Top 8 Apps Similar to Dongeng Nusantara

Dongeng Anak 3.0
Membacakan buku pada anak sebelum tidurmungkinsudah jarang dilakukan orangtua.Padahal ada banyak manfaatyang bisadiperoleh jika anak didongengkan cerita sebelumtidur."Manfaat yangbisa didapatkan anak-anak dari rutinitasmendongengkan ceritasebelum tidur tidak hanya untuk intelektualnyasaja, tapi jugasecara emosional," ujar Dr Terri Apter, seorangpsikolog sosial diUniversity Cambridge, seperti dikutip dariHealthToday, Kamis(2/9/2010).Dongeng atau membaca buku cerita sebelum tidur tidakhanyabermanfaat bagi balita dan anak-anak, karena kaum remaja punmasihbisa mendapatkan manfaatnya.Ini dia beberapa manfaat yangbisadidapatkan melalui kegiatan mendongeng sebelum tidur, yaitu:1. Membantu perkembangan bicara dan bahasa anak.Mengajarkan anak berbicara sudah bisa dimulai sejak awalkehamilan,karena orangtua yang mengajak anaknya berbicara akandirespons olehotak anak dan berusaha untuk menyerap suara sertabahasa yangdigunakan ibunya. Jika kebiasaan mendongengkan anaksebelum tidurini berlanjut, maka akan mendorong anak untukberbicara danmengembangkan kemampuan bahasanya. Cara ini merupakansalah satuteknik belajar yang menyenangkan bagi anak.2. Membantu menenangkan anak yang menangis.Membacakan dongeng sebelum tidur adalah salah satu carapenghilangstres yang efektif. Biasanya orangtua akan membacakancerita dalamsuasana santai dan nyaman, dramatisasi dengan membuatintonasi nadayang berbeda akan membuat anak tertarik untukmendengarkan cerita.Lama kelamaan anak-anak akan merasa nyamansehingga tingkatstresnya berkurang.3. Membantu meningkatkan IQ anak.Pada anak yang baru belajar membaca, mendongengkan buku ceritayangsama berulang-ulang bisa membantunya mengajarkanbahasa,meningkatkan memori dan mengembangkan imajinasi. Saatpertama kalimendengarkan cerita, anak tidak bisa menangkapsemuanya. Tapi jikadiulang-ulang, maka anak akan memperhatikan poladan urutan daricerita tersebut. Orangtua harus memperhatikan jenisbuku ceritayang akan didongengkan pada anak, misalnya tidak bolehmembacakancerita yang terlalu merangsang atau menakutkan bagi anak.Sertalakukan dengan cara yang positif dan menyenangkan agarbisabermanfaat bagi anak.4. Membantu anak agar cinta dengan buku.Membacakan sebuah cerita sebelum anak tidur akan membuatanakmencintai buku dan menjadi senang membaca. Jika anak sudahcintadengan buku, maka anak akan melihat buku sebagai temanyangmenyenangkan seperti halnya mainan. Buku merupakan salah satumediaaktif yang dapat menjaga kerja otak anak dan membantu anakmenjadilebih kreatif.5. Membantu mengembangkan keterampilan mendengarkan anak.Jika anak ingin memahami isi dari buku yang didongengkan, makaanakharus mendengarkan ceritanya. Karena itu anak akanmenyiapkanpikirannya untuk menyerap kata-kata yang diucapkanorangtua danmenciptakan kata sendiri untuk memahaminya. Jadi anakakanmendengarkan dengan seksama dan berusaha menguasaiketerampilanini. Selain itu, cara ini juga membantu meningkatkankomunikasiyang baik antara orangtua dan anak.6. Membantu anak memiliki pola tidur yang sehat.Ketika anak-anak sudah terbiasa mendengarkan cerita sebelumtidur,maka ritual nyaman ini akan menjadi alarm bagi anak bahwasetelahitu adalah saatnya tidur. Kondisi ini akan membantu anakmemilikijam tidur dan bangun yang sama setiap harinya, karenaitudianjurkan untuk melakukan rutinitas ini pada jam yang samasejakanak masih kecil.Read books tochildrenbefore bed probably is rarely done orangtua.Padahal thereare manybenefits to be gained if the child fairy tale bedtimestory. "Thebenefits that can be obtained from routine childrentelling talesbefore bed not only intellectual, but also emotionally, "said DrTerri Apter, a social psychologist at the University ofCambridge,as quoted from HealthToday, Thursday (02/09/2010). Fairy tales or read a bedtime story book is not only beneficialforinfants and children, as teenagers can still get manfaatnya.Inihimsome benefits that can be obtained through storytellingactivitiesbefore bedtime, namely:1. Assist speech and language development of children.Teaching children to speak can begin early in pregnancy,becauseparents who took their children to speak will be respondedto bythe child's brain and trying to absorb the sound and thelanguageused her mother. If the habit of telling the child beforebed thiscontinues, it will encourage children to speak and developlanguageskills. This method is one technique learning funforchildren. 2. Helps to soothe a crying child.Read a bedtime story is one effective way of relievingstress.Usually parents will read a story in a relaxed andcomfortableatmosphere, dramatization by making intonation differenttones willmake a child interested in listening to the story.Eventually thechildren will feel comfortable so the stress levelisreduced. 3. Helps to increase a child's IQ.In children who are just learning to read, a book of tellingthesame story over and over again can help teach the language,improvememory and develop the imagination. When you first listentostories, children can not catch everything. But if repeated,thenthe child will notice the pattern and sequence of thestory.Parents should pay attention to the type of books that willbe toldfrom the child, for example, should not be read a story thatis toostimulating or frightening for children. As well as doingapositive way and fun to be beneficial for children. 4. Helping children to be in love with books.Child read a story before bed will make children love books and beapleasure to read. If the child is already in love with the book,thechildren will see the book as a pleasant companion as well astoys.The book is one of the active media that can maintain brainfunctionand help children become more creative. 5. Help children develop listening skills.If the child wants to understand the contents of thebookdidongengkan, then the child should listen to the story.Becausethe children will prepare his mind to absorb the wordsspokenparents and create their own words to understand. So thechild willlisten carefully and try to master this skill. Inaddition, it alsohelps improve communication between parents andchildren. 6. Help children have a healthy sleep pattern.When children are accustomed to listen to bedtime stories, thenthiswould be a comfortable ritual alarm for the child that once itistime to sleep. This condition will help children have a bedtimeandwake up the same every day, it is advisable to perform thisroutineat the same time since the child is still small.
Lagu Anak Indonesia 10.1
Aplikasi yang bersifat edukasi, entertainment danmengajarkansertamengenalkan anak-anak kepada lagu-lagu populersepanjangmasaIndonesia, lagu Muslim dan lagu Kristen. * Fiturnavigasitomboluntuk Play, Stop dan ulang yang mudah * Dilengkapidenganliriklagu * Fitur tombol perekaman suara anda sendiri, bisaandagunakanuntuk keperluan belajar menyanyi sendiri ataupunbersamatemankelompok suara dan keluarga
Dongeng Anak Indonesia 2.0
indah corps
Dongeng Anak Indonesia adalah aplikasiandroidyang berisi berbagai macam cerita dan dongeng untukanak-anakberbahasa Indonesia. Ada banyak cerita di dalamnya mulaidaricerita rakyat, dan kisah menarik yang berisi suri tauladanyangbaik. Beberapa cerita dalam aplikasi ini antara lain AsalUsulGunung Tangkuban Perahu, Legenda Candi Prambanan, Timun Mas,KancilDan Seruling Ajaib, Anak Katak Yang Sombong, dll.Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan tanpa perlu menggunakankoneksiinternet.
Masal Diyari 2 2.6.1
Masallar, çocuklar içinvazgeçilmezdir."Anne/Baba, bana bir masal okur musun" cümlesinigünde en az birdefa işitirsiniz.Evet, masallar çocuğun hoş vakit geçirmesinde önemli biraraçtır;ama daha da önemlisi masallar, çocukların gelişimleriüzerindepozitif yönde etkiler yaratır. Çocuk eğitiminde masal;hayalgücünün gelişmesine, düşünce ufkunun açılmasına yardımcıolur.Kelime dağarcığını zenginleştirir ve kavram öğreniminihızlandırır.Bunlarla birlikte masallar, çocuğun merak duygusunuuyandırır,yaratılığını hatta neden-sonuç ilişkisi kurma becerisiniarttırır.Çocuğun korkularını giderir, özlemlerini dile getirir.Çözümbulmasına yardım eder, onlara güven verir ve geleceğeolanumutlarını arttırır.İşte; hazırlamış olduğumuz Masal Diyarı programıyla,çocuğunuzaister kendi sesinizle isterseniz de sesli masalözelliğiyledilediğiniz masalı dinlettirebilirsiniz. Elinizinaltındaki buprogramla; masal kitaplarına ihtiyaç duymadançocuğunuzun masaldinleme arzularını zahmetsiz yerine getirmişolursunuz. Masalkahramanlarının resimleriyle desteklenmiş olanMasal Diyarı'ylaçocuğunuz için masal dinlemek artık benzersiz birkeyif olacak.Masal Diyarı uygulamasını daha da zenginleştirmekiçin, öneri veyorumlarınızı bekliyoruz.Uygulamayı indirdiğiniz zaman ilk 6 masal yüklü gelmektedir.Diğermasalları indir bölümünden indirebilirsiniz.Masal Diyarı Uygulaması bu uygulamanın yeni tasarımı olupbuuygulama bir önceki tasarımdır.masal, hikaye, eğlence, sesli masal, sesli hikaye, masal oku,masaldinleTales for childrenisindispensable. "Mom / Dad, Do you read me a bedtime story" youwillhear the phrase at least once a day.Yes, the tale of a child is an important tool in having a nicetime,but more importantly, fairy tales, positive impact onchildren'sdevelopment creates. Children's education fairy tale tothedevelopment of the imagination, opening the horizon ofthoughthelps. Enriches the vocabulary and concepts accelerateslearning.Along with these tales, children's curiosity is aroused,or evencause-and-effect relationship-building skills yaratılıgincreases.The child's fears, longings is expressed. Help findsolutions tothem, which gives confidence and hope in thefutureincreases.Here, we have prepared fairytale land with the program, youwantyour child if you want to use your own voice with the voicefeaturesorry tale can dinlettir the tale. These programs at hand,withoutthe need to book your child's fairy tale fables effortlessdesirescan be fulfilled. Supplemented with pictures of fairy-taleFairyTale Diyarı'yl your child will be a unique pleasure to listentostories now. To further enhance the implementation of the LandofFairy Tales, suggestions and comments are welcome.When you first download the app comes loaded six tales. Othertalescan download it from Download section.Tales of the Land Application of this application andthatapplication of the new design is a previous design.fairy tales, stories, entertainment, fairy tale voice,audiostories, read fairy tales, fairy tales listening
Dongeng Anak 1.0
arsoft media
Dongeng adalah cerita fiksi yangberfungsisebagai hiburan & memberi pesan moral. AplikasiDongeng anakberisi video-video dongeng yang berisi dari channelyoutube kastarianimation.Fitur dalam aplikasi dongeng anak ini, yaitu :1. putar video dongeng anak2. share video dongeng anakFairy tale is fictionthatserves as entertainment and giving moral message. ApplicationsTalechildren fairy tales contain videos from youtube channelcontainingKastari animation.Features in this child fairy tale applications, namely:1. Video play fairy tales2. share videos fairy tales
FORii, Inc.
"When kids launch this app they will in factbelaunching a world of fun... Fabulous sound effects, animations,andmusic"- AppPicker.com7 Free Stories and Songs to EnjoyMOVING BOOKS! Jajajajan is an educational app for kids, filledwithdelightfully animated stories and songs such as “ThreeLittlePigs”, “Jack and the Beanstalk”, “The Other Day I Met a Bear”andmore. Watch, read, listen, dance and singalong. Prince Jajajaandhis whimsical kingdom of characters are ready to help yourkidslearn and play.Every Moment a Chance to Discover• Animated fairy tales and songs delivered right to yourdevice.There's always time for a nursery rhyme.• Great for travel. Watch offline. No internet connectionrequiredto play downloaded content.• In-app purchases can be synced across all devices with thesameoperating system.• Loads of fun at parties. Have a singalong.• Ideal for toddlers and preschool kids.• Share stories and songs together at bedtime, circle time,andstory time.• No advertisements, no social media integration&child-friendly interface.• No subscription required.Read and ListenTraditional folktales, fables, bedtime stories and popularfairytales come to life in delightfully animated scenes. Wordsappear onscreen so your child can follow along.Singalong and DanceSing along in a karaoke jam to animated children's songs suchas“Let's Clap Our Hands” . Easy dance moves your little onescanquickly learn reinforce basic motor skills, self-expression,andcommunication skills. Note: vocals cannot be switched off.Free Storybooks and Songs Included“Three Little Pigs”, “The Little Match Seller”, “Jack andtheBeanstalk”, “Kasajizou” (a Japanese folk tale), “Let's ClapOurHands”, “Oh Vreneli” and “The Other Day I Met a Bear”. Allbooksand songs are produced exclusively for MOVINGBOOKS!Jajajajan.Additional Books and Songs Available Through In-app Purchase*“Cinderella”,“Little Red Riding Hood”, “The UglyDuckling”,“Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”, “The Golden Axe”, “TheNorth Windand the Sun”, “Omusubi Kororin (The Rolling RiceBall)”,“Momotaro”, “Welcome to the Snowman Party!”, “KachiKachiMountain”, “Red Shoes”, “Little Fox”, “Rabbit Dance”,“SesameMiso”, “Yankee Doodle”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The TownMusiciansof Bremen” and more! (*available now and comingsoon.)Age RecommendationInfants to preschool (ages 0-8)*****We take raising awareness of privacy and safety seriously.MOVINGBOOKS! Jajajajan does not collect personallyidentifiableinformation. Anonymous performance data is tracked toimprove appdevelopment. This app allows in-app purchases. There isno socialmedia integration. One in-app link behind a parental gatewill takeyou to our Privacy Policy via your device’s browser.Thank YouWe hope your little ones are enjoying MOVING BOOKS! Jajajajanasmuch as we are producing it. We'd like to hear your feedback.Ifyou have a moment, please let us know what you think withareview.For additional support:
Dongeng Anak Terpopuler 1.0
Rizky Studio
Kumpulan dongeng anak terpopuler sebelumtidurdapat menghibur anak anda,dengan file sebesar 500 kb.A collection of themostpopular children's fairy tales before bed can entertain yourchild,with a file of 500 kb.
Ever After High™ 2.4
Welcome to the spellbinding world ofEverAfterHigh, where the next generation of fairytale legendsattendclasses,go on adventures and learn to take the lead in theirownstories.With this first official Ever After High app, you’llbeable toexplore the fairytale world with your favorite RoyalsandRebels,such as Apple White™, Raven Queen™, Madeline Hatter™andmore!CHARMING FEATURES:1. Dress up Apple White, Raven Queen, and others withtonsofmagical fashions to choose from in Mirror, Mirror.2. Create your own masterpiece in Art Club where you cancoloranddecorate drawings of your favorite Ever After Highcharactersandscenes.3. Piece together over 25 unique puzzles ofyourfavoritecharacters and locations. Each spellbinding puzzlehasthree levelsof difficulty.4. Watch all of the enchanting episodes set in thiswickedawesomeworld.5. Explore and learn about your favorite EverAfterHighcharacters including Madeline Hatter™ and Cedar Wood ™ inthebiosection.6. Discover new sections of Ever After High astheymagicallyopen.Please Note: This app is free-to-play but some items canalsobepurchased for real money. You can disable in-apppurchasesthroughyour device settings.