Top 10 Apps Similar to Alarma antirrobo android

Anti-Theft Alarm PRO 1.7
Anti-Theft Alarm makes the phone useless tothethief even if he restarts the phone by removing the battery.Anti-Theft Alarm may also be used to surprise your familyandfriends, who like to spy when you’re not around the phone.Theft alarm can also be used to prevent your kids andcolleaguesfrom accessing your phone without your consent.Do you fear losing your phone?Do your friends misuse your phone (texts, Facebook and emailsetc.)when you’re not around?Are you worried that someone will access your phone andstealprecious information from it?Are you concerned about someone spying?Do you hate inquisitive people trying to access your phone allthetime?Anti-Theft triggers an alarm when the phone is moved orthecharger is disconnected.Anti-Theft protects your phone battery by preventing it fromovercharging (i.e. when you leave the charger connected to thephone allnight for charging) and therefore extending the life spanof thebattery.Secure the phone before it is lost or stolen.At work you may place the phone on your laptop and ifsomeonetries to peek into your laptop, then if they move yourphone,immediately an alarm will scare them away.Best app to secure your phone against burglars.Use Anti-Theft app when you don’t want any one getting accesstoyour phone without your permission.Thieves beware of this app.Features:1) An app notification is displayed to the user when chargerisconnected.2) It makes the phone useless to the thief even if he restartsthephone.3) Password Protection(Pattern/PIN)4) Loud alarm even if the phone is in silent mode5) Choice of alarm sounds6) Phone vibrates and screen flashes similar to police lightswhenthe alarm is triggeredNote: This app doesn't claim that it can avoid theftcompletely.It's the owner's responsibility to be careful, but byusing thisapp you can avoid misfortunes. Thank you.For any suggestions or feature requests please email us andwewill get back to youEmail ID: antitheftalarm.ralok@gmail.comRALOK TechnologiesBangaloreINDIA
Alarma antirrobo 1.9
Imprescindible para que no te roben elmóvil,elabrigo, el bolso o cualquier cosa donde lo guardes.Cada vez que alguien mueva tu móvil o tableta, seproduciráunladrido para avisarte.Si intentan cerrar la App también se reproducirá el ladrido.Essential fornotrobbedmobile, coat, bag or anything where you save it.Every time someone moves your phone or tablet, there will beabarkto alert.If they try to close the app also plays the barking.
Anti Theft Phone Alarm 3.0
Keep your hard earned smartphone safe byusingAnti Theft Alarm. If someone tries to unlock your mobile,anyfailed attempt will trigger this app to ring loud siren.Do you usually leave your phone unattended at home orwhilecharging it in public places? If you do so, you have to trythisapp. With this alarm you can keep doing it with no worries."Anti Theft Alarm" will keep your phone safe from nosy peopleandburglars. Once you activate the alarm, no one could touchit,because a loud alarm will sound if they move or unplugthephone.Your phone won't be stolen or used without yourpermissionanymore. You can also use this app to avoid your childrento useyour phone without you knowing. Leave your phone anywhere, noonewill dare to touch it!Anti-Theft Alarm makes the phone useless to the thief even ifherestarts the phone by removing the battery.Anti-Theft Alarm may also be used to surprise your familyandfriends, who like to spy when you're not around the phone.Theft alarm can also be used to prevent your kids andcolleaguesfrom accessing your phone without your consent.Do you fear losing your phone?Do your friends misuse your phone (texts, Facebook and emailsetc.)when you're not around؟Anti-Theft triggers an alarm when the phone is moved orthecharger is disconnected.Anti-Theft protects your phone battery by preventing it fromovercharging (i.e. when you leave the charger connected to thephone allnight for charging) and therefore extending the life spanof thebattery.At work you may place the phone on your laptop and ifsomeonetries to peek into your laptop, then if they move yourphone,immediately an alarm will scare them away.Use Anti-Theft app when you don't want any one getting accesstoyour phone without your permission.Anti-theft Alarm is the new innovation keeping security ofyourphone by setting loud continuous alarm and sending message tothenumber you selected.Ever best and secure anti-theft application for you.Do you want of save your phone from theft? Don't TouchAnti-Theftmakes the smartphone useless to thieve even he restartsthe phoneby removing the battery. This app will also surprise yourfamilyand friends, who wants to spy when you are not around yourphone.Do you feel fear that someone will access your phone andsteal yourpersonal information? Do not worry now we made itimpossible forthem by customization of theft alarm and messageservice. It's thenew customization of sending message to yourselected number. Ifyou don't want to give access your phone to kidsor other personsthen Anti-Theft Alarm is the best way to solve yourproblems.Use this app to ensure that nobody touch your cellphone, itwillplay an alarm when it happens. The interface is simple toreducethe memory and processor consumption. Prevents stolen ortakenwithout permission your phone using the motion sensor (AntiTheftAlarm).The Anti Theft Alarm acts as a motion alarm and protectsyourphone by sounding an alarm when someone moves your deviceorunplugs the charger from the outlet. When the alarm is triggered,aphoto is taken and sent to your email address. Awesome and funwayto scare your friends, and secure your device at the act ofbeingtaken by a potential burglar, thief, or anybody intending touseyour phone without your authorization.Catch your friends and sneaky people trying to snoop onyourphone with Anti Theft Alarm! Do your friends hack yourFacebookstatus when you leave the room? Does your girlfriend readall yourtexts when you take a shower? With Anti Theft Alarm,thieves andup-to-no-gooders are greeted with a loud car alarm! Itis fun wayto catch friends, kids and family members accessing yourdevicewithout your consent, and, at the same time, prevent yourcellphone or tablet from being stolen by a thief or burglar.
Antitheft 1.0
Yugen Studios
"If you bother to know whotouchesyoursmartphone while you aren't looking , I'm the app foryou.I will alert you when someone will move your smartphone thankstoaringtone.Should not this be enough for you , I could let you know whoistheculprit ,by taking a picture of him and sending ittoyouremail.Obviously you can change all my settings(volume,ringtone,sensibility...) as you wish.I can be used to add some kind of security to your device, orjusttohave some fun!"Antitheft is available in 5 languages:-English-Italian-Spanish-French-PortugueseIf you find any issues or have any idea to improve this app,orifyou just want to talk us about your love dramas, feel freetosend ane-mail to:
Don't Touch My Phone - Alarm 1.0.0
raje dev
With Alarm Anti-theft app you will notbeanymore afraid to let your phone on a table.this Alarm keeps your phone save from curious people andburglars.Once you activate the alarm, no one could touch it,because thealarm will be triggered if any one try to take thephone.Use this app to ensure that nobody touch your cellphone, itwillplay an alarm when it happens. The interface is simple toreducethe memory and processor consumption. Prevents stolen ortakenwithout permission your phone using the motion sensor (AntiTheftAlarm).
Anti-Theft 2.0
GPS free
"Anti Theft" is a simple app to protectyourphone or tablet from theft or people too curious.After activating the alarm you can store your phone in yourbag,in a pocket or place it on a table, anyone who touches themwillsound the alarm.To turn off the alarm, you can do it with a simple click orbyentering a preset code."Start Alarm" Bag activates the proximity sensor after 5secondsgiving you the time to put it in the bag."Start Alarm" Table activates the gyroscope sensor after5seconds giving you the time to put it on the table.
AntiRRobo 1.1
¡Aplicación para mantener alejadasdetudispositivo Android a personas no deseadas!Utiliza esta aplicación cuando tengas que dejareldispositivolejos de ti (¿no te da penita el pobre...?). Sialguiencoge eldispositivo y no conoce el pin de desbloqueo,semandaráautomáticamente tras 30 segundos un correo aldestinatarioquehayas elegido.Puedes personalizar el correo al que enviar lasnotificaciones(deconfiguración, alarma, etc.), el pin dedesbloqueo y lasensibilidaddel dispositivo (si mueven el teléfonoestando laaplicación activa,se activará la alarma). Puedesconfigurar ademásque la alarma sueneo no.Modo de uso: tras configurar el correo, el pin ylasensibilidad,puedes activar la app y tras esto, tienes 30segundospara dejar elmóvil donde lo desees. Pasados esos 30segundos, eldispositivo teavisará de que está listo para percibirmovimientosextraños: si losdetecta, hay 30 segundos paradesbloquear la app yevitar que asímande un correo al destinatarioinformando de laalarma.Sensibilidad baja: la aplicación no detectarámovimientosflojos,pero sí muy fuertes.Sensibilidad media: la aplicación detectará movimientos mediosymuyfuertes.Sensibilidad alta: la aplicación detectarácualquiermovimientosuave.La configuración del sensor está en fase de pruebas; comonoposeotodos los posibles dispositivos Android que existen,megustaría quesi la pruebas, me comentases qué te parece losgradosde sensibilidadque hay, para ajustarlos o no en unapróximaversión.Obviamente no es una aplicación optimizada; existenotrasmuchomejores que envían geolocaclización, mensajes detexto,tomanfotos...etc. Es una aplicación que no intentacompetirconotras.Ya sabes, si quieres dejarme un comentario, no lodudes,siempreserá bien recibido.Application to keepoutofyour Android device to unwanted people!Use this application when you have to leave the deviceawayfromyou (are not you poor little pain? ...). If someone getsthedeviceand do not know the pin unlock automatically after 30secondswillsend an email to the recipient of your choice.You can customize the mail to sendnotifications(configuration,alarm, etc..), The release pin and thesensitivityof the device(if you move the phone being the activeapplication,the alarm isactivated). You can also set an alarm tosound ornot.How to use: after configuring the mail, the pinandsensitivity,you can activate the app and after that, you have30seconds toleave the phone anywhere you want. After those30seconds, thedevice will alert you that is ready to receivestrangemovements:if detected, there are 30 seconds to unlock theapp andkeep wellsend an email to the recipient informing alarm.Low sensitivity: the application does not detectloosemotions,but very strong.Medium sensitivity: the application will detect mediaandstrongmovements.High Sensitivity: the application will detect any smoother.Sensor configuration is being tested; as I do nothaveallpossible Android devices out there, I would like itiftheevidence, PM me what you think of the degrees ofsensitivitythere,to adjust or not in a future release.Obviously not an optimized implementation; there areothermuchbetter than geolocaclización send text messages, takepictures...etc.. It is an application that does not try tocompetewithothers.You know, if you leave me a comment, do not hesitate, itisalwayswell received.
Anti-theft alarm for home 1.27
Zuccoli Andrea
Use your old phone as a burglar alarm.The entry of a criminal in your house is immediately detectedandyouwill come immediately alerted via SMS.Stay calm, no one can get around the house while you sleep!There are different methods of detection:- Excessive noise- Change light- Motion detection- Proximity SensorYou are warned via SMS even if it is a power failureinyourhome.Never fridge to throw away !!!!Everything is highly configurable including the SMS messagethatcancontain the map of the alarm.Your new central burglar Android is also controllable viaSMS.You can remotely control:- Power On- Shutdown- Alarm SilenceBy sending an SMS with the text "WHERE ARE YOU" (fromamobilephone enabled) you will receive back an SMS withthecurrentlocation of the phone.Also useful to know where your children.Arriving:- Website for remote control and viewing logs- Panic Button- Panic Voice- Wear Android App- Hardware Sensors- And ... the application is still in development ... sendmeyourideas !!!I'll give an example of a configuration ofsendingfromgmail:SMTP: smtp.googlemail.comThe SMTP server requires authentication: yeslogin (your gmail account): (Your gmail password): XXXXXXFrom address (your gmail account): email addresses:
Anti Theft 1.0
With this application you will not beafraidtoleave your laptop on a table. Well, we found theperfectsolution !"Anti Theft": When the alarm is activated you canfreelyuse yourphone. If someone will try to steal an alarm willwarn youwhenmoving.
Hırsız Alarm Sistemi Teklif Al 1.0
Hırsız Alarm Sistemleri HakkındaAdımAdımİlerleyerek Yaklaşık Teklif Hesaplama Programı,Buprogramsayesinde eviniz, iş yeriniz ve diğer mekanlarınıziçinkolaylıklayaklaşık hırsız alarm sistemi fiyatteklifialabilirsiniz.Kullanılan fiyatlar paradox, Crow, DSC gibidünyacaünlüprofesyonel alarm sistemi ürünleri içindir.Günümüzdeülkemizdekullanılan alarm sistemlerinin %90 kadarınıbuürünleroluşturmaktadır. Buradaki fiyatlar yaklaşıkfiyatlardır.YineTeklif hesaplama sonunda bir tık ilebilgilerinizigirerekkolaylıkla gerçek fiyat teklifiisteyebilirsiniz. Yineprogramımıziçinde hırsız alarm sistemlerikonusunda önemlibilgilereulaşabilirsiniz.About step bystepaboutBurglar Alarm Systems Offer Calculator ProgramThroughthisprogram, your home, your workplace and you can easilybidpriceabout burglar alarm system for your other locations.Thepricesused paradox, Crow, professional alarm system fortheworld-famousproducts such as DSC. Today, about 90% of thealarmsystem used inour country constitute these products. Pricesgivenhere areapproximate prices. Again, enter your informationeasilywith aclick at the end Proposals may want to offerrealpricecalculation. You can still significant informationaboutburglaralarm systems in our program.