Top 7 Apps Similar to Who are you?

Bist du ein Einhorn ? 1.0
Werde jetzt mit dieser App zum Einhorn ,nurmanche schaffen es , aber vielleicht bist du einer vonihnen!Become now with thisappto the unicorn, only some manage to make it, but maybe you'reoneof them!
Scopri il tuo vero carattere 1.5
Edizioni Riza
Chi sei veramente? Sai sfruttareletuecapacità? Quali sono i tuoi punti deboli?Test psicologici per conoscere meglio te stesso eiltuocarattere. Al termine di ogni test potrai leggere non soloiltuoprofilo personale ma anche dei consigli praticiscrittidapsicologi.I risultati dei test possono essere salvati erilesttiinqualsaisi momento. Possono anche essere condivisisuFacebook.I test sono realizzati dagli dagli esperti dell'IstitutoRizadiMedicina Psicosomatica, fondato nel 1979 a Milanoconl'obiettivodi studiare l'uomo come espressionedell'unitàpsicofisica. Ilgruppo Riza negli anni è cresciuto inmolti settori,ed oggipubblica diverse riviste nel campo dellapsicologia(RizaPsicosomatica, MenteCorpo, Figli Felici) e gestisceuna ScuoladiSpecializzazione in Psicoterapia riconosciutadalMinisterodell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca.L'applicazione contiene i seguenti 10 test:- Chi sei veramente?- Sai essere... "cattivo"?- Conosci davvero i tuoi desideri?- Sei capace di sfogarti?- Ti fidi del tuo istinto?- Sai sfruttare le tue capacità?- Sai stare da solo?- Riesci a rilassarti?- Sai goderti la vita?- Dove sbagli quando parli?Se vuoi conoscerti meglio questa è l'applicazionegiustaperte!Who are youreally?Youknow take advantage of your skills? What are yourweaknesses?Psychological tests to learn more about yourselfandyourcharacter. At the end of each test you can read notonlyyourpersonal profile but also practical advicewrittenbypsychologists.Test results can be saved and rilestti in qualsaisi time.Theycanalso be shared on Facebook.The tests are carried out by experts from theInstituteofPsychosomatic Medicine Riza, founded in 1979 in Milanwith theaimof studying the man as an expression of unitypsychophysics.Thegroup Riza has grown over the years in many areas,andtodaypublishes several journals in the field ofpsychology(RizaPsychosomatics, mind-body, Happy Children) andoperates aSchool ofSpecialization in Psychotherapy recognized bythe MinistryofEducation, University and Research .The application contains the following 10 tests:- Who are you really?- You can be ... "Bad"?- Do you really know your wishes?- Are you able to let off steam?- Do you trust your instincts?- Can you use your skills?- Can you be alone?- Can you relax?- Can you enjoy life?- Where mistakes when you speak?If you want to know you better this is the app for you!
Lie Detector Simulator For Fun 1.0
4 lie detector tools simulator in 1 app, a perfect prank game!
Who are you? - Finger Scan 1.6
Alex Fiesta Apps
Fake your friends - make them to think thisappscan social networks to find photos according to theirfingerscans!Before scanning you have to go to Settings menu and:1. To set real photo (for example, your photo). It will be shownasa scan result at first scan.2. Select funny picture that will shown at second andfurtherscans.So you can show to your friend "right" first result and fakehimor her on next scans.Using of this app depends only on your fantasy! ;)
Who were you in a past life? 1.1
The soul lives after death and it is rebornina whole new person. Reincarnation will always depend onourprevious life's behaviour: Have you been asking yourself wheredidall your gifts, fears and hobbies came from? Were you good orevil?Are you honoring your past life, or are you heading away fromthepath your soul had traced?Answer this fun test and find out. You'll be surprised!
Facial & Ocular Lie Detector 1.8.2
This is the very first Android eye &facelie detector.This polygraph will tell you the truth based on it sees.Enjoy scanning your family and friends and catch themlyingyou!!!It is very easy to use, the front camera is for ocularliedetection, and rear camera is for facial lie detection.When the person is ready to be scanned, you just click "Scan"andthe person start talking.The application will do the rest, and you will know if theyarelying.And remember this is for Entertainment Purposes!
Friendship Calculator Scanner
Scan your thumbs if you want to check the strength ofyourfriendship.