Top 13 Apps Similar to Consulta CNPJ

SEBRAE 1.5.1
Sebrae Nacional
Baixe gratuitamente o aplicativo do Sebraeparao seu Android.Receba as últimas matérias da Agência Sebrae de Notíciassobreempreendedorismo; saiba quais cursos, palestras, oficinaseseminários o Sebrae oferece; acesse Idéias de Negócioseinformações para quem já possui um empreendimento oudesejaabri-lo.Saiba ainda quais são os pontos de atendimento do Sebraemaispróximos de você.
Credit Card Reader 20.06.26
Get your free app & credit card reader today.Call866-925-5007or download the app, activate your account andhaveyour cardreader within 24-48 hours. This Credit Card Readerappallows youto accept credit card payments anywhere, anytime.Allfunds will bein your account the following day and you onlypay0.39% onqualified debit transactions. Mobile Credit CardReaderAdvantagesA 2014 U.S. Federal Reserve study found199,800,000citizens areverified credit card holders. The study alsoshowedsome twobillion credit cards are currently in use, as mostown anaverageof two to three credit cards. As credit card use issoprevalent,it follows that more and more businesses, large andsmallalike,are utilizing mobile credit card readers in additiontostationaryversions. So why switch to a mobile credit cardswiper,or add oneto your business? Let’s check out a few of themanyadvantages thataccompany mobile readers: Affordable Celebratedashighlycost-effective, mobile credit card machines don’t costnearlyasmuch as their stationary counterparts.Additionally,transactionfees are generally less than 3 percent.Ease of UseMobile creditcard readers are easy to operate, asquality optionstake paymentsalmost immediately after set up. Forbest results, usea readerthat works across multiple platforms, suchas Android andtheiPhone. Numerous Features and CapabilitiesTraditional creditcardmachines have limited functions, but mobilereaders offer avarietyof features and capabilities. Mobile optionsoffer theability torun reports and keep track of every transactionandreceipt, aseach card swiped is automatically saved to yourmobilePOS account.With everything on record, it’s much easier totrackfraudulentcharges. Many systems offer customization optionsaswell, such asprice structure adjustments. Flexibility Mobilecreditcardterminals are ideal for those who frequently taketheirbusiness onthe road. This includes restaurants that operatefoodtrucks,makeup artists and other individual proprietors whotraveloftenfor work, and those who appear at trade shows andfestivalsinaddition to operating a brick-and-mortar establishment.Ratherthanlimiting business to cash transactions when on the road,ownersandoperators are able to accept credit and debitcards,whichcontributes to an increase in customer base. ValidityUsingamobile credit card swiper helps small businesses appearmore“real”and “valid.” Studies indicate customers feel acompanyis“established” when credit card readers areused.AdditionalTransaction Options Mobile credit card readersgenerallyoffer morethan one transaction option, such as manualentry inaddition tousing the swipe function. This means neverhaving towrite a signthat reads “Credit Card Terminal Down,” whichresultsin lostrevenue and unhappy customers. The advantages ofusing amobilecredit card terminal are many! Add one to yourbusiness andsee ifyou don’t notice a positivedifferenceimmediately.
Cash Receipt 2.6.15
CREATE, STORE AND SEND RECEIPT FOR MONEY YOU RECEIVE■Replacesreceipt book with paperless receipts ■ Receipts areallstored ondevice ■ Designed to work on phones and tablets ■Receiptnumberautomatically incremented ■ Send receipts fromwithinapplication ■Amount in words generated from digits entered(onlywhen working inEnglish) Generates two versions of eachreceipt: ■Attachment(graphic receipt) • intended for sending as anattachment- in anemail - in a messaging application • can be sentas an MMSusingSMS application • can be signed on device usingfinger •shareusing file sharing application ■ SMS Message (140chars)•optimised for sending using devices SMS application •ifmessagegets too long, amount in words will be left out ■Receiptscan be:(Press the delete button in receipt preview) •CANCELLED -markedas cancelled • REINSTATED - unmarked as cancelled• DELETED-permanently removed from the database EXPORT: ■ Exportreceiptsto.CSV format ■ Share via file sharing, messaging, etc. ■Exportfilecan be opened with a spreadsheet application FILTER:Filterreceiptlist by "received from", "received for", dateLANGUAGESSUPPORTED:■ English ■ Brazilian Portuguese (Amount inwords notsupported) ■Latin American Spanish (Amount in words notsupported)SETUPOPTIONS: ■ Select receipt style (MULTI-ITEM /ORIGINAL /SIMPLE) ■Include an image as a logo/letterhead (including.pngimages withno background) ■ Include a header (with optionaldefaultvalue) ■Include time on receipts ■ Select from list ofcurrenciesorcapture your own ■ Use preset recipient or enterrecipient foreachreceipt ■ Include a signature on receipts ■ Setupapresetsignature or sign each receipt separately ■ Captureamount"stillowing" on receipts ■ Include a footer (with optionaldefaultvalue)■ Include tax on MULTI-ITEM receipts • EXCLUSIVE - taxmustbeadded • INCLUSIVE - tax already included CURRENCYSETUP:Whensetting up the currency, you need to type in thecurrencysymbol aswell as the singular and plural forms of the wordsusedfor unitsand subunits For convenience, the currency selectbuttonwill letyou choose from a short list of popular currenciesand typetherelevant values in for you SEARCH FACILITY: As yousavereceipts,the descriptions typed in the "Received for","Receivedfrom" anditem description field are added into searchablelists forlateruse. This list is accessed via the search icon whichappearsat thetop of your screen when the relevant field has focus.By wayofexample, suppose that you had created two receiptsonewith"January Rent" and the other with "February Rent" asthe"Receivedfor" reasons. When capturing a third receipt: - ifyoutyped "J"into the "Received for" field, then pressed thesearchicon, youwould see "January Rent" in a list which you couldtap onto selectit - similarly, if you typed "F", you would get"FebruaryRent" -if you typed "R", you would see both and couldclick on theone youwanted If you press the search icon with nothingentered youwillsee all possibilities You can then type into thesearch bar atthetop of the screen which will display any itemswhich containthesearch string. Use the cross to clear the searchstring andthetriangle to accept whatever you have typed into the"Receivedfor"field. Long clicking on any item in the list will giveyoutheoption to remove it from further searches.CONTRIBUTORS:■Brazilian Portuguese translation thanks to RobertoLuis De Mello■Latino Spanish initial translation thankstoAndrésCastillo/Castillo Consultores NO WARRANTY Thisapplicationisdistributed in the hope that it will be useful, butWITHOUTANYWARRANTY nor any implied warranty nor any guarantee offitnessfora particular purpose.
Ideias de Negócios 1.2
Sebrae Nacional
Você quer se tornar um empreendedor masnãosabe por onde começar ou que negócio abrir?O Sebrae fez diversos estudos sobre mais de 440 IdeiasdeNegócios, fazendo um raio x sobre tudo o que você precisasaber:espaço físico adequado, número de empregados,equipamentosprincipais, valor do investimento, entre outros.Conheça mais sobre cada negócio e tome a decisão sobre onegóciocerto para você.You want to becomeanentrepreneur but do not know where to start or what businessopen?Sebrae has done several studies on over 440 BusinessIdeas,making an X-ray on everything you need to know: adequatespace,number of employees, major equipment, the investment,amongothers.Learn more about each business and make a decision abouttheright business for you.
Plano de negócios - startups 1.0
Só existe uma diferença entreidealizarerealizar. Um bom plano.Tire da gaveta o seu sonho de negócio e invista na suavocação.OPlano de Negócios para Empreendedores Iniciantes éumaferramentacompleta para quem tem aquela ideia inovadora,massentedificuldade em entender o dia a dia da administração.Com este aplicativo, você aprende de maneira fácil edidáticacomoviabilizar seu projeto profissional, passando portodas asetapas deplanejamento:1. Qual é a sua ideia de negócio?2. Que recursos você pode colocar em seu negócio?3. Você conhece o seu produto ou serviço em profundidade?4. Quem são seus clientes?5. Como você vai abordar esses clientes?6. Como pretende gerenciar as operações do dia a dia?7. Como você vê seu negócio em três anos?8. Você pode ganhar a vida com seu negócio?9. Como você pretende reunir o investimento necessário?E você ainda conta com planilhas de orçamento prontasparauso,modelos de negócio para inspirar suas ideias e respostasparaasprincipais dúvidas dos empreendedores iniciantes.O diferencial você já tem. O próximo passo é realizar.There isonlyonedifference between idealizing and perform. A goodplan.Take the drawer your dream business and invest in theirvocation.TheBusiness Plan for Entrepreneurs Beginners is acomplete toolforanyone who has that innovative idea, but finds itdifficulttounderstand the day to day administration.With this app, you learn so easy and intuitive aspossibletheirprofessional project, going through all theplanningstages:1. What is your business idea?2. What resources can you put into your business?3. You know your product or service in depth?4. Who are your customers?5. How will you address these customers?6. How do you intend to manage the day to day operations?7. How do you see your business in three years?8. You can make a living from your business?9. How do you want to gather the necessary investment?And there's even budget worksheets ready to use businessmodelstoinspire ideas and answers to the main questionsofbuddingentrepreneurs.The differential you have. The next step is to perform.
Consulta CNPJ Facil 0.3.0
Data ZipExt
Cosulta CNPJ Fácil é um aplicativo simplesquerecupera dados de empresas brasileiras cadastradas na Receitademaneira fácil.* Apenas informe o número do CNPJ que deseja obterasinformações;* É uma aplicação nativa, que não renderizará páginas webs dentrodaapp;* Possui apenas dois banners. =)Cosulta CNPJ Easy isasimple application that retrieves data from Braziliancompaniesregistered with the Revenue easily.* Just enter the CNPJ number you want to gettheinformation;* It is a native application, which does not render Webspageswithin the app;* It has only two banners. =)
Boletim do Empreendedor SEBRAE 2.0
O Boletim do Empreendedor SEBRAE/PRéseuinformativo online de notíciasempresariais.Com ele, você recebe notícias sobreempreendedorismo,cenárioeconômico, gestão empresarial, tecnologia einovação, elegislação.Tudo isso no seu Android e com apossibilidade decompartilhar nassuas redes sociais.Baixe agora, gratuitamente! Estar bem informado nuncafoitãofácil.TheEntrepreneurBulletinSEBRAE / PR is your online informativenewsbusiness.With it, you get news about entrepreneurship,economicsituation,business management, technology and innovation,andlegislation. Allthis on your Android and the possibility tosharein your socialnetworks.Download now for free! Being well informed hasneverbeeneasier.
Cash Register - FREE 2.0.21
Are you looking for an alternative to enter the items ofyourfoodstall, garage sale or any other kind of sales booth?Thiscashregister offers the solution! Usually, big sales dealslackthespace and power supply to plug in a great cashregister.However,sales people can make use of a technology ofwhicheverybodydisposes anyway: use the cash register app and turnyoursmartphone into a cash register! At the moment, youreceiveourapplication as a 1-place solution: all items are beingenteredonyour user -respectively cashier- account. Look forwardtotheupcoming updates: we’re working on an option thatletsseveralcashiers enter the items at the same time. Then,thisapplicationwill clearly facilitate an attribution of entereditemsto therespective cashier and thus facilitates your accountatclosingtime. Currently, you can already use thefollowinghighlights ofthis proceeding application for free: +automaticallysumming up ofthe entered items: you save a lot of timewhileaccounting atclosing time or shift changeover + speedandassortment of goods atseller’s option: per each sheet, 20 keyscanbe allocatedindividually so that the respective goods andtheirexact price canbe booked with just one single click. Havingmorethan 20 goods,you can individually arrange them on severalsinglesheets saving20 goods per sheet. + no need of any knowledgeofprogramming: thebuttons and their allocation can be varied inaclearly-arrangedchart + the sold goods and the number of itemscaneasily beexported. You can already check in the evening whichitemswerebestsellers of the day and which items do not have tobereorderedright away. + a better overview, especially fornewemployees:various colours (for example for food and drinks)offer abetterusability + facts and figures: using this application,youreceivea fast survey of the total revenue and especiallyitsattributionto respective products It has never been easiertoreceive a surveyof the daily successes for self-employees.Pleasenotice that thisapplication is in process of development andis anoffer free ofcharge. It practically offers all functions of acashregister.However, we cannot guarantee a legally compliantaccountat themoment since this would require a full permissionoftaxauthorities. The cash register application is a toolwhichoffers asurvey and helps accounting- it cannot replace thefulllegaldocumentation though. Please mind your tax computationandadhereto deadlines on your own responsibility. The programmerof„cashregister for free“assumes no liability.
 Before reallytestingtheapplication, have a look at the application’s featuresand testthebest allocation of the buttons. If you’re reallyenthusiasticaboutour application, we are looking forward to anevaluationwhichprovides an orientation for other users. If youhavesuggestionsfor improvement or remark anything that does notworkproperly yet,we are looking forward to your feedbackbeingaddressed Let us know what does notansweryour wishes yetso that we can identify the room forimprovement andput it intopractice.
Eduzz - Negócios Digitais 4.0.5069
O que você acha de ter o seu negócio na palma das suas mãos?Comoapp da Eduzz, os produtores e afiliados têm acesso ao seunegócioepodem realizar ações com facilidade a qualquer momentoedequalquer lugar. [Alerta Spoiler]: • Acompanhe suas vendasesejanotificado assim que cada nova transação for feita •Tenhaacessoaos seus relatórios • Solicite transferências comfacilidade•Realize entregas manuais • Gerencie afiliados •Afilie-seaprodutos em nossa Vitrine • Compartilhe seus linksnasredessociais E muito mais! Se você ainda não conhece a Eduzz,vemcáconhecer: e usufrua de todas as nossasvantagens! 💛
SPC 7.1
Esse aplicativo é voltado para os associados dasCâmarasdeDirigentes Lojistas de Santa Catarina, comintuitodedisponibilizar mais uma forma de acesso ao sistemasdeconsultaSPC.
SALT - Watermark, resize & add text to photos
Salt App
SALT APP MAKES IT EASY FOR BUSINESSESTOTAKE PHOTOS WHILE AUTOMATICALLY ADDING THEIR LOGO, WATERMARKORTEXTADD TEXT TO PHOTOSEasily add text to photos, and choose your font out of a verityoffree fonts - handwriting fonts, fancy fonts, girly fonts,stylishfonts and many other cool fontsCROP AND RESIZE PHOTOSResize and crop photos in a wide verity of sizes: 1:1, 3:4,4:3,9:16, 16:9, Facebook Ads, Facebook Cover, Facebook PagePost,Pinterest Ads & Youtube ArtTELL PEOPLE WHO YOU AREAdding your logo or watermark & text to the photos you shareonsocial media will help potential customers easily recognize youandbecome loyal customersHELP PEOPLE CONNECT WITH YOUAdding contact details to your photos will help people reach outtoyou. Easily add your website, phone number, email or anyotherdetail to your photosPROTECT YOUR PHOTOSAutomatically mark all your photos with a unique watermark.Thiswill prevent illegal miss-use of your photosEasily get great brand awareness throughout allsocialnetworksMake your day to day activity count by connecting people toyourproducts and experiences. For the first time ever, you caneasilyadd your logo and brand to any photo you take, and instantlysharethem on social media.Help potential customers easily find youSocial networks are a jungle. Millions of pictures andproductscontinually flood the minds of users across the web. Makeit easyfor potential customers to find you and buy your products.Add yourwebsite, email, phone number or any other details to yourphotos,and make this a no brainer for them.Want us to feature you on Instagram? just follow @salt_app, andwewill chose the best photos to feature.The future is here... - There is way more to come, and you canhelpus shape it! Have an idea for a cool feature? submit ittoinfo@saltapp.meIf you encounter any issues, or want to share your feedbackandideas, just contact us at,Follow us on Facebook- us on Instagram -
SumUp - Credit Card Reader 2.52.3
Grow your business by accepting card payments via yoursmartphoneortablet using the SumUp Air bank card reader. GETSTARTED 1.Downloadthe SumUp credit card reader app and create afree account2. Orderthe SumUp EMV Air Card Reader 3. You're nowready toaccept creditcard payments ACCEPT PAYMENTS 1. Enter theamount inthe credit cardreader SumUp App 2. Your customer can thentap,swipe or inserttheir bank card into the EMV Air Reader 3. Emailortext a receiptto your customer 4. Receive secure payments inyourbank accountwithin 1-2 days PRICING Pay only when you useSumUp'scredit cardpayment app. There are no recurring fees, only alowstandard feeper transaction. INCLUSIVENESS Acceptallinternational credit anddebit cards (Visa, MasterCard,VPay,Maestro, American Express).Furthermore, SumUp now offersitsmobile card reader solution in 31countries andcounting!FLEXIBILITY Is your customer not present?SumUp also offersVirtualTerminal capability, allowing you toaccept remote payments.Inaddition, our card payment app allows youto send customers anSMSwith a link towards a payment platform.WARRANTY Not entirelysureyou need a credit card reader? Try it outfor yourself withour30-day money back guarantee. Don't need toaccept cardpaymentsevery day? With no monthly fees, there’s noneed to worry.It’sjust that easy. INTUITIVITY One App. One CreditCardReader.Signing up online takes 5 minutes. No paperwork,guaranteed.Learnmore:
MAPFRE Seguros 2.4.1
Mapfre Brasil
MAPFRE apresenta um aplicativo para agilizarosserviços para você, que já pode consultar sua carteirinha eseucontrato de seguros. O aplicativo também apresenta toda anossarede de benefícios (oficinas, postos de atendimento eparceiros queoferecem descontos) e você pode traçar rota com geolocalização efazer avaliação de cada um deles. Além disso, vocêpode solicitarassistências e comunicar os detalhes do acidente doseu carro econsultar outras opções de soluções para você e parasuafamília.Instale agora o seu app e conte com o cuidado que só aMAPFREoferece.MAPFRE presentsanapplication to streamline services for you, you can alreadyseeyour ID card and your insurance contract. The applicationalsofeatures all our benefits network (workshops, service centersandpartners that offer discounts) and you can trace the route withgeolocation and make evaluation of each. Also, you canrequestassistance and communicate your car accident details and toreviewother options for solutions for you and your family.Now install your app and rely on the care that onlyMAPFREoffers.