Top 18 Apps Similar to IF Notas

If...Then... Fun Deck 1.15.0
If you eat too much candy, then …This colorful, educational problem-solving App for Androidhasall52 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of eachcardtext)from the If … Then … Fun Deck® by Super Duper®Publications.Selectthe cards you want students to see, and havethem completestatementsto enhance their critical thinking,inferencing, andreasoningskills. Prompts include open-endedstatements like, “Ifit looks likeit’s going to rain, then …” and“If you spill yourdrink, then …”This App is simple to use — each student looks atanillustrationand either reads the prompt or touches the screentolisten to theprompt. The student then gives a verbalresponse.After each answer,tap the green (correct) or red(incorrect)button to score thestudent’s verbal response. Move tothe nextcard by sliding the cardcurrently on the display screen totheside, and the next imageappears. Move to the next playerbysliding the bar at the top ofthe screen. When you finish, viewtheresults and email them to asmany addresses as you like.If ... Then ... Fun Deck® App lets you:Select all 52 cards or just the ones you want students tosee.Enter all your students’ names.Track correct and incorrect responses for an unlimitednumberofplayers.Email your results at the end of each game.(Note: The App resets all data to zero at the start ofeachnewgame, so at the end of a game, email yourself any data youwanttokeep.)
IF Agenda 2.0.0
O IF-Agenda é um aplicativo desenvolvidoporestudantes do IFMA-Campus Buriticupu. O aplicativo foicriadopensando nos Estudantes em geral.O IF-Agenda possui várias funções que são referentes ao dia adiados estudantes, com ele o estudante pode gerenciar datasdeprovas/trabalhos/seminários e devolução de livros àbiblioteca,registrar notas de avaliações durante o semestre emontar suasgrade de horários das disciplinas do semestre.Também é possível cadastrar os gastos pessoais do dia adiaestudantil e gerar gráficos mensais dos mesmos. Além dissoeletambém permite acesso ao Sistema Acadêmico da instituiçãodosalunos para um melhor acompanhamento acadêmico dosestudantes...Essas e outras várias funções estão disponíveis noIF-Agenda.Outra função muito útil é o agendamento denotificações(lembretes), com ela o usuário escolhera uma data parasernotificado para que não se esqueça de suaatividadesimportantes.A missão do IF-Agenda é garantir um maior desempenhodosestudantes e permitir que isso seje feito de uma formaSIMPLES,PRÁTICA E RÁPIDA.Principais características:• Praticidade, simplicidade e rapidez;• Cadastro de disciplinas;• Grade Horários de aulas (Matutino, Vespertino e Noturno);• Agendamento de Tarefas (provas, atividades, trabalhos,semináriose devolução de livros à biblioteca e outras);• Possibilidade de tirar foto para incrementar a descriçãodeeventos;• Possibilidade de agendar notificação (lembrete) paraastarefas;• Visualização de eventos mês;• Calendário;• Gerenciamento de notas;• Controle de Gastos;• Relatórios em gráfico (Pizza);• Possibilidade de tirar foto dos produtos gastos;• Acesso Direto ao Q-Acadêmico IFMA;• Interação com Professores (E-mails, mensagens e ligações);• Opção de compartilhar tarefas (Redes sociais, mensagens eoutrosserviços);• Configuração de toque para os lembretes;• Personalização – Criação de perfil do aluno (Foto, nomeefrase);• Consistência de dados;• Função de Pesquisa;• Listas e Horários Coloridos;Atualizações:Versão 2.0.0:- Melhorias no Design com Google Material Design- Função de Pesquisar- Botões Flutuantes- Animações SLIDE durante a navegação das telas- Correção do Bug do Sistema Acadêmico- Listas e Horários Coloridos- Melhorias em todas as funções- Nova tela de Ajuda- Nova tela de Boas Vindas- Novo Sistema de Navegação de Gaveta- Novos papéis de parede- Nova opção de selecionar registro- Nova tela de Sobre- Função STATUS em Notas- Menu de Contexto na função HoráriosVersão 1.1.5:- Suporte ao Android 5.1 e 6.0- Melhorias no Design com AppCompatActivity- Função de Redefinição de Configurações- Melhorias no Design da tela de Configurações- Opção Papel de Parede em Configurações- Função Backup/Restauração de dados- Opção para Compartilhar a APP nas redes sociaisVersão 1.1.3:- Correção do Bug de Links do Sistema Acadêmico- Função Camera e Galeria ao adicionar Fotos no Perfil.- Opção de Seleção de Estado Federativo em Configurações, parapoderacessar o Sistema Acadêmico da Instituição do Estado.- Melhorias no Design- Implementação de Barra de Subtítulo para facilitar a navegaçãonaAPP.Autores:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaOrientação:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaApoio:Instituto Federal do Maranhão (IFMA) Campus IF-Agenda isanapplication developed by students of IFMA-Campus Buriticupu.Theapplication was created thinking of the students ingeneral.The IF-agenda has several functions that are related to thedailylife of students, to him the student can manage dates of tests/assignments / seminars and return books to the library,recordingnotes assessments during the semester and assemble yourschedulegrid of the semester disciplines.You can also register the day of the personal expensesthestudent day and generate monthly charts thereof. In additionitalso allows access to the academic system of studentinstitutionfor better academic monitoring of students ... These andothervarious functions are available in the IF-Book.Another very useful function is the scheduling ofnotifications(reminders), with it the user had chosen a date to benotified soyou do not forget your important activities.The IF-Book's mission is to ensure greater studentperformanceand allow it seje made a SIMPLE way PRACTICE ANDFAST.Key features:• Practicality, simplicity and speed;• Register of disciplines;• Grade Hours classes (Morning, Evening and Night);• Task Scheduling (events, activities, work, seminars andreturnbooks to the library and other);• Ability to take pictures to enhance the descriptionofevents;• Ability to schedule notification (reminder) for the tasks;• Event View month;• Calendar;• notes management;• Expenses control;• Reports in graphic (Pizza);• Ability to take a picture of product costs;• Direct Access to Q-Academic IFMA;• Interaction with Teachers (E-mails, messages and links);• Option to share tasks (social networks, messaging andotherservices);• Touch Configuration for reminders;• Customization - Student Profiling (photo, name and phrase);• Data consistency;• Search Function;• Lists and Schedules Colorful;Updates:Version 2.0.0:- Improvements in Design with Google Material Design- Search function- Floating Buttons- Animations SLIDE during navigation screens- Bug Fix the Academic System- Lists and Schedules Colored- Improvements in all functions- New help screen- New Welcome Screen- New Drawer Navigation System- New wallpapers- New option to select record- New About screen- STATUS function in Notes- Context Menu in the function timesVersion 1.1.5:- Support Android 5.1 and 6.0- Improved design with AppCompatActivity- Function Settings Reset- Improvements in Design Settings screen- Option Wallpaper Settings- Function Backup / Restore Data- Option to Share APP on social networksVersion 1.1.3:- Bug Fix the Academic System Links- Camera and Gallery Function to add profile photos.- Option federal state selection in Settings, you can accesstheAcademic System of the State Institution.- Improvements in Design- Subtitle bar implementation for easy navigation in the APP.Authors:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaGuidance:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaSupport:Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA) Campus
Applets bring your favorite servicestogetherto create new experiences.Over 400 apps work with IFTTT including Twitter, Telegram,GoogleDrive, Twitch, Weather Underground, Instagram, Gmail, anddeviceslike Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Nest, Philips Hue, andyourAndroid.Turn on Applets and:• Control everything around you with your voice and Amazon AlexaorGoogle Assistant• Stay informed about what’s happening from publications likeTheNew York Times and ProPublica• Always stay prepared for the weather with custom dailyforecastnotifications• Message roommates when you’re near the local grocery• Get an alert as soon as there’s a new Craigslist listingthatmatches you search• Stay safe with automated and intelligent homesecurityalerts• Streamline your social media• Back up and share your Android photos automatically• Back up important files, photos, and contacts tocloud-storagesolutions, such as Dropbox or Google Drive• Set your home thermostat to an optimal temperature when youarrivehome• Post all your Instagrams as Twitter photos or Pinterestpins• Trigger events based on your current locationThere are thousands of use cases! New services are addedeveryweek. Some popular ones include:Twitch, Telegram, Spotify, YouTube, Google Calendar, Tumblr,Medium,Pocket, Square, eBay, Giphy, Automatic, LIFX, Fitbit,Withings,littleBits, Google WiFi, Evernote, Reddit, Digg, Skype,Slack, LINE,MailChimp, Salesforce, Todoist, and hundredsmore.Browse our curated collections to find Applets for:• The home, office, and car• Staying informed on news and politics• Your Android devices• Exploring outer space• Improving how you use social mediaDo more with the services you love. Discover the power of
iF DESIGN 2.0.7
iF Design
iF Winners 2021
What Would You Do at Home If 1.15.0
What would you do if … you smelledsmokecomingfrom the kitchen?This colorful, educational social skills App for Androidhasall56 illustrated picture flash cards (plus audio of eachcardtext)from the What Would You Do at Home If … Fun Deck® bySuperDuper®Publications. Select the cards you want students to see,andhavethem work on solving problems and practicing good socialskillsasthey discuss situations in and around home. Thepromptsincludequestions like, “What would you do if … youaccidentallyknockedover your chocolate milk?” and, “What would youdo if … youweredoing homework in the family room, and your sisterturned ontheTV?”This App is simple to use — each student looks atanillustration,and either reads the prompt or touches the screentolisten to theprompt. The student then gives a verbalresponse.After each answer,tap the green (correct) or red(incorrect)button to score thestudent’s verbal response. Move tothe nextcard by sliding the cardcurrently on the display screen totheside, and the next imageappears. Move to the next playerbysliding the bar at the top of thescreen. When you finish, viewtheresults, and email them to as manyaddresses as you like.What Would You Do at Home If … Fun Deck® App lets you:* Select all 56 cards or just the ones you wantstudentstosee.* Enter all your students’ names.* Track correct and incorrect responses for an unlimitednumberofplayers.* Email your results at the end of each game.(Note: The App resets all data to zero at the start ofeachnewgame, so at the end of a game, email yourself any data youwanttokeep.)
Aquarium IFCE 1.0
Raquel Silveira
Fast, simple and immediate consultant of technical termsAquaculturearea.
Notas U: School Planner 13.3.0
Jorge de la Hoz
Class schedule, homework, grades and everything a student needs.
IFCalc 2.2.4
Caio Vidal
Application developed to help students of IF's to managetheirnotes.
Escala de Notas 21
The best Grading Scales and Average Calculation App
Academic Mobile UAM
Mobile Academic of the Autonomous University of Madrid
Secretaria Escolar Digital 1.2.1
O Secretaria Escolar Digital é umaferramentade interação online com o site,daSecretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo.Atenção: o aplicativo contempla somente as escolas daRedeEstadual do Estado de São PauloSimples de usar. Agora professores, alunos, responsáveis eGOEsconseguem ter controle escolar diretamente peloseudispositivo.Os professores terão acesso a:- visualizar o horário de suas aulas,- verificar quais são suas turmas e alunos,- realizar lançamentos de frequência,- realizar lançamentos das avaliações,- inserir ocorrências para seus alunos,- verificar as notificações que lhe foram enviadas.Os alunos e responsáveis podem consultar:- o horário de aula do aluno,- ocorrências inseridas pelo professor,- notas e conteúdo das avaliações,- frequência em sala de aula mensal e diária,- notificações que lhe foram enviadas.Os GOEs terão acesso a:- visualizar o horário das aulas,- verificar alunos e turmas,- realizar lançamento de frequência,- realizar lançamento de avaliações,- consultar ocorrências dos alunos,- verificar eventos e notificações.The DigitalSchoolSecretariat is an online interaction tool with, of the São Paulo State Education.Please note: the app only includes the schools of theStateNetwork of São PauloSimple to use. Now teachers, students, guardians and schoolgoesmanage to control directly from your device.Teachers will have access to:- View the schedule of their classes,- Check what your classes and students,- Perform frequency of releases,- Carry out releases of the evaluations,- Insert instances for their students,- Check the notifications sent to you.Students and guardians can be found at:- Class time student,- Occurrences entered by the teacher,- Notes and content of the evaluations,- Frequency of monthly and daily classroom- Notifications sent to you.GOES will have access to:- View the class schedule,- Check students and classes,- Perform launch frequency,- Launching performing assessments,- See occurrences of students,- Verify events and notifications.
P+ Student
Adaptive learning tool designed to improve academic ativitiesfollowup.
If U are happy -NURSERY 1.0
If you're happy and you know it, stompyourfeet. If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. Ifyou'rehappy and you know it, And you really want to show it, Ifyou'rehappy and you know it, stomp your feet.
Teacher Notes 2.05.07
This is the free version of the TeacherNotesapp to allow users to fully try out the app featuresbeforepurchasing. Try the app for 1 class of up to 40 students, and10notes per student.Are you an educator that has a need to keep a log of howyourstudents are doing - for yourself, for parents or foranadministrator? Well now you can utilize 21st century technologyanduse your tablet or smart phone to keep these logs. Just aseasilyyou can email a summary of the logs to the student, theparent orsomeone else.CURRENT FEATURES* 30 classes with up to 200 students per class for thepaidapp* Record both parent and student logs* Setup list of frequently used comments* Sort students by various criteria* Show Pie chart of comments* Backup data to DropboxPlease email the developer if you have any suggestions orfeedback.I love to make improvements to the app.
Escala de Notas 7
Generator grading scale. Very useful for proofreading!
IF 14-18 1.2.0
The « 14-18 » digital exhibition is acreationby the Institut français, the Aefe and the Mission duCentenaire toecho until 2018 the multiple events that will markthecommemoration of the Great War throughout the world.Read, listen, watch and share!© Institut français
Academic Mobile UVA 3.2.8
Academic Mobile de la Universidad deValladolides la herramienta que te permite consultar a través delmóvil y demanera personalizada una serie de servicios de utilidaden el día adía:Consulta de calificaciones• Notificaciones en el momento exacto de su publicación.• Información sobre los créditos, la fecha y lugar derevisión,etc.• Filtros personalizados.Mobile Academic attheUniversity of Valladolid is the tool that allows you toreadthrough personalized mobile and a range of services usefulineveryday life:Consultation ratings • Notifications at the exact time of publication. • Information on credits, date and place of review,etc. • Custom filters.
Escala de Notas 2.0.0
Escala de Notas is a simple application that allows youtocalculatethe marks of a test giving the maximum score andtheaccordingscale. In this application, free distribution, youcanenjoy thefollowing qualities: * A simple and clean interface.*Formrequesting just and necessary data and remembers thelastentereddata. * A robust and efficient algorithm forcalculating,which willdeliver the results in minimal time. * Cleanand welltabulatedresults, which make more efficient use of thescreen.