Top 20 Apps Similar to Orthodontist

Oral-B 9.7.3
Oral-B App – your personal brushing assistant
Dentista 5.0
- Versione Demo - App HILAPP -Dentista.L’applicazione si pone come un nuovo strumento,strutturato per latecnologia mobile, in grado di garantire unacomunicazioneefficace, immediata e costante tra l’azienda e iclienti.Attraverso lo strumento mobile il cliente potrà usufruire, inogniistante e soprattutto in ogni luogo, di informazioniutilisull'azienda e non solo. - Versione Demo -- Demo Version -AppHILAPP - Dentist. The application arises as a new tool,structuredfor the mobile technology, able to ensure effectivecommunication,immediate and constant between the company and theclients.Through the mobile device the customer can use at all timesandespecially in any place, of useful information about thecompanyand beyond. - Demo Version -
Dentist - Dental clinic appointment manager 2.0.6
Dentist application is designed for dentists to use daily intheirprofessional activities. Dental ofiice appointment managerwillhelp you to keep information on patient visit : rootcanaltreatment, teeth whitening, braces, tmj, tooth extraction.Dentalchart and x-rays of patients will be always near at hand.
SmileSesame 4.1
Great Smiles LLC
Allows user to obtain free & quick consult for invisiblebraceslike invisalign®
Panduan Dokter Bidan Perawat 6.0
Andro Media
SOP / Work Instruction Doctor and Nurse Midwives inhospitals,health centers and clinics
Dokter Sehat 1.0.1
Indra Adam
DokterSehat adalah aplikasi mobile dariportalkesehatan online terbesar di Indonesia: Utama Aplikasi:1. Artikel & Informasi Kesehatan:Aplikasi ini memberikan akses ke ribuan artikel kesehatanyangdiupdate setiap harinya oleh Team Dokter Sehat. Membaca,memberikankomentar, dan membagikan artikel kesehatan menjadi sangatmudahdengan aplikasi ini.2. Tips P3KPertolongan pertama pada kesehatan (P3K) merupakan sesuatuyangpenting dan terkadang bisa menentukan hidup matinyaseseorang.Dengan aplikasi ini anda bisa mendapatkan tips P3K dimanasaja,kapan saja dari smartphone anda.3. Kalkulator KesehatanAplikasi DokterSehat juga dilengkapi dengan bermacamfiturkalkulator kesehatan, diantaranya: Perhitungan BMI, Kalori,UsiaKehamilan, dan Prediksi perkiraan kondisi janin.4. Direktori Rumah Sakit & DokterDapatkan akses ke ratusan rumah sakit dan dokter diIndonesiamelalui aplikasi ini. Mendapatkan informasi dan mengkontakdokter& rumah sakit menjadi lebih cepat dan efisien denganfiturDirektori Rumah Sakit & Dokter. Anda dapat mengaksesinformasipenting seperti: jam operasional, jadwal praktek,spesialisasidokter, dan detail kontak dengan mudah.Aplikasi ini akan terus dikembangkan dan diperbaharuidenganfitur-fitur kesehatan terkini. Jika anda mempunyai kritikatausaran, silahkan email kami di application currently only support Indonesian language.
No Clenching 3.0.0
No Clenching brings the importance of not clenching your teeth.
Patriot Inc
BUKU SAKU DOKTER KOMPREHENSIF.Dapat dipergunakan oleh semua tenaga kesehatan (MedisdanParamedis)DokterDokter GigiPerawatBidanApotekerdan Tenaga Kesehatan LainnyaDOCTOR POCKETBOOKOFCOMPREHENSIVE.Can be used by all health personnel (Medical and Paramedical)DoctorDentistNurseMidwifePharmacistand Other Health Personnel
Fernanda Munhoz
Sua fonte de informação para problemascomunsdentários, noções básicas de saúde bucal, condições de seusdentes,informações pós-extração, necessidade de visitas ao seudentista,oportunidades de negócios na área odontológica, tratamentodecanal, restaurações de dentes, implantes dentários,correçõesdentárias, cirurgias, prótese e muito mais.Your source ofinformationfor dental common problems, basics of oral healthconditions of yourteeth, post-extraction information, the need forvisits to yourdentist, business opportunities in dentistry, rootcanal treatment,dental restorations, dental implants, dentalcorrections, surgery,prosthesis and more.
Zahnärzte BW 1.1.2
Sie suchen einen Zahnarzt in IhrerUmgebung?Sie brauchen am Wochenende einen Zahnarzt, der Notdienstleistet?Oder wollen Sie sich beraten lassen zu einerzahnärztlichenVersorgung? Oder einfach fundierte,verständlicheGesundheitsinformationen lesen zu Implantaten, zuZahnersatz undzur Erhaltung der Zähne?Praxissuche und Notdienstsuche inBaden-Württemberg,Patientenberatung und Patienteninformationen –diese hochwertigenFunktionen und Informationen bietet Ihnen die App„Zahnärzte BW“der Kassenzahnärztlichen VereinigungBaden-Württemberg.Features:- Finden Sie Ihre Zahnärztin oder Ihren Zahnarzt am Wohnort(mitName, Adresse, Telefonnummer, Kartenansicht).- Bei Zahnschmerzen am Wochenende: Finden Sie die Zahnärztinoderden Zahnarzt, der in Ihrer Umgebung Notdienst hat.- Informieren Sie sich über die Möglichkeiten der fürSiekostenfreien Patientenberatung und ZweitmeinunginBaden-Württemberg- Lesen Sie die gut verständlichen GesundheitsinformationenfürPatienten zu den Themen: „Implantate“, „Zahnersatz“und„Zahnerhaltung“You are looking foradentist in your area? You need a weekend dentist whoprovidesemergency? Or would you consult a dental care? Or simplysound,understandable health information read to implants, denturesandconserve the teeth?Find your clinic and emergency search in Baden-Württemberg,patientcounseling and patient information - these high-qualityfunctionsand information offers the app "Dentists BW" of thedentists'association Baden-Württemberg.Features:- Find your dentist or your dentist at the residence (withname,address, phone number, map).- For toothache weekend: find the dentist or the dentist who inyourarea has emergency service.- Find out about the possibilities of the free for youpatientadvice and second opinion in Baden-Württemberg- Read the easily understandable health information for patientsonthe subject: "Implants", "dentures" and "Dental Care"
Brush DJ 4.2.0
Ben Underwood
The FREE Brush DJ app makes toothbrushing fun! Download now :)
Make your experience with braces withyourorthodontist more exciting by creating different patterns withthehelp of BraceMate. It is the best app toaccompanybraces!The BraceMate app features several main functions.Colour picker: A realistic teeth image that allows you to choosethecolour on your braces with a full range of colours available.Ashare function has been enabled so that you can letyouorthodontist know in advance what colours you want, so theycanmake sure they have the colours available for you.Information on how to look after your braces throughout treatmenttoensure your experience with braces are as hassle freeaspossible.Information on how to manage emergencies with braces shouldtheyarise.More InformationThe Colour pickerIt has an easy-to-use screen that lets users see how theirbraceslook with different patterns, and multiple colours. Some appshavea cartoony picture of teeth that makes it hard to visualizewhatyour braces will look like. BraceMate shows you a life likepictureto make it as real as possible. Some other apps only let youseehow the teeth look with only one set of colours at a time.TheBraceMate app lets you see how your teeth look withdifferentpatterns of colours. You can support your team, ornationalcolours. You can match your outfit for your nextsocialevent.The Share function enables you to send pictures to yourorthodontistto save you the time when you are at the appointment,and, lets youpick your colours at your own pace. The sharefunction also lets youforward your proposed colour design to yourfriends who can let youknow if the colours are right foryou.There is easy-to-read maintenance information to help you lookafteryour smile during your treatment. The better your teetharemaintained, the quicker your treatment and, the better yoursmilewill look when treatment has finished.The easy-to-read emergency information is a comprehensive listofpossible problems that could occur during braces treatment. It isahandy guide for all the matters that could concern you when youcannot get a hold of your orthodontist.And lastly, this is a free app, made by professionals, forpatients.The goal is to provide better outcomes for all involved.Quickertreatment times, happier patients, and, happierorthodontists.Includes colour selections for:•AB Orthodontics•American OrthodonticsIf you are an orthodontist and wish to contact the developersforyour own customised app please visit
Philips Sonicare For Kids 4.4.1
Transform brush time into fun time!
Ada Dokter 1.0
Aplikasi ada dokter adalah aplikasiyangdapatmenghubungkan antara dokter dengan pasien atau orangyanginginberobat ke dokter, dengan aplikasi ini calon pasienbisamencaridokter dan membuat janji berobat ke doktertersebut.Sedangkanuntuk dokter bisa melisting tempat praktekdanwaktuprakteknyaNo doctor'sapplicationisan application that can connect between doctor andpatient orpersonwho wants to go to the doctor, with thisapplicationprospectivepatients can find a doctor and make anappointment tosee the doctorthat. As for the doctors couldmelisting practiceand practicetime
SmilesTime - личный стоматолог
Smiles Time
SmilesTime - революциядляклиентовстоматологий:30 секунд для подбора и записи к стоматологу в любое времяивлюбом месте, получайте индивидуальные предложения ибонусызалояльность.Новые возможности для подбора стоматологии:* подбор ближайшей клиники по вашему местоположению* выбор по ценовой категории* выбор по рейтингу* график работы клиники* фотографии клиникиМгновенная запись в клинику:* добавьте клинику в избранные* не тратьте время на звонки, закажите обратный звонок* одно нажатие и вы записаныУдобная навигация по картеБудьте в курсе акций вашей стоматологииПолучайте индивидуальные предложения от вашей стоматологииПолучайте подарки и бонусыВ следующих версиях:* Онлайн-запись на удобное для Вас время* Напоминание о следующем визите в стоматологиюSmilesTime -Revolutionfordentists customers:30 seconds for the selection and entry to the dentist atanytimeand in any place, get individual offers andloyaltybonuses.New features for the selection of dentistry:* Selection of the nearest clinic for your location* Choice by price category* Selection of rated* Schedule of clinic* Clinic photosInstant record to the clinic:* Add to favorites clinic* Do not waste time on calls, request a call back* One touch and you recordedEasy navigation mapBe aware of your actions dentistryGet your individual offer from dentistryGet gifts and bonusesIn the following versions:* Live recording at any time convenient for you* Reminder of your next visit in dentistry
Chomper Chums® 1.5.01
Our Chomper Chums® app helps kids develop healthy oralwellnesshabits.
Czyste Ząbki z Aquafresh® 2.5
Kapitan Aquafresh i Pastusie pokazują dzieciom jakpoprawnieszczotkować zęby. Wpadająca w ucho piosenka i zabawnetańceprzykuwają uwagę dzieci w trakcie mycia ząbków, gdy w tymsamymczasie zegar odlicza 2 minuty - zalecany czas mycia zębów.Dziękizabawie dzieci nawet nie zauważają gdy nadchodzikoniecszczotkowania zębów! Skorzystaj z linku do iTunes lub swojejlistyulubionych utworów by stworzyć nieskończenie wieletanecznychmożliwości podczas szczotkowania. CHPL/CHAQU/0073/16
Cusp Dental Software 4.6.9
The management of your dental/orthodontic clinic has neverbeeneasier!
Стоматология 2.2
Stomatological aid - professional, fast and painless
Teeth Cleaning Timer 1.8
A Teeth Cleaning Timer for Kids whohavealreadybeen introduced to a correct tooth brushingtechniqueatschool.