Top 19 Apps Similar to قياس نسبة السكر في الدم Prank

Glucometer diabetes - prank 0.0.6
Most people with diabetes need to checktheirblood sugar (glucose) levels regularly. The results help youandyour doctor manage those levels, which helps you avoiddiabetescomplications.Blood sugar testing is an important part of diabetes care. Findoutwhen to test your blood sugar level, how to use a testingmeter,and more.If You Want to know what is your Blood Glucose OR sugar result ?Ifso, Glucometer diabetes - prank is a perfect try for you.Blood Glucose Dector Prank is for Entertainment purposes only,anddoes not actually scan your finger print for really.That would be impossible. Your phone screen does not havethatcapability.Enjoy it!A blood glucose test measures the amount of a sugar calledglucosein a sample of your blood.Glucose is a major source of energy for most cells of thebody,including brain cells. Carbohydrates are found in fruit,cereal,bread, pasta, and rice. They are quickly turned into glucoseinyour body. This raises your blood glucose level.There are several ways to test your blood sugar:From Your Fingertip: You prick your finger with a small,sharpneedle (called a lancet) and put a drop of blood on a teststrip.Then you put the test strip into a meter that shows yourbloodsugar level. You get results in less than 15 seconds and canstorethis information for future use. Some meters can tell youyouraverage blood sugar level over a period of time and show youchartsand graphs of your past test results. You can get bloodsugarmeters and strips at your local pharmacy.Meters That Test Other Sites: Newer meters let you testsitesother than your fingertip, such as your upper arm, forearm,base ofthe thumb, and thigh. You may get different results thanfrom yourfingertip. Blood sugar levels in the fingertips showchanges morequickly than those in other testing sites. This isespecially truewhen your blood sugar is rapidly changing, likeafter a meal orafter exercise. If you are checking your sugar whenyou havesymptoms of hypoglycemia, you should use your fingertipifpossible, because these readings will be more accurate.Continuous Glucose Monitoring System: These devices, alsocalledinterstitial glucose measuring devices, are combined withinsulinpumps. They are similar to finger-stick glucose results andcanshow patterns and trends in your results over time.Options that come with Blood Sugar Detector Prank:> sharing options to share the detection fun with your palsonGoogle Plus or Facebook etc.> For playing prank And Fun or joke on your " Friends andFamily".> Realistic looking.Disclaimer> Glucometer diabetes prank is only for fun andentertainmentpurposes and a prank application> And no real "Blood Sugar" will Disply from your device.
Best digital thermometer prank 0.0.2
Mobile digital thermometer is an applicationtomeasure body temperature with only your phone and with noadditionaldevices only by using your finger. just like heart ratemeasuringdevices.The hidden thermal receptors in your touch-screen shall sensingoffinger temperature. and calculate your fingertemperaturecorrectly.Application features:- easy to use- A quick result- Does not require additional hardwareDisadvantages:- Cool screen may contribute the wrong result in the beginningjusttry again.- The application used by just a joke with your friends.
نسبة السكر في الدم 1.0
rida apps
تحليل السكر وكل ما يتعلق بـ "السكري"الجلوكوز(Glucose):-هو السكر الرئيسي في دم الانسان وهو مصدرللطاقةلجميع انسجة الجسم .النسبة الطبيعية للسكر في الدم:-70 – 110 مجم لكل 100ملليتردميختلف معدل نسبة السكر في الدم في الشخص الغير مريض بمرض السكريعنمعدل السكر في الدم بالنسبة لمريض السكري .في حالة الشخص الغير مريض بمرض السكر يختلف معدل السكر الطبيعيفيالجسم في اختبار الصائم عن اختبار بعد الطعام ، حيث يتراوح معدلالسكرالطبيعي في الدم في اختبار الصائم ما بين 70 - 110 مللي لكلديسيلتر ،اما بالنسبة لمعدل السكر الطبيعي في الدم بعد وجبة الطعامبساعتينيكون اقل من 140 مللي لكل ديسيلترهدا تطبيق لا يعطي نسب حقيقية لا يرجي اعتماد عليه في نتائجSugar analysisandeverything related to "diabetes"Glucose (Glucose): - is the main sugar in human blood is a sourceofenergy for all body tissue.Natural rate of sugar in the blood: -70 - 110 mg per 100 mlofbloodThe rate of sugar in the blood is different in non-patientpersonwith diabetes for blood sugar for diabetics.In the case of non-patient person with diabetes natural sugarrateis different in the body in the fasting test for test aftermeals,where the natural rate of sugar in the blood ranges infasting testbetween 70-110 ms per deciliter, as to the rate ofnatural sugar inthe blood after a meal. two hours is less than 140ms perdeciliterHedda application does not give a true proportions please donotadopt it in results
قياس دقات القلب بالبصمة Prank 0.0.1
من مميزات التطبيق :✔حجم صغير للبرنامج .✔سهل الاستخدام .✔قياس ضربات القلب الخاصه بك في ثواني معدوده .✔عن طريق وضع الابهام الخاص بك في المكان المخصص ستظهر لكالنتائج.✔لا يحتاج اتصال بالانترنت .✔مشاركه نتيجه قياس ضربات القلب عبر المواقع الاجتماعيه الفيسبوكوتويتر والواتس اب .✔ قياس الضغط و جهاز قياس دقات القلب✔جهاز قياس نسبة السكر في الدم✔ يساعدك لكي تكون على اطلاع دائم على صحتك✔سيغنيك عن الذهاب الى الطبيب واخد موعد✔ قياس الضغط و جهاز قياس دقات القلب✔ قياس دقات القلب و ضغط دم✔جهاز قياس نسبة السكر في الدم✔ جهاز قياس ضغط الدم بدون انترنت✔ عمل خدع ناجحة لأصدقائك.✔ يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون أنترنيت و في أي وقت.✔ لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.✔ يقوم بقياس ضغط دم بإبهامك فقط لا غير.✔تطبيق قياس ضربات القلب مجرد مزحه فلا يقوم بقياس ضربات القلببطريقهصحيحه .ملاحظة : تطبيق قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة هو مزحة للتسلية اي عبارةعنPrank فقط .Of theapplicationfeatures:✔hjm small for the program.✔shl use.✔kies your heart beat in a matter of seconds.✔an by placing your thumb in the space you'll see theresults.✔la need an Internet connection.✔mcharkh result of measuring heart rate through thesocialnetworking sites Facebook and Twitter and AlwatsAugust.✔ measure pressure and heart rate measurement device✔jhaz measure blood sugar✔ helps you in order to be abreast of your health✔sagnek about going to the doctor Wakhed date✔ measure pressure and heart rate measurement device✔ measure heart rate and blood pressure✔jhaz measure blood sugar✔ blood pressure measurement device without Internet✔ deceived successful work for your friends.✔ You can run the application without access to the Internet andatany time.✔ not Aotr the phone battery Unlike other applications.✔ The measurement of blood pressure with your thumb only.✔ttbaiq measure heart is not just a joke that measures theheartbeatcorrect manner.Note: the application of blood pressure measurementfingerprintis no joke for entertainment only a Prank.
قياس ضربات القلب بالهاتف Prank 2.0
التطبيق يحول الهاتف الى مقياسلقياسالمعدلالتقريبي لنبضات القلب في الحينومن المعلوم ان معدل ضربات القلب يختلف حسب الكائن نفسهحجمةنشاطموطنهوكيفة عيشه وايضا حسب فئة العمر وحسب النشاط الدي يمارسهويتميز التطبيق بالخفه و سهولة تثبتهTheapplicationconvertsthe phone into a scale to measure theapproximate rate ofheartbeatin timeIt is well known that the heart rate varies depending ontheobjectitself, its size Activity homeKiffa and livelihood as well as by age group and bymyfatherpracticed activityThe application is characterized by lightnessandeaseevidenced
Units Converter 1.0.2
Selection of units converters.
Finger Blood Pressure Prank 1.1
it's An awesome prank! FingerprintBloodPressure will provide you the most easiest way of checking outyourblood pressure. Fingerprint Blood Pressure will calculatesyourblood it calculates the blood pressure...this app is just prank scanner to calculate your blood pressure.How to use :- Place your finger on the scanning pad.then wait for only few seconds for the result. if you want themostaccurate results. The Fingerprint Blood pressure willcalculateyour blood pressure rate.- Fingerprint Blood Pressure can Measure your Systolic andDiastolicBlood pressures and heart beat quickly.Features:- Realistic looking scanner- Simple to scan and easy to use- Totally free for Android users- Works with Android mobiles and tablets- Clear UI and beautiful designDisclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure application at the momentisfor just an entertainment purposes only, and at the time itdoesnot calculating correct results. it's just like prankFingerprintBlood Pressure will only displayed results on randomlybasis. Youcan use this application for fooling your friends, prankyourenemies
Check Blood Pressure Prank 6.1
Blood Pressure Checker is a greatapplicationto prank you friends, this funny android applicationwill make youcheck your blood pressure in 3 easy steps, this bloodpressuremonitor gives you fake blood pressure readings so you canprank youfriends and your family.Scan your Hypertension with the best Fingerprint bloodpressureScanner in google apps store and enjoy free and easy way toprankanybody by telling them that they have a high blood pressureornormal blood pressure.This fake Health Application is like a blood pressure monitorthatyou can use with your friends, and they would think as it‘s arealblood pressure calculating, it can also Record your BP andshare iton facebook or whatsapp.HOW TO USE:Step 1: Put your thumb to scanner your blood pressureorhypertensionStep 2: Wait 3 seconds to calculate blood pressureStep 3: Your Fake blood pressure will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Your false blood tension will be shown in a “bloodpressurechart”FEATURES✔ A Joke application to scan hypertension by using the thumb✔ Easy to use and beautiful scaning blood pressure✔ user friendly any one can use it at any age✔ FREE fun prank✔ finger blood pressure Prank does works withoutinternetconnection
قفل الهاتف بالبصمة prank 3.0
مرحبا بك في قفل الهاتف بالبصمة و برنامجحمايةالتطبيقات بطريقة ذكية جدا بحيث لا يمكن أي أحد فتح الهاتف الاأنت عنطريق بصمتك و الخدعة هنا جد بسيطة بحيث تضع أصبعك على الماسحالضئيالمتطور ليبدئ في الفحص و لن يفتح الهاتف حتى تضغط على زر قفلالشاشة5 مرات مع وضع أصبعك .اذا كنت تريد حماية التطبيقات او لديك صور تريد حمايتها فلا تقلالخدعةلأي أحد لكي لا يتمكن من فتح هاتفك .يتميز برنامج حماية التطبيقات هذا و حماية هاتفك أنه يحمي جهازكويعطيك تصميم جد رائع لشاشة القفل به ساعة رقمية و ساعة ذكية اضافةالىتاريخ اليوم و مكان فحص البصمة. التطبيق الأول الذي يضمن لك تصميمجدرائع كخلفية قفل الشاشة.قد يعجبك آخر تطبيقنابرنامج قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمةطريقة استعمال برنامج حماية التطبيقات :1- قم بمسح أصبعك جيدا2- ضع أصبعك بالضبط البصمة على الليزر الذي يفحص3- انتظر قليلا حتى يكتمل الفحص5- تم قفل الجهاز / فتح الجهاز بنجاحwarning : This is just a Prank Application just for fun!!هذه خطوات الجهاز بكل بساطة ستجد أن الأمر سهل و أبسط من ذلكعنتجريبه, لا تنسى التقييم من أجل ارفاق تطبيقات أخرى ترفيهية تبهربهاأصدقائكHello your phonelockfingerprint and protect applications very smart way program sothatcan not be any one open the phone unless you via yourfingerprint,and the trick here is very simple to put your finger onthe scannerAldia sophisticated originates in the examination andthe phonewill not open until you press on the screen lock button 5timeswith a finger.If you want to protect applications or have images you wanttoprotect, do not say any one trick in order not to be able tounlockyour phone.This protection applications and protect your programfeaturesthat protects your computer and gives you a very wonderfuldesignfor the lock screen by a digital clock and a smart hour inadditionto today's date and place of examination footprint. Thefirstapplication that guarantees you a very wonderful designbackgroundscreen lock.Another may like our applicationBlood pressure measurement fingerprint program to use the protection program applications:1. Wipe your finger well2. Place your finger on the exact footprint of the laser,whichexamines the3. Wait a little until the examination is completed5. The machine / lock to open the device successfullywarning: This is just a Prank Application just for fun !!This device simply steps you will find that it is easy andsimplerfor tested, do not forget to attach the evaluation ofotherapplications recreational fascinates her friends
Blood Sugar Test Prank 1.0
Gosa apps inc
Blood Sugar Test PRANK is recommended Ifyourblood glucose (Sugar) average is high, then you have diabetes,tomeasure how the average of Sugar in your Blood you need tohaveBlood Sugar test such as FREE Blood Sugar Test PRANK.Blood Sugar Test contains a digital Fingerprint scanner thatallowsto know how much your Blood contains of Sugar.The Free Blood Sugar Test PRANK is a funny and FREEFingerprintscanner that tries to detect how much your blood sugaraveragereaches this day based on readings of fingerprint screen onFreeBlood Test App.You just need to thumb up on the scanning area to measureyouraverage of Sugar in Blood. Placing your thumb on the scannerwillstart scanning calculate your Blood reading. The result ofyouranalysis are only random numbers and does not represent youractualblood sugar.We created this application Free Blood Sugar Test to imitaterealBlood Sugar Scanner. It provides you with false results. Youcanuse this application only to play tricks with your friendsandfamily or others.This application is just for fun and mainly forentertainmentpurposes. It does not provide real results. It justgives randomnumbers. Please do not use it for real purposes. Use itto playjoke with others.Checking out Sugar Blood using free blood sugar test PRANKwhichworks very easily and efficiently. Just run the application.Placeyour Finger or thumb on the scanner and wait for scanning. Donotlift your Finger until the scanning is complete.NOTE:1.We don't advice you to worry about the results provided byFreeBlood Sugar Test PRANK since it represent unreal results.thepurpose for which this application is designedisentertainment!!!2.You can also search for and follow us on Facebook (ITAppsinc), Twitter (IT Apps inc) and Google+ (IT Apps inc).
Blood Pressure Scanner Prank 1.0
It’s an awesome prank! FingerprintBloodPressure will provide you the easiest way of checking outyourblood pressure. it will be the most accuratehealthApplication.Do you want to collect a lot of laughter, hilarity and cheermomentamong the group of your friends? Get it now “fingerprintbloodpressure calculator” and hit most memorable and amused momentswithyour friends. Actually, fingerprint blood pressure calculatoris aprank application and it uses to prank your friends. Tillthenandroid has not ability to calculate the blood pressure of ahumanbody, but your friends don’t known about this. So fool themwithfingerprint blood pressure calculator. Application’s layout issonatural that nobody can determine whether it is real orprank?Application is easy to use and fit for almost all androiddevices.You know what is different in fingerprint blood pressure?The useof digital meter to show fake blood pressure readings whichwilldefinitely inspire your friends and they might think that youareenjoying latest android device.This app is just prank fake joke funny scanner to calculateyourblood pressure.“Blood pressure” is the force of blood pushing against the wallsofthe arteries as the heart pumps blood. If this pressure risesandstays high over time, it can damage the body in many ways.Fingerprint Blood Pressure is very easy to use.Step 1: Select your gender and tap on next.Step 2: Now place your finger gently on the finger scanning padandwait for the analysis.Result: Your Fake blood pressure will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Features:- Realistic looking scanner-Simple to scan and easy to use- Measure your Systolic and Diastolic Blood pressuresquickly.- A prank application to collect cheers moment withyourfriends-Totally free for Android users-Works with Android mobiles and tablets-Simple and clear UI and beautiful design- FREE fun for allDisclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure scanner application atthemoment is for just an entertainment purposes only, and at thetimeit does not calculating correct results. It’s just likeprankFingerprint Blood Pressure scanner will only displayed resultsonrandomly basis. You can use this application for fooling, jokefunwith your friends, prank your enemiesEnjoy Finger Blood Pressure Scanner Prank!
Finger Blood Pressure BP Prank 3.0
Top app pro
It's An awesome prank ! FingerprintBloodPressure BP Prank will provide you the most easiest way ofcheckingout your blood pressure.Fingerprint Blood Pressure will calculates your bloodpressure,Thisapp is just prank scanner to calculate your bloodpressure.HOW TO USE:Step 1: Press "Start".Step 2: Place your finger on the circle.Step 3: Wait 10 seconds.Result: Your Fake blood pressure will be shown automaticallyaftercalculation.Step 5: You can share the result with friends also.FEATURES► Easy to use► A prank application to collect cheers moment withyourfriends► Fingerprint Blood Pressure provides best and high definitionimagequalities.► Too much user friendly and easy to use► Finger Blood Pressure Prank FREE fun for all.► Finger Blood Pressure Prank is completely free download.► Finger Blood Pressure Prank does not requireinternetconnection.Disclaimer:Blood Pressure Scanner Prank is for entertainment purposes only.Itdoes not calculate your blood pressure. The displayed resultsarerandom numbers. It is the best application for fooling yourfriends.
Magnetic field meter 1.3.3
This application measures magnetic field strength.
برنامج قياس درجة الحرارة Prank 1.0
هل تبحث عن برنامج قياس درجة حرارة الجسمبطريقةحقيقية ؟هل مللت من البحث عن برنامج قياس درجة الحرارة حقيقي ولم تجداليالمزيفة فقط ؟هل تريد جهاز قياس ضغط الدم بالبصة و جهاز قياس درجة حرارة الجسم ؟جهاز يقوم بقياس ضغط دمك بطريقة رائعة عن طريقة بصمتك ويعطيكالنتيجة في أسرع وقت و يمكنك من قياس درجة حرارة و قياس ضغط الدمبعملخدعة رائعة لأصدقائك عن طريق قياس حرارة جسمك وجسماصدقائكمجانا.ماذا تنتظر الان قم بتحميل برنامج قياس درجة الحرارة الجسم الان وقمبقياس درجة حرارة جسم أصدقائك و عائلتك بسرعة فائقة.مميزات التطبيق :★ قياس درجة حرارة الجسم بطريقة حقيقية★ برنامج قياس درجة الحرارة★ تصميم رائع وجميل مع عدة خلفيات★ يمكنك تشغيل التطبيق بدون انترنيت★ تحديت دائم لتطبيق لهدا لا ينصح بحدفه★ التطبيق مجاني وسيبقي مجاني للابد★ جهاز قياس درجة حرارة الجسم★ البرنامج لا يقوم قياس درجة حرارة الجسم فقط مزحة Prank★ قياس درجة الحرارة★ درجة حرارة الجسم★ جهاز قياس الحراراةالتطبيق قياس درجة حرارة عبارة عن مزحة Prankلا تنسى مشاركة التطبيق مع أصدقائك و لا تنسى وضع تعليقك فتعليقكيهمناولا تنسي تقيمه بخمس نجوم لي تساعدنا و نقوم بتعديله اكثر .Are you lookingformeasuring body temperature in a way a real program?Tired of searching for measuring the temperature and did not findareal program to counterfeit all?Do you want to blood pressure measurement device Balbsh andmeasurebody temperature device?Device that measures blood pressure superbly about the wayyourfingerprint and gives you the result as soon as you can andtomeasure the temperature and blood pressure measurementfantasticjob to trick your friends by measuring the bodytemperature and thebody of your friends for free.What are you waiting now download measure body temperature nowandmeasure the degree of body heat of your friends and yourfamilysuper fast program.Application features:★ measure body temperature real way★ temperature measuring program★ gorgeous and beautiful design with several backgrounds★ You can run the application without Internet★ challenged to apply for permanent Hedda is notrecommendedBhdvh★ Free app is free and will stay forever★ measure body temperature device★ The program does not measure body temperature just ajokePrank★ measuring temperature★ body temperature★ measuring device ThermometersApplication measure the temperature of a joke PrankDo not forget the application with your friends and do not forgettoput your comment Vtaliqk post concerns us not forgethostedfive-star Lee help us and we modified it more.
Finger Blood Pressure Prank 1.0
it's An awesome prank!FingerprintBloodPressure will provide you the most easiest way ofchecking outyourblood pressure. Fingerprint Blood Pressure willcalculatesyourblood it calculates the blood pressure...this app is just prank scanner to calculateyourbloodpressure.How to use :- Place your finger on the scanning pad.then wait for only few seconds for the result. if you wantthemostaccurate results. The Fingerprint Blood pressurewillcalculateyour blood pressure rate.- Fingerprint Blood Pressure can Measure your SystolicandDiastolicBlood pressures and heart beat quickly.Features:- Realistic looking scanner- Simple to scan and easy to use- Totally free for Android users- Works with Android mobiles and tablets- Clear UI and beautiful designDisclaimer: Fingerprint Blood Pressure application at themomentisfor just an entertainment purposes only, and at the timeitdoesnot calculating correct results. it's just likeprankFingerprintBlood Pressure will only displayed results onrandomlybasis. Youcan use this application for fooling yourfriends, prankyourenemies
قياس نسبة السكر في الدم Prank 1.0.5
من الأفضل أن نبقى دائما على اطلاع علىصحتنافهذا ما ينصح به جل الأطباء، لكن المشكل هو ذهاب الى الطبيب، فمعهذاالتطبيق لا حاجة لذلك فتطبيق قياس ضغط الدم هو Prank و جهاز قياسضغطالدم عبر الهاتف اي يمكنك قياس ضغط الدم فقط عبر وضع بصمتك أصبكعلىشاشة الهاتف و سوف يعطيك تفاصيل كاملة عن ضغط دمك.من مميزات التطبيق :- قياس الضغط و جهاز قياس دقات القلب- قياس دقات القلب و ضغط دم- جهاز قياس نسبة السكر في الدم- This Application is just a Prank- جهاز قياس ضغط الدم بدون انترنتكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :- عند الدخول للتطبيق ستظهر لك الواجهة الرئيسية للتطبيق بها مكانخاصبالبصمة.- سيخبرك الهاتف بوضع إبهامك في المكان المخصص للمسح ضغط الدم قمبوضعبصمتك و إنتظر.- سيقوم التطبيق بفحص إبهامك و سيقوم التطبيق بإظهارالنتيجةالنهائية.ملاحظة : تطبيق قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة هو مزحة للتسلية اي عبارةعنPrank فقط .It is better toalwaysstay on the lookout for our health that is what isrecommended bymost of the doctors, but the problem is to go to thedoctor. Withthis application does not need so The application ofblood pressuremeasurement is Prank and blood pressure measuringdevice over thephone which you can measure your blood pressure onlythrough thedevelopment of Osbk your fingerprint on the phone screenand willgive you full details on your blood pressure.Of the application features:- Pressure gauge and measure your heart rate- Measurement of heart rate and blood pressure- Measuring blood sugar device- This Application is just a Prank- Blood pressure measurement device without InternetHow to run the application:- When you enter the application you will see the main interfaceofthe application of the special place fingerprint.- The phone will tell you put your thumb in the provisionforscanning blood pressure then place put your fingerprintandwait.- The application will scan your thumb and the application willshowthe final result.Note: the application of blood pressure measurementfingerprintis no joke for entertainment only a Prank.
Sound Meter HQ
Application "Sound Meter HQ" calculatessoundlevel (noise level) of surroundings with the help ofbuilt-inmicrophone. Result of the measurements are displayed indecibels onthe screen of you phone.IMPORTANT:This tool is not a professional device to measure decibels. Itusesbuilt-in microphone, which was created to capture human'svoice.Such a microphone isn't able to capture sounds above ~90-100dB.Maximum value differs depending on kind of microphone youhave.Additionally some devices are equipped with AGC (AutomaticGainControl). This system can additionally disturb correctsoundpressure level measurement.Calculated value of noise level is displayed with the helpofindicator on the gauge. Range of measurements from environmentisbetween 0-140 dB. Besides current measurement theapplicationdisplays also minimum and maximum level of thesound.You can clear minimum and maximum measurements any time byusing"Reset" button.Additionally the application displays noise power indescriptiveway. Available descriptive sound thresholds:10 dB - Breathing20 dB - Rustling leaves30 dB – Whisper40 dB – Quiet library50 dB – Moderate rainfall60 dB – Normal conversation70 dB – Vacuum cleaner80 dB – Food blender90 dB – Power tools100 dB – Motorcycle110 dB – Rock concert120 dB – Chain saw130 dB – Jet takeoff (100 m. away)140 dB – ShotgunProgram calibration:If you have an access to professional sound pressure level(SPL)measurements device you can use it for calibrating theapplication.Check current dB reading on scientific measurementdevice and withthe help of calibration menu (calibration icon underMAX value) setthe same value using +,- buttons.Features of application:- dB level presented on the gauge and in the descriptive way- quick reaction on sound level change- possibility of calibration the result according toprofessionaldevice.- minimum and maximum measurements levels.
Unit Converter 1.8.51
Convenient unit converter app.
قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة Prank 1.0
Mobile Agency
قياس ضغط الدم بالبصمة PrankPrank تطبيق قياس ضغط الدم يمكنك من قياس ضغط دمك فقط عبروضعبصمتكأصبك على شاشة الهاتف و سوف يعطيك تفاصيل كاملة عن ضغط دمك.من مميزات التطبيق :- قياس ضغط الدم-قياس الضغط الشرياني-ضغط الدم الطبيعي-معدل ضغط الدم الطبيعي حسب العمر-انخفاض ضغط الدم-انخفاض ضغط الدم المفاجئ-تنبيه في حالة الانخفاض والارتفاع Prank-قياس دقيق واستعمال سهل-عملي ويمكن اسعماله في اي وقت-تصميم بسيط واحترافيكيفية تشغيل التطبيق :- عند الدخول للتطبيق ستظهر لك الواجهة الرئيسية بهامكانخاصبالبصمة.- ضع إبهامك في المكان المخصص للمسح ضع بصمتك و إنتظر.- سيقوم التطبيق بفحص إبهامك وإظهار النتيجة النهائية.Measuringbloodpressurefingerprint PrankPrank application of blood pressure measurement you canmeasureyourblood pressure just across Osbk put your fingerprint onthephonescreen and will give full details of your blood pressure.Of the application features:- Blood pressure measurement-kies Arterial pressure-dguet Normal blood-madl Normal blood pressure by age-Low blood pressure-Low Sudden blood pressure-tnabih In the case of the decline and rise Prank-kies Accurate and easy to use-amla Can Asamalh at any timeSimple and professional -DesignHow to run the application:- When you enter the application you will see the maininterfacewitha special place fingerprint.- Put your thumb in the space to the survey Put yourfingerprintandwait.- The application scans your thumb and the finalresultwillshow.