Top 15 Games Similar to Election 2012: Mass Debate

US Election Run 2016 1.0
Zabuza Labs
A casual run game on US Election theme. Help your favoritecandidatewin.
Election Rush: The Game! 1.0.5
App Basic
Who will win the THRONE?Election Rush Game is dedicated to all the Indians whoareinhaste to vote for a change.Election Rush is the new game that lets you play foryourpoliticalparty - BJP- Congress- AAP(Aam Aadmi party).Election Rush Game Is a thrilling political gameofstrategicavoidance & collection that will consistentlytestandchallenge your ability to make quick, impulsivedecisions.Select the best candidate and help him to get maximumseatsandmake him the PM of India.Help your candidate through all the states and gather thevotestowin the election and become PM of India.As the game progresses, you will have to rely onyourinstinctsand problem-solving skills to navigate down thewindingmap forsurvival. With its intensity, minimalistic design,andpuzzlinglogic, Election Rush is sure to keep you guessingateveryturn.Election Rush Game Features :1. High Resolution HD graphical gameplay will keepyoumesmerizedthroughout the whole game.2. Easy and fun to play and will haveachallengingenvironment.3. Continues and seamless gameplay for you to keep you ingameforhours.4. Easy and fun touch gestures control.5. LeaderBoard feature to compare with global scoreoryourfriends.6. Share your score with your friends in facebook.7. Free to Play.Election Rush Game How-To-Play :1. Just Select your Supporting Party in thepartyselectscreen.2. Support your selected party by Collectingyourparty'ssymbol.3. Collect maximum seats from 545 total seats towinthethrone.4. Avoid opposing party's symbol or you will lose seatsandlosethrone.5. Collect your supporting party's symbol while avoidingobstaclesonyour path.Election Rush Game is sure to make you occupied atyourfreetime.Election Rush Game is absolutely free to download.Please rate us if you like our game.Vote for a better INDIA.
Trump vs Hillary - elections 3.6
Trump vs Hillary Fun game between the President rivals of theUSElections 2016
MAD HUMANS ELECTION 2012Mad Humans Election 2012 is the best way to vent yourfrustrationat America’s dysfunctional political process! Thisbipartisan gamelets you toss tomatoes, lettuce and pizza at theleading politicalfigures in this election year from Barack Obamaand Joe Biden toMitt Romney and Donald Trump. But first, you mustknock out theirarmies of minions; socialists on the White Houselawn, Mormonmissionaries on Wall Street and much more. Scorepoints and postyour results to Facebook to get your friends tojoin in the bestpolitical battle of the year!・ More characters to come including Paul Ryan andNancyPelosi.・ Loaded with the best verbal gaffes of each personality.・ Fast paced gameplay that is the perfect antidote to mindnumbingelection discourse.
Election 3Day 1.0
3D Research
Election 3Day is the new AugmentedRealitygamethat makes your favorite candidate for prime ministerstruggleforthe victory… with your money! Just place a banknote onthetable,shoot it with your smartphone camera and you will seesixfamous andhungry Italian politicians that will try to getnearyourhard-earned money.Only your favorite candidate has to be left free to grabyourmoney,while the others have to be blocked by touching over themonthescreen. The candidate who manages to grab your banknotethemosttimes will win the game.How to Play:- Place a 5, 10, 20, 50 or 100 € banknote on a table. Thegreaterthevalue, the harder the game!- Check that the banknote is not folded up or crumpled,andtheillumination is proper and uniform.- Frame your banknote with your smartphone – your handshouldbesteady. When the game begins, move your phone in order toframethewhole semi-transparent game surface.- Choose your favorite view for the game.- When the politicians start to move, you can make themfallbytouching on the screen and prevent them to reachyourmoney.- Only your favorite politician should grab your money,sopleasedon’t hit him!- The game ends after three minutes. The candidate whohastouchedyour money the most times is the winner.Game Features:- Augmented Reality: the game takes place on the surfacewhereyouplace the banknote- Totally in 3D: move your smartphone to frame the scene- Six fantastic caricatures of the candidates- 5 different difficulty levels to choose from, selectedbysimplychanging the banknoteRequirements:The game requires to use a smartphone or a last-generationPDAwithdual core or quad core armv7 processor.Credits:Developed by 3DResearch - www.3dresearch.it3D models of the politicians created by GuidoSalimbeni-www.guidosalimbeni.com2D Graphical Interface created by Lacosa -
US Election 2012 1.0
Ever wanted to see Obama doing the hounddog?orRomney doing the twist? Well now you can with this game. Seehowwellyou know the two candidates. Who will win?
Election Canada 2015 Free 1.0
In this game, you can chooseyourpreferredpolitical party and play the Election Canada2015game.There are four different levels of difficulty. You just havetothrowthe leader of your political party to destroythe opponent political party.Have fun, this game was made for everyone to have agoodtimeplaying during this long campaign of two monthsof constant seduction tentatives by all candidates of thefivemainparties.This game includes the following mainparties:Conservative,Liberal, New Democratic, Green andBlocQuébécois..Have fun and good election period to all
Talking Statesman Obama 1.0
Barack Obama is certainly one of the most significantstatesmanand importance presidents of all times. He is the ruler ofAmericaand a fighter for democracy. You have a opportunity to talkto thesupervisor and statesman on any topic! His ability tocapacityindependent of courtesy and deception his hobby! BasharAssad,Putin, Trump, Erdogan, Merkel - all pale in comparison tohim!Other politics is not your choose: clever politician, whowonelection to the senate and introduced a health-carereformObamacare, a great dancer, a gag for the terrorists andorganizedcrime, and a gallant gentleman will entertain you duringthe wholegame. You want to start a debate about democracy? Thenwhitehousecitizen - Talking Obama it's your choice!Feel free downloading game Talking Obama , and have fun:- He's back that would bring democracy to your phones- An interesting animations and jokes- Various costumes and dances.
Government 0.15
M Games
******** SEQUEL ANNOUNCED, follow progress of the newgame'BigPolitics Inc' onFacebook!******** Lead yourpolitical partyto victory in this governmentsimulation featuring 4different timeperiods. * 1945 Britain *1949 Germany * 2010 Britain* 2012 USAYou'll need to adjust thestances of your party of yourparty toplease your voters and callfor votes on key issues tosucceed.You'll need to manage theeconomy and crime on top of that,althoughbe aware a high crimerate and a bad economy can bebeneficial tosomeone. Demographicsshift and change over timeleaving you to fillthe gaps in yoursupport. This early version ofthe game is quitebasic andexperimental, please leave feedback ifyou like the idea.
Whack a Candidate: Election'12 1.5
Presidential Election 2012: votesarespreadingover the country. Would you be able to repressthosevotes that youdon't like?Have fun using the "Hammer of Justice" on BarackObama,MittRomney, Paul Ryan and Joe Biden!
Election 2012: Tap Candidate 1.0
Rocket Alien
Tap Tap CandidateSelect either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, the2012PresidentialCandidates, and tap them to cycle throughhigh-quality3Danimations.★★★ DANCE MODE ★★★The candidate will dance in several styles including:✔ Macarena✔ Thriller✔ Swing✔ Samba✔ Ballet✔ Jazz✔ Disco★★★ FABULOUS MODE ★★★Turn Obama or Romney simply fabulous!✔ Super Model Walk✔ Sassy Slap✔ Ballet✔ Joyful Jump★★★ FIGHT MODE ★★★Spar with your candidate:✔ See him throw a backflip and a string of uppercuts✔ Knock him out by landing the right sequence of blows★★★ SHARING ★★★✔ Share with friends via Facebook or TwitterEnjoy hours of fun and laughter with your favoritecandidate!
USA voting simulator 1.1
Keko Studios
Choose the next president of theUnitesStatesof America!The battle still goes on between Trump and Clinton. Nowit'stimeto pick a side in 2016 election for president of theUSA.Have you ever wondered how is it to vote in USA? Or do youliveinUSA and want to prepare for voting? Now you can! Get warmedupandpumped up for action, because you won't forget this ride!
GAME PEMILU 2014 1.2
Menjawab banyaknya permintaan gamer,makaupdateterbaru sudah memasukkan capres resmi dari PDIPyaituJokowi. GamePemilu 2014 akan selalu diupdate denganperkembanganterkini dariberita dan kondisi Pemilu 2014.Melalui Game Pemilu 2014, kampanye tidak lagihanyaberamai-ramaidi ruang terbuka. Kini kampanye sudah masuk keruangpribadi melaluigadget smartphone. Kampanye juga tidaklagiberbentuk orasi satuarah tapi bisa dengan aksi dariparapendukung. Itulah semangat daripara pendukung GamePemilu2014.Ayo, bantu dan dukung partai pilihanmu denganmengenalmereka,mencari dana untuk disumbangkan sampai menjadipendukungkampanyemereka melalui Game Pemilu 2014. Sebagai bagiandarirakyatIndonesia, sudah menjadi kewajiban untukberpartisipasidalamkegiatan 5 tahun sekali ini. Tidak usah khawatirdenganjanjimuluk-muluk, karena di game ini yang aktif adalahAndasebagaipendukung.Anda bisa mengenal berbagai partai dari informasiyangmerekasampaikan melalui internet dan tentunya video profilcapresyangmereka usung juga bisa kita kenali. Kemampuan partaijugaakantampak dengan berbagai data yang mereka berikan dan itusemuatentumembutuhkan dukungan. Nah, dukungan ini yangkitaperlihatkandengan memainkan game yang terdiri dari 3 jenisseperti:gamemengenal wakil rakyat, mencari dana, membantujurukampanye.Sambil bermain game, beberapa statistik terkaitaktivitasdanpilihan dari para pemain akan ditampilkan sehinggabentukdukunganyang dibuat dapat dibandingkan dengan pemain lain.Jadi, diGamePemilu 2014 ini pemain bisa melakukan banyakaktivitasselainmemainkan game.Terima kasih untuk semua pemain yang memberikanmasukandankritikan kepada developer. Ini menunjukkan bahwabanyakpemainmemberikan perhatian kepada perbaikan game ini.Danlebihmenyenangkan lagi, kritik itu benar-benarmemperhatikansisikualitas.Perbaikan versi 1.2 (20 Maret 2014):- Penambahan profil Jokowi pada pilihan CapresPerbaikan versi 1.1:1. Perbaikan komposisi tampilan2. Perubahan menu tampilan agar lebih mudah dimengerti3. Perbaikan bug yang didapat dari masukan pemain4. Pemasangan promosi iklan di game5. Penambahan beberapa tombol menu agar flow game lebih mudah6. Penambahan karikatur untuk karakter capres yang terbaru7. Penggantian profil capres yang belum resmi terdaftar8. Perubahan nilai poin untuk rasio keseimbanganyanglebihadil9. Pemasangan promosi iklan game dari GITS AllianceKami akan terus memperbaiki game pemilu ini denganmasukandaripara pemain di seluruh Indonesia dan duniatentunya...Answering thedemandofgamers, the latest update already incorporatetheofficialcandidate of the PDIP is Jokowi. Game 2014 electionwillalways beupdated with the latest developments from news andstateelectionsin 2014.Game through the 2014 election, the campaign is no longerjustarollicking in open space. Now the campaign has enteredintoaprivate room via smartphone gadgets. The campaign is alsonolongera one-way form of speech but can with the action ofthesupporters.That's the spirit of the supporters of the 2014electiongame.Come on, help and support to get to know theirparty'schoice,looking for funds to be donated to support theircampaignsthroughthe 2014 election game. As part of the Indonesianpeople,have anobligation to participate in this 5 years. Do notworryabout thegrandiose promises, because in this game is you asanactivesupporter.You can recognize the various parties of theinformationtheyconvey through the internet and video course thattheirstretchercandidate profile we can also recognize. The abilityofthe partywill also appear with a variety of data they provideandit allwould require the support. Well, this support we show toplayagame that consists of 3 types such as:gamerecognizerepresentatives of the people, raise funds,helpcampaigners.While playing the game, some related statisticalactivitiesandchoices of the players will be shown that a form ofsupportthatcan be made compared to other players. So, in the2014electiongame players can perform many activities in additiontoplaying thegame.Thank you to all the players who provide feedback andcriticismtothe developers. It shows that a lot of players payattention totheimprovement of this game. And more fun again, thecriticismreallypay attention to the quality.Repair version 1.2 (March 20, 2014):- Addition Jokowi profile on the choice of candidatesRepair version 1.1:1. Repair compositions display2. Change the display menu to make it more easily understood3. Bug fixes obtained from the input player4. Installation of promotional advertising in games5. The addition of a few key game menus to flow more easily6. The addition of caricatures for thelatestcandidatecharacter7. Replacement candidate profiles that have notbeenofficiallyregistered8. Changes in the value of points for a moreequitablebalanceratio9. Installation of the game advertisement campaignofGITSAllianceWe will continue to improve the electoral game with inputfromtheplayers around Indonesia and the world of course ...
StumpTheTrump 1.0
The sky is the limit!Reach for the stars as Trump get's kicked out by Obama.In this fun game you as the player controls Trump when heget'sanasskicking by obama and navigate him through variousobstaclesbytilting your device left or right.Grab as many coins as you can to get higher , as yourscoreisadded by flying through coins.When you are in a bit of an issue use the boost coin optiontorocketyourself midflight to help you getthosehard-to-reach-objects.But fear not , Trump can't fail , just click try againandenhanceyour score !Developed by BitsPlease!
Obama Tells You To 1.1
Obama says LEFT... Obama says RIGHT !!!!can you do it?