Top 26 Apps Similar to Helper

Personal Diary, Bullet Journal 3.33
Sun Island
Your secure diary app with lock. Store your notes, ideas,photos,expenses.
Task Book 1.9
Vlad Yaremenko
Task Book helps to remember everything.This is very easy task scheduler that will help you becomemoreproductive. Set goals and add them to Task Book. When youmakethem, mark as "Done". Thanks to this you can view allcompletedtasks and learn how to become more productive usingTaskBook.Get better with Task Book!
TOP Planner 2.4.2
Top-planner –универсальноеприложение-ежедневник для планирования дел, постановкизадач иуправления временем.TOP-planner прост и надежен в использовании. Удобныйинтерфейспозволит вам легко составить список дел, скорректироватьих принеобходимости и отметить выполненные задачи.Используя Top-planner вы получите до 2 дополнительных часов вденьза счет четкого планирования и оптимизации расписания.Эффективное управление временем даст вам возможность поднятьсянакачественно новый уровень управления всеми сферами вашейжизни.Пользуйтесь планировщиком для своих профессиональных задач иличныхцелей.Ежедневник содержит универсальный инструмент "Колесо СВАбоды -НовыйОбраз Жизни", цель которого помочь человеку гармоничноразвиватьсяво всех областях жизни. Данная система позволяет спомощью простыхинструментов тайм-менеджмента создать условия,необходимые длясчастья.Этот ежедневник для тех, кто идет или собирается идти Путемуспеха,процветания и развития!Ежедневное использование данного планировщика позволит вамразвитьполезные привычки и сформировать принципиально новые -длядостижения прорывных результатов.Особенности:- Возможность отправки задач на электронную почту- Сочетание планировщика и календаря- Заметки для планирования различных сфер жизни- Интеллектуальный ввод времениTop-planner -universalapp-day planner to schedule cases, tasking andtimemanagement.TOP-planner is simple and reliable to use. User-friendlyinterfaceallows you to easily create a to-do list, to correct themifnecessary, and to note the task.Using Top-planner you will get up to 2 extra hours per day duetocareful planning and optimization of schedules.Effective time management will give you the opportunity to rise toaqualitatively new level of management of all aspects of yourlife.Use the scheduler to their professional goals andpersonalgoals.Scheduler contains a universal tool "Wheel of Liberty -NewLifestyle", which aims to help a person to develop harmoniouslyinall areas of life. This system allows a simpletime-managementtools to create the conditions necessary forhappiness.This diary for anyone who is or is going to go the way ofsuccess,prosperity and development!Daily use of the scheduler will allow you to develop good habitsandcreate fundamentally new - to achieve breakthroughresults.Features:- Ability to send tasks by email- The combination of the scheduler and calendar- Notes for the planning of the various spheres of life- Predictive time
Day Planner 1.3
Mykyta Gumeniuk
Extremely easy to use Day Planner.
Планировщик дел 2.0
Хотите стать продуктивней. Создавайте долгосрочные цели.Делайтеудобное вам расписание дня. Используйте список задач чтобыничегоне забыть. Планировщик поможет вам распланировать времяиорганизовать ваши дела. Функции приложения: Возможность создатьпочасовой распорядок дня. Планирование задач на неделю. Подням.Составление целей по месяцам. Список срочных дел. Ипростой,удобный календарь. Автоматическое сохранение информацииУдалениеодним нажатием. Занимает мало места но при этом можетхранитьдостаточно большой объём информации.
Time Planner: Schedule & Tasks 3.22.0_6 (Massive Star)
Oleksandr Albul
Increase productivity with this organizer, task list, habittrackerand calendar
PlanMe Reminder - calendar and 6.68
Leonid Arefev
Best reminder about any events in space and timewithvoice-activated dialing
YOU - Tasks, Calendar & Chats 0.101.0
You Global LTD
YOU Application is an ideal app forpersonaland business use that combined Task Manager, Calendar,Messenger,Reminder based on principles of Social Network. This is apersonalorganizer, planner designed to help plan your business andpersonallife.YOU is a new revolutionary way of day planning, time managementandteam collaboration, which will increase your personalefficiency,improve your teamwork and combine all yourcommunications in oneapp.If you are a business owner or a project manager, YOU will helptoalign planning and project management with private life,facilitatecollaboration with your team and assist in achievement ofyourgoals.An innovative approach to the calendar user interfacemakesscheduling more convenient and practical. If the classicremindercalendar and to do list does not meet your needs, the newlook andapproach of YOU calendar will be the ideal solution. Ourdailyplanner will replace all your organizers and to-do lists andwillhelp you to save time and become much more productive.The Estimated Travel Time feature will help to arrive in time forabusiness or personal meeting. YOU will display yourestimatedtravel time and arrival statuses of other meetingparticipants(arrived, on time, late, etc.).Use a built-in messenger with the Secret Chat feature.Сommunicatewith colleagues, family or friends and discuss urgentissues andsecret affairs.Since the YOU is a perfect team app all its sections aretightlyintegrated with each other, allowing you to streamlineyourworkflows and build a more effective communication withinyourteam.TASK MANAGER- create tasks and combine them into lists and projects;- create a separate chat for each task;- delegate tasks to colleagues and friends;- set deadlines;- control execution;- add spectators.Task planner with a project management tool will bring yourtaskmanagement performance to a new level.EVENTS (CALENDAR)Plan events and organize personal and business meetings withotherYOU users. Add exact GEO Location of your Event and trackarrivalstatuses of all participants.For any event in calendar you can create your separate chat,whichwill significantly simplify the discussion of upcoming orpastevents. YOU is a modern collaboration app with businesscalendarproviding you with a quick understanding of you free andbusy timeat a glance.REMINDERSCreate task reminder for yourself and other YOU users directlyfromevents, tasks and even from chat messages. The unique featureofreminders in YOU is ability to set reminders to other users:noerrands will be forgotten anymore.Reminders in YOU can be triggered at specific geographicallocation.Now you will not forget to send an email to a partnerupon arrivalto the office and do not forget to pick up clothesfrom the drycleaners on the way home.Forget about being lost in the numerous lists let YOU remindersfreeyour mind.MESSENGERMessenger YOU is designed to satisfy all your communicationneedswith co-workers as well as with family and friends. You don'thaveto switch between different messaging apps to carry out yourdailycommunications.Integration of messenger with other sections of the applicationwilllet you easily create a task, a meeting or a reminderwithoutleaving the chat.The "Secret Chat" feature has a unique, worlds first featuresthatprotects your identity even at the level of UserInterface.Whenever Secret Chat is created you will be asked to seta specialname and avatar for this chat. After that no one will everbe ableto find out the real names of chat participants. Inaddition,Secret Chats have an industry highest level of encryption.Messagesare encrypted on your mobile device and is kept encryptedon ourservers. Once deleted messages will disappear foreverandeverywhere.Become more efficient, productive and organized with YOU!Please visit our web site for moreinformation:
To Round: To-Do List
Task manager To Round is a visual planner&to-do list app designed specially for those who think inimages. Itis a simple yet powerful task manager app, which turns aroutineactivity of getting tasks to-do listed and scheduled intoadelightful experience. Moreover, it has all you need to reallygeteverything done.How Task Manager To Round works?You simply add bubbles with task names to the visual plannerandthen watch them go down the funnel when you mark tasks as done.Itis very convenient to keep tasks that need to be done soon inthefunnel, so you can always see how much there is to do. When youseethe funnel of task manager is packed full and understandthatsomething has to be done later, you can put tasks off – theywillbe removed from the funnel and you can pick the date when theyneedto show up in the funnel again. There is also a classic to-dolistview for current, pending, and completed tasks.Task manager To Round Key Features– Calendar. By setting up the date and time when a bubbleisshown up in the visual planner, you can easily manageyourschedule. Your visual planner will always show only currenttasks,which helps to concentrate on tasks that should be done rightnowand plan you agenda accordingly.– Tags. To differentiate between tasks related tovariousactivities, you can tag each group of tasks. For each tag,youchoose a color you like and when a tagged bubble is shown inthefunnel you will quickly determine which activity it belongs tobythe color of the bubble’s border.– Task priority. The bigger the bubble the more weightithas, the more important or cumbersome is the thing to be done.Yes,it is that simple! To change the size of the ball depending ontaskimportance or duration, simply move the ball size slider totheright giving the task more weight or to the left making thebubblesmaller.– Completed tasks. Sometimes there is so much you doduringthe day that few days later it is hard to remember what havebeendone already and what is still on the visual planner. With ToRoundto-do list app, you can see your finished tasks in justone-click –simply press the checkmark button in the header menu andyou willget the full list of accomplished tasks.– Gamification. You can juggle bubbles as anexperiencedmagician or move them by tilting your smartphone fromside toside.– Widget. To-do list on the home screen. If you wantanimportant things to remain visible, add To Round widget on themainscreen of your smartphone.– Telegram bot. For your convenience, we have recently setupthe Task Manager To Round Telegram Bot, so you can now manageyourto-do list without leaving the Telegram app. Check itout@toround_bot!FeedbackIf you have any inquiries about the Task Manager To Round to-dolistapp or in case you are experiencing any issues while usingthevisual reminder, please do not hesitate to contactus:
Goals and tasks 2.1.5
The goals and the tasks
HabBet+ bet on success habits 1.4.0pr
We all know how difficult it is toachievegoalsand make useful habits our second nature. HabBetwascreatedspecifically to help you build good habits andbestronglymotivated on the way to success.But it's not yet another habit tracker. This app providesyouwithadditional motivators - money bets and social promises -thetwo mostpowerful triggers. We call it CHALLENGINGMOTIVATION.This principle is based on human psychology. It says thatfearisone of the strongest motivators. Thus, we've decided toprovideyouwith fear... fear of losing money or social reputation.Don'tpanicyet! Just imagine: you have a goal which takes agreatwillpower toachieve, and the closer you get to it the greaterthedesire to giveup - sounds familiar, doesn't it? Well, withHabBetyou’ll be ableto use two efficient motivational techniques,thatcreate thecircumstances in which you will definitely makeprogressin buildinggood habits and achieving your goals.1. Money BetNo one likes to lose their money. Why not use it asamotivationforce? Make a bet (1, 10, 100 U.S. dollars) and ifyoufailcompleting a set goal, you will lose your money. When thegoalissuccessfully achieved, money stays at your personalaccountwithinthe application for further usage within theapp.Unfortunately, inthe current version we cannot refund themoneyback to your bankaccount.2. Pledge - a promise via social networkWhat can be scarier than losing your face in socialnetworksthesedays, when even your pets have accounts there? Right,it isquiteunpleasant. Therefore, if you're brave enough or needastrongemotional trigger to help you achieve your goal, useHabBetto make apromise via Facebook. Regardless of your success orfail,the appwill post your results to your personal account. Thefearof losingface before friends and followers, as well as thedesireto show yoursuccess and strong will, is one of the mostpowerfulmotivators.Basic features:1. Convenient notifications (plan for a day,dailyresults,planned habit)2. Daily task planner3. Strong motivational techniques4. Social sharing5. Recommended habits (a list of categories, each hasitsownrecommended habits)Pro features:1. Integration with watch (Android Wear)2. Unlimited list of habits3. No advertising4. Ability to save personalized data on server5. Cross-platform synchronization.In case you are not ready to pay now, you can downloadthefreeversion of the app with basic features and heck it out.Build good habits, track your progress, and achieveyourgoalswith HabBet!
EPIC PLAN!-Эпичный Планировщик 2.6
ПЛАНИРОВАТЬ - ЭТО СКУЧНО? Многие считаютчто-да, но программа EPIC PLAN способна изменить вашепредставлениеопланировании ежедневных дел! Но как?Что вам предоставит мобильное приложение Epic PLAN!- СТАНДАРТНЫЙ НАБОР функций стандартного планировщика :★ Создавать задачи на день (по работе или по дому).★★ Сможете удалить выполненные вами задание.★★★ Сможете установить напоминание о встрече или олюбомдругоммероприятии.★★★★ Нет рекламы :) !!! .- УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ НАБОР ФУНКЦИЙ::★ В программе присутствуют сказочные персонажи - Герои(3основныхгероя).★★ Выполняя задачи вы повышаете уровень своего Герояипрокачиваетеего, у вашего Героя появляются новые способностииновые элементывнешнего вида!★★★ В этой программе так же присутствует уникальная историяизжизнитрех героев - это РАГНАРД, ТРАНК СТАММЕР и САМБАРИН,Историиэтихтрёх сказочных персонажей тесно переплетены междусобой!Поэтому,чтобы картина происходящего была ясна полностью -выдолжны пройтиквесты всех 3-х Героев!★★★★ Вы испытаете много эмоций! Неожиданные поворотысюжетабудутзахватывать ваше воображение!★★★★★ Украшают программу специально разработаныоригинальныеЭпичныесаунд треки.★★★★★★ Качественная отрисовка персонажей + оригинальные саундтреки+история - создадут вокруг вас интересную,сказочнуюатмосферу!★★★★★★★ Вы станете чуточку Эпичнее ;)!PLAN - It'sboring?Manybelieve that, yes - but EPIC PLAN program can changeyour ideaof​​planning daily tasks! But how?That you provide a mobile application Epic PLAN!- Standard set of standard scheduler:★ Create tasks for the day (at work or at home).★★ Can you delete completed task.★★★ Can set a reminder for a meeting or any other event.★★★★ No advertising :) !!! .- Unique set of features ::★ In the program there are fairy-tale characters - Heroes(3mainhero).★★ performing tasks you raise the level of your characterandpumpedit, your hero there are new abilities and new elementsoftheappearance!★★★ In this program, as there is a unique story of the livesofthreecharacters - a RAGNARD, TRUNK Stammer and SAMBARIN,storiesof thesethree fairy-tale characters are intertwined!Therefore, tothepicture of what is happening has been completelyclear - youhave togo through the quests of all 3 Heroes!★★★★ You will experience a lot of emotions! Unexpectedplottwistswill capture your imagination!★★★★★ Decorate program specifically designed epicoriginalsoundtracks.★★★★★★ quality rendering characters + original sound tracks+history- will create around you an interestingandfabulousatmosphere!★★★★★★★ you become a little more epic;)!
Планировщик задач 1.11
Обеспечивает управление смартфономпорасписанию- вкл/выкл Edge/3G- bluetooth- wi-fi- громкость звонка и уведомленийProvides controlofsmartphone Scheduled- On / off Edge / 3G- Bluetooth- Wi-fi- The volume of the ringer and notifications
Планировщик Задач 1.0
Party Maker
Планировщик Задач представляетсобойпростойинструмент для изменения профиля от беззвучного дообычного.Выможете установить время чтоб включить телефонвбесшумномрежиме.В приложении так же есть:SMS Расписание :SMS Расписание это просто инструмент для автоматическойотправкиsmsсообщений.Wifi Расписание :Wifi Расписание простая но очень полезная функциякотораяпозволитвам включать и отключать wifiРасписание Обоев :Расписание обоев помогут вам изменять обои автоматически.Email Расписание :Позволит отправлять сообщение по времени.Все предложения и пожелания направлять на адрес илиБудем рады совместной работе.Task Scheduler isasimpletool to change the profile from silent to normal. You cansetthetime to turn on the phone in silent mode.The application also has:SMS Schedule:Schedule SMS is just a tool for automatic sendingsmsmessages.Wifi Schedule:Wifi Schedule a simple but very useful feature that allowsyoutoenable and disable wifiWallpaper Schedule:Wallpaper Schedule will help you to changethewallpaperautomatically.Email Schedule:Allowing you to send a message over time.All proposals and suggestions send to the or will be glad to work together.
Day by Day Organizer PRO
Day by Day is a planning applicationdesignedto fully implement Google Calendar and GoogleTasksas all-in-one Android application. With its help you canplan yourfuture schedule using any Android device and this schedulewill beavailable for all your phones and tablets connectedtoInternet.Features:▪ presentation of events and tasks in one list▪ synchronization with Google Calendar and Google Tasks▪ incorporation of your contacts’ birthdays into thecommonlist▪ easy-to-handle agenda and month view▪ text month view, text week view, day view▪ interactive widget on the device desktop▪ configurable widget layout▪ lock screen widget in Android 4.2+ Jelly Bean▪ birthday reminder▪ voice input▪ search functionThe paid version features:▪ text month widget, week widget - Android 4.1+ supported▪ ability to use different profiles in widgets and the app▪ invitations for events and check of guest list▪ Tasker app is supported. E.g. you can have a task reminder togooff when you come towork.▪ recurrent tasks. The function is well-suited forrecurrentpayments. You can try it out in free version▪ task priorities which allow the user to differentiatebetweenurgent and less important tasks▪ subtasks (to-do lists) in events or tasks. You cannot addmorethan 3 subtasks in free version, but the full one hasnolimits▪ no adds▪ users can share text information from another app with Day byDay,for example, when creating task or eventAlthough Google services don’t support these extra functions,wefound a way to enable synchronization by means of Google, soyourcalendars and to-do lists are visible in our app on yourAndroiddevices.The app allows you to create events, tie them to a certainstart/endtime and set due date. An event can be postponed ifneeded. Whencreating an event you are prompted to set a reminderwhich will keepyou informed of your schedule.Day by Day organizer brings various aspects of your life togetherinan attempt to simplify the tasks you have to deal withthroughoutthe day. This calendar with to-do list is so simple thatno furtherexplanation is actually needed, just download andenjoy!Use our Chrome (Chromium) extension to add tasks andeventsquickly right from your desktop!For more details visit Chrome WebStore: DayByDay team wishes you more interesting events and tasksyouwould love to accomplish with a little help from Day byDay!You can make a translation of the application to your languagehere: can vote for new features or suggest your own onehere: by Day team
Schedule Planner 2.0.1
Digi117 Ltd
Schedule Planner is a daily planning aidethathelps users to organize their tasks by category and priority.Theapp features a practical and simple user interface thatallowsusers to either create day plans from scratch or byeditingpre-existing plans from external calendars (like GoogleCalendar)to save time.PRACTICAL AND SIMPLE TASK PLANNINGCreating new tasks is always simple to do, requiring only afewsequential steps to complete. Schedule Planner allows users toeditand change their individual tasks or by batch editingmultipletasks. Users can even create notes attached to each task iftheyneed more details. Use our PLANNED vs ACTUAL tasktrackingfunctions to commit a task as being accomplish to chartyourschedule accurately. See these results on thestatisticsscreen.CATEGORIES AND STATISTICSBusy users are provided with a flexible set of categorieslike“Meals”, “Health”, and “Work”. Tasks are then color coordinatedbycategory for convenience and to monitor their statistics. Theappemploys in-depth pie-chart and bar graph diagrams to let usersseehow they spend their time based on category with aquickglance.
CALENDAR VIEWTasks and full days can be planned in advance &viewedday-by-day via a practical graphic calendar or list view.Seecategory colors mark each day on your calendar withplannedtasks.EXPORT & BACKUPKeep track of your schedule by exporting your schedule via CSVorPDF along with notes. Also backup your data to the cloud to keepitsafe and secure and to transfer your data between devicesmanually.SYNC OPTIONSSign up for a Cloud Sync to create a universal cloud accountwhereyou share your Schedule Planner data across any supported appanddevice.Also, sync your task lists with Google Calendar, iCal andothercalendars.ADVANCED SETTINGS*Custom Categories to define your own breakdowns.*Advanced Alerts and NotificationsThe world is busier than ever; take this opportunity tostartoptimizing your time and become more productive withSchedulePlanner!
________________Schedule Planner is developed by Digi117, Ltd.
Life Wheel 2.1.1
Tool for visualizing how balanced your life is and keeping focusonyour goals.
24me: Calendar, Tasks, Notes 6.6694
Smart Personal Assistant - One app to manage your Calendar, ToDoList & Notes
To Do Today 1.0
When I start my day, I often write on asheetofpaper a list of things to do today. It helps me to organizetheworkand do not forget that you need to do. I createdthisapplication tokeep this list in my phone.It is simple - just choose a day by swiping to the left ortotheright and add tasks for this day. You can changetaskstatus(Inactive->Active->Completed), track start andfinishtime oftask, and reorder tasks. Also you can assigncategories.
Private Notes With Password 1.3
Puce, Ltd
Note the password Notepad isasimplenote-taking app. You can write notes, emails, notes,tasks,notes,passwords, to-do list, daily notes and planner,privatenotes,notes password ... Also, you can take notes onyourphonescreen.The software is designed with beautiful interface, easy touse,quicknotes notes, secret notes with a password, notes withlock...Salient features of individual logs passwords:- Personal diaries have passwords automatically savenotes,colornotenotepad notes free, keep my notes notepad andmemo- Save the image in the directory notepad - fast notebook,memopadfor taking notes with password, notepad with passwordandsavephotos- With applications with this password logs you toeasilyeditinformation stored, notes app for android withpassword,noteslocked- Manual notes will remind you when to date,passwordprotectednotepad, private notebook with password- You can create notes by color with password log, privatenoteswithpassword, secret notepad with passwordTo support developers, download notes to your computer andrated5* offline!
Checklist: good habit for life
Plan your day, manage time, complete tasks, set reminders,trackrepeating tasks
- Corporate Social Network InWorkspace invites your employeesandcustomers into a space for collaboration and communication,wherethe solution of work issues and information exchange takesplace inthe usual form. - CRM We have developed a simple andunderstandablecustomer relationship management system where userscan trackpotential customers and sales. We do not impose our visionof work,users are increasing system's capabilities , based on hisownneeds. - Tasks and projects How to reduce the number ofgliders,the amount of reporting and speed up the implementation oftheproject at the same time? Organize files, discussions, controlofproject implementation and personnel management in one place.Theclose cooperation of working groups accelerates the fulfillmentoforders and increases the effectiveness of urgent tasks solving.
3D House Planner 2.3
Searching for your dream home 3D HouseDesignmay seem daunting as you try to distinguish thousands offloorplans.3D House Planner free app for everyone. The largest collectionofmodern house plans in 3D interior design and House Plans in 3Dviewdecorating ideas on the Internet. classic home plans, 3Dmodelhomes3D House Planner with open floor planner have become some ofthemost popular and sought-after house plans available today.Openfloor plans foster family togethernessOur designers have personally picked their floor plan design,mostpopular house plans, saving you time by bringing you searchresultswith the best plans available anywherein aou apliction we offer a realistic view of the property,designedafter having a detail look from your classic floor plansandpicturesredesign or ideas of small house plans of your dreams, Theperfectapp for you!
Свадебный эксперт | свадьба 2.0.14
MKomov studio
International network of professionals in the weddingbusiness.Wedding and celebration with a bang!
wedding planner dress 1.0
deal as wedding planner dress day wearforthegroomsmen, best man the knot, and wedding dresses ushers.Evenifyou are a wedding venues still gotta dress up and showsomeclasson your wedding day bride. So casual wedding dresses upanddressup like you really do mean to marry that planner dress took over the design of weddingveils“dresswedding ceremony ” at the last minute when simpleweddingdressesadmitted that wedding flowers offered to designsomethingfor herwedding decorations, but that he’d been too busy“savingweddinggowns Creations” to get started wedding planner dress promised wedding planner games somethingwithabit of edge and he delivered. The wedding dress was keptunderwraps.Not even wedding dress designers was privy to seeingthedress beforethe big event the wedding planner.Never look for a wedding dress no more that weddingplannerdressmonths prior to the wedding date. I tell you whybridaldresses.The further away wedding photography, the moreexpensivethe dresswill cost destination weddings. Lets say thewedding is inJune.You wouldn't want to purchase the dress say inSeptember(theprevious year wedding checklist) because that month ispopularforweddings as well. September starts the fall collectionsonaturallyevery dress is at regular sales price. The averagepricefor adress during the fall season ranges between bridesmagazine.Thebest wedding reception time to purchase a wedding dressisinJanuary because the stores has to get rid of thelastyear'sinventory. You will see a tone of reductionsweddingplanningchecklist.In most cultures (such as wedding planner dress,weddingcolors,wedding planner book, wedding planner income,weddingplannerschool, wedding planner attire, wedding planningdegree andmost ofwedding planner degree countries) a white gown hasbeenthetraditional wedding attire especially afterweddingplanningseattle marriage in the photography wedding ideascentury.Whitealso symbolizes purity, innocence and virginity.Howevereverynation has its own color for wedding dresses. MostAsian andMiddleEastern cultures have different preferences. Forexampleweddingplanner classes, tulsa wedding planners, certifiedweddingplannerbrides wear a red wedding gown which symbolizesfertilityandprosperity. Choose the color that is traditional.
Mod Man - Mens Fashion & Style 2.0.5
Shop Style, Virtual Closet + Lookbook, Style Planner and StyleGuidefor Men.