Top 28 Apps Similar to The Regent (Defect-Staff)

了一法師 1.44
Do not cry, please sad to me. Do not anger, disappointment tomeplease. Do not be discouraged, please give me helpless.
資治通鑒(簡稱通鑒) 1.8.0
正一經書 ZYB_20231028_2330
Asked the first choice is by the book
三姑六婆 Pro - 親戚稱呼計算機 1.1.0
LessLoop Limited
Check with gossip App relatives appellation, like as simplecomputeraddend!
国医堂-中医全科专家 7.9.2
達摩祖師悟性論 1.4
C Want
Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, and thecontentis not embedded in any advertising!
每日灵修 - 荒漠甘湶 1.0
BlueSky Software
每日灵修-荒漠甘泉 簡繁切換 (support simplified andtraditionalChinese)字體大小自訂(customizable font size) 每日提醒(customizabledailyalarm) 朗读荒漠甘泉(Text-To-Speech) 一鍵分享,郵件,臉書,微信等APP一鍵分享 (oneclickshare tosocial network/email/Facebook/sms)
Haitao Master taught to read the mantra of compassion
孙子兵法 - 简体中文版 2.2.0
中医自测 3.2.1
TCM knowledge test covers the basic theory of TCM,acupuncture,traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, anddiagnosis andtreatment of TCM.
奇門 QM_20230510_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
易爻(实用) CY_20240118_2330
Professional divination software combining the Plum BlossomEasyNumber and the Six-Yao Principle
数字尾巴 | 分享美好数字生活 4.4.5
那些你痴迷着的美妙数字生活,从此,分秒不荒废,尽在手心。「数字尾巴」,你的美好数字生活分享平台。囊括你闻所未闻的最丰富数码资讯,触所未触最抢鲜产品评测,随时随地感受「尾巴」们各式数字生活精彩图文、摄影感悟、旅行游记、爱物分享,亲身感受线上线下各式沙龙活动,数字生活体验及现实的完美延展,统统指间实现。特色功能:1、优雅的 Material Design 设计,高效流畅的用户体验2、七大频道万篇文章,媲美杂志般的阅读体验3、玩兴趣社交「小组」,分享数字生活零门槛4、上「甩甩尾巴」,买卖闲置数码轻松便捷5、支持 Android 7.1 原生「Shortcuts」特性如同数字尾巴LOGO向大家诠释的态度一样,由始至终我们从未停下前行的努力,只为在数字化海洋中扬起不寻常的清新文艺风、独树一帜只属于我们的品格涟漪。
伤寒论查阅 3.1
Treatise on queries and reading tools
風水算命-羅盤指南針 辦公室家居風水 招財旺桃花 1.4.7
Feng Shui fortune-telling application for masters in theChinesezodiac: The Book of Changes, Feng Shui Tarot, the workoffortune-telling, fortune-telling, and fortune telling.
是日日本 - 日本深度旅遊的景點觀光指南 1.6.6
AnD Space
"The same preference, different places; the same place,differentpreferences"
太上感應篇 2.0
C Want
太上曰:「禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。」是以天地有司過之神,依人所犯輕重,以奪人算。算減則貧耗,多逢憂患;人皆惡之,刑禍隨之,吉慶避之,惡星災之;算盡則死。又有三台北斗神君,在人頭上,錄人罪惡,奪其紀算。又有三尸神,在人身中,每到庚申日,輒上詣天曹,言人罪過。月晦之日,灶神亦然。凡人有過,大則奪紀,小則奪算。其過大小,有數百事,欲求長生者,先須避之。是道則進,非道則退。不履邪徑,不欺暗室;積德累功,慈心於物;忠孝友悌,正己化人;矜孤恤寡,敬老懷幼;昆蟲草木,猶不可傷。宜憫人之凶,樂人之善;濟人之急,救人之危。見人之得,如己之得;見人之失,如己之失。不彰人短,不炫己長;遏惡揚善,推多取少。受辱不怨,受寵若驚;施恩不求報,與人不追悔。太上曰:「禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。」是以天地有司過之神,依人所犯輕重,以奪人算。算減則貧耗,多逢憂患;人皆惡之,刑禍隨之,吉慶避之,惡星災之;算盡則死。又有三台北斗神君,在人頭上,錄人罪惡,奪其紀算。又有三尸神,在人身中,每到庚申日,輒上詣天曹,言人罪過。月晦之日,灶神亦然。凡人有過,大則奪紀,小則奪算。其過大小,有數百事,欲求長生者,先須避之。是道則進,非道則退。不履邪徑,不欺暗室;積德累功,慈心於物;忠孝友悌,正己化人;矜孤恤寡,敬老懷幼;昆蟲草木,猶不可傷。宜憫人之凶,樂人之善;濟人之急,救人之危。見人之得,如己之得;見人之失,如己之失。不彰人短,不炫己長;遏惡揚善,推多取少。受辱不怨,受寵若驚;施恩不求報,與人不追悔。.....感謝天恩師德,善書,完全免費,並且內容不嵌入任何廣告!更多結緣的電子書,請參考善書緣 謝謝發一天元德煜Too Said:"fortunenowhere, but people from the church; good and evilnewspaper, gohand in hand." Is a division of the world through God, according to the severityofpeople committed to seize people count. Operator Save thepoorconsume, more than every hardship; everyone evil, evilpunishmentfollowed, auspicious avoid the evil star of the disaster;tricksare dead. Compass have three gods in human head, recording people sin,andtook the record count. Three more dead God, in person, andeveryday Gengshen, Noir on the day Cao Yi, spokesman sin. DayMonthdark, the Kitchen God and vice versa. Mortals have had bigwinsthen discipline, then the small wins count. The over size,severalPepsi, desires longevity, they first must be avoided. Is the road forward, non-road is back. Non-compliance evilpath,Buqianshi; Jide tired power, compassion in the matter;ZhongxiaoFriends of Ti, n-hexyl-oriented people; lone-shirts boastwidowed,elderly pregnant juvenile; insects, vegetation, still cannot hurt.Benjamin should person fierce, musicians of the good;theFranciscans were anxious, rescue of the crisis. Seewho'savailable, such as our own too; see the loss of people, suchas ourown loss. Not been apparent short people do not havelong-hyun;stop evil and promote good, pushing to take on more andless. Donot complain insulted, flattered; not seeking mercynewspaper, andpeople do not repent.Too Said: "fortune nowhere, but people from the church; goodandevil newspaper, go hand in hand." Is a division of the world through God, according to the severityofpeople committed to seize people count. Operator Save thepoorconsume, more than every hardship; everyone evil, evilpunishmentfollowed, auspicious avoid the evil star of the disaster;tricksare dead. Compass have three gods in human head, recording people sin,andtook the record count. Three more dead God, in person, andeveryday Gengshen, Noir on the day Cao Yi, spokesman sin. DayMonthdark, the Kitchen God and vice versa. Mortals have had bigwinsthen discipline, then the small wins count. The over size,severalPepsi, desires longevity, they first must be avoided. Is the road forward, non-road is back. Non-compliance evilpath,Buqianshi; Jide tired power, compassion in the matter;ZhongxiaoFriends of Ti, n-hexyl-oriented people; lone-shirts boastwidowed,elderly pregnant juvenile; insects, vegetation, still cannot hurt.Benjamin should person fierce, musicians of the good;theFranciscans were anxious, rescue of the crisis. Seewho'savailable, such as our own too; see the loss of people, suchas ourown loss. Not been apparent short people do not havelong-hyun;stop evil and promote good, pushing to take on more andless. Donot complain insulted, flattered; not seeking mercynewspaper, andpeople do not repent......Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, andthecontent is not embedded in any advertising!More lasting bonds of books, please refer to the bookedge thank goodnessDe Yuan Yu made one day
綜藝瘋 8.9
JMY Technology
「綜藝瘋」是闔家歡樂的休閒軟體,串接無限量的綜藝節目影片,予以連結播放,並加以分類,大大節省用戶搜尋的時間。用戶可挑選其喜好的節目或主題,依節目簡介、播出時間隨意播放,不用再被時間給束縛而趕著整點打開電視,任何時間、任何地點,國內觀眾、海外僑胞,想看就看、想停就停,隨選隨播、自在享受。•智能搜尋功能:可輸入節目名稱、內容主題 • 懸浮可調整視窗、及全螢幕視覺最享受播放 • 提供螢幕鎖設計,決不誤觸•可向前及向後30秒跳躍、更支援倍速與慢速播放 • 支援藍牙播放:可連接藍牙耳機或藍牙喇叭播放•支援車用藍牙音響連結:可一邊看節目、一邊地圖導航 • 支援智慧型電視、機上盒、電視棒:可使用遙控器瀏覽播放,按紅鍵設定節目收藏
Chinese Medicine Life 1.10
This software is designed to facilitate the need to query theusersof traditional Chinese medicine. The most content of softwarecomesfrom the Internet, books, and Chinese medicine practitioners,allcontent just for reference only; If the disease-relatedissuesplease contact the nearest to seek Chinese medicinepractitionersfor medical treatment, please do not to delay thedisease. Thestarting point of this software is not purelyprofit-makingpurposes, and the software from advertising revenuewill be donatedto charitable organizations. The exchange foradvertising revenuereceipts will from time to time posted on thewebsite, thanks foryour selfless sponsorship. If you have furthercooperation needsplease contact us by Website: ReferenceSource:
勞工事務局資訊站 1.3.6
「勞工事務局資訊站」,是由澳門特別行政區政府勞工事務局(DSAL)製作的手機應用程式,以便公眾可隨時隨地獲取勞工事務局有關勞動、就業、職業安全健康及職業培訓的各類資訊,通過本手機應用程式,用戶除可查閱勞工事務局的「最新消息」外,還可查閱以下資訊:- 強制性假日;-勞動權益模擬計算,輸入月薪等資料模擬計算「強制性假日提供工作額外報酬」、「週假提供工作額外報酬」、「解僱賠償(不具期限合同)」及「年假補償」;- 現正接受報名的培訓課程或考試,包括職業培訓課程、職安卡課程及考試及技能測試;- 職位空缺查詢:透過行業、薪酬水平等資訊搜尋合適的職位空缺;- 個人化資訊:我的檔案,使用者可查閱已於勞工事務局登記的服務狀態及資訊。
佛教故事 - 法句經 1.1
Eyes Blue
译学馆 2.5.1
Knowledge without borders
宋詞三百首 - 宋詞賞析、注釋、譯文、作者介紹、詩詞魅力 9.3.5
Appreciate Song Ci, and enjoy the charm of Song Ci in 300 SongCiAPP
奇門(實用) QM_20231030_2330
Men learn to escape, do not ask to come.
唐詩宋詞元曲 1.5.0
ShaSha Ltd
Appreciation of the classic poem, relive the charm of theancienttreasures of Chinese literature, the profound feelings ofancientliterature!
中医方剂 4.2.3
A professional and practical Chinese medicineprescriptionapplication software, which introduces more than 400prescriptionsin detail, and provides convenient query interactivefunctions
念力的秘密分享 1.7
道德經(又稱老子、道德真經、五千言、老子五千文) 2.2.0