Top 25 Apps Similar to The Miracle Box

Spiritus Ghost Box 1.8
Spiritus Ghost Box is an Audio and Visual ITC tool forparanormalresearch.
Deadwave 1.3.8
Paranormal EVP, Ghost Box, Spirit box, ITC, Haunted,Spiritcommunication device
Necrophonic 1.18
ITC application for Spirit Communication and EVP Research
Paranormal Radio
Listen to the best Paranormal and UFO streaming talk shows 24/7.
Paranormal Ghost EVP/EMF Radio
Exelerus Apps
Ghost EVP/EMF Radio has been developedforexciting paranormal detection and exploration. We've put a lotofeffort into making the app easy to use, so that bothprofessionaland enthusiast paranormal researchers and ghost hunterscan enjoyit.If you are either easily frightened, a super skeptic"leftbrainer" or have a serious heart-related medical condition,you areprobably better off avoiding this app.Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) is the collective nameforthe sounds sometimes detected on electronic recordingsandreminiscent of human speech. These sounds are usually foundinrecordings with noise or poor radio reception, and is consideredbymany to be the voices of paranormal beings such as ghosts,spirits,demons and other energy based entities. EVP is a formofInstrumental Trans-Communication (ITC), a term coinedbyprofessor Ernst Senkowski in the 1970s.This app has taken the traditional ghost box to the next level,andalso incorporates an EMF (Electromagnetic Field) scanner. Aswithtraditional ghost boxes, chaotic noise seems to be bothinvitingand sensitive to paranormal manipulation. The app generatesaudiblespeech by detecting meaningful phrases and words togetherwithproperties such as gender, age and current mood ofthecommunicating entity. We continuously improve the app, basedonuser feedback, and use it during our own paranormalinvestigationsas well.*** Features **** A built-in EMF scanner: Used as entropy seed for thenoisegeneration and shown on the TV screen.* Quick text log: Tap on the main TV screen to togglebetweenmodes.* Text log screen: The persistent text log is where you cansort,share and delete.* Record your encounters with or without the microphone ofyourdevice.* Real-time audio visualization: Oscilloscope and Spectrometer(tapto toggle).* In-app audio analyzer; which enables you to performfurtherstudies by visualizing the audio and changing theplaybackrate.* Open your EVP recordings in compatible audio apps with thetouchof a button.* Optional Auto Recording only produces recordings whensomethinginteresting is encountered.* Optional vibration and audible alarms every time an entityhasbeen detected.* UI themes, including the new theme for Halloween.* Share your recordings with friends and family.*** Languages ***Full support for English (US/UK), Czech, Dutch,French,German, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,Spanish,Swedish and Turkish*** Contact/Support **** Use the help buttons, located on every screen, to start thein-appguides.* Reach us by email, our supportsite, or use the buttons ontheSettings screen.* Twitter* Facebook* Google+* Mailing list* The Ghost Radiowebsite:*** Usage **** Patience required; Don't expect amazing results after justacouple of minutes. The analyzer needs time to calibrate, andmayinitially not detect any patterns at all or may even give youfalsepositives.* When fully calibrated the speech to text translation andspeechquality should be improved.* The EMF scanner use the magnetometer sensor of your devicesoensure it is calibrated (by waving the device in a eight patternacouple of times).We hope that you, like many others, will be fascinated bytheparanormal experience of Ghost EVP Radio. Thanksfordownloading!DisclaimerEvery effort has been made to make this app truly unique, but wecanoffer no guarantee that you will get specific results by usingit.Since the results of this app haven't been scientificallyverified,it should only be used for entertainment purposes. Pleaseuse itresponsibly.
Ghost Tracker EMF EVP Recorder 1.5.12
3-in-1 Ghost Detector App with EMF Meter, EVP Recorder &MotionDetector
Messages From Spirit Oracle
Get hundreds of messages for daily guidance from your SpiritGuides!
Ghosts & Spirits Tarot 2.2.0
The Fool's Dog
Spirits from legend and lore will enlighten, amuse, andsometimesscare you.
UpNow Digital Hypnotherapy 1.5.8
Download the UpNow hypnosis app and access your sessionsanywhereand anytime.
ECHOVOX System 3 Pro Ghostbox 3.3
Ultimate EMF Detector Special 1.3
MRE Programming
A new feel on the powerfull Ultimate EMF Detector.
"Ghost Voice Catcher" AUTO EVP 1.8
NEW GHOST HUNTING TECHNOLOGY! A totally NEW way to conductEVPsessions!
Spirit Oracle Cards
Receive guidance from Spirit with this beautiful oracle cards deck!
EchoVox 2.0 Classic Edition 1.2
Ghost Radar®: LEGACY 3.5.12
Spud Pickles
Spud Pickles™ presents Ghost Radar® for Android!!!
Ghost Hunting Tools (Simulation) 2.5.2
Note: This application is intended for entertainment purposesandsimulates a Ghost Hunting Tool Easy to read graphs andintegratedword analysis! Ghost Hunting Tools for your Android phoneandtablet: Easy to use for beginners and professionals alike!GhostHunting Tools gives you easy-to-use access to EMF meters andEVPdetectors to hunt ghosts and spirits. The included severalthousandwords strong dictionary will allow for great ghosthuntingsessions! • The primary readout will allow you toanticipateresponses or events. The history graphs below the primaryreadoutare recording the strength, allowing you to track thechanges ofthe strength over time. • What are EVPs? EVP, ElectronicVoicePhenomena, are grunts, words, or even simple sentences caughtontape during recording sessions. Usually, these events can notbeheard since they mostly occur in certain ELF ranges. •WordInterpreter: Ghost Hunting Tools will select words fromthebuilt-in dictionary. The processing time can vary and dependsonyour device's processor unit. Similar devices are usedbyparanormal investigators all over the world. Please leaveyourideas and feedback in the reviews!
GHOST® 1.5.7
GHOST Lifestyle
Supps, Drops & Content
Ultimate Ghost Detector Real 1.8
MRE Programming
Powerful tool for paranormal investigations with real EMF andEVPrecorder
GhostTube Paranormal Videos 5.6.4
Tools for paranormal investigators
Phasmodex Phasmophobia helper 1.0.22
Marcel Schwarz
Inofficial helper app for the video game Phasmophobia. MobileAppFeatures: * Add (short tap) or exclude (long tap) evidencetoidentify ghosts * Estimate your team sanity and track setup time*Audio/popup alerts when your low team sanity might make aghostattack * Separate early alert for demons if they are not ruledoutyet * Keep Screen Always awake * Track optional objectives *Saveghost name and characteristics
My Guardian Angel Messages 1.4.0
BMS Appz
Get Personal Guidance Messages from God and Your Guardian Angels
Compendium of Divinations 13.0.0
Compendium of Divination + Compendium of Diviners + Couple Affinity
Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck 2.1
The Vibrational Energy Oracle Deckpresentsdown to earth explanations and guidance. Its simplicityallowsanyone using them to get answers to daily issues on life.Because the definitions for each card are uncomplicated andeasyto read, these oracle cards make it accessible for the user totapinto the wisdom of their own intuition. The FiveVibrationalDimensions of the Soul is a very special spread whereyou can doyour own reading, taking you through the five levels ofyour soulassisting you to get answers to Universal Truths that youneed toacknowledge.These cards reflect the pervasive changes in our liveshelpingusers with guidance to get past blocks. The messages givetheminsights on what might be holding them back. The definitionsare‘grounded’ so will help guide the user towards the directiontheyneed to go at that moment. Sort of like clearing the fogthatsometimes surrounds us, helping us to get back in step with ourownvibrational energy.The heart and soul of self-development is being able todoreadings for yourself whenever you want. The synchronicitiesofyour higher self and connecting with the angels makes itsuperaccessible to be able to guide your soul to what it needs,wantsand desires. Oracle cards, unlike Tarot are simpler to use soyoucan get the same way to get insights and direction.You can use this app as a full-featured, ad-freeandtime-unlimited "Lite" version, or unlock the full deck for asmallfee.Key features:- A complete deck of 52 cards*, beautifully illustrated,coveringmany topics regarding daily issues- 3 types of readings (1, 3 or 11 cards)- You can save your readings to a journal forfurtherreference- Share your readings with your friends, by email oronFacebook!*the full deck is available in the unlocked versionAbout the author: Debbie A. Anderson was born in England. Sheisa natural healer who has worked in the magical sphereofspirituality all of her life, bringing forth many modalitiesthathave manifested and evolved along the way. She is a psychicmediumthat has been giving intuitive spiritual readings for over30years.About the illustrator: Heather Brewster is an intuitiveartist,whose intention is to create artwork that promotes apositive andhealing energy. She primarily works in acrylic,painting on canvasor birch panels and also works with digitalmedia.
Entity Sensor Pro-EMF Detector
The original Android EMF/EVPdetector/recorder.Highest customer feedback and reviews. Don'tsettle for less on yournext ghost adventure.Your phone has an EMF sensor in it! Use it on your ownghostadventure!We use your phone's magnetic sensor (electronic compass) to readthelocal magnetic field and record the results!This works just like special purpose EMF Detectors that cost uptoseveral hundred dollars, and are used on the paranormal TV showstofind ghosts, except with this app, you can save theresults.Displays and records EMF and EVP data of your surroundings.Records audio for EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) analysis.Records and saves the EMF readings to a data file that canbedisplayed in a graph on your phone or computer.Can also be used to measure and record strong magnetic fieldsaroundyour home or office.See web site for more information on data file formats.**The base app now also includes the Android Wear watch app.ReadEMF settings directly on your watch! Keeps running even withthescreen off, and buzzes when increased EMF activity issensed.**--------------------------------------------------Optional Enhancement Modules:- Recording Trigger option. (Android 2.1 and above) AllowssettingOn / Off trigger values to start and stop recording EMFandEVP.- Media Enhancement option. (Android 2.2 and above) Addscamera,flashlight, high quality EVP recording (MP4), and immediateEVPplayback buttons to the main screen to allow takingpictures,turning on the LED Flashlight without leaving the app, andplaybackof last EVP while still recording. (Flashlight might notwork onall devices)- Google Drive Integration. Automatically uploads your EMF,EVPAudio and picture files to your Google Drive account. UploadstheEMF (.csv) files as spreadsheets so you can easily graphtheresults right in the Google spreadsheets program.- Vibration Detect option. Shows a motion detector icon witchsensesslight motion or vibration in your phone. This allowsadditionalmethods to interact with entities. The Motion sound canbe toggledon/off by pressing the motion icon on the screen.--------------------------------------------------Visit our very active FaceBookGroup: your EVPs and read other people's experiences.--------------------------------------------------
Magic Words 1.3.04
*New Release*: all the formulas from Parole Magiche 5andParoleMagiche 6. Download again the purchased packages toupdatethemwith the new magic words. Magic words is an app withthebestspells collected by Cristiano Tenca, tested by theauthorhimself,and capable of producing positive effects. How magicwordswork:everything has a specific vibrational frequency. Withthespellstested by the author and by many of his readers, wetunethesevibrations with the energy that attracts thedesiredsituations,creating the conditions for their realization.Become areal"modern magician", too! • Over 1400 spells that can beusedfor:finding love; improving physical health;receivingprotection;neutralizing unwanted effects; promoting luck,work, andmaterialwell-being; finding lost objects; helpinganimals;protecting theenvironment; live happy emotions; fosterspiritualdevelopment, andmuch more. • 8 well-defined categories ofspells,to make yoursearch easy • A whole package of free spells,which canbe usedimmediately • The correct audio pronunciation ofthe spells,readby the author himself • The correct audiopronunciation ofthespells, read by the author himself • You can addeach spell toyourfavorites, so as to find them more easily • Searchtool to findthespell you want more easily Available languages:italian,englishFrequently asked questions: for any question pleasecontactusonthislink