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Кухонный Конструктор 1.2.8
Предлагаем Вашему вниманиюКухонныйконструктор. Данное приложение создано в помощь Вампримоделировании кухни, разработке дизайна, подборе интерьера. Атакже приложение подскажет множество оригинальных идейприпланировании Вашей идеальной кухни.Обращаем внимание на особенности:- большое количество разнообразных модулей (шкафы, угловыешкафы,техника, пеналы);- по Вашему желанию выберите цвет фасада шкафов, столешницы.Дляобъемного представления в целом комнаты - кухни – естьвозможность«окрасить» в цвет пол и стены.- возможность загрузки своих цветов- выбор духовки, плит и моекБудем очень благодарны Вам, если Вы расскажите о нассвоимдрузьям!We offer you akitchendesigner. This application is designed to assist you inmodelingthe kitchen, the design, selection of furnishings. As wellas theapplication will prompt many original ideas when planningyourideal kitchen.       Pay attention tothefeatures:- A wide variety of modules (cabinets, corner cabinets,appliances,cupboards);- If you wish to select the color of the facadecabinets,countertops. To surround the whole presentation room - thekitchen- it is possible to "paint" the color of the floor andwalls.- The ability to download their colors- Selection of ovens, cookers and sinks       We will be gratefulifyou would tell your friends about us!
Kitchen Cabinet Designs 1.0
Kitchen cupboards are implicit establishment furniture utilizedforputting away things, for example, nourishment, utensils,cutlery,among others in the kitchen. Kitchen machines, for example,gascookers, broilers and fridges can be flawlessly incorporatedintopresent day kitchen cabinet design. They are the most strikingpartof any kitchen and by and large set the tasteful tinge ofanykitchen. We did a reversal home understanding thatkitchencupboards are not that difficult to make. Imagine a scenariowherewe could make a couple of cupboards consistently end, whatamountwould we be able to spare. We need to make sense of it. Iwentonline to the carpentry arranges program I have acquired a yearagofor not as much as what it expense to top off my gas thank.Iunderstood that, out of a large number of arrangements, afewoutlines for kitchen cupboards were there. I could print ourtenunique outlines right away. Alongside being wonderful,woodencabinet is strong and strong as well, and can undoubtedlyperseverethrough day by day wear and tear and each thump withoutgiving anyharm suggestions. The best part about kitchen storagecabinet madeof strong wood is that they can be left unfinished andunpainted,in this way giving one a boundless chance of selectingtheir huesas and when their inclination strikes them. They candecide on thischange on restricted surfaces and at a reasonableexpense.Moreover, now there is a new design of kitchen cabinetwhich calledas RTA (ready to Assemble) kitchen Cabinet. This modelis ready touse because all the component is in one pack. The mainthing thatis vital to do when you are purchasing cupboard frokitchens andthat too cubitac is to get the confirmations of theorganizationthat offers the same. There are unique standard andnaturalconfirmations sent by the individual power to theorganizationsthat offer such cupboards. Along these lines, whilepicking theorganization this is an unquestionable requirementundertaking thatyou have to accomplish for buying bother freecupboards.
Design furniture in 3D Reality 1.10
Designer furniture in Augmented Reality.Thisisexample furniture market. If you want order the same
Dapur Minimalis 2.0
Rumah minimalis memang saat ini sangatbanyakorang yang menyukainya, rumah ini memang identik denganbentuk danukurannya yang tidak luas, misalnya adalah ruang dapur.Namun dapuryang ukurannya kecil bisa anda desain dengan baik tanpadenganmenggunakan kitchen set.Dapur adalah ruangan yang sangat penting bagi setiap rumahdantentunya dapur harus ada di setiap rumah. Jika sebuah rumahtanpadapur, maka rumah tersebut akan menjadi hampa dan tentunyaakan adayang kuang pada rumah tersebut. Dengan desain rumahnyaminimalismaka pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan memberikan sebuahinformasitentang desain dapur kecil tanpa kitchen set.Bila dapur harus tanpa menggunakan kitchen set karenamengingatmodel rumah minimalis dan ruangannya yang terbatas, makajika ruangdapur yang berukuran kecil di aplikasikan dengan kitchenset akanterasa sumpek dan pastinya akan tidak nyaman saat andamemasak.Minimalist houseiscurrently very many people who like it, this house is identicaltothe shape and size that is not wide, for example, is thekitchen.But the small size kitchen that you can design a wellwithout usinga kitchen set.The kitchen is the room that is very important for every homeandof course, the kitchen should be in every home. If a housewithout akitchen, then the house will be empty and there willcertainly kuangin the house. With a minimalist home design thenthe opportunitythis time we will give a little information aboutthe design of thekitchen without a kitchen set.When the kitchen should be without a kitchen set forconsideringthe minimalist model homes and office are limited, so ifthe smallkitchen space is applied with a kitchen set will feelcramped andcertainly will be uncomfortable when you arecooking.
Top Kitchen Designs 1.0
Traditional kitchen room style is among the distinctive andchicdesigns. This room dominant victimization white color letalonecolorful accents. White color is taken into account to allowyouspirit and feel smart in your heart. thus you goes to beassuredafter you awaken every morning whereas drink occasional andsliceof bread. there is lovely room adopted from coastal voguewithcontemporary style. This home is settled in Southgeographicalarea. small kitchens design have fully remodeled themeans weglance at kitchens. a trendy standard room style can leaveyouawe-struck with high lovely charm and therefore thepracticalworth. With such a lot of styles and ideas out there for astandardroom, you'll opt for the one that may dead adjust withtheremainder of your home. A standard room style won't solelyendowyou with snug operating expertise however it's extremelyconvenientfor all the members within the family. The annualtransforming 2016price to worth survey confirms that householdersnationwide inkitchen remodel would possibly recoup very much likeseventy ninefor a minor upgrade, sixty nine for a serious one, orfifty ninefor a chic one. There are regional variations within thepayback,however across the board, change the room basics (kitchencabinets,counter tops, sinks, and floors) are some things patronsarewilling to pay additional for. Country kitchen cupboards,countertops and appliances are all commission based mostlysales.salesroom duty is often get a divorce among theforemostnecessitous and newest designers. the simplest roomdesigners cantypically have enough direct referral business tone'er beanswerable for salesroom walk-ins.
БрусоДом - Дома из Бруса 1.0
Приложение для корпоративных клиентов нашей компании "Бриарей".Мызанимаемся строительством домов из сухого профилированногобруса.На данный момент это приложение служит в качествекаталогапроектов, видео и фото обзора.
Особняк 2
ID Entron
Мобильное приложение «Особняк» поможетсвыбором кровельных и фасадных материалов от лучших мировыхиотечественных производителей.А так же Вы можете заказать производство поиндивидуальномузаказу:Линеарные панели.Фасадная кассета.Доборные элементы для кровли и фасада.Водосточные системы.Дефлекторы вентиляционные.Колпаки на заборы, вентиляционные колпаки.Покраска металла в порошковой камере.Монтаж крыш "под ключ" (стропильная система, утеплениекровли,финишное покрытие).Ремонт кровли. Гарантийное обслуживание кровли.Диагностика кровли.Мелкий ремонт кровли. Монтаж фасада.«Особняк» - приложение нужно как для частного заказчика,которыйжелает установить кровлю своего дома, сделать красивыйзабор, так иполезно для крупного заказчика, который готовиспользоватькачественные современные материалы для монтажа кровли ифасадовздания.Mobile application"House"will help with the choice of roofing and facade materialsfrom thebest world and domestic manufacturers.And also you can order the production of custom-made:Linear panel.Facade cassette.Additional elements for the roof and facade.Gutters.Air deflectors.Caps on fences, vent caps.Painting of metal powder in the chamber.Mounting roof "turnkey" (truss system, roof insulation,surfacefinish).Roof repair. Guarantee roof maintenance.Diagnosis of the roof.Minor roof repairs. Installation of the facade."House" - an application need for both the private customerwhowants to install the roof of your home, make a beautiful fence,andis useful for large customer who is willing to use modernhighquality materials for the installation of roofing andbuildingfacades.
Идеи для дачи 1.0
У нас Вы найдёте полезнуюинформациюдлястроительства и отделки ваших дачных помещений изагородногодома,интерьер, лайфхаки и дизайн, много полезнойинформации орастениях,овощах и фруктах.Профессиональные ремонтники, дизайнеры и садовникирасскажутипокажут, как превратить вашу загородную усадьбу внастоящийоазисотдыха.Неожиданные оригинальные идеи изменят ваше представлениеотом,какой должна быть дача.Сделайте свой отдых за городом еще приятнее!Here you willfindusefulinformation for building and finishing your holiday roomsandacountry house, interior, life hacking and design, lotsofusefulinformation about the plants, fruits and vegetables. Professional repairers, designers and gardeners will tellandshowyou how to transform your country estate in an oasis ofrest.Unexpected original ideas will change your idea of​​whatshouldbe a cottage.Make your holiday in the country even more enjoyable!
LEVEL-VR House in Paris 2.0
Level VR
Aplicación móvil de arquitectura entiemporeal.Permite sumergirte dentro de cualquier proyecto,terminado,enconstrucción o en fase de diseño. Muestra cómo quedaráelproyectoque estás desarrollando antes incluso de que esténlistoslos planosdefinitivos. Lleva tu proyecto al bolsillo decualquiercliente, estédonde esté. Los clientes podrán tener en sumóviltoda la informaciónnecesaria para tomar la decisión de susvidas.Podrán moverse dentrode los espacios, con o sin muebles, asuelección.Aplicación imprescindible para cualquierpromotor,gestor,constructor, arquitecto o agente inmobiliario quequieramarcar unagran diferencia respecto a sus competidores en elprocesocaptaciónde clientes y venta final del producto.Nuestro límite está en tu imaginación.mobileapplicationarchitecture in real time. It lets dive intoanyproject,completed, under construction or under design. It showshowwillthe project you're developing even before the finalplansareready. Bring your project to pocket any customer, whereveryouare.Guests can have on your mobile all the informationnecessarytomake the decision of their lives. They can moveintospaces,furnished or unfurnished, your choice.essential application for any promoter,manager,builder,architect or real estate agent who wants to make abigdifferenceover its competitors in attracting customers andendproduct salesprocess.Our limit is your imagination.
Design of wooden houses 1.0
The house has a wide range of modelsandshapesand usually form of house building custom apda adjust tothelocalarea, but for now the house can be varied for certainareassuch asin the capital city or a place that is close tourbanareas.One of the houses of the most interesting and indeed digamiisawooden house. Indeed, this wooden house made of wood andforhisstrength was not inferior to home use as a brick wallorcement,because usually wooden house made of wood thatisstrongchoice.You should also pay attention to the location or placethatwillwake a wooden house, why this is so because the woodenhousesbuiltto respect nature why it can be so called because thewoodenhouseis bolted to enjoy the beauty of the naturalsurroundings.The wooden houses are usually used only for a villa or aplacetostay while on vacation just means that for a few days.Becausethemodel of a wooden house is more suitable apda vast areathatliesdiperbukutan with a beautiful view. With such abeautifulwoodenhouse will appears.Wooden houses built in the city can also usually it withamodelhome minimlis. The wooden house needs to havesomecooltemperatures in order kualias of wood tend to be goodforenduranceterhadapa about the weather or temperaturecanaffectdurability.Not all models of the design of wooden houses usingwoodall.Typically use a combination of wood and stone so it willlookmorenatural, not only was the house kayupun also use the roofofclay,so there was some mix will make the house moreattractivewood.
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N1.RU — Недвижимость: квартиры
Buy or sell property. Apartments, buildings, homes, commercial.