Top 19 Games Similar to Golden Chase

Transport Tycoon 0.40.1215
31X Ltd
Build the ultimate transport empire!
Age of History Africa 1.1623
Łukasz Jakowski
Age of History is turn-based strategy game about world domination.
Future States 1.0
In the near future, a limited nuclear war in the MiddleEastanda second Great Depression has traumatized the nations oftheworld.Through civil unrest, economic collapse, andgovernmentcorruption,many former great powers have shattered intosmallerstates. Thepeople of the world are desperate, as rampantchaos hasreplaced theorder of the past. 

You enter the game as anewlyelected leader inone of the former major powers. Throughbrilliantand decisiveaction in the areas of diplomacy, trade, andwarfare,you will seekto rebuild your nation by reuniting all ofitsterritories. Goingfurther, you will enhance the powerandreputation of your nation bygaining more resources,technologies,and territories.Object of the Game
Your goal is to win through one of two ways. The firstisthroughglobal conquest, where you capture and conquer all ofthestates onthe planet. The second way is by becoming thefirstnation to attainthe ultimate prize in Human achievement:theTechnologicalSingularity.Features :Strategy online multi-playerThe Futuristic war carried between 79 land territories &71seazones with different units , Conquer the enemy territoriesandgainvictory by destroying their armies.Support upto 8 players in a Team.Chat FeaturesShare your resource with friends.Turn-based & Realtime multi-player.Single & Multi-playerDetailed Game-statstics & Automatic game saving
Spaceward Ho! 1.2.9
Ariton Games
***Called "one of my favorite classic Macintosh games" by noneotherthan Wil Wheaton!*** Spaceward Ho! isastrategic game of awesome scope. You control the entiremilitaryand economy of a spacefaring race. Your goal: explore andcolonizethe galaxy. Unfortunately, you are not alone. Alien enemiesbent ongalactic conquest will oppose your expansion. You fight thembydeveloping new technologies and expanding your empire, or youcanally with them to turn enemies into friends. Terraformnewlydiscovered worlds or mine their natural resources. Maneuveryourstarship fleets, both in defense of your own systems andinoffensive strikes against the evil aliens. Your strategicdecisionswill determine the fate of the galaxy. Based on theoriginalMac/PC/Palm game and updated for Android. For new players,read theHelp file and also watch the tutorial video online.
Civilization Revolution 2 1.4.4
2K, Inc.
The sequel to one of the most successful strategy games on mobileishere!
Садовник 1.0
Create your own amazing world of the farm.
Pocket Fort – онлайн стратегия 1.10
Построй военную базу будущего. Тренируйармиюроботов. Сражайся сдругими игроками в бесплатной онлайн стратегии Pocket Fort!Тебяждетуникальная смесь военной и экономической стратегии воднойигре.Загрузи Pocket Fort прямо сейчас!Действие игры разворачивается в далеком будущем, гдевсерешаютвысокие технологии и боевые роботы.В твоем распоряжении более 15 различных боевых единиц, втомчислеуникальный робот, который возглавит твою армию. Улучшай имодифицируй его, чтобы стать непобедимым королем ммортсPocketFort!Выбранная тобой экономическая стратегия и укреплениябазыопределят,сможешь ли ты выдержать атаки врагов и не потерятьдрагоценныересурсы.Твоя военная стратегия определит место в таблицелидеров.Объединяйсяв альянсы и сражайся с другими игроками, чтобы взобратьсянапервыестрочки мировой таблицы лидеров ммортс Pocket Fort!Загрузи Pocket Fort бесплатно прямо сейчас!Минимальные требования к устройству:Разрешение экрана - 800x480 pxОперативная память - 512 MbПроцессор - 800 MHzВнимание: чтобы играть в Pocket Fort, необходимо подключениекИнтернету.Игра доступна для территорий: РФ, Армения, Азербайджан,Беларусь,Грузия, Казахстан, Киргизия, Молдова, Таджикистан,Туркменистан,Украина, Узбекистан, Абхазия и Южная ОсетияBuild a military baseinthe future. Train your army of robots. Fight againstother players in the free online strategy Pocket Fort! Waitingforyoua unique blend of military and economic strategy in asinglematch.Download Pocket Fort right now! The game is set in the distant future, where everythingisdecidedhigh technology and military robots.You've got more than 15 different military units,includingunique robot to lead your army. Better andModify it to become invincible king mmorts Pocket Fort!You selected economic strategy and enhancing the knowledgebasewill determineif you can withstand the attacks of enemies and notlosepreciousresources. Your military strategy will determine the place on theleaderboard.Combinesalliances and fight with other players to climb up tothefirstStitch World leaderboard mmorts Pocket Fort!Download Pocket Fort for free right now!Minimum requirements for the device:Screen resolution - 800x480 pxRAM - 512 MbProcessor - 800 MHzNote: To Play Pocket Fort, you must be connected totheInternet.The game is available for the territories: theRussianFederation, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine,Uzbekistan,Abkhazia and South Ossetia
Financial Crisis 0.0.2
On a recent trip to London you decided to visit the Bank ofEnglandmuseum, and played the infamous “Monetary Policy Balloongame”. Infact, you played it so well an alarm sounded and severalmenwearing black suits asked you to accompany them “upstairs”. Youaretold that the Governor, Mervyn King, has taken ill and theyarelooking for a stand-in. You have the high score, so they turnedtoyou. The future of the British economy is in your hands.Academics,policymakers, the media and the general public willdepend on YOUto do the right thing. But what is it?
Farmers And Soldiers 1.0.6
Corsair Games
Did you enjoy playing EU4 orCivilisationseries? If your answer is yes than this game is foryou. You areappointed as a ruler of different nations in hardhistoricalmoments and you have to lead your party to victory byaccomplishingmission specific goals. For example you might have tolead arebellion or conquer England.This is strategy game where you have to develop your nationbybuilding up your economy and military. Once you havestrongmilitary are you free to conquer your neighbours.Good luck king!
VirCities 3.9.0
VirCities is a totally unique economicandpolitical simulator developed on basis of real mechanisms ofstateadministration and interaction with the political life ofsociety.Become a citizen of one of the largest megacities of anycountryyou like, and embark on the path of power struggle, leadingyourpeople to riches, prosperity, and glory. It is for you todecidehow to take over the government: you can win a cleanelection, orput your contenders out of the way by dint of Byzantinepolitics,you can come into power by organizing a classic colorrevolution orby launching an ingenious multi-move combination,which could bringto shame even the notorious NiccolòMachiavelli.Become a mayor, and you will lead not only your friendsandvirtual fellow citizens, but also players from othercities,strengthening diplomatic relations, creating internationalmilitaryalliances and conglomerates in course of war over powerandresources – you can found your own dynasty. You will have toraiseyour city and country from the most modest beginnings up tothepinnacle of fame.Secularism, autocracy, democracy, tyranny — everything is inyourhands! Get on your way to omnipotence and totaldominance!The game features allow you to:*CHOOSE your city and start on your way to riches and powerBecome a citizen of vWarsaw, vMoscow, vKiev, vBerlin, vParis,vKualaLumpur, vIstanbul and many others*ESTABLISH industrial enterprises and financial corporationstocontrol cash flows*EXTERMINATE gangs and oppositions in your city and get newmilitaryranks and fame*ATTACH yourself to a political party and struggle for power*DEVELOP your professional skills of a lumberjack, farmer,miner,publisher, doctor, or coach and raise up your social statuson yourway to glory*TRAIN and improve your athletic skills, and take prizes forwinningcompetitions*STRUGGLE for power during Big Fights for your city and win*BECOME the wealthiest and the most illustrious ruler overthehistory of VirCities!If you face any problem during the game or if you would liketoleave your comments or suggestions - please, contact usby:support@vircities.comWe thank you for your stay with us and wish you a good game!
Corruption 2.0.65
[You need a device with RAM at least 512 Mbforcomfortable play]The world where cash and bribery reigns. Create a statewithoutlaw. The struggle for authority has begun.Download now how to become a corruptionist!Welcome to the exciting, ironic and bribable worldof“Corruption” where money and connections decide everything. Itishard to stay honest when there are so many temptations aroundthatallow to quickly resolve issues using dishonest ways. You willhaveto give bribes, attack competitors, creating corruptionchains.However, even this road hides quite a few pitfalls. Be readytofight back the attacks of other players. Make millions, makeacareer in politics and go to the very top!Note: «Corruption» is a free app but it has in-gamecurrencywhich can be refilled using built-in purchases.FEATURES:- The game is based on real corruption schemes, the charactersandpositions used are the ones that surround us in everydaylife.- The structure of the game assumes more than two hundredlevelsof development, and the final goal is determined by theplayerhimself.- At the third level the player will have to choose the classofthe character and enter his e-mail to activate one account thatcanbe used for the browser based version of the «Corruption» gameonthe website of social network.- From the 6th level the feature of creating a corruptionchain,i.e. the team, becomes available. It is more interestingtocomplete missions, attack together, and, besides, when playedwell,team playing brings good profit.- There are settings in the game that have possibilitiestoimprove and increase their profitability.Join the «Corruption» community in social networks:Cheloveche agreement: game may include:- Direct links to the social network Informing players about beneficial offers of purchasingin-gamecurrency.P.S. Game developers do not endorse corruption as apublicphenomenon!
Rich City 1.22.0
Dumb Unit
Rich City - a completely new game. Becomeapart of the world of money and power! Unleash the potential ofabusinessman in full. Open your first company and turn it intoahuge leading holding! Compete with your friends or make themworkfor you! Become a multimillionaire and get power over thewholecity in our new game Rich City!
Судьба и Мир 2.0
Судьба и Мир – этоноваябесплатнаяэкономическая онлайн-стратегия с социальнымуклоном,направленнаяна развитие игрового персонажа и получениеимвиртуальной прибыли.В первую очередь, она интереснасвоимразнообразием вариантовразвития. В игре Вы можете:- обучаться различным профессиям (водитель,строитель,кровельщик,каменщик, архитектор и другие) ивыполнятьсоответствующие работына Бирже труда;- открывать собственные предприятия и давать рабочиеместадругимигрокам, зарабатывая при этом прибыль;- основывать общества, развивать их совместно сдругимиигроками,постепенно превращать их в города, объединятьгорода врегионы,регионы – в целые страны;- занимая различные должности – от простого рабочего, домэраилидаже президента – выполнять работы нагородскихпредприятиях,руководить действиями других игроков,устанавливатьразмерыналоговых сборов, назначать игроков наразличные должности итакдалее;- создавать промышленные и социальные объекты вгородах,имеющиеразнообразные функции и приносящие прибыль Вам иВашемугороду.Но и это еще не все. Экономическаясоставляющаявесьмаразнообразна и делает весь игровой процесснеповторимымиувлекательным. На прибыльность вашего личногобизнесавлияетмножество факторов. Например, построив кофейню, уВаспоявляетсявыбор: закупать зерно для изготовления кофе на рынкепопостоянноколеблющейся и не всегда выгодной цене илипостроитьсобственнуюферму по выращиванию зерна, урожайность которойзависитот погодныхусловий. И подобных нюансов в игреогромноемножество.Социальная составляющая в игре такжеоченьинтересна.Взаимодействие между игроками построено такимобразом,чтобынаправить их совместные действия на развитие ихобщегогорода,региона или страны. Основать и развить город водиночку –оченьсложная задача, требующая немалых усилий. Да ииграть, общаясьсдругими игроками, гораздо веселее. Вы можетепосетить общий чатилиже общаться только с представителями вашегогорода вгородскомчате, отправлять личные сообщения, переводитьдругимигрокамигровую валюту, дарить подарки, помогать впостройкеихпредприятий, выполняя соответствующие работы на биржетруда илиженаоборот попросить помощи у них.В игре присутствует реферальная система. Средства,полученныезаприглашенных Вами игроков, накапливаются на личномсчете, иВывсегда можете вывести их на счет мобильного телефона,либообменятьна игровую валюту.Кроме того, Вы можете вносить свои предложенияпоулучшениюигрового процесса либо поделиться своимиинтереснымиидеями и«фишками» на форуме. Так как игра постоянноразвиваетсяиулучшается, то Мы всегда прислушиваемся к мнениюигроков иготовынаиболее интересные Ваши задумки воплотить вжизнь.В общем, цель проста - покори вершины топов и станьлучшим!Учись, работай, создавай города, регионы, страны, участвуйвигровыхтурнирах, знакомься, общайся, заводи новых друзей!Создай свой мир!Построй свою судьбу!The fate and the world-isa new free online economic strategy with a social slant,aimedat thedevelopment of the game character, and getting themtovirtualprofits. First and foremost, it is interesting foritsvariety ofoptions. In the game, you can:- Study various professions (driver, builder,roofer,mason,architect, etc.) and to carry out related work atthelaborexchange;- To open their own businesses and provide jobs tootherplayers,earning a profit;- Establish a society, to develop them together withotherplayers,gradually turning them into the city, to unite thecity totheregions, the regions - in the whole country;- Holding various positions - from an ordinary worker to themayororpresident - to carry out the work on urban enterprisestosupervisethe actions of other players, to establish the sizeoftax revenues,assign players to different positions andsoon;- Create industrial and social facilities in the towns thathaveavariety of functions and bring profits to you and your city.But that's not all. The economic component is verydiverse,andmakes the whole gameplay is unique and fun. On theprofitabilityofyour personal business is influenced by manyfactors. Forexample,building a cafe, you have the choice topurchase grain fortheproduction of coffee on the market isconstantly fluctuating,andnot always a bargain price, or build yourown farm growinggrainyield of which depends on the weatherconditions. And suchnuancesin a myriad of game.The social component of the game is alsoveryinteresting.Interaction between players is constructed in suchaway as todirect their joint efforts for the development ofthetotal of thecity, region or country. Establish and develop thecityalone - avery difficult task that requires a lot of effort.Andplaying,communicating with other players is much more fun. Youcanvisitthe main chat or communicate only with the representativesofyourcity in a city chat, send private messages, translatetootherplayers in-game currency, give gifts, to help intheconstructionof their enterprises, comply with the relevant workatthe laborexchange, or ask for help from them, on thecontrary.The game has a referral system. Funds received fortheinvitedplayers you accumulate personal account, and you canalwaysgetthem on your mobile phone bill or exchangedforin-gamecurrency.In addition, you can make suggestions to improvethegamingexperience or share your interesting ideas and "chips"ontheforum. Since the game is constantly evolving and improving,thatwealways listen to the views of the players and readyyourmostinteresting ideas to implement.In general, the goal is simple - to reach the summittopsandbecome the best!Study, work, create cities, regions, countries participatingingametournaments, meet, communicate, make new friends!Create your own world!Build your destiny!
Simcountry 1.4.4
Virtual Worlds Strategy Game - As seenonhttp://www.simcountry.comSimcountry is a Virtual WorldsStrategyGame and a Massive OnlineSimulation Game offering unlimitedfreemembership. There are fivevirtual worlds running with morethan23.000 virtual countries.Simcountry is a MMORPG wherepresidentsrun their own countries,build their economies and competeforpower. War can be part of thegame and many large empires trytodominate regions and continents.Playing a peaceful president isanoption and many play theeconomic strategic game and tradevirtualassets. Simcountry is afeature rich internet game andincludesvirtual share trading inmany public corporations. There arelargenumbers of virtualcorporations, run by the president thatareproducing hundreds ofproducts. Simcountry has a space program,withspace stations andactive shuttle traffic. Simcountry playerscandecide to play theWar Game and build a large army that willallowthem to attack andconquer neighbouring countries or landforces inother parts of theworld and build bridge heads for theirempire.You can decide topurchase weapons or to build militaryequipmentcorporations andproduce weapons and ammunition for yourarmy, tradein weapons onthe market and build strategic stocks forfuture wars.Simcountryis an online strategy game where you are thepresident ofa countryor the leader of an empire. Simcountry is oneof thepopular freegames. Simcountry is an online War game where youarethe Presidentand Commander in Chief of the Empire Army.Simcountryis anunlimited free game. Simcountry runs five virtualworlds withmorethan 23.000 countries. It is both a strategy wargame andafinancial strategy game. As a president and commander inchief,youare responsible for the army, its weapons and ammunitionandforthe quality of your Military Units. Simcountry runsfiveVirtualWorlds with many countries and Empires. Each of theVirtualWorldshas several thousands virtual countries. Each playerinSimcountryis a president and owns a country or an Empire.Thepresident isalso the chief of staff and is responsible forallaspects orrunning an empire from defence to Finance.PlayingSimcountry youare a president of a country or a leader ofanempire. You play afree game online where every player isrunninghis own country.Simcountry is a multiplayer internet gamewiththousands of playerson line all the time. free games onlinePlayingSimcountry you rulea country or an empire. There are morethan23.000 virtualcountries in Simcountry, divided between fiveworlds.Many playersare Building a country and trade Virtual Assets.As thepresidentof a country or a leader of a group of countriesorempire, you areresponsible for many aspects of the economy,thearmy (optional)from education to the setting up of militarybasesand army units.There are many virtual empires in each world.Someare large andforceful but none can dominate a very largearea.There is alwaysroom for new and even stronger online empiresthatwill completefor power and influence. Join Simcountry andBuildyour own Empire.Empires are easy to build. You need toconquerseveral countriesbut there are many without a president andwarsare initially easy.Large empires are tougher to build andmaintain.With 10 developedcountries you will become an influentialemperor.
Carlos, Rey Emperador 1.10
Padaone Games
The official game of the series of RTVE!
AstroNest: the Beginning 1.9.5
Создай новую нацию в далеком космосе изахватисамый востребованный ресурс Вселенной — космент. Наймигероев,изобрети новые корабли, используя 1000 видов Sci-fi оружия иброни,и собери непобедимый флот!Особенности★ Выбери одну из двух враждующих фракций:встань насторонудревней Терры или свободной Федерации Неоса.★ Строй десятки зданий для развития научного потенциаланации.Занимайся космической минералогией, геологией, социологией инетолько!★ Исследуй Вселенную, чтобы добыть секретные материалы:чертежи,микрочипы, дронов и загадочные технологииинопланетян.★ Обеспечь нацию преимуществами бонусной системы:зарабатывайтитулы, получай ранги и награды★ Участвуй в 4-х типах битв: Погоня, Рейд противинопланетян,Кампания, Война.★ Нанимай более 50 типов героев для управления флотомипланетами.★ Используй все типы Sci-Fi оружия, двигателей и брони:импульсныепушки, адамантиевую броню, антигравитационные двигатели имногоедругое.★ Выбирай из 8 вариантов тактики для флота: змейка,клин,реверсивный строй и другие армейские построения.★ Модернизируй флот , меняя типы кораблей, оружие, бронюиустройства.★ Заключай союзы с друзьями для совместных рейдов★ Игра бесплатная.ПодробностиТебе предстоит выбрать одну из враждующих сторон: древнюю Терруилисвободную Федерацию Неоса. Изначально у тебя будет толькооднапланета, которую надо освоить: наладить добычу природныхресурсов,работу научных центров и выпуск космических кораблей.В этой Вселенной успех зависит от научного потенциала нацииидобычи редких ресурсов. С их помощью ты можешь модернизироватьфлот— твой главный инструмент в космических сражениях с другиминациямии инопланетянами.Для управления флотом понадобятся герои — специалистыипрофессионалы в области экономики, социологии, артиллерии,военныхнаук и многого другого. Со временем ты сможешь создаватьуникальныекорабли, выбирая вид космолета, тип оружия, броню испециальныеустройства.Перед каждый боем тебе предстоит определять состав флота,егокомандиров и одну из 8 тактик, которой будутпридерживатьсявойска.По мере развития нации, ты сможешь участвовать не тольковкампаниях и войне с другой фракцией, но и в погонях и рейдахпротивинопланетян. Также, освоив в своей системе одну планету, тысможешьколонизировать и другие.Исследуй далекий космос и участвуй в боях, чтобы найтисекретныечертежи, заработать награды и добыть особо редкиематериалы. Тогдаты сможешь усилить свой флот с помощью дронов илигероевS-класса.Ты — один из демиургов, рискнувших колонизировать мирыдалекогокосмоса. Заключай союзы, зови друзей в рейды и помогайимресурсами. Вместе вы сможете стать самой могущественной нациейистать гарантом безопасности целой Вселенной.ВНИМАНИЕ!Игра AstroNest бесплатная, но некоторые игровыепредметыможно приобрести за реальные деньги. Если вы не хотитепользоватьсяэтой функцией, установите пароль на покупки внастройках Google PlayStore. Кроме того, согласно Условиямобслуживания и политикеконфиденциальности, загружать и играть вигру AstroNest могут толькопользователи старше 13 лет.Create a new nationindeep space and capture the most demanded resource of the universe-kosment. Hire heroes, inventing new ships, with 1000 speciesofSci-fi weapons and armor, and gather invincible navy!Features★ Choose one of the two warring factions: stand on the sideofthe ancient Terran Federation or free Neos.★ Story dozens of buildings for the development of thescientificpotential of the nation. Engaged in space mineralogy,geology,sociology and more!★ Explore the universe in order to obtain secretdocuments:drawings, microchips, drones and mysterious alientechnology.★ Provide for the nation the benefits of the bonus: Earntitles,earn ranks and rewards★ Participate in 4 types of battles: The Chase, Reid againstaliens,campaign, war.★ employs over 50 types of heroes for fleet managementandplanets.★ Use all types of Sci-Fi weapons, engines and armor: impulseguns,adamantium armor, anti-gravity engines, and more.★ Choose from 8 different tactics for the fleet: snake, wedgethereversing operation and other military construction.★ Modernize fleet, changing the types of ships, weapons, armorandequipment.★ make alliances with friends for joint raids★ The game is free. DetailsYou have to choose one of the warring parties: the ancient Terra,ora loose federation of Neos. Initially you will have only oneplanetthat needs to master: to establish the extraction ofnaturalresources, the work of research centers and productionofspacecraft.In this universe, success depends on the scientific potentialofthe nation and production of scarce resources. With their help,youcan upgrade the fleet - is your main tool in space battleswithaliens and other nations.For fleet management need heroes - professionalsandprofessionals in the fields of economics, sociology,artillery,military sciences, and more. Over time, you'll be able tocreateunique vehicles, choosing the type of spacecraft, the typeofweapons, armor, and special devices.Before each fight you have to determine the composition ofthefleet and its commanders and one of the eight tactics thatwilladhere to the troops.With the development of the nation, you can not onlyparticipatein the campaigns of the war and the other faction, butalso inpursuit and raids against the aliens. Also mastered in hissystem,one planet, you'll be able to colonize other.Explore deep space and participate in the battles, to findthesecret blueprints, earn rewards and get special rarematerials.Then you will be able to strengthen its fleet by a droneorcharacters S-Class.You - one of the demiurge, dared to colonize distant worldsofspace. Make alliances, call your friends in the raids and helpthemresources. However, you can become the most powerful nationandbecome the guarantor of the security of the whole universe.WARNING AstroNest The game is free, but some game items canbepurchased for real money. If you do not want to use thisfunction,set the password in the settings on the purchase GooglePlay Store.In addition, according to the Terms of Service andPrivacy Policy,download and play the game AstroNest Only usersolder than 13years.
Brunelleschi:Age of Architects
Aesop Games
Game Objectives in Brunelleschi: AgeofArchitectsBrunelleschi: Age of Architects is a game full of options, butitmay be initially somewhat difficult to determine how to getahead.The game has so many possible courses that it is necessary topicksomething and stick to it to make any real progress. Playerstryingto accomplish everything by themselves will quickly discoverhowimportant teamwork is for a game like this. So, here are someofthe more central ways to advance in the game, which can be usedtofind all the little optional advancement paths.Building a CityBrunelleschi is not that different from the majority ofcitybuilding games in that you collect resources and use themtoconstruct Buildings, which then in turn provide Bonuses,Resources,Equipment, Troops, and monetary Income. There are 65districtoptions in Brunelleschi, though even the largestSettlements willhave to chose 50 or less of these. Since eachDistrict is composedof Buildings, they can also be customized,making it nearlyimpossible that 2 settlements will ever be exactlyalike. TheBuildings you construct will attract Citizens,bothcomputer-generated NPCs to run your buildings, and Human HeroesandMinisters who want to benefit from your economy, use yourDistrictActions, or just enjoy the design you've come up with. Weintend tohave full maps for the districts in a later update, whichwillallow even more visual customization.Establish a Political EmpireBonds of Fealty and Ministerial Jobs can allow a player toexpandtheir influence and Importance, thus gaining rank morequickly. Itwill take a strong leader to guide dozens of Ministersand hundredsof Heroes, but you just may be the person to do it.Take controlvia the forums, private messaging, or the complexnetwork ofDiplomacy and Warfare. You'll need to keep advancing inLevel stayon top, with more powerful Forum Actions and Importancegainingabilities, as well as critical equipment for Lordship suchasCrowns, Rings, Charters, and Banners.Become Amazingly WealthyThere are a lot of different kinds of wealth in Brunelleschi,frombuildings to Resources to high grade Equipment. Carefulmanagementof Buildings, Actions, Markets, and Scenarios will haveyou on thetop of the economic ladder quickly, but watch out whereyou storeyour stuff! Settlements can be raided and private wealthis on thetable for the victors of such battles.Have the Best Gear, and Highest StatsThere are hundreds of different items in Brunelleschi, eachplayercraftable and tradeable on the Market. You can get gear thatcostsmore than most people's Settlements if you try hard enough.Levelup and Min-Max to your heart's content, and discover howvaluableyou are to Sovereigns when you can complete Scenarios allbyyourself!There are a huge variety of Units in Brunelleschi, each coming in13different levels for maximum carnage. The Units have theirownSpecial Abilities which take Strategy Combat well beyondRock,Paper, Scissors, and into a realm of complex planning andcarefuldeception.You can Equip your units also, leading to aMilitary-Industrialinteraction that will drive the economies ofmost settlements. LostEquipment and dead soldiers can become quiteexpensive, and someonewill need to replace what is destroyed.Or Lead the Virtuous to ParadiseBlessings abound in Brunelleschi, as it puts forth a time ofRacialand Gender equality overlapping the Renaissance we know.Castersand Clergy work side by side, and barring player createddivisionshave no basic enmity. The Old Gods of the Pagan worldstill thrive,not driven by the Stake and the Sword into seclusion,while theLight of Christ is felt in every corner of the MythicRenaissance.Lead the world to a place of Peace and Glory in thename of God, orsplit the Church asunder with questions that shakethe Hierarchy ofSt. Peter.
Rise: Business from scratch 2.67
In this game you control asinglecharacter.Click on the building on the city map you can seewhichobjects cancreate a character. Do not forget to provide foodandgivecharacter to sleep, or if your health reaches zero,yourcharacterwill die and the game will start from the beginning.For anumberof subjects needed the money you can get by sellinggoods tothestate. State buys goods once a day game time (= 24minutes ofrealtime). State buys the best offer price / performanceonindividualitems, but one character. You can also buy a productinthe markettown from other players, and thus engage in trade.After a while you will be able to create a companyandhiremanagers. Each manager will be able to receiveremittancesondevelopment activities. His task will be to buyeverythingneededfor provisioning themselves and raw materials /toolsrequired forits production. Further, he can point plan for the7game days (24* 7 = 2.8 real hours), after which work willbeginagain on thesame plan. Thus, the production will takeplaceautomatically evenwhen you are not in the game. But keep inmindthat the lack of rawmaterials process is skipped, and theforcescontrolling spent. Ifthe manager is tired, hungry, and wouldbe hishealth will beundermined and he dismissed all have to startallover again.However, the main character will have to twist,toensure that allnecessary your company.Unlike many other games clickers, this game pretends tobecalledintellectual clicker. Therefore, the game can be manywaysto createdifferent products and different ways to achievegoals.Once you arecomfortable with the basics of the game, you cango tothe forum ofour game and offernewproductsand how to create them, and after acceptance ofyouroffer, they willquickly enough in the game and the game willbebetter and morediverse . One of the basic concepts of the gameisthat the playersthemselves are involved in the filling of thegamecontent, allowingsimplified recreate the complexity ofthetechnological growth of ourcivilization.
eSim - Testura 1.3
Eric Lim
e-Sim is a massive multiplayer onlinegame,social network and strategy web browser game!The game is set in a virtual world where players, referred toascitizens, join in local and national politics, set economicpolicy,start businesses and wage wars with other countries, makecivilwars, trade shares.This is a server specific app for Testura ( has over 1,000 active users and 166 countries.Note: This app is not the official app for e-Sim. It'sanalternative app that you can use to play e-Sim inAndroiddevices.What's the difference of this app with the officiale-Simapp?- This app is built natively for Android while the officiale-Simapp is an hybrid app built with Cordova. Most of the time,nativeapps are faster than hybrid apps- Can view new articles in subscription- Can vote and comment in shouts- Easy navigation- Detailed and easy to use Battle Screen- Support for Android 2.3.3 to 5.0+- Testura Server onlyFor bugs, please report it to,withthe details about the bug and a screenshot if possible.