Top 23 Apps Similar to Drivi - Drive Safely

Car Dock Home v3 3.43
IG88 Apps
Fully customizable car home replacement.UNINSTALL NOTE: This app will be a 'Device Administrator' ifyouactivate the 'Lock screen on undock' feature. You mustdeactivatethe feature, or remove the app from your phone'sdeviceadministrator before you can uninstall. Go to yourphone'ssettings, Location & Security, Device Administrator,disableCar Dock Home v3, then uninstall as usual.Add your favorite apps, shortcuts and widgets to as many as7screens, for easy access in the car. Defaults to a screen of2x3cells for large easy touch buttons.Shortcut and app buttons can be renamed and givencustomimages.* Full size widget support* Landscape dialer pad (work in progress, but functions)* Landscape contacts, and starred contactsSupports many automatic settings when phone enters/exitscarmode, like* enable gps* disable wifi* enable bluetooth* all volumes to max ( bugs: misses navigation volume, andringer...)* turn off device on undockLayout customizations* Landscape/Portrait lock* icon grid anywhere from 1x1 to 4x4* full screen or not* paging buttons, or not* smooth scrolling like your home app.* Icons scaling options.Screen timeout* set timeout/inactivity page independent of start page. (Thisis why people think it changes pages on it's own... causeitdoes... but you can control it. )* OR pick a widget that will be displayed as a screen saver.Builtins* Landscape friendly contact list & starredcontactslist* Navigation link that attempts to resume navigation if maps appisrunning ( not 100% reliable, a work in progress )* exit car mode* visit desktop without leaving car mode.Your Input is Welcome!Note: home key while in Car Dock app only takes you to startpageif Car Dock app is set as default car home and you are in carmode.Car Dock does not automatically put the phone in car mode...Trygoogle's 'Car Home' icon to launch car mode on froyo, or my'CarDock Control' for eclair/froyo/gingerbread...If you don't like my dialer and contacts, you can use yourown...Many complain that the stock Android dialer/contacts appdoesn'tsupport landscape, but I've found that it does, but on manyphonesyou have to enable auto rotation in the dialer apppreferences.
Car Mode Control 1.3
IG88 Apps
A simple launcher icon that enters or exitscarmode. This app does not provide a Car Home, it just puts yourphonein car mode. Upon entering car mode, most android phonesattempt tolaunch an alternate home application. Being in car modechanges thehome button on your phone to return to that alternatehomeapplication. That is all a part of the Android OS. Again,thisapplication just forces the OS into that mode.Works on eclair, froyo, gingerbread, and now honeycomb,providedyour phone was already capable of car mode.I've had trouble with this functionality embedded in CarDockHome v3. Even google seems to keep their app that enters carmodeseparate from the market app that acts as a car home.If you are on a froyo or better phone and have the Google'CarHome' icon in your launcher, I recommend using that to entercarmode.I'm compelled to make this free due to thefunctionalitypreviously being in Car Dock Home v3 (free)Keywords: Car Mode, Car Dock, Simulator, Car Home
CarUI Lite 1.8.2
Sesma Europe
CarUI provides you fast access while inyourcarto GPS navigator, music, Phone dialer and otherapplications.You canselect any application installed in the devicefor eachbutton.CarUI gives you direct and secure control ofbluetooth,volume& brightness. Shows Bluetooth connection stateandrememberyour preferences!Replaces the stock Car Home app with addedfeatures,likeapplication selection, mute notifications, automaticGPSON/OFFcontrol, autoanswer and autospeaker for incomingcalls,redirectionof audio to bluetooth mono or stereo handsfree andmuchmore!!Auto starts when you connect to a specific BT device ortoanyheadset, when you Car-Dock, etc.!!!The best application for your car and your safety.
Dock No-Op 3
When you insert your device into yourcar/deskdock, this app will launch *nothing* instead of launchingthedefault built-in car dock app.This app does NOTHING else. No background processes, noappicons.There is *no* configuration. If you don't want it to beactive,you have to uninstall it. Sorry.** NOTICE **This application works for most users, but not everyone. If theappdoesn't seem to do the job for you, we recommend seeking outasimilar app from the Market. We built it to be as lightweightaspossible but that does not provide full-functionality tosomedevices. We do not intend to release an updated version in thenearfuture.
Voice Assistant Ego-Bot Eva 1.2.0
MEI Studio
Ego-Bot Eve, is a Virtual RobotCOMPLETELYINITALIAN. You can talk to Eva and ask him questions. Youcanalsoask her to read a text, enable the navigator to reach agoal,setthe compass, find an address, search for the nearestrestaurant,ahotel, a cinema, a pizzeria, a car, a hotel etc etc,doanyresearch, connect to the translator, the news of theday,theweather forecasts, maps, satellite, open the cameratotakepictures or video, turn signal light, SOS signal,sendvoicemessages (sms), ask for the date and time, turn thecalculator,address book, contacts, etc..
Car Dock Settings 1.10
IG88 Apps
Change system settings when phone is inCarDock. Restore when undocked.*Max Audio VolumeDisable Screen Timeout*Enable/Check GPSDisable WiFiEnable BluetoothEnable SpeakerphoneAuto Night ModeGPS tries1. Standard system API, works as system app - see website2. Known Exploit3. Popup of Location Settings
Car Widget 2.1.6
Alex Gavrishev
Car widget make easier and quicker access to phone features inthecar.
Talking Alarm Clock Pro Free 2.0
The first alarm clock that says what you want!!!
Voice Notify 1.2.2
Voice Notify uses TTS to announce status bar notification messages® Pro 3.0.9 is the #1 mobileapplicationpreventing distracted driving.* OVER 30 MILLION USERS, 1.5 BILLION POTENTIAL DISTRACTEDDRIVINGINCIDENTS PREVENTED* MASHABLE’S BEST MOBILE APP and CONSUMER ELECTRICS SHOW (CES)BESTMOBILE APP* ALSO FEATURED ON CNN, CNET, ABC, FOX, TECHCRUNCH, & MOREListen to SMS, listen to email, listen to TXTmessages.DriveSafely® Pro reads text messages, SMS and emails aloudand letsyou respond by voice.Pro features include:-Announcement of texter's name-iSpeech’s Human sounding male and female text tospeechvoices-Adjust speed of text to speech voice-Change the read speed of incoming messages-Auto launch of application on detection of Bluetooth headset orCarDock-Shake to stop reading message-Speak incoming tweets with text to speech-iSpeech voice recognition of spoken messagesthroughdictation-Speech recognition playback with iSpeech text to speechforpreview-Up to 500 words read per message-Human text to speech voices available in US English, UK English,LASpanish, FR French, German, Italian, Mandarin Chinese,Japanese,Korean, Catalan, French Canadian, Danish, AustralianEnglish, CAEnglish, SP Spanish, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish,BrazilianPortuguese, Portugal Portuguese, Russian, Swedish,CantoneseChinese and Finnish-More features available soonBenefits of using carefully on the road with txt (SMS) speaking,hands-freesolution-Listen to your incoming messages in real-time-Keep your hands on the wheel instead of texting-Increase the safety of others by not txting while driving-Let read your messages out loud and is powered by iSpeech, a text to speech andspeechrecognition cloud. To speech-enable your apps,
UCD-Hotword 1.4
Apps on Toast
The essential 100% Handsfree Driving experience Only for usewithits Award Winning Parent App, Ultimate Car Dock. (English Only)•100% Handfree ! • Activates UCD by Hotword • Works with Screenoff• No need to press buttons UCD-Hotword enables its parent app(UCD)to activate when you say its name - ULTIMATE CAR DOCK You cansetUCD to start up in background mode on connection with yourcarsBluetooth. Then when you want to interact with your phone,evenwith the screen off, just say - Ultimate Car Dock - andcontinueCompletely Hands Free. The app has a Voice Check andsensitivitysettings so you can set it to your own unique voice. Youcan turnHotword on & off in UCD’s Setting. If you don’t alreadyhavethe necessary parent App – Ultimate Car Doc – (UCD) get ithere. with UCD Always drive within local laws
UCD-Offline Voice Recognition 1.7
Apps on Toast
UCD-Offline gives you True Offline Voice Recognition Onlyforusewith its Award Winning Parent App, Ultimate CarDock.(EnglishOnly) • No need for an internet connection •Accurate&personalized voice Recognition • Saves on your Dataplan NoMoreInternet Dead Zones : UCD-Offline will work flawlesslyinremoteareas where there is no available internet connection.Savesyourdata : This add-on app will Save you money on your dataplantoo,as it will not use up any of your internetallowance.Accuratevoice recognition system : We create apersonizeddictionary foryou, which makes the voice recognition asaccurate aspossible.Instructions : To initially configure the appyou must beonline.Once configured, you are ready to go offline.OpenUCD-Offline andclick the “Create Dictionary” button. The appwillthen take a fewseconds to create your own personizeddictionary, itwill then beready to use with Ultimate Car Dock - andNo Internetconnection!Once you have installed this app, and createdyourdictionary,Ultimate Car Dock will always use the UCD-OfflineVoiceRecognitionsystem. When you modify your contacts the appwillremind you tore-create your dictionary. Its important you dothison eachmodification to ensure your offline dictionary iskeepcurrent.This will enable you to use your new contactinformationwith UCDOffline!
BlueDock 3.3.18
IG88 Apps
car dock simulator triggered by abluetoothconnection.Trigger phone car dock mode when connected to a Bluetoothdevicelike your car stereoand/or pick any other app/shortcut to launchonconnect/disconnect.
Voice Assistant (Italiano) 1.1.5
Voice Assistant è un assistente vocale ingradodi eseguire un'infinità di operazioni integrate inAndroidaiutandoti in tutto quello che fai. Potrai chiedere adesempiol'ora, il meteo, l'apertura di un'applicazione, lanavigazioneverso un luogo, chiamare un amico e molto altroancora!!Inoltre potrai dialogare con l'assistente che ti risponderà avoce.L'applicazione è completamente in Italiano.***************************************ATTENZIONE: per il completo funzionamento dell'applicazioneèrichiesto un motore di sintesi installato sul propriodispositivoAndroid. E' possibile trovare un motore di sintesivocale sulGoogle Play Store cercando la parola chiave "TTS".Consigliamo di installarne uno alternativo anche nel caso incuil'assistente abbia una cattiva voce.***************************************Ecco un elenco delle funzioni disponibili:» Conversazione» Ora» Data» Ricerca Web» Previsioni meteo» Apri Applicazione» Ricerca contatti» Chiamata» Invio messaggio» Email» Impostazione sveglia» Registrazione audio» Ricerca Google Maps» Navigazione» Riproduci musica» Ricerca immagini» Ricerca video» Accendi/spegni WiFi» Accendi/spegni Bluetooth» Accendi/spegni GPS» Creare eventiSuggerimenti e critiche sono ben accetti, per contattarmi premiilpulsante menù all'interno dell'applicazione e scegli "segnalabug/suggerimento" oppure vai in fondo a questa scheda eseleziona"Invia email".***************************************tags: assistente vocale, google now, siti, AIVC,aivc,conversazione, alice, ricerca vocale, test to speech, tts,talk,chat, brain, mind, vignetta, vignette, vlinguo, andy,speaker,friend, iris, voice action, action, function, androidassistant,svoice s voice, bestVoice Assistant is avoiceassistant that can perform a multitude of integratedoperations inAndroid helping you in everything you do. You can asksuch as time,weather, open an application, navigating to a place,call a friend,and much more!You can also talk to the assistant who will respond to voice.Theapplication is completely in Italian.***************************************ATTENTION: for the complete operation of the application isrequiredsynthesis engine installed on your Android device. And'possible tofind a speech synthesis engine on Google Play Storesearching forthe keyword "TTS".We recommend that you install an alternative also in the caseinwhich the assistant has a bad voice.***************************************Here is a list of the available functions:»Conversation'Now»Date»Search the Web»Weather»Open Application"Searching for contacts»Call»Sending message»Email"Setting Up»Audio Recording»Search Google Maps»Navigation»Play Music»Image Search»Video search»Switch on / off WiFi"Turn on / off Bluetooth"Turn on / off GPS»Create eventsSuggestions and criticisms are welcome to contact me press themenubutton within the application and select "reports bug /suggestion"or go to the bottom of this page and select "Sendemail".***************************************tags: voice assistant, google now, sites, AIVC, AIVC,conversation,alice, voice search, test to speech, tts, talk, chat,brain, mind,cartoon, cartoons, vlinguo, andy, speaker, friend,iris, voiceaction, action, function, android assistant, svoice svoice,best® Free SMS Reader is original safe drivingappdownloaded of 35 Million times on Android and BlackBerry!Since 2009, has been the World's premier safedrivingapp, speaking billions and billions of text messages(sms)andemail messages aloud. Join over 6.5 Million registered usersandbecome a safe features One Tap (onetap) operation, andauto-onfunctionality that allows you to seamlessly interactwithyourphone while driving without texting while driving or emailingwhiledriving. When combined with Caller ID Reader (theoriginalapp that announces your incoming caller by name), itpotentiallycreates a much safer driving experience. You can alsopairDriveSafely with your vehicle's bluetooth system toautomaticallyturn it on when you enter your vehicle. The app isfullycustomizable, and allows you to select only the options thatyouwish to use.DriveSafely supports 28 text to speech languages, and hassupportfor celebrity voices (additional downloads may berequiredforcelebrity text to speech from Talkz).Drive Safely reads txt (SMS) messages and emails aloud in realtimeand automatically responds (auto-responder) withoutdriversneeding to touch the android device. is the solutiontotexting while driving.Listen to SMS, listen to email, listen to TXT messages.DriveSafelyreads text messages, SMS and emails aloud and letsyourespond by voice (with Pro). iSpeech Text to Speech (TTS) willspeakyour SMS while driving. Hands-free. Hear SMS, HearTXTs,Hear Emails, Hear text messages read aloud. Spoken SMS texttospeech audioFeatures and Benefits:Reads your text messages and emails out loud in real timeHuman sounding Text to Speech TTS Voices (better thanGoogleTTS)Hands Free - No need to touch the phone while drivingOne-touch (OneTap) activation - no complicated setupBluetooth and radio transmitter compatibleReads text message shorthand (lol, brb)Optional customizable auto-responder - auto-reply-auto-responseEliminates texting while driving and reading emailswhiledrivingSafely stay connected while reducing distracted drivingKeep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the roadBe safer and more productive during your commuteLightweight app doesn't slow down phone or drain batteryFlexible app allows many customization optionsComing soon - Support for emoticons and® is a registered trademark, All rights reserved.
Voice Search: Fast assistant
Need fast search engine or speech to text app? Try voiceassistant& recognition
Sistema 101 assistente vocale 1.0.1
MEI Studio
Sistema 101 è un assistente vocaleinitaliano.Puoi parlare a Sistema 101 e attivare vocalmentevariefunzioni.Sistema 101 è in grado di trovare una destinazioneeattivare ilnavigatore, fare ricerche (meteo, ultimenotizie,YouTube,definizioni, indirizzi etc). Può leggeretesti,visualizzarecoordinate, cronometro etc. Tutte i comandideglistrumenti possonoessere visualizzati premendo il tasto"Info".Sistema 101 funzionasolo con connessione dati attiva,necessariaper fare ricerche e peril riconoscimento vocale.System 101 isavoiceassistant in Italian. You can talk to system 101andvoice-activatevarious functions. System 101 is able to findadestination andactivate the navigation system, doresearch(weather, news,YouTube, definitions, addresses etc). Youcan readtexts, displaycoordinates, stopwatch etc. All the toolscommand canbe displayedby pressing the "Info". 101 system onlyworks withactive dataconnection, necessary for research andforspeechrecognition.
TwixVoice (Beta) 2.1
Davide Dellai
LANGUAGES: ITALIANO - ENGLISHATTENZIONE: L'app è compatibile con Android 3osuperiori.Preferibilmente KitKatL' assistente vocale della TwixKat Rom sbarca anchesulplaystore!! Con TwixVoice potrai:- Chiamare- Inviare sms- Navigare con google maps- Chiedere l'orario/ la data odierna/ informazionisullabatteria/informazioni sulla memoria del device e moltoaltro- Farti leggere gli sms in arrivo- Scattare foto- Avere in tempo reale le previsioni meteo via gpsoscegliendouna località dalle impostazioni- Cercare su google- Aprire applicazionie altro ancora tutto contornato da una graficapiacevoleeminimale in linea con la Rom TwixKat.Specifico che l'applicazione è inclusa nella Rom TwixKat.Un po di esempi pratici:- Chiamate vocali; Es: chiama pippo- Mandare messaggi; Es: invia messaggio destinatariopippotestomessaggio sono Davide (attualmente va detto così, tuttoad unfiato)- Cercare su internet; Es: cerca ristoranti a Milano- Navigare; Es: portami a Milano- Previsioni meteo; Es: Il meteo per oggi (in baseallaposizioneattuale)- Aprire apps; Es: Apri galleria (Attenzione non tutte leapppossonoessere aperte perchè è proprio bloccato l'intentperquelleapp)- Lettura sms; Es: basta chiedere se ci sono novità (novitàèlaparola chiave da dire)- Lettura notifiche (whatsapp, email ecc); Es:bastadire"controlla". Questa è una funzione che non va sempre edeveesseresistemata.- Accensione/spegnimento wifi; Es: accendi wifi- Accensione/spegnimento bluetooth; Es: accendi bluetooth- Orario; Es: che ore sono?- Data odierna; Es: data odierna, oppure, che giorno è?- Scatta foto; Es: scatta una foto (Funziona, ma la fotononapparesubito in galleria. Sto cercando di sistemare)Poi ha delle funzioni un po' più "inutili" tipo;- Chi è il tuo creatore? (Easter egg )- Raccontami una barzelletta- Come stai?- CiaoE altroInoltre è disponibile un widget dal quale siportadirettamenteaccedere all'app e, senza premere alcunbottone,partirà ilriconoscimento vocale.RINGRAZIAMENTI:Yogesh Dixit per il grande aiuto durante lo sviluppo dell'appLuca Errico / Adriano Loiacono: per l'aiuto eilcontributograficoIl TwixKatTeam per aver implementato l'applicazione comeappdisistema della Rom.Link utili:Sito rom: plus: sviluppatore app: davidedellai.netemail: della.davide@gmail.comLANGUAGES:ITALIAN-ENGLISHWARNING: This app is compatible with Android 3 andabove.PreferablyKitKatThe 'voice assistant TwixKat of Roma also landed ontheplaystore! With TwixVoice you can:- Call- Send SMS- Navigate with google maps- Seek time / current date / information on the battery/memoryinformation of the device, and more- Get you read the incoming sms- Taking pictures- Having real-time weather forecasts via GPS or bychoosingalocation from the settings- Search on google- Open applicationsand more all surrounded by nice graphics and minimal inlinewiththe Roma TwixKat.Specific application that is included in the Rom TwixKat.A bit of practical examples:- Voice calls; Ex: call foo- Send messages; Ex: send message recipient foo textmessageareDavid (currently it must be said that, all of abreath)- Search the internet; Ex: Search Restaurants in Milan- Surfing; Ex: take me to Milan- Forecast; Ex: The weather forecast for today (accordingtothecurrent position)- Open apps; Ex: Open gallery (Please note not all apps canbeopenedbecause it is precisely the intent of the blockedapp)- Read text messages; Ex: just ask if there is anythingnew(noveltyis the key word to say)- Reading notifications (whatsapp, email, etc.); Ex:justsay"controls." This is a function that does not always go andneedstobe settled.- Power on / off wifi; Ex: turn on wifi- Power on / off bluetooth; Ex: turn on bluetooth- Time; Ex: what time is it?- Today's date; Eg today, or what day it is?- Take pictures; Ex: take a picture (It works, but thepicturedoesnot appear in the gallery immediately.'m Trying tofix)Then it functions a bit 'more' useless' type;- Who is your creator? (Easter egg)- Tell me a joke- How are you?- HelloAnd moreThere is also a widget from which you access the appandportdirectly, without pressing a button, startvoicerecognition.ACKNOWLEDGMENT:Yogesh Dixit for their great help during the developmentoftheappLuca Errico / Adriano Loiacono: for their helpandcontributiongraphThe TwixKatTeam for the application is implemented as a systemappofthe RomUseful links:Site rom: Plus: app developer: davidedellai.netemail: della.davide @
App Remote 2.2.2
Sony Corporation
AppRemote is an app which controls Sony’s Car receiverviaBluetooth.
Driving Mode Widget 1.21
Cyber Droid
Note: This works with Galaxy S2, and GalaxyS3.This will likely *not* work with any other devices, you areadvisedto check with the free version before buying the donateversion. Onthe other hand, please report if it does work with anon S2/S3 phone(chances are that it may also work on some otherSamsung devices).Some Galaxy devices have a feature that can read out nameofpeople who are calling you, or who sends you a message, asithappens. It's called Driving Mode and can be accessed throughthesettings. This app exposes the setting with a aesthetic widget,sothat you can turn it on or off with one touch! Alsoexposessettings through an intent, therefore you can use thirdparty appslike Llama or Tasker to control this.Product features -• 1. Economic in space - smaller than VLingo driving widget,whichtakes up 1x3 blocks.• 2. As you remove the last instance of the widget, thebackgroundservice automatically unloads. Does not use up RAMunnecessarily ifyou don't plan to use it, even if you keep itinstalled.• 3. Automatically turns on/off as you connect/disconnectabluetooth device! (Donate only)• 4. Does not depend on VLingo Voice Commands, if you uninstallityou can still use this.• 5. Exposes settings through an intent, therefore you can usethirdparty apps like Llama or Tasker to control this.It appears there are already more info on this in somereviewsites the Internet, e.g. here - here - version: I will work on an in-app donation whichwillenable to help to support development. There will be no adsineither version.
Voice Lock Screen PRANK 2.0
Kostadin Tonev
Try this beautiful prank voice lock screentoimpress your friends or just use it as fast alternative tocheckcurrent date, time and battery level when the screen is turnedon.Set your own custom color and size for all indicators. Tounlockthe screen use your voice password, finger swipe on the soundwaveanimation or just press the HOME button.* * *Follow me on Facebook: web site:
Kitt voce 1.3.4
Andrea Rettore
Con questa applicazione, puoi parlare conKittgrazie al riconoscimento vocale.I comandi e le voci sono in Italiano.Si può chiedere a Kitt di:- Avviare una chiamata con una persona- Cercare qualcosa su internet- Cercare una persona- Avviare il navigatore con un determinato percorso- inviare un messaggio- realizzare un video o scattare una foto- chiedere il meteo per una città- impostare la sveglia- avviare il registratore audio, il player musicale o ilcalendarioper inserire un nuovo evento- Parlare con Kitt pronunciando dei comandi come "ciao" "comestai?"ecc... e Kitt da una risposta.Tutti i comandi disponibili sono presentiall'avviodell'applicazione.Per funzionare l'applicazione ha bisogno di unaconnessioneInternet.Per alcuni comandi, Kitt può dare risposte diverse, sepronunciatipiù volte in momenti diversi.Kitt per dare la risposta può impiegare un pò di tempo, chevariadalla velocità di connessione a Internet.With this application,youcan talk with Kitt via voice recognition. The controls and the items are in Italian. You can ask Kitt of: - Initiate a call with a person - Look for something on the internet - Find a person - Start the browser with a given path - Send a message - Make a video or take a picture- Ask the forecast for a city - Set the alarm - Start the audio recorder, music player or calendar toentera new event - Talk with Kitt command as saying "hello" "how are you?"etc... and Kitt from a response. All commands are available when the application starts. To run the application needs an Internet connection. For some commands, Kitt can give different answers whenspokenseveral times at different times. Kitt to give the answer may take a bit of time, whichvariesthe speed of your Internet connection.
Navigation Navigator can open GPSNavigationwith Maps for android smartphones and tablets easily andfast.Navigation Navigator is here for those, who miss originalNavigatoricon for easy navigation. So we made this useful Navigatorapp tohelp Navigation and Maps community.This Navigator app launches Navigation in one click, that savesyourtime and gives you possibility to navigate immediately.Navigator will launch GPS Navigation with maps with accessto:• Free and accurate navigation with worldwide GPS mapcoverage• Free voice navigation with multiple voices and languages• Traffic information with alternative and faster routes• Speed cameras – avoid police traps easily• Tons of useful information – petrol stations,hotels,restaurants…From now on you will never get lost with free Navigator app.Everytraveling for holiday, weekend or business trip will be easyandyou will come home safely.Please note:• This Navigator app simply opens GPS Navigation with Mapsforsmartphone and tablet in one click.• GPS position is used from the phone – in case of any issuepleasecheck phone settings.• Free Navigator requires internet connection toworkproperly.