Top 2 Apps Similar to Agora Ministries

Evangelización Activa 1.8
Evangelización Activa(una organización delaIglesia Católica dirigida por el Padre Ernesto María Caro)enconjunto con SISMOV, han desarrollado una aplicación quebuscallevar el Evangelio a todos los hombres siguiendo el mandatodeJesús: "vayan a todos los pueblos y hagan discípulos, enséñenlesaguardar todo lo que yo les he enseñado" (Cfr. Mt 28,19-20).Como parte de este esfuerzo por acercar la Palabra de Dios atodala humanidad, se ha desarrollado esta aplicación en lacualencontrarás las herramientas para acercarte a Dios y conocersudoctrina. Particularmente descubrirás con la constancia,queefectivamente, la Palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz (Heb 4,12) yquees capaz de darnos vida y dárnosla en abundancia (Jn 10,10).Funcionalidad--INICIO--- Recibe el evangelio diariamente en un formato amigable.- Conoce sobre la vida y obra de nuestros Santos y lasfestividadescatólicas.---DETALLE DEL EVANGELIO---- Dentro del detalle podrás observar la primera lectura,meditación,oración, acción, Evangelio y la reflexión.- Permite modificar el tamaño de la letra para que no dañestuvista.- Publica en tu muro de facebook que la lectura del día tehizomucho sentido, el evangelio y su reflexión serán publicadosdeigual forma.- Podrás almacenar localmente toda ésta información del día,sidecides voluntariamente archivarla.---LISTADO DE EVANGELIOS---- Se listarán los días pasados (la cantidad que tú elijas dentrodeAjustes) con la información completa de lectura yevangelio.- Los días DOMINGO no se lista la lectura ni el evangelio conelfino propósito de invitarte a que asistas a presenciar elmilagrodivino de la Santa Misa en tu comunidad parroquial.---ROSARIO---- Se listan los grupos de misterios correspondientes al díaquetenga el dispositivo configurado. La navegación del SantoRosarioes deslizando la pantalla con tu dedo hacia los lados.- Son 5 piezas de música instrumental y una excelente seleccióndeimágenes de fondo para mejor concentración en el rezo.---PARROQUIAS---- Apreciarás una serie de iconos de parroquias que se encuentranatu alrededor, podrás ver cómo llegar, los teléfonos, horarios delaSanta Misa, etc.- La funcionalidad de parroquias es un servicio de la comunidadparala comunidad, si tu parroquia no está, da de altasuinformación.---DEVOCIONARIO---- Lista una serie de oraciones que podrás seleccionar para leeryque podrás marcarlas como favoritas.- Permite buscar por nombre las oraciones---SANTORAL---- Lista el Santo del día y las siguientes 30 festividades,alseleccionar el dato se podrá observar vida, obra e historiadelSanto en cuestión.- Permite buscar por nombre los Santos y festividades.---PODCASTS---- Desde la Palabra de Dios : Acceso directo a lashomilíasdominicales de el Padre Ernesto Caro, se puedendescargarlocalmente a tu dispositivo de manera completamenteGRATUITA.- Vida en Cristo : Acceso directo a las reflexiones que elPadreErnesto Caro sube para vivir en el Espíritu Santo, éstas sepuedendescargar localmente a tu dispositivo de maneracompletamenteGRATUITA.---DONATIVOS---- Te permite aportar algo de tí para que se difunta la palabradeDios a todo el mundo.- Permite modificar el tamaño de la letra para toda laaplicación(secciones de desplegado de información)- Permite ajustar los kilómetros a la redonda para verlasparroquias más cercanas a tú ubicación.- Permite ajustar la cantidad de evangelios que deseamos mantenerennuestro dispositivo.*Gran parte de la aplicación requiere conexión a Internet.Evangelization Active(anorganization of the Catholic Church led by Father ErnestoMaríaCaro) in conjunction with SISMOV have developed an applicationthatseeks to bring the Gospel to all men follow Jesus' command: "Gotoall nations and make disciples , teaching them to observe allthatI have taught "(cfr. Mt 28,19-20).As part of this effort to bring the Word of God to allmankind,has developed this application where you will find thetools to getcloser to God and know his doctrine. Particularly findthe recordthat indeed the word of God is living and active (Heb4:12) and isable to give life and give it to us in abundance (Jn10:10).Functionality--HEAD START--- Get the gospel daily in a friendly format.- Learn about the life and work of our Holy andCatholicfestivities.DETAIL OF GOSPEL --- ---- Within the detail you can see the first reading,meditation,prayer, action, and reflection Gospel.- Modify the font size so you do not damage your hearing.- Post on your Facebook wall reading of the day made you a lotofsense, the gospel and its reflection likewise be published.- You can store this information locally every day, ifyouvoluntarily file it.LIST OF GOSPEL --- ---- The days of old (the amount of your choice in Settings) withfullinformation on reading and Gospel are listed.- The DOMINGO days no reading list or the gospel with fine ordertoinvite you to come to witness the divine miracle of the HolyMassin your parish community.ROSARIO --- ---- Mysteries groups for the day you have configured the devicearelisted. Navigation Santo Rosario is sliding the screen withyourfinger sideways.- There are 5 pieces of instrumental music and anexcellentselection of background images for better concentrationinprayer.PARISHES --- ---- You'll appreciate a series of icons parishes that are aroundyou,you will see how to get, mobile, Mass schedules, etc.- The functionality of parishes is a service of the communityforthe community, if your parish is not dischargedtheirinformation.PRAYER --- ---- List a series of prayers that you can select to read and youcanmark them as favorites.- You can search by name prayersSaints --- ---- List the Name Day and the following 30 festivals, selectingthedata you can observe life, work and history of the saintinquestion.- You can search by name Saints and festivities.PODCASTS --- ---- From the Word of God: Direct access to the Sunday homiliesofFather Ernesto Caro, can be downloaded locally to yourdevicecompletely FREE.- Life in Christ: Direct access to the reflections thatFatherErnesto Caro goes to live in the Holy Spirit, they canbedownloaded locally to your device completely FREE.DONATIONS --- ---- Allows you to bring something to you that the word of Godtoeveryone is dead.- Modify the font size for the entire application(sectionsdisplayed information)- Adjusts the miles around to see the location closest toyouparishes.- Adjusts the amount of gospels we want to keep our device.* Much of the application requires internet connection.
Valley Kingdom Ministries Intl 5.0.3
Valley Kingdom Ministries is a Kingdom-minded, cutting edgeministrythat moves in the apostolic anointing and marketplaceevangelism.“The Valley” as we are affectionately called, is ablessed churchthat operates out of two locations in the southsuburban area ofChicago. Our praise and worship is headed by theDouble Gold Awardministry Shekinah Glory, who brought you suchsongs as “Praise IsWhat I Do”, “How Deeply I Need You“, “Yes” and“Jesus”. The visionof VKMI through prayer, involvement, activity,creativity and anaggressive dominion mindset, is to apostolicallyactivate the Saintsof the Most High who are currently involved inthesemountains/kingdoms/systems to advance the Kingdom of God. Allthisis done with the soul goal of bringing Revelations 11:15 topass. Asan Apostolic-Kingdom ministry, our desire is to raise upsons of God(male/female) and teach them that they are kings whomust takedominion on the earth (Genesis 1:26) by apostolicallysending theminto the marketplace to establish the Kingdom wherethey work, eat,shop and live.Our Kingdom inheritance from ourgreat God is thatupon His glorious return, we shall rule and reignwith Him not inheaven but upon the earth. Until then, we shalloccupy (Luke 19:13)the earth until He comes through evangelism anddiscipleship; takingphysical and spiritual dominion until our Kingreturns. With TheVKMI Mobile App you can: - Learn About The 7Mountains Of Power AndInfluence. - Be a part of the ValleyExperience By Live StreamingThe 11a.m Sunday Morning WorshipService. -Submit Your PrayerRequests On The Prayer Wall. -SubmitYour Praise Reports On ThePraise Wall. -Listen To Sample Tracks& Purchase ShekinahGlory's Music From The Music Tab. -TakeNotes While Listening To TheWord Of God, Or While You Studying TheBible by Using The Note PadTab. -Can Purchase Shekinah Glory's CD& DVDs By Going To TheSGM Tab. -Stay Up To Date On AllUpcoming Events. -Be apart of TheValley Community By Posting OnThe Valley Fan Wall. Leave CommentsAbout The Worship Service orabout current events you attended.-Check Out The VKMI Gallery ToSee all The Photos From Sunday'sService & Events.