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Lungshan Temple Worship Guide
Vacation Storm
Monga Lungshan Temple is Taiwan's most p­restigiousreligiousmonuments, and a m­ust-visit for Taipei's attractions.LungshanTemple Worship Guide incl­udes very rich information toprovideth­e most complete history of the Lungshan ­Temple, BuddhismandConfucianism, and short int­roductions to temple's gods. ThisAppalso explains how to properly w­orship the gods, and how tothrowthe di­vination blocks to interacted with the g­ods forseekinghealth and happiness. ­Some famous local snack shops near byth­eLungshan Temple are also covered if yo­u feel hungry aftervisitingthe temple.
樂成宮 2.07
旱溪媽祖廟一「樂成宮」之歷史淵源,溯自乾隆初年,林大發之十五世祖渡台拓墾,為冀求一帆風順及其墾業順利,遂恭迎湄洲天后宮之「老二媽」金尊一道來台,林氏一行人,行經至本宮現址,因神靈顯異,乃擇定聖地,暫奉祀神祇於此。時光荏苒,眾等皆拓墾有成,有志人士乃於清朝乾隆五十五年(公元1790年),毅然 創建「樂成宮」於現址,供信徒朝夕頂禮膜拜。迨至大正十年〈公元1921年〉,因人口增加,聚落形成,為因應日益增加之信眾,旱溪庄保正林源泉、張昧、賴為堯三人,乃有重建廟宇規模之議,遂協同地方熱心人士林大發、龔顯柴、賴為堯、林阿堂、林同、林均等人,推動重建工程,工程萬端艱辛,歷經數載之施工,廟宇正殿於大正十三年〈公元 1924年〉建造完成,三川殿於昭和四年〈公元1929年〉竣工,及至⺠國八十年擴建後殿,「樂成宮」宏偉莊嚴完整之廟宇建築終告呈現。綜觀「樂成宮」的創建、修賈、擴建,有如一部地方開拓史。 依據清道光十二年〈公元1832年〉之《彰化縣誌祀典志》中記載,縣內天后聖母廟計有二十一座,其中載有「一在旱溪庄」,因此足資證實,「樂成宮」在前清道光年間,即已屬縣內著名之媽祖廟。簡 介: 奉祀主神:天上聖母〈媽祖〉 奉祀配神:觀音佛祖 後 殿:一樓 - 聖父母、玄天上帝、關聖帝君、斗姆星君 六十尊太歲將軍 二樓 - 玉皇上帝、觀音佛祖、註生娘娘 文昌帝君、五路財神爺、月老星君、華陀先師 建立地址:台中市東區旱溪里旱溪街四十八號 創建年代:清朝乾隆十八年〈⻄元一七五三年〉 重建年代: 正殿:⺠國十三年、歲次甲子,⻄元一九二四年 前殿:⺠國十七年、歲次戊辰,⻄元一九二八年 廂房:⺠國八十年,歲次辛未,⻄元一九九一年 增建年代: 後 殿:⺠國八十年,歲次辛未,⻄元一九九一年 建築總面積:二、二四五.三九九平方公尺 組織型態: 一、管理委員會:⺠國五十二年六月十六日成立。 二、財 團 法 人:⺠國五十九年完成改制,同年十一月四日經台中市政府核准立案,十二月二十二日在台灣台中地方法院完成法人登記。 設立宗旨: 一、宣揚媽祖救人濟世事蹟,以感化人心端正社會風氣。 二、興辦公益慈善及社會教化事業,以助益溫馨祥和社會之建立。 古蹟核定: 國家第三級古蹟核定 - 內政部⺠國七十四年十一月二十七日台內⺠字第三五七二七二號公告暨第三六五五四五號函。功能簡介新曆轉農曆即時跑馬燈最新消息廟宇沿革樂成宮沿革媽祖生平媽祖遶境大屯十八庄原由諸聖神佛參拜路線信眾關懷運勢年度運勢每月運勢參拜參拜點燈要點安太歲生肖年齡活動宗教活動行事曆迎新慶元宵祈安普渡醮典添燈拜斗 (線上點燈)光明燈安太歲太歲燈文昌斗文昌燈財神燈財神斗姻緣燈華陀燈版權聲明:本應用程式內容經由台中樂成宮(旱溪媽祖廟)授權 中華電信-台中營運處開發。Hansi Matsuhistoricalorigins of a "Lecheng Palace", dated back to the QianlongDynasty,Lin made within fifteen ancestor crossing station landreclamationfor seeking aSmooth and successful reclamation, then welcome Meizhou templeof"dick Mom" ​​a gold statue to Taiwan, Lin a pedestrian,passingThe palace to its present site, was different because ofthegods, is fixed for the Holy Land, temporarily enshrined godshere.Time flies, all mused land reclamation success, thereChi who is fifty-five years of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty(AD1790), decided to create a "music into your house" to itspresentsite for believersDay and night worship. The cause of Tai is ten years<1921AD>, because Renkouzengjia, formed settlements, to copewith thegrowingCoupled with the faithful, Hansi Zhuang Bao Zheng Linsource,Zhang Mei, Lai Yao is three, there is proposed scalereconstructionof the temple, then in collaboration with localheatShihlin human heart big time, Gong was Chai, Lai as Yao,Lim-AhTong, Lam Dong, Lin equal people, and promotereconstruction,engineering watery stormSim, after several years of construction, the temple main hallofTaisho thirteen years <1924 AD> completing construction ofthetemple in three-ShoAnd four <1929 AD> completed until ⺠ country eightyearsthe expansion of the apse, "Lecheng palace" complete themajestictempleYu building was finally presented. Looking at "Le Palais intoa"creation, Jia repair, expansion, like a local pioneerhistory.According to DaoLight years <1832 AD> the "sacrifice to ChanghuaCountyannals" records, the county Tin Hau Temple of Our Lady of thecountis 21 inBlock, which contains "a village in Hansi," thereforesufficientfunding confirmed, "Lecheng Palace" in the Qing Dynasty,the countythat is alreadyThe name of Matsu.INTRODUCTION: worshiping the Lord God: Our Lady ofheavenworshiping with God: Guanyin Buddha after the temple: firstfloor -St. parents, the TienEmperor Kuan, Doumu Tai Sui Xing Jun sixty generals on thesecondfloor - the Jade Emperor God, Buddha Guanyin, the Goddess ofHealthnote Wenchang EmperorJun, Rd God of Wealth, joking Xing Jun, Hua Tuo firstdivisionestablish Address: Taichung City in East Hansi Hansi StreetNo.48CreateYear: Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong eighteen years <⻄ yuanin1753> Reconstruction year: the main hall: ⺠ countrythirteenyears, Year six decades, ⻄Yuan 1924 QianDian: ⺠ country seventeen years, Year of Boshin,⻄yuan in 1928 rooms: ⺠ country eight years, Sheen YearNo, ⻄ yuan in 1991 build year: After the house: ⺠ countryeightyears, Xinwei Year, ⻄ yuan in 1991 the total area of​​thebuildingProduct: Two, two hundred and forty-five thousand threehundredninety-nine square meters type of organization: aManagementCommittee: Fifty-two years ⺠ States June 16Established. Second, the financial group legal person:⺠fifty-nine years to complete the restructuring of the country,thesame year approved Novembre Taichung City Government filing,Complete legal registration December 22 in Taichung,TaiwanDefangfayuan. Established purposes: First, to promote Matsurescuesave the world thingTrace to soften the hearts correct social conduct. Second, setupthe charity and social education career, and with helpfulfriendlyand peaceful societyThe establishment. Monuments Approved: ApprovedNationalMonuments third stage - November 27, Minister of theInterior ⺠country within 74 years Taiwan ⺠ wordThe third five thousand seven hundred twenty-seven the 2ndNoticeof the third six thousand five hundred fifty-four the5thletter.FeaturesTurn the Lunar calendar NewInstant Marqueelatest newsTemple History Le Narimiya History Mom 祖生平 Matsu Datun village eighteen reason Saints deities Homage DirectionsBelievers Care Fortune Annual Horoscope Monthly Horoscope Homage Homage lighting points An Tai Sui Zodiac Age activity Religious Events Calendar New Year Lantern Festival celebration Purdue Edmund Chiu Code Tim Light worship bucket (line lighting) Light beacon An Tai Sui Jupiter Light Wenchang bucket Wenchang lights Fortuna Lights Fortuna Doo Marriage lamp Hua Tuo lamp Disclaimer: This app content via Taichung music intothepalace (Hansi Mazu Temple) authorizing Chunghwa Telecom -TaichungBusiness Unit openhair.
TW LOTTO 539 3.0.0
Wing Chan
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王勳千歲 – 求靈籤、擲筊、求智慧、事業、功名與健康 1.4.0
台中市沙鹿蔴園福興宮供奉王勳千歲,可求智慧、事業、功名與健康,有求必應。這是個完整介紹廟宇參拜方法,蔴園福興宮建築之美以及文化,還有王勳將軍小遊戲的程式。同時讓您可以遙向蔴園福興宮王勳千歲擲筊、求籤、問運途的APP。Enshrined in ShaluMayuanFusing Temple, Taichung City, Wang Xun Chitose andRectifiable thewisdom, career, fame and Health, responsive.This is a full description Temples methods, Ma Park FuxingPalacearchitectural beauty and cultural, as well as General WangXun smallgamePrograms.While allowing you to the divination blocks away to the MaWangXun Park Fuxing Palace Chitose divination, ask shippedpassersAPP.
關聖帝君雷雨師百籤 1.4
新年恭喜紫南宮發財金 1.0.0
早年社寮里民每逢家中添壯丁都會請村庄內的里民吃雞酒,稱為吃丁酒,而里民在土地公的庇護下也都平安順利,每每向土地公借錢投資都會賺錢,來年再還錢,日久成習,後來這項傳奇且傳開來,來自全省各地的信眾日益增加,紫南宮乃成立管委會進行管理。凡向土地公擲筊杯借金,第一次獲同意可借六百元,第二次才同意可借五百元,依序類推,最多只能借用六百元做為生意的本,來年若賺錢即須還本,賺錢後再增添香油錢,口耳相傳下名聞遐爾,紫南宮香火維持不衰。本作品以竹山鎮紫南宮為背景,主畫面分為6大主題,(1)籤筒求籤、(2)摸雞羽毛求發財、(3)香爐放香、(4)紅包有錢、(5)擲筊、(6)製作團隊,透過這6大主題可以讓使用者更進一步了解竹山鎮紫南宮內部建設以及代表性金雞和傳說。EarlyyearsSheliaoresident. Every home Tim young men will local citizenstoeatchicken wine village, known to eat small wine,localcitizens,under the shelter of the Earth God safely andsmoothlyinvestmentwill make money, often to lend money to the EarthGod thecomingyear to pay back the money, falling into a habitlaterthislegendary and spread to the believers from across theprovinceisincreasing the Purple Palace is to set up a managementcommitteetomanage. Where to Earth God throw the divination blockscupborrowgold, for the first time has been agreed to by means ofsixhundredyuan, second only agreed to borrow five hundred dollarsinsequenceon, can only borrow up to six hundred yuan as abusinessthiscoming year, If it is money that is to be the principalmoneyandthen add the sesame oil money, and word of mouth under thenameyaSeoul Purple Palace incense to maintain not bad.Chushan town purple palace, the works, the main screenisdividedinto six themes (1) Qiantong divination (2) touchchickenfeathersseeking to make a fortune, (3) the censer putincense, (4)redenvelope money, (5) divination blocks, (6)production team,allowsusers to learn more about the the Chushantown purplepalaceinternal construction and representation of GoldenRoosterandlegend through the six major themes.