Top 14 Apps Similar to Jus Diet Alami Resep

My Weight Loss Diet 1.5
Cek status gizi anda dan lakukan diet penurunan bb bersama MyWeightLoss Diet
Panduan Diet Sehat 1.0
Aplikasi panduan diet sehat inimerupakanaplikasi panduan bagaimana cara menurunkan berat badandengan cepatnamun tetap mementingkan kesehatan tubuh Anda.Berikut ini contoh materi dari aplikasi ini:- Diet pisang- Cara menurunkan berat badan dengan mudah- Menurunkan berat badan dengan joging- 5 jenis olah raga untuk menurunkan berat badan- Menurunkan berat badan dengan maksimal- Menurunkan berat badan tanpa obat- Menurunkan berat badan setelah melahirkan- Menurunkan berat badan tanpa olah raga- Cara mempertahankan berat badan- Latihan membentuk perut sixpack- Membentuk otot dada- Contoh menu diet OCD- Menu diet mayo- Cara membeli alat fitnes- Memilih obat pelangsing yang aman- Diet pepaya- Panduan diet detox- Cara mengecilkan otot tangan- Manfaat teh hijau- Cara mengecilkan paha- Tips senam ibu hamil untuk melancarkan persalinanSerta masih banyak materi lainnya yang diberikan dalamaplikasiini.Aplikasi ini akan selalu diupdate sehingga materi yangdiberikanakan selalu baru.Application guidehealthydiet is an application guide how to lose weight quickly butremainconcerned with the health of your body.Here is an example of material from this application:- Diet bananas- How to lose weight easily- Lose weight by jogging- 5 different types of exercise to lose weight- Lose weight with a maximum- Lose weight without drugs- Lose weight after giving birth- Lose weight without exercise- How to maintain weight- Exercise forming a sixpack stomach- Establish a chest muscle- Sample menu diet OCD- Menu diet mayo- How to buy fitness equipment- Selecting slimming drugs are safe- Diet papaya- Free diet detox- How to shrink the hand muscles- Benefits of green tea- How to shrink the thigh- Tips gymnastics pregnant women to expedite deliveryAnd many other materials provided in this application.This app will always be updated so that the materialprovidedwill always be new.
Resep Jus Sehat 2.1.0
Resep Jus Sehat
Peek into various recipes fruit juices, vegetable juices,healthysmoothies straight from the experts.
Resep Jus Buah Dan Sayur 1.1
Dengan aplikasi resep jus buah dan sayurini,Anda akan dipandu langkah demi langkah dalam membuat menu jusbuahdan sayur yang sehat, enak, dan nikmat. Berikut ini contohresepjus buah dan sayur yang ada di aplikasi ini:Jus Terong Belanda Mix BayamResep Jus Asparagus Paling Enak Dan BermanfaatJus Buah Penurun KolesterolJus Tomat Campur WortelJus Stroberi DinginResep Jus Wortel Campur PepayaJus Buah Manggis Belimbing ManisJus Wortel Untuk Mata SehatMix Jus Buah Untuk DietJus Sayur Bayam Untuk DietJus Buah Bit AntikankerJus Belimbing Sayur Campur BuahJus Buah Naga SederhanaResep Jus Wortel Campur ApelJus Alpukat Unik Super EnakJus Kombinasi Buah Campur Sayur SegarJus Pisang Campur Mangga TomatResep Jus Hijau LumutJus Buah Pir Mix pisang JerukJus Sayur Campur BuahEs Jus Kelapa Muda Campur MarkisaResep Jus Sayur Mentimun JerukJus Strawberry Campur SemangkaJus Buah Untuk Kesehatan KulitJus Seledri Mix Wortel TomatResep Jus Kurma Jeruk ManggaJus Lidah Buaya Campur JerukJus Buah Apel Merah Campur BelimbingJus Kacang Hijau SusuJus Melon Buah Naga Untuk LansiaResep Jus Brokoli Campur WortelResep Jus Apel Super EnakJus Segar Jeruk SunkistJus Bayam Campur WortelJus Alpukat Spesial Campur PisangJus Buah Untuk DetoksifikasiJus Delima Untuk Jantung SehatResep Jus Super Vitamin CJus Buah Markisa Mix SemangkaJus Mangga SusuJus Stroberi Campur PisangJus Buah Rambutan Campur ManggaJus Alpukat Campur Jeruk ManisJus Terong Belanda Campur NanasResep Jus Tomat Untuk KecantikanResep Jus Semangka Campur SirsakResep Jus Apel Hijau MalangEs Jus Segar Mangga MelonJus Buah Manggis mix KiwiJus Bengkuang campur MelonJus Pepaya NanasJus Delima Jeruk ManggaResep Jus Buah Bit Untuk HipertensiResep Jus Sirsak Campur ManggaAplikasi resep jus buah dan sayur ini akan selalu diupdate,sehinggaakan banyak resep jus terbaru dalam aplikasi ini.With the applicationoffruit and vegetable juice recipes, you will be guided step bystepto create a menu fruit and vegetable juices are healthy, tastyanddelicious. Here is an example of fruit and vegetable juicerecipesin this app:Dutch eggplant juice Mix SpinachThe Most Delicious Juice Recipes Asparagus And HelpfulFruit juice Cholesterol LoweringMix tomato juice CarrotCold strawberry juiceCarrot Juice Recipe Mix PapayaMangosteen Fruit Juice Belimbing ManisCarrot Juice For Healthy EyesMix Fruit Juices To DietVegetable Jus Spinach To DietBit Anticancer Fruit JuiceStarfruit juice Mixed Vegetable FruitSimple Dragon Fruit JuiceCarrot Juice Recipes Mixed ApplesAvocado juice Unique Super DeliciousJus Combination Mixed Fruit Fresh VegetablesMixed Banana Mango juice TomatoesPond Green Juice RecipesPears Fruit Juice Mix bananas OrangesVegetable juice Mixed FruitYoung coconut juice Mix Ice PassionVegetable Juice Recipes Cucumber CitrusMixed Juice Strawberry WatermelonFruit Juice For Healthy SkinMix celery juice Carrot TomatoOrange Mango Juice Recipes DatesAloe Vera Juice Mixed OrangesMixed Fruit Juice Red Apple BelimbingMung Bean Juice MilkMelon juice Dragon Fruit For ElderlyMixed Broccoli Carrot Juice RecipesApple juice Super Delicious RecipesSunkist Orange fresh juiceCarrot juice Spinach MixSpecial Mix the avocado juice BananaFruit Juice For DetoxificationPomegranate Juice For Healthy HeartJuice Recipes Super Vitamin CPassion Fruit Juice Mix SemangkaMango juice MilkMixed Strawberry Banana juiceMixed Fruit Juice Mango RambutanMix the avocado juice Orange SweetDutch eggplant juice Mix PineappleTomato Juice Recipes For BeautyResep Mix the watermelon juice SoursopGreen Apple Juice Recipes MalangIce Juice Fresh Mango MelonMangosteen Fruit Juice Kiwi mixMelon juice mixed YamPapaya Pineapple JuicePomegranate Juice Orange MangoBit Fruit Juice Recipes For HypertensionSoursop Juice Recipes Mixed MangoApplication fruit and vegetable juice recipe will always beupdated,so will a lot of newest juice recipes in thisapplication.
Diet Tracker 1.0.1
LetsNurture is now taking the diet way oflife.The company has now launched an Android application forpeople, whowant to track and manage their diet. The application iscalled as‘Diet Tracker’.This Diet Tracker application of LetsNurture aims to help theuserin tracking his diet effectively as per the timings set in aday.The application has features like,- User registration and login page with password.-Notifications to the user about the diet to be taken withthetime.-Easy tracking of individual’s meal related to breakfast, lunchanddinner in a day- Simple categorization and selection of diet for the user basedonMilk, Fruits, Snacks, Meals and Juice.- Update facility for diet and user profile- Easy login and logout feature.- Feature of easy snapshot of the actual diet image fromtheirSmartphone.One of the biggest feature of the Diet tracker is that theusercan set the time category of the diet to be taken in a day intheform of ‘Early morning, morning, early afternoon,afternoon,evening and night’ to keep track of the diet timedecided.The app users can also select the notification time anddatestarting from the current day, to the next day or the nextMondayto one week, 3 weeks, and from 1 month to about 3 monthstimeperiod.So , all those people, who keep track of their diet intheirdaily schedule, need not worry now, and only need to downloadthefree application from Google Play.
10 Fast Diets 0.0.1
In this app you will find the menusandrecommendations of the 10 of the most popular diets thatexisttoday to lose weight quickly in a healthy way.Specifically, the following weight loss diets include:ChinaDiet, Diet Liquid, Diet Green, Diet Moon, DietdissociatedEscardale Diet, the diet of astronauts, Diet WeightWatchers, Dietand the Mayo Clinic Diet Messini.For each food plan to be taken in each of the meals and daysorweeks of the diet is indicated, for whom and for whomthisindicated it would not be advisable to follow each diet.With these diets you will lose those kilos your spare veryfast,in a healthy way without affecting your health.The best diets to lose weight fast in practice app, you cantakeit on your mobile or tablet and can share with friends andfamilyand facebook whassap.
Weight Losing Detox Juices 1.0
Juicing is considered to be one of thebestwaysto lose weight successfully. Mother Nature offers somanyfruits andvegetables, which if you include in your diet intheright way, yousurely will be able to get rid of thoseextrapounds.Juice fasting, also known as juice cleansing, isacontroversialfasting method and a detox diet in which apersonconsumes onlyfruit and vegetable juices to obtain nutritionwhileotherwiseabstaining from food consumption.Juices have lots of micro-nutrients in them and are verylowincalories. The best thing about juice diet is that itdoesnotcontain any fat. It is moreover rich in vitamins,mineralsandenzymes. It acts as appetite suppressant and will thushelpyoulose weight. Together with helping you lose weight itwillalsoprovide your body with all essential nutrients. We havelistedthebest juice diet recipes that you can prepare toloseweightnaturally.There are variety of health benefits that havebeenassociatedwith juicing, including weight loss andincreasedconsumption ofvitamins and minerals. In addition, juicingcan be asimple andtasty way to get more fruits and vegetables intoyourdiet(especially for people who aren't a big fan of fruitsorvegetablesor don't have time to prepare them daily). Followingadiet basedon juicing may lead to weight loss, especiallywhencombined withphysical activity. Follow the steps below for asafeandwell-balanced juicing plan.
My Diet Coach - Pro
It's not only one of a kind, easy to usedietdiary and calorie calculator. It's also your virtual palwhichmotivates and encourages you at the right momentsMy Diet Coach - Win the mental game of dieting !!My Diet Coach will help you to:> Stay on track - With the user-friendly diet planner, mealandexercise journal, calorie counter, custom reminders for everydiaryevent, challenges tracker, BMI calculator and BMRcalculator.> Get motivated - With the motivational photos aid, yourgoalreminder, virtual rewards and tips.> Overcome weight loss difficulties - With tips and remindersforevery type of challenge and by logging repetitive difficultiesinyour diet journal.> Record and view your weight loss progress - With the Proweightchart!> Curb your next food craving with the "Food cravingspanicbutton".Press Reviews:"My Diet Coach Pro is one of the better dieting apps I’vecheckedout...""Packed with tons of helpful features, this app was wellthought-outby the developers and is truly your very own personaldiet coach"-AppadviceUser Reviews:"LOVE IT!!! I used to (try to) use Weight Watchers mobile buttheirfood database was horrible and their app NEVER worked properly...This is so much better and for such a low price it's ano-brainer.Buy this app and start losing weight!"New! - Notifications with voice replies for AndroidWear(Watch):1. Voice notifications for tracking water consumption2. Voice notifications for calorie counting3. Actionable notifications for Android WearDetailed Description:Diet Planner and Calendar:> Personalize your diet plan - define your own meals,exercises,and other events once and reuse them without having tore-enter allthe details.> One diary for exercises, meals and other events...> Set reminders that will remind you to plan and journal.> Calories calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods.> Barcode scanner for US foods> Track carbs, fats and protein for US foods> Planning makes it easy to journal – just check offrecurringmeals and exercises in the journal diary.> Expect the unexpected - if you know you suffer fromemotionaleating, hunger, or mindless eating at certain times - addit toyour diary and be prepared.> Add other weight-loss-related tasks like cooking,findinghealthy recipes, drink water, preparing healthy grocerylists,measuring your weight and more...*** Diet Journal and Logging> Account for everything you eat and do during the day –journalyour meals and exercises.> Calorie calculator for hundreds of types of exerciseandthousands of foods (including major fast food chains). New:Searchonline over 1,000,000 of foods (powered by FatSecret)> Calorie counter - View calories consumed and burnedagainstyour daily calorie goals.> Integrated reminders to journal your meals and exercises.Thetiming of the reminders is flexible and can be set up howeveryoulike.> Flexible and easy-to-use.> Drink water button - track your water consumption> Take photos of food eatenWeight and body measurements Tracker> Record your weight loss progress and body measurements(Neck,waist, hips, upper arm, bust)> View your weight loss chart and graphs.> Use your weight chart as a motivational aid – set areminderthat shows your weight chart.> Weigh in reminderOther Features:> Easy to use challenges tracker> Get virtual rewards for "doing the right thing"> Tips for every type of challenge – tips forweight-loss,health, and fitness.> Increase your motivation and become more active withextensivediet reminders: Set reminders for your goal, motivationalphotos,make a healthy grocery list, cook healthy meals, create adiet planand more...> Motivational aids - photos and virtual rewards- will maketheapp your best diet assistant.> Create and adjust your weight loss profile.
E-Juice Lab 2.4.0
E-Juice Lab is a calculator for DIYe-liquidmixers, containing:- two editors / calculators:-- The "classic" one, that calculates amounts of nicotine base,VGand PG based on desired PG/VG ratio and nicotine strength-- A mixed base calculator, where you can add arbitrary PG, VG,andVPG (mixed) bases with or without nicotine. You then use sliderstomix.- searchable aroma library, with some (optional) aromasfromcommon vendors.- a batch manager for storing your batches. You can setasteeping notification and get notified when your e-liquidhasmaturedRecipes can be shared/exported/imported via Gmail,DropBox,Google Drive etc.It may also be worth having a look at the app settingspage,where you can set the screen permanent on when e.gviewingbatches/recipes, or if you need more accurate PG/VG steps intheeditor.NOTE! If you're using premixed "VPG" bases, select thebottommostoption when creating a new recipe !The app is capable of doing weight calculations.Weightcalculations are based on using specific gravities for thevariouscomponents. The default aroma gravity is taken from thebase, e.gPG or alcohol. Advanced users can specify their ownspecificgravities.The resulting PG/VG ratio is adjusted where aromas (most ofthem)are based on PG, with the assumption that the aroma is ~75%PG.(Accurate data is not available)For more details about calculations, percents, ratios etc,seethe app help pages.From version 2 the app has to be purchased in order to makemorethan 3 recipes. A lot of time was spent on making this.Inaddition, having the app free would not be fair to theotherapp-makers.If you have questions, feature requests etc, feel free to sendmea mail, or visit the facebook page: to Marc Hillesheim for translating the app to German !
Fast Diets 0.0.1
In this app you will find themenusandrecommendations 10 of the most popular diets that existtodaytolose weight quickly in a healthy way.Specifically, the following weight loss diets include:DietChina,Diet Liquid, Diet Green, Diet Moon, Diet dissociateddietEscardale,the diet of Astronauts, Diet Weight Watchers, DietMayoClinic andDiet Messini.For each food plan to be taken in each of the meals anddaysorweeks of the diet it indicated, for whom this indicatedandwhowould not be advisable to follow each diet.With these diets you will lose those kilos your spareveryfast,in a healthy way without affecting your health.The best diets to lose weight fast in practice app, youcantakewith you on your mobile or tablet and can share withfriendsandfamily and facebook whassap.
Aneka Resep Masakan Terbaru & 1.1
Enjoy a wide selection of assorted recipes from acrossIndonesia,Complete!
Buku Resep Jajanan 1.2
Aplikasi ini tidak hanya berisi resepjajanansaja, selain itu juga ada resep aneka cemilan dan resepcookies& cake. Berikut ini contoh resep yang ada di aplikasibukuresep jajanan ini:Resep Aneka Cemilan- Keripik Pisang Tabur Kayu Manis- Rangginang Aroma Terasi- Keripik Wortel Ubi- Keripik Widuran Gula Merah- Telur Gabus Kelapa- Kue Kecipir Kelapa- Pastel Kering Ebi Bumbu Kare- Keripik Bawang Bumbu Opor- Kembang Kacang Wijen Hitam- Kembang Goyang Aroma Spekuk- Kacang Balut Pedas Manis- Keripik Almond Havermut- Keripik Talas Keju Pedas- Keripik Wortel Bumbu Jagung Bakar- Keripik Tomat- Photato Corned Chips- Keripik Kentang Barbeque- Keripik Sukun Serundeng- Stik Kurma- Kembang Goyang Pandan- Keciput Gurih Pedas- Asinan Buah- Asinan Sayur- Kue Bala Bala- Bakwan Jagung- Bola Mie- Untuk Membuat Cireng- Cheese Stick- Cokelat Praline- Untuk Membuat Combro- Emping Melinjo- Kacang Gurih- Keripik Bawang- Keripik Bayam- Kroket Kentang Isi Ayam- Keripik Kentang- Keripik Singkong Gurih- Lumpia Isi Bihun- Martabak Telur- Pangsit Isi Ayam- Pangsit Isi Daging- Pangsit Isi Ikan- Pisang Goreng- Pisang Goreng Kremes- Untuk Membuat Pupuntir- Untuk Membuat Rempeyek- Untuk Membuat Risoles- Rujak Gohu- Sate Buah Pelangi- Singkong Goreng- Siomay BandungResep Jajanan Tradisional- Resep Arem Arem- Resep Batagor- Resep Bika Ambon- Resep Dadar Gulung- Resep Kembang Goyang- Resep Kicak- Resep Kue Cucur- Resep Klepon- Resep Kue Iwel- Resep Kue Lumpur- Resep Kue Mangkok- Resep Kue Nagasari- Resep Kue Pukis- Resep Kue Rangi- Resep Kue Lapis Hijau- Resep Kue Lapis Sampe- Resep Lemper Ayam- Resep Ongol Ongol Sagu- Resep Madu Mongso- Resep Manuk Nom- Resep Onde Onde- Resep Putu Mayang- Resep Sarikaya- Resep Serabi Kinca- Resep Wajik Ketan- Resep Wingko BabatAneka Kue Kering dan Cake- Caramel Madeline- Mede Panggang Lapis Berbumbu- Greentea and Walnut Cookies- Honey Peanut Cookies- Nastar Kelapa Durian- Brown Sugar and Lemon Cookies- Coffee and Chocolate Cookies- Speculaas- Coconut Cream Cookies- Rich Chocolate Cookies- Ginger Cookies- Almond Pistachio Cookies- Lidah Kucing Aroma Jeruk- Kukis Kentang Keju- Coffee Ball- Sagoo Chocolate Kisses- Painting Cookies- Lidah Kucing Pandan- Kukis Pisang Isi Prune- Sago Brownies Cookies- Giant Choco Cookies- Havermout Complete Cookies- Resep Banana Cake- Resep Banana Muffin- Resep Bolu Kukus Pelangi- Resep Black Forest Cake- Resep Bolu Gulung- Resep Bolu Kukus Zebra- Resep Bolu Pandan- Resep Bolu Kukus 10 Menit- Resep Brownies- Resep Brownies Fudge- Resep Butter Cake Chocolate- Resep Cake Tape Keju- Resep Carrot Cake- Resep Cheese Cake Oreo- Resep Chiffon Cake Pandan- Resep Chocolate Butter Cookies- Resep Chocolate Chips Cookies- Resep Donat- Resep Kaastengels- Resep Kue Kering Kacang Kismis- Resep Kue Lapis Surabaya- Resep Kue GarpuAplikasi ini dibuat dengan tampilan yang menarik dansederhanasehingga sangat mudah dalam penggunaannya. Selain itu jugaresepdalam aplikasi ini akan selalu diupdate sehingga akan banyakresepjajanan terbaru yang dimuat dalam aplikasi ini.This application notonlycontains recipes snacks only, but it also is a recipevarioussnacks and cookies and cake recipes. Here is an example of arecipethat is in the application of this snack recipe book:Assorted Snacks Recipes- Cinnamon Banana Chips Loose- Aroma Rangginang Terasi- Carrots Cassava Chips- Chips Widuran Red Sugar- Eggs Coconut Cork- Winged Coconut Cake- Pastel Dried Spices Ebi Kare- Chips Onion Seasoning Opor- Flower Peanut Sesame Black- Aroma Goyang Flower Spekuk- Nuts Spicy Sweet Balut- Chip Almond Oatmeal- Taro Chips Spicy Cheese- Carrots Seasoning Corn Chips- Tomato Chips- Corned Photato Chips- Potato Chips Barbeque- Breadfruit Chips Serundeng- Stick Dates- Goyang Flower Pandan- Savory Spicy Keciput- Pickled fruit- Pickled vegetables- Cake Bala Bala- Corn Bakwan- Ball Noodles- To Make Cireng- Cheese Stick- Chocolate Praline- To Make combro- Emping Melinjo- Savory Beans- Onion Chips- Chips Spinach- Fill the potato croquettes Chicken- Potato chips- Savory Cassava Chips- Fill Lumpia Vermicelli- Martabak Eggs- Fill Chicken Dumplings- Fill Meat Dumplings- The contents of fish dumplings- Fried bananas- Pisang Goreng Kremes- To Make Pupuntir- To Make brittle- To Make risoles- Rujak Gohu- Sate Fruit Rainbow- Fried cassava- Siomay BandungTraditional Snacks Recipes- Recipes Arem Arem- Recipes Batagor- Recipes Bika Ambon- Dadar Roll Recipe- Recipes Goyang Flower- Recipes Kicak- Recipe cakes bowsprit- Recipes Klepon- Recipe Cakes iwel- Mud Cake Recipe- Bowl Cake Recipe- Recipe Cakes Nagasari- Recipe Cakes Pukis- Recipe Cakes Rangi- Green Layer Cake Recipe- Layer Cake Recipe Sampe- Recipe Chicken Lemper- Prescription ongol ongol Sago- Recipes Honey Mongso- Recipes Manuk Nom- Recipes Onde Onde- Recipes Putu Mayang- Recipes Sarikaya- Recipe pancake syrup of palm sugar- Recipes Wajik Ketan- Recipes Wingko TripeAssorted Pastries and Cakes- Caramel Madeline- Cashew Baked Seasoned Lapis- Greentea and Walnut Cookies- Honey Peanut Cookies- Coconut Nastar Durian- Brown Sugar and Lemon Cookies- Coffee and Chocolate Cookies- Speculaas- Coconut Cream Cookies- Rich Chocolate Cookies- Ginger Cookies- Pistachio Almond Cookies- Aroma: Orange Cat Tongue- Cookies Potato Cheese- Coffee Ball- Sagoo Chocolate Kisses- Painting Cookies- Cats Tongue Pandan- Cookies Banana Prune Content- Sago Cookies Brownies- Giant Choco Cookies- Complete oatmeal cookies- Banana Cake Recipe- Banana Muffin Recipe- Prescription Bolu Steamed Rainbow- Recipe Black Forest Cake- Bolu Roll Recipe- Prescription Bolu Steamed Zebra- Recipes Bolu Pandan- Prescription Bolu Steamed 10 Minutes- Brownies Recipe- Fudge Brownies Recipe- Recipe Butter Chocolate Cake- Tape Cheese Cake Recipe- Carrot Cake Recipe- Oreo Cheese Cake Recipe- Recipes Pandan Chiffon Cake- Recipe Chocolate Butter Cookies- Recipe Chocolate Chips Cookies- Recipe Donuts- Recipes Kaastengels- Recipe Raisin Nut Pastries- Layer Cake Recipe Surabaya- Recipe Cake forkThis application is made with an attractive appearance andsimpleso it is very easy to use. In addition, the recipes in thisapp willalways be updated so it will be a lot of snacks latestrecipescontained in this application.
Resep Masakan Indonesia 1.0
Aneka Resep Masakan Indonesia, denganbahanyang mudah didapat dan cara memasak yang mudahResep AyamResep DagingResep Ikan dan Sea FoodResep JajananResep MasakanResep Mie dan PastaResep MinumanResep NasiResep PuddingResep SambalResep Sayir MayurResep Tahu tempe
Icon Diary 1.0.41
Are you looking for a very cute diary to keep? Our Icon Diaryisjust for you!