevelopmentaldisorders.
Body Atlas-Lite Autism Series 1.0.2
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device beforelaunchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Airfrombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ Touch your nose…Touch your ears…Recognition of body parts isoneofprimary skills that a child is expected to learn andmaster.This Apphelps cultivate that skill.You can customize play settings to suit your child’slearningpaceand needs. For example you can set time to answereachquestion. Youcan select play order from given options. Allcorrectresponses arerewarded with animations forpositivereinforcement.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation isaSomerset-basedmobile application development firm thathaspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management programcomprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’sABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts,researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage theentirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood andemployment.By developing apps for autism intervention,WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices,therebymakingthese necessary services available to theunder-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lackthe expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in acost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietarytechnology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 PowerfulAnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and sharedataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that willultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growingdevelopmentaldisorders.
Divide N Play - Lite Autism 1.0.1
Note:♦ You will need Wi-Fi connectivity to download and use this app.♦ Please install Adobe Air on your device before launchingtheapp. You can download the latest version of Adobe Air frombelowlink. best viewed in landscape mode.♦ If 8 students are made to sit in 2 rows, how many students willbethere in all?A child’s math skill is assessed and developed by askingandanswering such questions.‘Divide N Play’ is a fun way of learning and assessingdivisionskills. This app is full of vibrant colors and animations.You canselect the way each math problem is presented on the screen– infigures or as a word problem. The app is based on ABA methodofintervention where each correct response is rewarded forpositivereinforcement.In the app settings, a user can set time and question typebeforeproceeding with the actual game play session. At the end ofanactivity one can see the total score for that particularsession.You may post comments on Twitter. You may also rate theapp on ascale of 1 to 5 stars.The app is developed by WebTeam Corporation.***About WebTeam Corporation***Incorporated in 2005, WebTeam Corporation is aSomerset-basedmobile application development firm that haspioneered thedevelopment of an autism management program comprisingscreening,assessment and intervention apps. WebTeam’s ABA-basedautism appshelp parents, teachers, health care experts, researchersand otherstakeholders worldwide efficiently manage the entirelife-cycle ofautism from infancy to adulthood and employment.By developing apps for autism intervention, WebTeamreplicatesindividualized autism services on mobile devices, therebymakingthese necessary services available to the under-servedpopulationglobally, especially in countries that lack the expertisenecessaryto tackle autism efficiently and in a cost-effectivemanner.WebTeam’s innovative idea backed by proprietary technology,whichwas awarded by Verizon in the 2013 Powerful AnswersAwardcompetition, lets caregivers collect and share dataefficiently tofoster effective collaborations that will ultimatelysolve one ofthe world’s largest and growing developmentaldisorders.