Top 14 Apps Similar to Book of Mormon Wear

LDS Lectures on Faith Free 1.1
Lectures on Faith is a set of sevenlecturesonthe doctrine of faith, as delivered to the School oftheProphets atKirtland, Ohio in 1835 by the Prophet Joseph Smith,ofthe Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonlyreferredto as theMormons).They address "faith itself - what it is," "the object onwhichitrests," the necessary knowledge to "exercise faith in Goduntolifeand salvation," the "being, character, perfections,andattributes,of God", the nature of the Godhead, the necessityofknowing that"the course of life which [we] pursue is accordingtothe will ofGod," and the effects that flow from faith."This app edition is the 1940 publication compiledbyN.B.Lundwall, and includes - in addition to the Lectures on Faith-theHistorical Sketch of the Lectures on Faith by Dr. JohnA.Widstoe,The Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit by President JosephF.Smith,True Faith by Elder Orson Pratt, and writingsonMelchizedekincluded in the 1940 edition.We hope you find that "the printing of these Lectures willbethemeans of an increase of faith among all who read them."For any generous persons who would like to donate 99 centstoaworthy cause, a paid version of the app isalsoavailable(identical to this version). We appreciateyoursupport!Language: English. This is the printed version andnotanaudiobook.Devices: Handset and tablet compatibility, ad-free andrequiresnopermissions!Disclaimer: Lectures on Faith is not an official app oftheChurchof Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints nor of anyspecificChristiandenomination or religion.
Inspire, LDS Quotes and Blogs 2.5
Entrabit Studios
Inspiration when you need it most. TheInspireAndroid app sets out to help you in those times of need aswell assend and inspire those around you. We wanted to create a funwayfor you to share inspirational messages to those you love whentheyneed it most.Features** Inspirational messages and LDS quotes from LDSchurchleaders.** Submit Quotes - Sharing the gospel as always bringsblessingto ourselves as well as those we share it with! Sharetheseinspirational messages to those in need. It's neverbeeneasier!** Submit Blog Posts - Have an LDS Blog? Post the links hereandshare your testimony with thousands of Latter Day Saints.** Favorites - Select your favorite quotes and save themforlater.** Like what a particular user posts? Follow them and haveacurated list of Quotes and Blog posts from the peopleyoufollow.** Search - Search quotes by author, keyword, or topic
LDS Melchizedek Priest. Manual 1.0
This is the LDS Relief Society andMelchizedekPriesthood Manual for 2014: Teachings of the Presidentsof theChurch - Joseph Fielding Smith. I made this app so I couldfindmore time to read through the lessons and theaccompanyingscriptures. I have added links to a few other sitesthat might helpyou in studying, preparing and understanding eachlesson.a. Introductionb. Life and Ministryc. Historical Summary1: Our Father in Heaven2: Our Savior, Jesus Christ3: The Plan of Salvation4: Strengthening the Family5: Faith and Repentance6: The Sacrament7: Joseph and Hyrum8: The Kingdom of God9: Book of Mormon Witnesses10: Our Search for Truth11: Honoring the Priesthood12: The Oath and Covenant13: Baptism14: Gift of the Holy Ghost15: Eternal Marriage16: Bringing Up Children17: Temple Blessings18: Living by Every Word19: Not of the World20: Love and Concern21: Proclaiming the Gospel22: Prayer23: Individual Responsibility24: Latter-day Saint Women25: The Birth of Jesus Christ26: The Coming of Our SaviorOther Lists included:Temples of the ChurchPresident Monson QuotesFathers Sons and Grandsons in the Quorum of the 12Succession in the ChurchChurch Leadership ExplainsList of Church PresidentsBurials in the Salt Lake Cemetery13 Articles of FaithQuorum of the 12 ApostlesI have included several other lists that you might findhelpfulabout the scriptures and including the Book of Mormon.Everything is stored on your device. No WiFi needed.
LDS Ordenanzas 2.1
Druyard Apps
Las ordenanzas del sacerdocio sonactossagrados dados por el Señor y se efectúan por medio de laautoridaddel sacerdocio. Las bendiciones del sacerdocio se dan pormedio deesta autoridad del sacerdocio y tienen el propósito desanar,consolar y alentar a los demás. Los hermanos que efectúanlasordenanzas y bendiciones deben prepararse para ello por mediodeuna vida que esté en armonía con los principios del Evangelio ydeun esfuerzo sincero por obtener la guía del Espíritu Santo.Debenllevar a cabo toda ordenanza y bendición de unamaneradignificante. Las ordenanzas y bendiciones deben cumplir conlosrequisitos que se dan a continuación; la ordenanza debe:1. Efectuarse en el nombre de Jesucristo.2. Efectuarse por la autoridad del sacerdocio.3. Efectuarse siguiendo todas las pautas precisas; porejemplo,seguir las palabras prefijadas para la ordenanza o utilizaraceiteconsagrado para las bendiciones de salud.4. Cuando sea necesario, debe ser autorizada por el líderdelsacerdocio que posea las llaves apropiadas.Las ordenanzas que requieren autorización de los líderesdelsacerdocio son las siguientes: dar nombre y bendecir a losniños,realizar bautismos y confirmaciones, conferir el sacerdocioyordenar a un oficio del sacerdocio, bendecir y repartir laSantaCena y dedicar sepulcros.Priesthood ordinancesaresacred acts given by the Lord and performed bypriesthoodauthority. Priesthood blessings are given by thispriesthoodauthority and have the purpose of healing, comfort andencourageothers. The brothers who made the ordinances and blessingsshouldprepare for it by a life that is in harmony with theprinciples ofthe Gospel and a sincere effort to obtain the guidanceof the HolySpirit. out every ordinance and blessing in a dignifiedmannershould wear. Ordinances and blessings must meet therequirementsgiven below; the ordinance should:1. made in the name of Jesus Christ.2. performed by priesthood authority.3. made following all precise guidelines; for example, followthepreset words to the ordinance or using consecrated oil fortheblessings of health.4. Where necessary, it must be authorized by the priesthoodleaderwho holds the proper keys.Ordinances that require authorization from priesthoodleadersare: naming and blessing children, performing baptismsandconfirmations, conferring the priesthood and ordain apriesthoodoffice, blessing and passing the sacrament, anddedicatinggraves.
LDS Audio Quotes 1.5.2
"LDS Prophets Audio Quotes" givesusersnearly60 inspirational audio quotes from latter-day prophetsandapostlesfrom the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.Allquotesare heard in the prophets/apostles own voice andareaccompaniedwith the quote text and sourcing.This app is perfect for lessons, family homeevenings,missionarywork, presidency meetings, seminary, your ownpersonalstudy, or foranywhere else you might need a quick thoughtorlesson on a specificchurch topic.The app is easy to use! Simply chose your topic, thenthequote,and then enjoy hearing it and reading it at the sametime.There isalso a random button for those just wanting to heararandominspired quote from our leaders. Not only will you haveapowerfulquote but you'll hear it in the voice of the prophetorapostle whosaid it, making it even more relevant andspiritual.Quote topics include: agency, atonement of Jesus Christ,BookofMormon, choices, family, financial management,JosephSmith,missionary work, prayer,priesthood,repentance,revelation,scripture, service, temples,temptation, testimony, anda just forfun category.Thanks and enjoy the app! :)
Book of Mormon (LDS) FREE! 1.6.0
H Mobile Apps
The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Church of the LatterDaySaint.
Book of Mormon Audio & eBook 1.0
This App includes the complete ebook of the The Book of MormonbyChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Smith andthecomplete audio version. All in English Language. JustAdded:Animated Book of Mormon Video Playlist How to use: You havethechoice of either listening via audio streaming from the internetoryou can download the files to your device. * All files arestreamedfrom the internet (internet connection needed to listen!) *You canalso download each MP3 file by using the download icon inthe topright corner * If file is downloaded, the app will serve theaudiofile directly from your device (no internet connection needed)*Audio (streamed and downloaded) stops automatically whenyoureceive a call The text version e-book are available as aHTMLfiles (no ebook reader needed). Font size of text file isautooptimized for all mobile devices. You can listen to the audiofilesor radio while reading the text. When you exit the app whileanaudio file is still active and playing, you can see a smallmusicnote in the notification bar. That is how you can get back totheapp and either stop or change the audio. App will not be listedinTask Manager. Disclaimer: * All files, Text and audio, are outofcopyright and in public domain. * The audio/video content inthisapplication is partially hosted on YouTube and is availableinpublic domain. We have not uploaded any videos our self. Thispartof the application is just an organized way to browse andviewVideos.
LDS Scriptures ● PRO
The LDS scriptures as an e-bookappfeaturingvoice output (TextToSpeech).● ENGLISH TEXT● ENGLISH VOICE OUTPUTThe standard works of The Church of Jesus ChristofLatter-daySaints (LDS Church) are the four books thatcurrentlyconstituteits open scriptural canon, due to the LDS beliefincontinuousrevelation.● The Holy Bible (King James version)● The Book of Mormon, subtitled since 1981"Another TestamentofJesusChrist"● The Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of JesusChristofLatter-day Saints● The Pearl of Great Price (containing the Book of Moses, theBookofAbraham, Joseph Smith-Matthew and Joseph Smith-History)+ The Joseph Smith Translation of the BibleThe standard works are printed and distributed by theLDSChurchin a single binding called a quadruple combination and asaset oftwo books, with the Bible in one binding, and the otherthreebooksin a second binding called a triple combination.Currenteditionsof the standard works include a Bibledictionary,photographs, mapsand gazetteer, topical guide, index,footnotes,cross references,excerpts from the Joseph SmithTranslation of theBible (JST), andother study aids.Under the LDS Church's doctrine ofcontinuingrevelation,Latter-day Saints believe literally in theprinciple ofrevelationfrom God to his children. Individual membersare entitledto divinerevelation for confirmation of truths, gainingknowledgeor wisdom,meeting personal challenges, and so forth.Parents areentitled torevelation for raising their families.Divine revelation for the direction of the entirechurchcomesfrom God to the President of the Church, who isviewedbyLatter-day Saints as a prophet in the same sense asNoah,Abraham,Moses, Peter, and other biblical leaders. Whenprophets andgeneralauthorities of the church speak as "moved uponby the HolyGhost",it "shall be scripture, shall be the will of theLord, shallbe themind of the Lord, shall be the word of the Lord,shall be thevoiceof the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation."Membersareencouraged to ponder these revelations and pray todetermineforthemselves the truthfulness of doctrine.This app is available as a FREE and a PRO version.TheFREEedition includes ads which finance the development whilethePROedition is completely ad-free. Apart from that bothversionsareequal. You can first check out the FREE edition withoutany riskinorder to to see if you like the app. If the ads annoy youoryoujust want to support this app's development, you can buythePROedition.E-BOOK FEATURES:● Standalone software - no eBook reader needed● Daylight & nighttime colors● Voice output (text to speech, TTS)● Move to SD card● Clickable table of contents● English and German program language● Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)● Fullscreen images on/off by long click● Options menu+ Help page+ Settings page- Text color- Background color- Text size- Typeface- Text padding- Reset+ Link to all iwpSoftware apps in Android Market+ Go to bookmark+ Set bookmark+ Set current image as wallpaper+ Link to image/item/description
Book of Mormon ● PRO
The Book of Mormon, written by JosephSmithwiththe help of Mormon as an e-book app featuringvoiceoutput(TextToSpeech).● ENGLISH TEXT● ENGLISH VOICE OUTPUTThe Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the LatterDaySaintmovement that adherents believe contains writingsofancientprophets who lived on the American continentfromapproximately2200 BC to AD 421. It was first published inMarch1830 by JosephSmith, Jr. as The Book of Mormon: An AccountWrittenby the Hand ofMormon upon Plates Taken from the PlatesofNephi.According to Smith's account, and also according tothebook'snarrative, the Book of Mormon was originally writteninotherwiseunknown characters referred to as "reformedEgyptian"engraved ongolden plates. Smith claimed that the lastprophet tocontribute tothe book, a man named Moroni, buried it in ahill inpresent-dayNew York and then returned to earth in 1827 as anangel,revealingthe location of the book to Smith and instructinghim totranslateand disseminate it as evidence of the restorationofChrist's truechurch in the latter days.The Book of Mormon has a number of originalanddistinctivedoctrinal discussions on subjects such as the fallofAdam and Eve,the nature of the Atonement, eschatology,redemptionfrom physicaland spiritual death, and the organization ofthelatter-day church.The pivotal event of the book is an appearanceofJesus Christ tothe Americas shortly after his resurrection.The Book of Mormon is the earliest of the unique writingsoftheLatter Day Saint movement, the denominations ofwhichtypicallyregard the text not only as scripture but also asahistoricalrecord of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitantsoftheAmericas. The Book of Mormon is divided into smallerbooks,titledafter the individuals named as primary authors and,inmostversions, divided into chapters and verses. It iswritteninEnglish, very similar to the Early Modern Englishlinguisticstyleof the King James Version of the Bible, and hassince beenfully orpartially translated into 108 languages.E-BOOK FEATURES:● Standalone software - no eBook reader needed● Daylight & nighttime colors● Voice output (text to speech, TTS)● Move to SD card● Clickable table of contents● English and German program language● Contents rotate automatically (portrait/landscape)● Fullscreen images on/off by long click● Options menu+ Help page+ Settings page- Text color- Background color- Text size- Text padding- Reset+ Link to all iwpSoftware apps in Android Market+ Go to bookmark+ Set bookmark+ Set current image as wallpaper+ Link to image/item/descriptionThis app is available as a FREE and a PRO version.TheFREEedition includes ads which finance the development whilethePROedition is completely ad-free. Apart from that bothversionsareequal. You can first check out the FREE edition withoutany riskinorder to to see if you like the app. If the ads annoy youoryoujust want to support this app's development, you can buythePROedition.
Visual Bible 21 KJV + LDS 2.1.0
VisualBible21 for LDSWe set the King James Version Bible and The Book of Mormon andotherLDS scriptures in one system.*A function of the voice reading aloud is added fromVer2.1.0!(Default Android TTS is used in VB21)You can learn the Great 4 Scriptures in one system.This is a special version for LDS.-'VB21 ON-LINE SITE' for PC (New release)-Bookmarks-Underlines-MarkerPen-Notes-Reading records-Comparison of versions-Export / Import-Real Book (KJV New Testament only)-Online Game "Bible Master"We support the same function as PC version of Visual Bible 21onthe Smartphone.We also cover the Scripture Guide.In Scriptures Guides, you can better understand the Bible alongwithphotos and paintings in excess of 1,000.All illustrations of Dore famous illustrator of the Biblearecompletely included.(More than 1000 illustrations and other images are only visibleonOnline.)It is not only readable Bible, but also watchable, writable,andenjoyable Bible.One-handed operation is OK for the basic operation!We provide the light works and support your comfortableBibleLife.Let’s get a notch better Visual Bible 21 on your android![Lineup]System1: Bible colloquial Japanese / Japanese VersionSystem15: Colloquial Japanese + King James Version /JapaneseVersionSystem2: Japanese New Interconfessional Translation Bible /JapaneseVersionSystem26: Japanese New Interconfessional + Today's English Version/Japanese VersionSystem5: King James Version / English VersionSystem6: Good News Translation (GNT or GNB/TEV) /EnglishVersionSystem7: World English Bible / English VersionSystem8: American Standard Version / English VersionSystem56:KJV + GNT / English VersionSystem57:KJV + WEB / English VersionSystem58:KJV + ASV / English VersionFor other versions, please contact us.
Scripture Mastery App (Fra) 1.0.1
Turtlesox, LLC
This is simply a list of the LDSSeminaryScripture Mastery scriptures in French.To help with memorization there are now options to removerandomwords from verses or to leave just the first letter ofallwords.We decided to add the Articles of Faith as well, since they aregoodfor memorizing.You can swipe between scriptures to go forward or backwards.To get back to the list of scriptures or books, hit yourbackbutton.There is now a "Widget" that you can put on your home screen. Todothis you will need to long press on your home screen, thenselect"Widgets" or "Android Widget" from the pop-up.From the list select "Maîtrise des Écritures App".This places the widget on your home screen. Now you need to addareference. To do this, open the Scripture Mastery App, selectaverse, then from the text of the verse (not the reference)longpress. You will see a small pop-up that says the verse wasadded tothe widget. Now you have a verse on your home screen.There is also an option to link to the currently viewed in context of the full scriptures. (Bible notlinkedbecause not available on includes "The Living Christ" and "The Family: A Proclamationtothe World."Enjoy.
The Book of Mormon 1.9
PearMobile Ltd.
The Book of Mormon was first published inMarch1830 by Joseph Smith, Jr. The book was translated from anunknownlanguage known as Reformed Egyptian. The original textswere writtenon golden plates that Joseph Smith discovered in 1823with the helpof an angel named Moroni. PearMobile suggests theelectronic versionof this book and we believe that using it willbe as comfortable asthe paper ones. Easy and comfortable interfacewill help you to movefrom one chapter to another without anydifficulties.Features:• 15 books of The Book of Mormon are available• 113 chapters• Old and New Testaments• Off-line access to the all components oftheapplication• High performable SQLite database engine laysinthe basis of the app• Widget "PearBibleDailyVerse"• Description for each book of Bible• Bold font for proper nouns• Fonts support• Themes support• Variety of styles for verses• Bookmarks and Notes for books and chapters• Possibility to work with group of Notes and Bookmarks• Possibility to mark book or chapter that you have read• Copying text in the clipboard• Gestures support• Simple and user-friendly interface• Flexibility of the application
Book of Mormon Game 1.23
Enoch Apps
This game tests your ability to locate arandomverse from the Book of Mormon. It displays a random verseand yourjob is to select the book and chapter that correspond withtheverse. You can long-tap the verse to see the chapter summaryfor ahint (negatively affects your score). The game keeps track ofyourchapter difference and your percentage of exact guesses. Youcanaccess the Study Guide from the menu. Share your score withyourfamily and friends! Use the app every day to improve yourskills.Great game for FHE or at the end of a lesson! Includes thecompleteBook of Mormon
Book of Mormon (2 MB app size) 3.0
The Complete Book of Mormon - FREE - Lightweight - 2 MB onlyappsize