Top 18 Apps Similar to PlantApp santé

Health Calculator Pro 1.25
Calculate BMI, BMR and Ideal Body Fat Percentage.
Health tracker & Pill Reminder 2.1
Apps by Forbis
This app will help you take care of your health with medtracker,BMI check
Top Santé 3.5.7
Femininity, convenience and health expertise on your mobile!
Health Report Daily 2.2.6
Vincent Crepin
Manage your daily health data (weight, blood sugar, bloodpressure,heart pulse)
Health Calculator 3.2
Worried about your fitness? Visit now to manage your health andstayhealthy!
Guide santé au naturel 1.5
NaturoGuide: Complete Guide to Natural Health Products
Recettes santé 1.0.1
Team apps
Recettes santé et faciles vous aidera à manger sainement avecnossavoureuses recettes. Découvrez notre application 100% enfrançaispour des recettes santé et rapides et des conseils pourbiens'alimenter et perdre du poids. une cuisine sainesquicorrespondent à vos envies et selon vos critères parmi nosrecettesd'entrées, de plats ou de dessertHealthyandeasy recipes will help you eat healthily with our tastyrecipes.Discover our application 100% in French for quick andhealthyrecipes and tips for eating well and losing weight. ahealthy foodthat match your desires and according to your criteriaamong ourrecipes for appetizers, main courses and dessert
Health Calc 3.2.1
Philip Andonov
Calculate your: * BMI (your Body Mass Index) * WHtR (WaisttoHeighTRatio) * Metabolic rate * Maximum dailycarbohydrate,protein andfats intake according to the requirementsof severaldiets:low-carb, ketogenic, Atkins, zone, and others. *Targetheart rate(THR) training zones * Ideal weight, based on wristsize* Burnedcalories * Caffeine intake recommendation * Vitaminsandmineralsdaily intake recommendation * Shows the history ofBMI,WHtR andweight entries Health calc helps you manage yourweight.Itcalculates (BMI), your waist-to-height ratio andyourmetabolicrate. Health calc also tells you your idealwaistcircumference andshows the daily caloric intake you needtomaintain your weight (orlose weight). Your gender, age andactivitylevel are taken intoaccount in the calculation as well.
iCare Blood Pressure Monitor 3.4.8
iCare Fit Studio
iCare Blood Pressure Monitor couldmeasureyour blood pressure by the mobile!KEY FEATURES:► Blood pressure measurement► Blood pressure data management and analysis► Blood pressure Workout and CareReliable data: For more than 95% of users, bloodpressureerror:Within plus or minus 12EASY TO USE:1. Pressing the screen with your finger.2. Lightly place your index finger on the rear camera. Make surethecamera is fully covered.3. Hold until the measurement is complete.NOTE:1. Do not press too hard, otherwise blood circulation willbealtered and the results could beaffected2. When using a smartphone or tablet without a LED flashlight,besure to take the measurement in a well-lit area (brightdaylightworks best)3. Remain calm and try not to move too much during themeasurement,as this can compromise measurement accuracy4. Since the camera and flash are not professionalacquisitionequipment, We recommend that you measure more thanonce.Collected by a photoelectric pulse wave signal stability,iCareBlood Pressure Monitor could get heart rate, blood pressure,bloodlipids, blood oxygen and other physical parameters of thepulsewave analysis.The pulse wave can reflect the dynamic changes of bloodpressurewell, but there is certain deviation while indicatingprecise valueof blood pressure. Input calibration value caneffectively reducethe errors.The more you test, the more precise the result will be.Reliable data:A large number of user authentication;1. Heart rate error : Within plus or minus 3, Validrange:50~1502. For more than 95% of users, blood pressure error:Within plusorminus 123. For more than 92% of users, blood Oxygen error:Within plusorminus 24. Identification and accuracy of high blood cholesterol morethan80%OTHER FEATURES:✓ Heart rate measurement✓ Blood oxygen measurement✓ Real-time photoplethysmogram (PPG) graph✓ Respiratory rate measurement✓ Vision measurement / Eye Test✓ Hearing measurement / Hearing Test✓ Lung capacity measurement✓ Autism-spectrum Test✓ Pedometer✓ Vision Care✓ HIIT Workout✓ ABS workout✓ Leg workout✓ Butt workout✓ Unlimited data storage and tags✓ Export data for registered usersNo extra devices needed, iCare Blood Pressure Monitor isdesignedfor people to measure the following physiologicalparameters: bloodpressure, respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen,vision, hearing,lung capacity, emotion, Autism-spectrum, colorblindness, pulsewave, Psychology and other physical data.✓ The world's 1st blood pressure measurement APP✓ The world's 1st continuous heart rate measurement APP✓ The world's 1st blood lipid measurements APP✓ The world's 1st pulse wave acquisition and analysissoftware✓ The world's most functional examination APPFeatures:1.Measure the user's blood pressure, heart rate, blood lipids,bloodoxygen, vision, color blindness, hearing, Lung capacity,breathrate, psychological index and other physical data throughthephone.2.Measure Physical data by Bluetooth Sphygmomanometer,Bluetoothwristband, Bluetooth body fat scales, Bluetooth ECGinstrument.3.Statistics daily health data and make statistics andtrendanalysis.4.Based on the user's health data and trends, to providehealthalert service.5.Without wearable device, super-convenient pedometer.6.Games and interactive training programs, statistics andmanagedaily physical activity and sport type.
Humanis Appli-Santé
"Humanis Appli-Santé est uneapplicationgratuite destinée aux adhérents d'Humanis et de lamutuelleRadiance Groupe Humanis et offrant différents servicesSanté.--> CONSULTER VOS DERNIERS REMBOURSEMENTSL'écran ""Remboursements santé"" vous permet de visualiser ledétailde vos remboursements en frais de soins de santé.--> VISUALISER VOTRE CARTE DE TIERS PAYANTL'écran ""Carte Tiers Payant"" vous permet de visualiseretd'imprimer votre carte de Tiers Payant et celle devotrefamille--> GÉO-LOCALISER LES PROFESSIONNELS DE SANTE PRATIQUANTLETIERS PAYANTL'écran ""Trouver un professionnel de santé"" vous permetderepérer, par domaine (pharmacies, laboratoires, ...),leprofessionnel de santé pratiquant le tiers payant le plus prochedevotre position, de votre adresse ou de n'importe quelleadressesaisie.--> ACCEDER A DES SERVICES ITELISPour les bénéficiaires du réseau Itelis, l'écran ""Réseauetservices plus Itelis"" vous permet d’accéder à desservicessupplémentaires : combien ça coute, carnet vaccinal, quizzsanté,géolocalisation des professionnels de santé Itelis.--> FAIRE UNE DEMANDE DE PRISE EN CHARGE HOSPITALIEREL'écran ""Prise en charge hospitalière"" vous permet d'effectuerunedemande de prise en charge hospitalière directement à partirdevotre mobile.--> GERER VOS PRISES DE MEDICAMENTSL’écran « Prise de médicaments » vous permet de programmerdesalertes pour la prise de médicaments afin de vous aider àsuivrevos traitements avec assiduité et éviter les oublis.--> CONTACTER LES SERVICES D'URGENCEL'écran ""Numéros utiles"" vous permet de retrouver lesprincipauxnuméros des services d'urgence (SAMU, pompiers, ...) etde lesappeler d'un simple clic.--> CONTACTER HUMANISL'écran ""Contacter Humanis"" vous permet de contacter par mailunconseiller.--> GÉO-LOCALISER LES AGENCESL'écran ""Localiser une agence"" vous permet de repérerl'agenceRadiance Groupe Humanis la plus proche de votre position ouden'importe quelle adresse saisie. Vous accédez alors auxcoordonnéescomplètes de l'agence (adresse, téléphone, horairesd'ouverture,...).--> GERER VOS PARAMETRESL'écran ""Paramètres"" vous permet de modifier votre e-mail oumotde passe (identifiant et mot de passe identiques à ceuxutiliséspour se connecter à votre espace client).De nouveaux services viendront prochainementenrichirl'application Humanis Appli-Santé.""Humanis Appli-Health isafree application for membership of Humanis and mutualHumanisRadiance Group and offering various health services.-> CONSULT YOUR LAST REFUNDSThe "" Health Reimbursement "" allows you to view the detailsofyour reimbursement in health care costs.-> SEE YOUR THIRD PARTY PAYMENT CARDThe "" Third Card Fee "" allows you to view and print yourcardTiers Payant and your family-> GEO-MAP HEALTH PROFESSIONALS PRACTICING THEPROFITABLETHIRDThe "" Find a health professional "" allows you to identify, byarea(pharmacies, laboratories, ...), the health professionalpracticingpaying third closest to your location, your address or n'anyentered address.-> ACCESSING ITELIS SERVICESFor recipients of Itelis network, the display "" Network andItelisservices "" allows you to access additional services: howmuch itcosts, vaccination book, health quizzes, geolocation Itelishealthprofessionals.-> APPLY FOR CARE HOSPITALThe "" Hospital management approach "" allows you to make arequestfor hospital care directly from your mobile.-> MANAGE YOUR BAG DRUGSThe "Medication" screen allows you to set alerts for medicationtohelp you follow your treatment regularly and avoidoversights.-> CONTACT EMERGENCY SERVICESThe "" Useful numbers "" allows you to find the key numbersforemergency services (ambulance, fire brigade, ...) and callthemwith a single click.-> CONTACT HUMANISThe "" Contact Humanis "" you can contact by email a counselor.-> GEO-MAP AGENCIESThe "" Find an agency "" allows you to identify the RadianceGroupHumanis agency closest to your location or any address youenter.This will take you to the complete details of the agency(address,telephone number, opening hours, ...).-> MANAGE YOUR SETTINGSThe "" Settings "" allows you to change your email orpassword(username and password identical to those used to log in toyouraccount).New services will soon be added the applicationHumanisAppli-Health. "
L'appli GENERATION 6.09
Génération Sas
Application availability of insured Generation.
Santé Magazine - Le magazine 1.3
The female who does good.
Health Book Digital 0.11b
Uniker is the first digitalconnectedHealthbook.Having the best healthcare, the best prevention, thebestmonitoringof your health and wellness and ease your life.Uniker health book present a revolutionary idea butsosimple.Each Person own and manage directely his or her healthbookon thecontrary of all other personal medical file projects.WithUnikerhealth book I have the freedom to handle my own medicalandsocialrecords, to update them directly and to share them withwhoever Iwant, when, where and how I decide.Uniker is a health book which will give thepossibilitytoexchange and ease healthcare and its social careaspect bycreatingyour own circle of trust and social network.Tosupportus:
PRO BTP Santé 3.4.2
With PRO BTP Health, follow your health reimbursement ... andmuchmore
e-Santé Jeunes 1.1
Cette application permet aux jeunesd'enapprendre plus sur :✩ l'actualité santé✩ les conditions d’accès aux droits et aux soins✩ les événements organisés par les acteurs de la santé✩ les thématiques de santé importantesL'application dispose également d'un calculateur d'indicedemasse corporelle (IMC) et d'un annuaire contenant les numérosetadresses de professionnels de la santé en Guadeloupe.This applicationallowsyouth to learn more about:✩ health news✩ conditions of access rights and care✩ events organized by health actors✩ important health themesThe application also has a Body Mass Index Calculator (BMI) andadirectory containing numbers and addresses of healthprofessionalsin Guadeloupe.
The essential guide to easily findthemedicalinstitutions near you: drugstores, hospitals,clinics,testinglaboratories etc.Its main objective is to provide you withthefollowingfeatures:- The weekly list of all-night drugstore- The Emergency numbers and useful addresses- Perform a research by cities, districts and names- The list of affiliated INAM drugstores and thevarioussupporteddrugs- Call a health service provider directly from the app- Animated Visuals for interesting opportunities- The latest news on healthThese Information are also available withoutinternetconnectionafter initial data loading.Finally the app is available on two platforms (PlayStoreforAndroid & App Store for iOS) and is active inseveralAfricancountries.For more information about the iTouchPointbouquet,visit: « Santé.Af » app, be in top shape !
MyTherapy Pill Reminder 3.124.2
MyTherapy is a reminder for your medication, tablets, pillsandcontraceptives!
30 Day Butt Workout Challenge 1.0.0R
RFit Apps
Get fit glutes in 30 days by following our butt workouts guide!