Top 50 Apps Similar to Audio Quran Islamic Prayers 20

40 Rabbanas (Quranic duas) 2.3
Abdullah apps
40 Rabbanas (Quranic supplication) contains 40 supplications(Duas)of Quran
Duaas (invocations) from Quran
The Quran contains many invocations andwiththis application you'll be able to learn up to 50.To facilitate learning, the audio (voice of Sheikh MisharyAlafasy)is included with the Arabic text, and the translation andphonetictext (transcription).Each Duaa is displayed with its references in the Koran and theAyat(verse) containing the supplication is also displayed.Do not hesitate to contact us to request improvementsorcorrections.May Allah accept our deeds.
Guide To Islam - Islam Guide F 4.2.2
Library 4 Islam
This "Guide to Islam" is for non-Muslims who would liketounderstand Islam.
And Remind ! Lite : Quran Hadi 3.1.0
Mohamed Anis
Piliars of Islam - Quran - Prayers - Citadel of Muslim - Hadeeths
Apprendre Le Coran phonétique 2.0.3
Nouhoun KANE
Learn The Holy Quran in phonetic verse by verse.
Apprendre et Mémoriser Coran 1.0.1
Veuillez télécharger la nouvelle version sous le nom (LireetMémoriser Coran)
La Citadelle Du Musulman 3.0
C’est une application Android de Hisnuelmusulmane (La Citadelle Du Musulman), par Sheikh Sa'id IbnWahfAl-Qahtaani, en Français.Nous avons ajouté une liste d'index accompagnée de photos,pourrendre l'exploration plus facile pour l'utilisateur.Cetteapplication contient une collection de Douaa et Dikr de livreHisnuel musulman en Français et en Arabe avectranslittération.application simple, gratuite et facile à utiliserpar toutepersonne de différents âgesLa Citadelle Du Musulman, invocations tirées de Saint Coran etdela Sunna: est un très beau livret qui se compose denombreuxauthentiques (invocations) de Duaa, des invocationsquotidiennes etlors d'occasions.Nous allons continué à travailler sur cette application (QueDieunous accorde son soutient et facilité) pour améliorer etajouterplus de fonctionnalités et des informations.La Citadelle Du Musulman, Hisnul Muslim, Musulman, Hisnul,Hisn,La Citadelle, Doa, Zikr
Salah Surahs In Quran 1.0.96
Still New Again
Do you want to memorize Salah surahs in the Qur'an? Or just wanttolisten?
Quran, the guide 0.9.91
Al Bayt Al Haqq
The Quran with the translation of the verses in english. Offline.
Salat Learning 3.1.3
Salah with easy Quran is a great and easy way to learn how to dotheprayer
Salah: How to Pray in Islam: S 4.2
STEP by STEP Guide to Prayer In Islam - Sunnah -
Supplication Verses in Quran 2
An Islamic app. contains all supplications verses withanexplanation-Ads free
Histoires des prophètes-Coran 3.0
Slim Aloui
Stories of the Prophets in French: Told by the Koran.
PlanetSouq -Quran, Adhan, Hala 1.0
Quran, Adhan, Muslim Map, Islamic Library & HalalOnlineMarketplace
Islam: The Noble Quran
"Islam: The Qur'an" is an application thatmakeit possible to read the Holy Quran (القرآن الكريم) in Arabicand indifferent translations. A phonetic transcription is alsoavailablein order to help non-Arabic-speaking people to read andlearn theSurahs.Many reciters are also available with different stylesofrecitation. Moreover, You can define a selection of Ayats(verses)to be repeated, and thus facilitate the memorizationprocess.Other options are available to make your learning of the Koraneasy,as the ability to play automatically all the suras or even toaddfavorites and notes.Feel free to contact us to request changes, improvements or theaddof new features!
La Voie Droite 1.0.0
Islamic science is now at your fingertips.
Quelques secrets du Coran 1.0
Some secrets from the Qur'an dealing areas Botany, Geology ...
30 Duaas (Invocations)
In Islam, Dua (دعاء) which literallymeans"invocation" is an act of supplication.This application is a collection of 34 duaas with audio for eachDuawith translation and phonetic transcription.
Daily Supplications
YoubO apps
Read and listen everyday to more than 300 supplications fromQuranand Sunna.
Le Noble Coran (Tafsir par ver 1.13
Salam Edition
Quran with translation contemporary and new features.
Quran Karim 1.6.3
Andro 2014
Quran Karim mp3 : listening online and without internet forsurahdownloaded
Coran en Français Advanced 4.7.5b
Seconda Variante
Quran in French. Read the Quran in Arabic alongside itstranslationinto French.
Coran en Français-Quran MP3 2.1
Quran Reading
Français Coran est l'application de Coran complet aveclarécitation, la traduction et la translittération du CoranKareem.Lire l'article complet Coran sur votre smartphone à toutmoment oùvous voulez. L'application vous apprend lire le Quran avecTajwiden utilisant la récitation et translittération fonctionsaudio.L'application française Coran a des caractéristiquessuivantes: •Tous les 114 sourates du Coran sont dans l'ordre. •Traduction duCoran en anglais pour comprendre le sens del’Al-Quran. • En plusde l'anglais, la traduction du Coran enourdou, espagnol, français,chinois, persan, italienne, hollandaiseet indonésienne estégalement inclus dans l'application. •Translittération de Coranpour vous aider d’obtenir sur laprononciation des mots. •Récitation des sourates du Coran peut êtretéléchargée séparémentou vous pouvez télécharger l'audio complèteQuran au format mp3. •Rechercher Sourate utilisant la barre derecherche. • Marquer leverset d'être en mesure de commencer larécitation de l'endroit oùvous l'avez laissé. Section paramètrescomprend: 1. 3 polices decaractères arabes différents choisirparmi. 2. Changer la tailledes caractères que vous le souhaitez. 3.Réglez votre proprecouleur de la police et couleur de fond. 4.Sélectionnez pourafficher la traduction et de la translittération5. Configurer unenotification de l'application pour vous rappelerle temps derécitation du Coran. Évaluer cette application et nousaider àdévelopper plus d’applications islamiques pour vous àl'avenir.
Islamic Duas for Success 1.1
Dua and prayers for a Muslim from Quran Hadith for getting outofdifficulties
Quran 7.7.0
The entire Quran for free, English, Arabic+transcript + audio recitation in Arabic.Sahih international translation.!Follow me on Twitter :!\ If you want to thank me, make doas for relative, hewillovercome illness insha'Allah /!\Advanced features:* Texts- English and Arabic texts- Arabic transcription- Consultation Manzil, Juz 'and Hizb'- Changing the size and style of each text- Search- 99 Names of God* Audio- Recitation in Arabic(Sheikh Sa'ad Al-Ghamdi, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, SheikhSa'udAsh-Shuraim, Sheikh Ali Al-Hudhaifa, Qari Abdul Basit)* Various- Widgets- Integration with the phone quick search- favorites- comments- tags- Export / import data- Bookmark- Fast access- Sharing documents via email, sms, etc ...Use the volume of sound to easily scroll through the verses.Instead of paying for this application, which will remainfree,please donate to those in need.Tags: Coran, Quran, Islam, Muslim, Musulmans, quoran,Ramadan
Muslim kids guide Salah & Wudu 1.2
Salah & Wudu is an islamic application for children (kids)
Memorize Quran 1.40
Ottoman Software
Program for memorizing Holy Quran
Quran, the sublime guide 0.9.89
Al Bayt Al Haqq
The Quran with the translation of the verses in english. Ad-freeandoffline.
Coran en français 4.7.5b
Seconda Variante
Quran in French. Read the Quran in Arabic alongside itstranslationinto French.
40 Rabbanas (duaas of Quran)
This application is a collection of 40Duas(Duʿā' - invocations) of the Qur'an that begin with theword"rabbana - رَبَّنَا"(Our Lord).Each rabbana is displayed in Arabic with its translation (inseverallanguages) and transcription.The audio is available too!
Ramadan: Local Masjid - Quran, 1.54
Ramadan 2021: Find Mosques, Read Quran, Get Namaz Times ofyourmosques.
Everything Islam 2.8
Halal Apps
Everything Islam is an Islamic app providing you withqualitycontent.
Les ablutions et la prière 2.0
Teach children to do ablution and prayer
99 Hadiths du prophète saws FR 1.3
Ce livre est un recueil de paroles (Hadiths) du Prophète (quelapaixet le salut d’Allah soient sur lui). Définition d'unhadith:Tout cequi est rapporté du Prophète (saws) commeparoles,actions,acquiescements, ou caractéristiques (physiques,traitsdecaractères etc.) Les hadiths référencés ne sontqu’unequantitéinfime à l’égard de tous les hadiths rapportés duProphète.Ellestraitent de plusieurs sujets du quotidien. Cesparoleschoisiesdémontrent l’universalité de l’islam qui convient entoutepériode,en tout lieu et pour toute personne. C’est laseulereligion quiassouvit les besoins vitaux humains, qu’ilssoientpsychologiques,psychiques, matériels ou spirituels. Amislecteurs,vous serez sansdoute étonnés de savoir, que les hadithsque nousallons citer, nesont qu’une quantité infime à l’égard detous leshadiths rapportésdu Prophète (que la paix et le salutd’Allahsoient sur lui). Lesrapporteurs de confiance ont, eneffet,rassemblé des dizaines demilliers de hadiths authentiques quiontpour sujet la croyance,les adorations, les relations sociales,lecomportement, lapolitique, les pactes, les accords de paix,laguerre, lecommandement, l’administration, la médecine, lemondeinvisible,etc. Recueil de Hadiths du Prophète (que la paix etlesalutd’Allah soient sur lui) en français.
El Corán sin internet 2.0
Descubra nuestra app con el Noble Corán en español, paradescargargratuitamente en su dispositivo móvil, tableta o teléfono.¡Ahorapuede tener la Palabra de Allah bien cerca suyo! Descárgueloahoray disfrute del verdadero milagro que es el Corán, una guía devidapara todos los seres humanos. El Sagrado Corán es el últimomensajede Dios, revelado al profeta Muhammad. El Corán es laverdaderarevelación divina para toda la humanidad. Lee el Corán ytomaconciencia de la grandeza de Allah. Respeta su Palabra ymeditasobre su significado y enseñanzas. El Corán tiene unabellezainigualable, que nunca nos dejará de sorprender. Deberíamosleer elCorán todos los días y tomarnos el tiempo de captar elsentido dela Palabra de nuestro Señor Allah. Esta app puedeayudarlo. Lesofrecemos el Corán completo en su teléfono: 114capítulos (llamadosSuras) y más de 6000 versículos (llamadosAyats): Las azoras son114: 1 Exordio, 2 La vaca, 3 La familia deImran, 4 Las mujeres, 5La mesa servida, 6 Los rebaños, 7 Loslugares elevados, 8 El botín,9 El arrepentimiento, 10 Jonás, 11 Hud, 12 José, 13 El trueno, 14Abraham, 15 Al-Hichr , 16 Las abejas, 17El viaje nocturno, 18 Lacaverna, 19 María, 20 Ta Ha , 21 Losprofetas, 22 La peregrinación,23 Los creyentes, 24 La luz, 25 ElCriterio, 26 Los poetas, 27 Lashormigas, 28 El relato, 29 La araña,30 Los bizantinos, 31 Luqmán ,32 La adoración, 33 La coalición, 34Los saba, 35 Creador, 36 YaSin , 37 Los puestos en fila, 38 Sad ,39 Los grupos, 40 Queperdona, 41 Han sido explicadasdetalladamente, 42 La consulta, 43El lujo, 44 El humo, 45 Laarrodillada, 46 Al-Ahcaf , 47 Mahoma, 48La victoria, 49 Lashabitaciones privadas, 50 Qaf , 51 Los queaventan, 52 El monte, 53La estrella, 54 La luna, 55 El Compasivo,56 El acontecimiento, 57El hierro, 58 La discusión, 59 La reunión,60 La examinada, 61 Lafila, 62 El viernes, 63 Los hipócritas, 64El Engaño Mutuo, 65 Elrepudio, 66 La prohibición, 67 El dominio,68 El cálamo, 69 LaInevitable, 70 Las gradas, 71 Noé, 72 Losgenios, 73 El arrebujado,74 El envuelto en un manto, 75 LaResurrección, 76 El hombre, 77 Losenviados, 78 La Noticia, 79 Losque arrancan, 80 Frunció las cejas,81 El obscurecimiento, 82 Lahendidura, 83 Los defraudadores, 84 Eldesgarrón, 85 Lasconstelaciones, 86 El astro nocturno, 87 ElAltísimo, 88 La quecubre, 89 El alba, 90 La ciudad, 91 El sol, 92La noche, 93 Lamañana, 94 La abertura, 95 Las higueras, 96 Lasangre coagulada, 97El destino, 98 La prueba clara, 99 Elterremoto, 100 Los corceles,101 La Calamidad, 102 El afán de lucro,103 La tarde, 104 Eldifamador, 105 El elefante, 106 Los coraixíes,107 La ayuda, 108 Laabundancia, 109 Los infieles, 110 El auxilio,111 Las fibras, 112La fe pura, 113 El alba, 114 Los hombres. Bajeel Corán en suteléfono y lea y medite la Palabra sagrada de Diostodos los días.
Coran Arabe | Français | Phon. 0.0.8
Ndcreatif EIRL
Study the Quran in Arabic, French and phonetic (offline).
And Remind ! Quran, Hadeeth, Prayers 2.7.7
Mohamed Anis
"And Remind !" is an Islamic application that will allow youtoaccess to various services. From this services, we can citepillarsof Islam with definitions, the Holy Quran with translationsandrecitations, prayer times with Athan, calendar and compass,citadelof Muslim with selected hadeeths, questions / Answers Pleaserateit ! Thanks for all !
Bilal Muezzin - Islam - Sunna 2.0.54
360 ADN
Learn life of the Messenger saws - prayer, ablutions, Quizz,QuranMushaf and MP3
Skeet Shooting 3D 1.2.5
Skeet Shooting is the #1 realistic 3D clay pigeon shooting gameonGoogle Play!
Les fondements droit musulman 3.0
Risala Fi Usul Al-Fiqh - The foundations of Islamic law "ofImamShafi'i"
Dhikr & Dua - Quran & Sunnah, 4.3.0
arshan apps
Authentic Duas from Quran & Sunnah with audio recitation andDuaof the day.
Comprendre l'Islam "Mawdoudi' 3.0
Understanding Islam Risala Abul A'la dîniyât Sheikh Mawdudi
Daily Supplications PRO
YoubO apps
Read and listen everyday to more than 300 supplications fromQuranand Sunna.
Premières femmes de l'Islam 1.0
First women of Islam, the Mothers of the Believers, the daughtersofthe Prophet ...
The Garden of the Righteous or the legendary Riyadh As-Salihin
Les quatre Califes 2.0
The story of the four Righteous Caliphs-guided
Juz Amma (Suras of Quran)
This application contains Juz Amma(Lastchapter of the Quran from Surah 78 to Surah 114) andAl-Fatiha.Each sura is displayed with its original verse (inarabic) and alsowith its translation and transliteration.Reminder:A juz is one of 30 parts of roughly equal length into whichtheQur'an is sometimes divided.The juz that is the most commonly memorized is «juz Amma» whichisthe thirtieth part and which starts from Sura 78 (An-Naba) toSura114 (An-Nas), that are most of the short suras of theQuran.Juz Amma is named after the 1st word of the 1st sura (sura 78)inthat juz.
Islamic Athan - Quran, Dua, Prayer Time & 99 Names 1.0.1
Big Ocean Studio
Islamic Athan is the best Islamic app with Quran Kareem,Dua,Namaz,Prayer Time and hijri calendar. Best app for Ramadanرمضانكريم torecite Quran, offer prayer on time with accurate salattimeandnamaz time to spend Ramadan 2019. Enjoy Ramadan when azanalarmwillbe provided at adhan time “أوقات الصلاة”. Recite HolyQuranKareemfrom this Islamic book and Ramadan book. Islamic Dua,99names ofAllah & 99 names of Muhammad also prayer timeforMuslims.Muslims app with many of Islamic features and Dua foryou.Islamicapp with masnoon dua and azan app for prayer time toreciteHolyQuran Sharif at Ramadan 2019. Islamic Athan book provideyounearbyplaces and Islamic azkar with 99 names of HazratMuhammad(PBUH) and99 names of Allah. Islamic application to knowaboutIslam as a trueMuslim. Visit mosque location around you.Quran(القران الكريم)Hades & Athan (الصلاة) is the bestIslamicprayer times app forMuslims to say adhan and offer prayerandlearn Asma ul husnaa(names of Allah). Make your prayertimingamazing with Quran app(الشريف القران المجيد) also learnKalma& Namaz, Dua and offertasbih of Allah & Islamicguideathan for you. Read Quran Pakand dua of many apps from duaapp.Real Allah k nam “Asma Ul Husna”& namaz ka tareqa.BestIslamic featured app for you with Quran– Read Quran duringRamadanand other days of the year in muslimguide app. RecitingQuran yourbelieve on Allah will be morestrengthen. Prayer Time –Azan alarmon prayer time remember you tooffer prayer and be thetrue muslimwhile offering prayer. 99 namesof Allah – learn andremember the99 names of Allah and save theseAllah names in ourmind. 99 namesof Muhammad (SAW) – Hazrat Muhamad(PBUH) is the mostbelovedprophet of Allah almighty. Here areprovided 99 names ofAllah.Recite these names then Allah will blessyou and furnish yourtruston Him. Daily Ayat of Ramadan 2019 – Thissupplication appwillteach you and provide many dua and ayat forRamadan ul Mubaraktocall in mind and offer every time whilewalking, sitting orlyingdown at mosque. Nearby Mosque – Search andfind nearby placesformosque and nearer mosque location and liveaddress. IslamicAthanapp time table (مواقيت) of salah, fasting andmasnoon e duaforMuslims (إسلام). Muslim azan pray is an Islamicapp withtimeinformation for salat times and offer nearby mosquesfor youtooffer prayer. Islamic app with prayer time is a reminderandcallto pray. Quran, Duaen, Prayer time, 99 names ofMuhammad(PBUH)& 99 names of Allah offer you all ine one Muslimapps tolearnsunnate Rasool. Recite Holy Quran Majeed and repeatsunnatein.ReadQuran pak and Quran free for you. Allah names andIslamicprayerand many Islamic duas for free to call in mind. A lotofbeautifulIslamic duas to learn from best Muslim apps. Beautifuldua&azkar for this blessing month of Ramadan 2019. IslamicAthanis thebest supplication and way to learn Dua e Magfirat andreciteQuran(Coran) at daily bases. Map location of nearer mosques.Muslimazanpray and Islamic prayer time is an Islamic appwithtimeinformation. Athan Muslim have 99 names of Allah and 99namesofMuhammad (S.W). As a true muslim teach your child the FarzeUloomand provide them Islamic application and Islamiceducation.Easy toread any dua, Allah names, Muhammad names, QuranSharif andIslamicsupplications. Manage your prayer from prayertiming app.Finddirection from nearby places and nearby mosquesalong withaccuratedistance and also it show accurate address foryou. A listofmosques around you and their pray times or salah timesforprayersMuslims. Read hades and Quran and pray for yourself andforallMuslims for dua and supplications. Accurate timing forfastingforSehri and Iftar and also learn beautiful supplicationandIslamiDua from this Muslim app. Many dua from Quran & SunnaheRasool(Sunnat e Nabwi).
Dua (Hisnul Muslim) 2.1
Authentic duas and dhikr from the Quran and Sunnah.
Salah Times in Jamaat, Qibla card mosques and WebRadio.