Top 19 Apps Similar to (PL) Świat liter

ABC Kaligrafia FREE 2.1
Learning to write letters - on the track. The possibilityofentering your own words.
Learn and play Polish words 6.5
Educational games for learning words with pronunciation andpractice
Pierwsze słowa - Nauka dzieci 1.1
Polish for Children is a free application of copyrightrecordingsteacher.
Learn Write Letters abc 123 2.0.0
Appledore Soft
improve handwriting, practice the alphabet
Polskie Litery Numery Kolory 1.0.7
We Play We Learn
Darmowe Litery Numery Kolory to darmowa gradladzieci do nauki polskich liter, cyfr i kolorów. Zabawa zdobieraniemliter parami, rozpoznawaniem dźwięków oraz grapamięciowa todoskonały i łatwy sposób na naukę polskiegoalfabetu.Pełna wersja z reklamami zawiera wszystkie polskie literyoraznumery i kolory po polsku. Ta zabawa z grą do nauki dla dziecijestdoskonałą grą edukacyjną.* Jak grać?Najpierw wybierz temat: polskie litery, numery lub kolory.Istnieją cztery gry edukacyjne:* Dopasowywanie kolorów paramiĪ—dzieci dobierają paramikartypasujące do siebie symbolem oraz kolorem. Różne kolorypomagają wdobieraniu parami liter.* Dopasowywanie parami tych samych kolorów—wyższy stopieńtrudności.Wszystkie karty są w tym samym kolorze. Dziecko dobieraparamilitery. Należy wybrać karty z pasującym symbolem, bez pomocykartykoloru.* Rozpoznawanie dźwięków—dziecko wybiera literę z dostępnych.Należywskazać kartę z prawidłowym symbolem.* Gra pamięciowa—doskonała gra pamięciowa z wykorzystaniemliter.Należy odnaleźć i ułożyć karty parami poprzez odkrywaniekolejnychkart (jednej na raz). Gra pomaga dzieciom z zerówki wnaucepolskich liter oraz cyfr i kolorów.Zakończeniu każdego ekranu towarzyszy animacja. Przyprzechodzeniudo następnego ekranu grach-uczeń otrzymujeprezent.Po zebraniu 5 prezentów grach otrzymuje trofeum i może przejśćdonastępnego etapu. Następny poziom zawiera więcej kartniżpoprzedni.Dzieci kochają gry!Jesteśmy pewni, że twoje dziecko pokocha tę grę i naukę.Pobierz teraz darmową wersję i ciesz się nauką przez zabawę!Napisz do nas jeśli masz uwagi lub komentarze.Drużyna We Play We Learn
The World of Letters 1.4
Welcome to the World of LettersBelow four simple games are a fun introduction totheEnglishalphabet and learn to read.Letters Game:The first step in learning the alphabet, is to familiarizeyourchildwith the look, shape and pronunciation of individualletters.Use thearrows on the edges of the screen to move fromletter toletter inthe alphabet. When a letter appears, you willhear audiothat matchesthe letter. The audio helps to reinforcethepronunciation of theletter and identify words which beginwiththat letter's sound. Justclick on the letter, or a picture tohearthe correct sound.
 This isthe first step to learn toread.Guessing Game:This game tests your child's recognition of letters,picturesandsounds. Your child will expand their awareness of eachletterbymatching the correct sound to the picture that beginswiththatsound. A letter will appear at the top of the screen.Selectall ofthe pictures that begin with that letter. When you havefoundallof the pictures, a message will allow you to either quitorplayagain.Writing Game:In this game, your young child will learn to read and writeforthefirst time by using their finger to draw letters. Use thearrowsonthe edges of the screen to move easily from letter toletter.Pressthe "Tune" icon to hear the letter. Use the "Erase"button toclearthe screen and write the letters again. For more fun,changethecolor of the pen to blue, red or yellow."Feed Me" Game:This educational arcade game will challenge yourchild'smotorabilities. To play, feed our mascot, NummyNummy. Tiltthephone tobring NummyNummy to the food. Every time NummyNummy eatsamagicball, a letter of the alphabet will be displayed alongwiththesound for that letter. The more balls NummyNummy eats,themoreletters you'll see and hear.Enjoy !!!
ABC Kaligrafia PL 2.0
ABC kaligrafia to program przeznaczonydlamaluchów i przedszkolaków do nauki pisania liter orazcyfr.Wdrażając naukę przez zabawę zaprasza w magiczny i kolorowyświatliter.Program zawiera wszystkie duże i małe literyalfabetupolskiego.W dowolnej chwili możliwe jest przełączenie liter pisanychnadrukowane i odwrotnie.Podczas pisania liter program aktywnie prowadzi Twoje dzieckopośladzie zgodnie z zasadami ich pisowni.Ocena uwieńczona liczbą gwiazdek uwzględnia takie elementyjakkierunek pisania, kolejność wykonanych kresek,oderwania ręki, itp.W opcjach można ustawić kolejność nauki liter, jakieprzyswajaćbędzie Twoje dziecko - alfabetyczniebądź według podręcznika Elementarz dla 6-latkówMarianaFalskiego.W pełnej wersji istnieje również możliwość wpisania własnegozestawucałych wyrazów,co doskonale sprawdzi się w ćwiczeniu pisania przez maluchanp.własnego imienia.Podstawowe cechy programu:- pełny alfabet polski - małe i duże / pisane idrukowanelitery- możliwość tworzenia własnych wyrazów- prowadzenie po śladzie zgodnie z zasadami pisowni- ocena poprzez system gwiazdek- kolorowe i czytelne ekrany- duża łatwość obsługi programusłowa kluczowe: nauka, edukacja, abc, alfabet, abecadło,litery,śledzenie, pisanie, numery, kształty, szkołaABC calligraphy isaprogram designed for toddlers and preschoolers learning towriteletters and numbers.Implementing learning through play offers a magical andcolorfulworld of letters.The program contains all the uppercase and lowercase letters ofthePolish alphabet.At any time you can switch the letters written on printed andviceversa.When writing letters program actively lead your child to thetrackin accordance with the rules of spelling.Rating crowned star rating takes into account elements suchaswriting direction, the order of strokes taken,detachment hand, etc.In the options you can set the order of learning letters, whichwillassimilate your child - alphabeticallyor by manual primer for 6-year-old Marian Falski.In the full version there is also the option of entering theirownset of whole words,what ideally suited to the exercise of writing the toddlerforexample your own name.The basic features of the program:- Full alphabet Polish - small and large / written andprintedletters- The ability to create their own words- Keeping the track in accordance with the rules of spelling- Assessment through a system of stars- Colorful and easy to read screens- High ease of use of the programKeywords: science, education, abc, alphabet, alphabet,letters,tracking, writing, numbers, shapes, school
Write 123 - Learn Kids Numbers 1.53
Teach preschool kids to write the numbers from 1 to 20.
Fruits and Vegetables for Kids 8.9.4
“Kids learn about Fruits and Vegetables” - teach childrenthroughplay!
ABC preschool word pictures 1.4.2
Teaches site reading and the English alphabet phonics with 120easywords
✦Kujon✦ Matematyka, Ortografia 1.47
✦ Kujon ✦ to aplikacja dla uczniówszkółpodstawowych ułatwiająca naukę w zakresie języka polskiegoorazoraz Matematyki.W skład ćwiczeń z języka polskiego wchodzą:✔ Testy ortograficzne obejmujące pisownię wyrazów z: ch-h,rz-ż,u-ó, ni-ń, si-ś oraz ci-ć.✔ Testy fonetyczne weryfikujące wiedzę na temat sylab,głosek,samogłosek oraz spółgłosek.Z kolei w zakresie Matematyki mamy do dyspozycji zadaniazArytmetyki:✔ Dodawanie,✔ Odejmowanie,✔ Mnożenie,✔ Dzielenie.Oprócz testu możesz również wziąć udział w wyzwaniu. Przekonajsięile poprawnych odpowiedzi jesteś w stanie udzielić w ciągu60sekund!Razem z ✦Kujonem✦ możesz również szlifować umiejętnościwprawidłowym porównywaniu liczbZakres liczbowy zadań z Arytmetyki oraz porównywania liczbmożnadostosować do wieku i umiejętności użytkowników 웃 - od 10do200.Powyższe moduły, tj.:✔ Ortografia,✔ Fonetyka,✔ Arytmetyka (w tym tabliczka mnożenia),✔ Porównywanie liczbumożliwiają pracę na dwóch poziomach trudności dla mniej ibardziejzaawansowanych.Ponadto ✦Kujon✦ umożliwia naukę odczytywania czasu zzegaraanalogowego.Dostępne są ćwiczenia z zegarem z liczbami arabskimi, rzymskimilubnieopatrzonego liczbami.Z ✦Kujonem✦ nie zapomnisz Twojego planu lekcji. Zapisz plan zajęćimiej go zawszez przy sobie.✦Kujon✦ to świetna apka pomagająca utrwalić wiedzęprzedkartkówką z tabliczki mnożenia czy teżdyktandemortograficznym.Polub Nas na Facebook i bądź na bieżąco z informacjami onowościachw apce!▶ Facebook:ęzyk polski, matematyka, ortografia, fonetyka,tabliczkamnożenia, dodawanie, porównywanie liczb, mniejsze,większe, równe,znak większości, znak mniejszości, znak równości,sylaby, głoski,litery, edukacja, polskie wyrazy, testy edukacyjne,matma,matematyka dla dzieci, matematyka dla dzieci, matematyka dladzieci7 lat, matematyka dla dzieci 8 lat, matematyka dla dzieci 9lat,ortografia polska, ortografia dla dzieci, ortografia dla dzieci7lat, ortografia dla dzieci 8 lat, ortografia dla dzieci 9 lat,planlekcji, szkoła podstawowa, matematyka szkoła podstawowa,ortografiaszkoła podstawowa, matematyka po polsku, plan lekcji popolsku,plan zajęć po polsku, plan zajęć, fonetyka po polsku,fonetykaszkoła podstawowa, nauczanie wczesnoszkolne, zegar, zegarrzymski,zegar arabskiSkilled ✦ ✦ isanapplication for primary school students to facilitate learninginthe language and Polish and Mathematics.The exercises with the Polish language includes:✔ spelling tests, including the spelling of words with: ch-h,r-f,u-bed, ni-s, s-s and ci-tab.✔ The tests verify phonetic knowledge of syllables, sounds,vowelsand consonants.On the other hand, in the field of Mathematics we have thetaskof Arithmetic:✔ Add,✔ Subtraction,✔ Multiplication✔ Division.In addition the test can also take part in the challenge. Findouthow many correct answers you are able to give within60seconds!Together with ✦Kujonem✦ can also hone skills in thecorrectcomparing numbersNumerical range of tasks in the Arithmetic and comparingnumberscan be adapted to the age and ability of the users 웃 - from10 to200.These modules, ie .:✔ Spelling,✔ Phonetics,✔ Arithmetic (including multiplication table)✔ Comparing numbersThey enable you to work on two levels of difficulty for the lessandmore advanced.In addition ✦Kujon✦ enables learning of reading time withananalog clock.There are exercises of a clock with Arabic numerals, Romanornieopatrzonego numbers.With ✦Kujonem✦ not forget your lesson plan. Save the scheduleandhave it zawszez with you.✦Kujon✦ a great apka helps solidify knowledge quiz beforethemultiplication tables or spelling dictation.Like us on Facebook and keep up with news in the APCE!▶ Facebook: language, mathematics, spelling, phonetics,multiplicationtable, add, compare numbers, smaller, larger, equalto, greater thansign, a sign of minorities, equality sign,syllables, sounds,letters, education, Polish words, testseducational, math, math forchildren, math for kids, math for kids7 years, math for kids 8years, math for kids 9 years, spellingPolish spelling for children,spelling for children 7 years,spelling for children 8 years oldspelling for children 9 years,plan lessons, primary school, primaryschool mathematics, spellingelementary school mathematics inPolish, the Polish timetable,schedule Polish, schedule, phoneticsPolish, phonetics primaryschool, primary education, clock, clock,Roman clock Arabic
Alphabets & Numbers Tracing 2.31
Tchoko Apps
• Alphabets & numbers writing app isavirtual teacher to practice alphabets and numbers tracing.• Provides kids friendly writing environment to startpracticingwriting starting with drawing lines• Provides step by step alphabets & numbers writing• This application includes three fun, educational activitiesfortoddlers and kids! Whether your kid is in kindergarten, or goingtoattend preschool, this is a great, free learning app foryourchildren.• Let your kids doodle their fingers away and show theirartisticskills. Choose from a variety of crayons to color; eraseand startover again.• Let your kids learn a bit. We've made it easy for your kidstofamiliarize themselves with the ABC's (English alphabet)andnumbers by tracing the dots• This is a toddler and preschool kids All in One edutainmentappget ready for kindergarten.• Handwriting teaching - Lines, alphabets, numbers, drawing.Veryuseful for kindergarten or Pre-K• Math Balloon game - Teaches Counting, Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication & Division with fun & practicalway bypopping balloons• Phonics, Pronunciations, Sight Words & Spelling game• Preschool All-In-One learning games for kids AbbyBasicSkills• Preschool All-In-One learning games: Letters, Counting,Puzzles,Sizes, shadows, Matching, Colors, Shapes, Differences,Patterns andmore -- you are on the right address!• educational Areas Covered• Coloring book Tap & color is an interactive coloringbookdesigned for toddlers, preschoolers, and young children,includingthose with special needs and autism.• Trace and Color letters, numbers and pictures.• Fun finger painting activities.• Wide selection of Colors and brush sizes.• All Alphabets includes letters A to Z (& a to z) andisfully-featured.• Practice writing abc and 123• Your kids will have fun for hours finger painting, coloringanddrawing there favorite pictures.• A very fun way for toddler to learn English alphabets.• All alphabets include letters A to Z and arefully-featured.• Human pronunciations of all alphabets• Preschool aged children learn the alphabet letter names andletterrecognition, and will practice finding letters incontext.• alphabet abc to help your kids learn• deutsch alphabet to help your kids learn,• english alphabet to help your kids learn,• kids Preschool puzzles lite,• Coloring Book Fun• Alphabets, Counting and Colors• ABC for Kids All Alphabet• Alphabets & Numbers Tracing• Toddler Learning Alphabets• Preschool Alphabet• Alphabet Balloon• endless alphabet• german alphabet and numbers• phonetic alphabet• alphabet song• the alphabet song• download germany alphabet• Preschool learning Fun• 1st Grade learning• 2nd Grade learning• abby's Basic Skills application is a new application developedbya team of educational experts from 22learn designed to bestprepareyour children for success in kindergarten curriculum. Itssimplechild-friendly interface offers children an engaging way tomasteressential preschool skills in the total of 12 (!)• sight words reading learning games for Kids - overabundanceofwords! Features over 300 sight words from the popular dolchwordlist!• sight words reading learning games for Kids by abby Monkey ®-great learning reading games for Preschool, Kindergarten,1stGrade• learn to read Elementary sight words in 6 engaging superduperEDUCATIONAL games!• abby Monkey sight words learn to Read adventure with StarFallword Aliens for School reading Success is a new educationalreadingAPPLICATION by 22learn. The app is designed to help childrenlearnand practice reading the most common sight words.• sight words are words in English language that do not haveasimple one-to-one correspondence between sounds andwrittenletters, and therefore have to be learned “by sight.”• Preschool All-In-One learning games for kids abby Basic Skills-Parents’ Choice Award winner!
ABC Preschool Sight Words 1.4.1
Helps toddlers and preschool children to learn theEnglishalphabetand over 100 easy words in a fun and interactivepuzzlethemedenvironment. Kids will learn the name of each letter aswellthephonetic sound that it makes then interactively playwithobjectsthat start with that letter. Now with bonus memorybuildingandmath flashcard games. From the award winningdeveloperofchildren`s fun and educational early learning software.Thereare130 English words to learn and each word is pronounced byanativespeaker. Each word is presented as a cute cartoonstylepicturethat needs to be placed in the matching shaped hole ontheboard toreveal its sound. This App helps very young childrentodeveloptheir hand eye coordination, shape recognition andpuzzlesolvingskills in a fun and interactive environment. It`s auniqueearlylearning game with realistic sounds and highresolutionqualitycartoon style pictures which toddlers,preschoolers,andkindergarten age children will enjoy. ABC PreschoolSightWordPuzzle Shapes is different to other early learningeducationalappsbecause it has: • high quality cartoon style imagesthat lookgreaton modern High Definition (HD) and retina displays ofbothtabletsand smart phones • authentic and funny sound effectsforevery wordbeing learnt • written name and clear pronunciationofeach wordfrom a native English speaker • intuitive drag anddropinterfacethat`s easy for little fingers to master • covers allthelettersin the English alphabet from A to Z, their phoneticsoundand 130example words for practise • increasing difficulty asyourchildprogresses from simple dragging of a shape in the easyleveltomulti-shape drag and drop in the hard level • no advertising•agreat introduction to the English alphabet and simpleEnglishwordsfor non-English speakers. • bonus find the pairsmemorybuilder andmaths games that teach addition and subtractionofnumbers from 1to 20. The buttons and controls can be configuredtosupport any ofthe following languages: English, German,French,Chinese,Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic,Russian,Italian,Persian, Turkish, Polish, Indonesian,Vietnamese,Romanian,Swedish, Thai, Norwegian, Malay, Greek,Finnish, Dutch andDanish.(Note: Word and letter pronunciation isonly available inEnglish)ABC Preschool Sight Word Puzzle Shapescomes with aselection offree letters that can be easily upgradedthrough asingle low costin-app purchase to enable all letterpuzzles. Byupgrading from thefree app to the full version you’llalso beentitled to alladditional words and features added infuturereleases. Puzzlegames have traditionally been a fun andearlyeducation learningtool for tots, toddlers,preschoolers,kindergarten, and earlyschool age children and are astimulatinggame for girls and anexciting game for boys. • 2 yearold and 3year old children canpractice their hand eye coordinationand shapematching skills asthey progress through the letters oneach levelas well asexploring the word sounds • 4 year old and 5year oldkids canlearn to read, write and pronounce the word namesoncompletion ofevery puzzle (NB: English language only) We hopeyouand yourchildren enjoy playing what we believe is one ofbestearlyeducation games for toddlers and preschoolers. Pleasealsocheckout our other puzzle games and acclaimed kids educationalappsat or follow us on Facebook forthescoopon new app releases and freegiveawaysat
Kindergarten Kids Learning
Learning games/puzzle activitiesforkindergarten & preschool children.To teach your kiddoABC,rhymes, counting, tracing, colors, shapes,vegetable/fruit/sportscharts. The interactive learning is a greatmode of education astoddlers enter kindergarten as kinestheticlearners(age 2-6yrs).==================================Kindergarten Kids Learning Top Features:==================================• Attractive and colorful designs and pictures for youngkids.• Learn alphabets with charts and fun quizzes.• Learn to count and math for preschoolers with ournumber’scharts.• Learn about rhymes and poems.• Learn to write alphabet with our alphabet tracing forEnglish,Spanish, and Hindi.• Color books and stickers.• Sing and dance with your preschoolers.• And many other kindergarten games and learning activities!Whether you are parents or kindergarten teachers, you can usetheactivities for preschoolers and kindergarten kids at home orinclass. Engage your toddlers in fun kids activities to keepthemfrom doing mischief because they are bored. Let them learnbasicearly education topics such as shapes, math, ABC, rhymes,sports,vegetables, colors, counting, and many more.So, download Kindergarten Kids Learning for FREE now anddiscoverall educational games for preschoolers that will keep yourkidshappy and active.You can also checkout other applications of Greysprings "PlayandLearn" series:Website:
L-Lingo Learn Polish 5.6.80
L-Lingo | VocLab
Learn Polish fast and effectivelywithL-LingoPolish. Contains thousands of images with nativespeakeraudio.L-Lingo is designed to be easy to use. Itexploitsmultimediachannels - words, recordings of native speech,andpictures - toenable you to grasp Polish words and phrases usefulonthe road,when mingling with Polish speakers, in day-to-dayorfamily life,and when working.- Thousands of words and sentences -allvisualizedwithimages- Full native speaker pronunciation- Clear and easy to understand design of the programSee a pineapple in a supermarket, and the correct Polishwordpopsinto your head! Thanks to L-Lingo, you have learnedthewordvisually, as well as by listening and reading. OurPolishlessonsmake you learn Polish words and phrases quickly.Before youknowit, you can easily utter Polish words and Polishsentences!L-Lingo immerses you in the sights and sounds ofthePolishlanguage, rather than just the written word.Themulti-channelPolish learning approach achieves results muchquickerthantraditional textbook approaches.Our Polish 65 lessons (available in full version)coverthefollowing:- Introductions & Greetings- At Home- At the Airport- At the Hotel- Colors- Food- At the Office- Professions- Numbers- Clothes- Telling the Time in Polish- Animals- Meals and Cooking- Asking Questions in Polish- Buying and Selling- Landscapes and Nature- Weather- Sports- Family and Relationships- Countries and Continents- Seasons- Shopping- Days, Weeks, Months etc.- Quantities and Shapes- Present, Past and Future tenses***Any problems or have feedback on how to improve the App,emailusbefore negative comment. We will reply quickly.***
Learn Polish - 11,000 Words 7.2.5
Learn 11,000 words & sentences with our advancedvocabularybuilder.
Arabic Alphabets - letters 5.0.1
Learn the Arabic Alphabets ,in simple way and great graphics.
Easy Writing Free 3.5
Easy writing help the kids to learn and write alphabetsinaInteractive way. Features: * The ‘Trace Board’ help thekidstopractice to write alphabet,Numbers,Words,Shapes and Colors.*Thishas 10 colour shades and has both the upper andlowercasesAlphabets. * The ‘Sound’ option gives the pronunciationofthealphabets.