Top 14 Apps Similar to EKG pocket

ECG pocket 2.0
Börm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC
The ECG pocket is an essential and easy‐to‐use toolfortheunderstanding and interpretation of ECG. With lotsofpracticalexamples this app provides all you need to know foryourdailyroutine. Including ‐ index based searchlist ‐history‐function‐”last viewed” button ‐ notes and bookmarksAllnecessaryinformation about ECG – always at your fingertips!
Cardiax Mobile ECG 1.41
Companion application for Cardiax Windows full-scale, 12-ChannelPCECG system.
Elektrokardiogramm EKG Typen 10.0
Lernen Sie verschiedene Arten von EKG, ideal fürStudentenzuidentifizieren. Fügen Sie kurze Erklärungen zu denGrafiken.
Electrocardiograma ECG Tipos 13.0
Aprende a identificar los diferentes tipos deelectrocardiograma,ideal para estudiantes. Incluyen brevesexplicaciones sobre lasgráficas.
ECG Interpretation 1.11
This app briefly elaborate of ECG irregularities with waveformanddescription.
Tes EKG Analisis 7.2
Blacx Knights
dengan adanya tes ekg analisis inidiharapkanmempermudah pekerjaan dokter , suster , perawat ataupegawaikesehatan lebih mudah untuk melakukan analisis, aplikasi inimampumembantu memberikan panduan baik EKG .dengan Nilai Normal Setiap Usia lengkap dengan hasil BPM,Frontal Lead , QRS Vector , PR interval , QIII , QV6 , RV 1 , SV1, RV6 , SV6 dan dengan nilai rata rata percentile.terdapat pula bantuan Nilai Diagnosis, sebagaireferensi,penginggat dan patokan pemahaman EKGSerta Dilengkapi dengan Analisis Kalkulasi QTC , Kalkulasi QTperdetik / box , R-R perdetik/box. untuk menghasilkan nilai yangvalidsebagai nilai banding dan mempercepat pekerjaan tenagamedis.jika ada kesalahan perhitungan datau penulisan mohonuntukmemberi tahu kami. agar kami bisa perbaiki dan lebih baiklagi.PenegrtianInformasi yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini hanya untukinformasisecara umum dan tujuan pendidikan saja . Semua informasiyangdipublikasikan di sini telah mengalami pengkajian untukmemastikankeseimbangan yang adil , objektivitas , independensi ,danrelevansi dengan kebutuhan pendidikan . Baik editor , ataupenerbitnya .Perhitungan ini bukanlah sebagai pengganti untuk nasihat medis,diagnosis ataupun perawatan . Pengguna disarankan bahwa ,meskipuninformasi yang dihasilkan ini berasal dari penelitian medis, namunpara peneliti ataupun Pembuat Aplikasi TIDAK mengklaimkeakurataninformasi yang terkandung di sini dengan baik atauakurat. inihanya perkiraan semata dan tidak dapat menggantikanhasil uji labdan tenaga medis.jika hasil menunjukan anda memiliki resiko tinggi disarankanagaranda segera untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter Anda sendiriatauprofesional kesehatan mengenai kondisi medis untuk mendapatkanhasilyang lebih akurat . Informasi ini tidak dimaksudkanuntukmenggantikan penilaian klinis atau memandu perawatanpasienindividu dengan cara the presence ofthetest ECG analysis is expected to ease the work of doctors,nurses,nurse or health workers more easily to do the analysis,thisapplication can help provide a good guide to the ECG.Rated Normal Any Age complete with BPM results, Frontal Lead,QRSVector, PR interval, QIII, QV6, RV 1, SV 1, RV6, SV6 and theaveragepercentile value.there is also aid diagnosis value, as a reference, andthebenchmark penginggat understanding of the ECGAs well as equipped with QTC Calculation analysis,calculationsper second QT / box, R-R per second / box. to produce avalid valueas the value of the appeal and accelerate the work ofmedicalpersonnel.if there is a calculation error datau writing, please letusknow. so that we can improve and be better.penegrtianThe information provided in this application is only forgeneralinformation and educational purposes only. Allinformationpublished here has undergone assessment to ensure a fairbalance,objectivity, independence, and relevance to the needs ofeducation.Neither the editor, or his publisher.These calculations are not a substitute for medicaladvice,diagnosis or treatment. Users are advised that, althoughtheinformation generated is derived from medical research, buttheresearchers nor App Builder NOT claim accuracy of theinformationcontained herein as well or accurate. These are onlyestimates onlyand can not replace the results of lab tests andmedicalpersonnel.If the results show you have a high risk it is recommendedthatyou immediately consult with your own doctor orhealthcareprofessional about the medical condition to get moreaccurateresults. This information is not intended to replaceclinicaljudgment or guide individual patient care in any way.
ACLS MegaCodes Review 2015 1.15
ACLS MegaCodes Review reflects the updated 2015AmericanHeartAdvanced Cardiovascular Life Support Guidelines andprovidesacomplete review of advanced cardiovascular lifesupport,includingthe new 2015 ICOR update. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewsimulatorlet youtest your skills in real-life situations. You canpracticemakinglife-or-death decisions and learn acute ACLSinterventions.Choosedefibrillation levels and pharmacologictreatments foreverypossible resuscitation situation. Take actualpractice testsusedfor ACLS certification. ACLS MegaCodes Reviewcoverseverythingfrom airway management and rhythms to electricaltherapy,acutecoronary syndromes, and acute stroke. ACLS MegaCodesReviewhelpsEMTs, nurses, students, and physicians successfullycompletetheAmerican Heart Association Advanced Cardiac LifeSupport(ACLS)course and certification exam. Experienced providerscanchoosemore challenging Place in Correct Order questions.
Electrocardiograma 4.0
Aprende fácilmente a interpretar un electrocardiograma.Teexplicamos paso por paso como identificar las diferentespatologíasasí como ejemplos de cada una de ellas. Incluye imágenesy esquemasque te ayudarán a entender la frecuencia, el ritmo y elsignificadode cada onda.
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
Glasgow Coma Scale 3.8
Assessing the level of consciousness on a scale Glasgow coma in3clicks.
Kardia 5.32.1-b16cfabcab
AliveCor Inc.
Remote, medical-grade heart care at your fingertips
ElectroSmart ECG 2.0
ElectroSmart ECG es una aplicaciónpararegistrar, procesar y evaluar el ECG en reposo en TabletsoSmartphones con sistema operativo Android.La aplicación complementa al software de escritorio ECGViewyconstituye un sistema portable de registro de 12derivacionesestándar. Los datos son transferidos del dispositivoElectroSmarta la aplicación mediante conexión Bluetooth.El sistema permite realizar el monitoreo de laseñalelectrocardiográfica del paciente y almacenar registros de20segundos. El usuario puede adquirir tantos registros comodeseepara cada estudio.ElectroSmart ECG cuenta con detección automática delatidoscardíacos, provee información latido a latido y promediode lafrecuencia cardíaca y del intervalo RR.El sistema cuenta con diferentes niveles de filtro muscular ydemovimientos de línea de base y filtro de línea. Los filtrossepueden aplicar durante y/o luego de la adquisición.ElectroSmart ECG permite importar y exportar estudios desdeyhacia la aplicación de escritorio ECGView, la cual cuenta conunconjunto de herramientas avanzadas para revisar, procesareinformar el estudio.Una vez realizado el estudio puede redactar lasconclusiones,enviarlo vía email o, adquiriendo el Sistema deTelecardiología,a un sitio web que le permitirá descargarlo,evaluarlo y generarel reporte en PDF.ElectroSmart ECG es particularmente útil en los serviciosdeurgencias domiciliarios ya que permite la adquisición y envíodelregistro electrocardiográfico al especialistacardiológicomientras el paciente es trasladado al centro desalud.Provee funciones de resguardo y recuperación de la base dedatospara realizar backup de la información almacenada en laaplicaciónen caso de extravío o reemplazo de su Tablet oSmartphone.Principales características:• Monitoreo y registro de 20 segundos de 12derivacionesestándar.• 500 Hz de frecuencia de muestreo.• Exportación e importación de estudios y base de datos.• Comunicación Bluetooth con el módulo deadquisiciónElectroSmart.• Detección automática de latidos cardíacos.• Filtro muscular, de línea y de movimiento de línea de base.ElectroSmart ECG isanapplication to record, process and evaluate the ECG at restinTablets or Smartphones with Android operating system.The application complements the desktop software ECGView and isaportable recording system 12 standard. Data is transferred fromtheapplication ElectroSmart device via Bluetooth connection.The system allows monitoring the patient's ECG signal andstorerecords 20 seconds. You can buy as many records as you wantforeach study.ElectroSmart ECG features automatic detection of heartbeat,beatby beat and provides average heart rate and RRintervalinformation.The system has different levels of muscular movements andfilterbaseline and line filter. Filters can be applied during and /orafter the acquisition.ElectroSmart ECG studies can import and export to and fromthedesktop application ECGView, which has a set of advancedreview,process and report the study tools.Once the study can draw conclusions, or send it viaemail,acquiring TCS System, a web site that will allow you todownload,evaluate and generate the report in PDF.ElectroSmart ECG is particularly useful in emergencyresidentialservices as it allows the acquisition and delivery ofspecialistcardiac ECG recording while the patient is transferred tothehealth center.Provides backup and recovery features of the database tobackupthe information stored in the application in case of lossorreplacement of your Tablet or Smartphone.Main features:          •Monitoringand recording 20 seconds of 12 standard.          • 500Hzsampling frequency.          •Exportand import of studies and database.          •BluetoothCommunication with ElectroSmart acquisition module.          •Automaticdetection of heartbeats.          •Musclefilter, line and movement baseline.
Eixo Cardiograma 1.0
Uma nova ferramenta de ECG.Inserindo os dados de DI, DII, DIII, aVR, aVL, aVF, verifiqueoângulo do vetor do eixo cardíaco.Agora está muito fácil de interpretar o eletrocardiograma.A new ECG tool.Entering the DI data, DII, DIII, aVR, aVL, aVF, check thevectorangle of the cardiac axis.Now it is very easy to interpret the ECG.