Top 19 Apps Similar to Easy Dog Training

Dog Training 2.49
Learn fast and simple dog training andpuppytraining tips and advice that will help you turn a difficultpuppyor dog into an obedient Pet.Training a puppy or new dog when you first bring them homeiscritical.It is obvious that you need certain physical items such as a dogbedor crate, food and water bowls, puppy chow, collar, leash,toys,etc.Equally as important, all family members must decide and agreeonroutine, responsibility and rules.The first few days are extremely important because enthusiasmandemotions are up.
Dog Clicker 4.4
Astrologic Media
Dog clicker for training dogs, cats and other animals.
Pro Plan P5 Dog Training App
P5 dog training app from Purina Pro Plan istheperfect tool to help you train your puppy or dog. We’ve loadedtheP5 app with video training tutorials and our patented dogactivitytracking software to help you set goals, learn trainingskills andtrack your dog's activity and progress anywhere you haveyourAndroid mobile device. Download the P5 dog training app nowand getyour dog started on their path to greatness.
Dog Training 1.2
Dog experts agree thatcarefulobediencetraining can give your dog a happier and healthierlife.With thehelp of this app, it’s easy to get any dog to behaveandrespond toyour commands. Whether your dog is big or small, youngorold,you’ll find lots of tips and suggestions. There’s no easierwaytomake your “best friend” more friendly!Read along with the text as you watch the videos, then takeafunquiz to find out what you've learned! Theinnovativevideobookformat is intuitive to use and lets you quicklynavigatewith theswipe of a finger.Features:• Step-by-step video demonstrations of “sit,”“stay,”“heel,”“come,” and other common commands• Techniques specially suited for large and small dogs• Special sections on puppy training, and the careofolderdogs
Dog Training 1.0
Are you looking for the bestDogTraining?Learning how to train a dog can be hard, that is whyweputtogether a collection of dog obedience training thatshouldhelpyou get started. This app will list some of the mostcommondogtraining behavioral problems that your dog maybedealingwith.Learn fast and simple dog training and puppy training tipsandadvicethat will help you turn a difficult puppy or dog intoanobedientPet. Teaching your dog theses tricks are not just funforyou andhim. It can save his life. He will be more free andyoumore relaxedbecause you know he will listen and obey.
Dog Training Guide 2.0
Puppies learn very quicklywithproperinstruction. The first few days at home areextremelyimportant forpuppies and the precedents you set now willlast alifetime.All family members must agree upon responsibility andrulesforthe new pup.Think of it - a well-trained, manageable pet in just afewweeks!You and your dog won't have to leave the house to gotoobedienceclass or call in an expensive professionaltrainer.Youwill findeasy-to-follow directions in the app oneverything fromhell tostay.This method is easy enough to use that you will be abletoteachyour dog one new item each week.Follow these step-by-step instructions, and your dog willloveyoufor it. And, it is all free!Here's a sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidethisapp:Going to dog classes led by a professional traineristhebestapproach, yet not everybody can manage the cost ofclasses.Alldogs love to please their owners, and teaching your dogtricksisan incredible approach to give him a chance to win yourpraiseandaffection. To keep your dog safe and mentally stimulated,itisvital to show him basic commands such as sit, stayandheel.If you wish to take his training further, the followingtrickswilltest his mental and physical abilities to the limit.Dog Training - Teach Your Dog It’s “Name”…Act now, it’s free..!!Note: - This Is Content - Only App. It providesyouinformationregarding tips to train dog.
Let us learn the easiest and effective ways to train a dog! Wehopeyou love it.
Dogia: The Dog Training App 1.2
Vijay Patel
Are you looking for the Best DogTrainingAppwith the most effective and popular modernpositivereinforcementmethod without beating him?That is why we made an application which containslargedatabasefor selecting right breed, how to raise puppy, how totrainthemand changing their unacceptable behaviour. This app willhelpyouto turn your difficult puppy/dog into an obedient pet.Every responsible dog owner must teach their dogsvariousskillsthose are necessary for A Perfect Companion Dog likehow tobehavein social life, housebreaking, how to greet other dogandpeopleand much more......Most dogs are good at learning but it is up to owner toteachthemhow to behave nice way. Not every owner can afford tosendtheir dogto professional classes. Using this app willdefinitelyhelp you totrain your pooch basic commands withoutbeating him andalso changehis bad behaviours.Application surrounds with stuffs like raising yourpuppyfrominitial level selection, care after getting your puppy,howtheylearns, basic commands, Simple and Complex BehaviourProblemandtheir solutions and Some fun activity with your pooch tocreatealong lasting bond with the owner.Go through Quiz to check your knowledge and earn extrabonestounlock further priceless contains.Check out updates with some popular myths and facts aboutdogsandsome really important training tips.
Dog Training Clicker Time Free 1.07
Growling Software is pleased to bringyouClicker Time Free. A working, positive reinforcement, dogtrainingtool for FREE. Dog training with a clicker is both funandrewarding for dog and handler. This application provides youwith aworking software-based clicker. Clicker Time is brought toyou by acertified professional dog trainer. Clicker traininginformationworks for both young and older dogs and can also beadapted to workwith a variety of other animals, including horses,birds, cats andchickens.* Software-based "Clicker"* Support Move to SD Card FunctionalityLimitations* Dog Training Clicker Guide removed from Free version
My Dog Trainer 1.0
This mobile app covers all the key aspectsofdog-care, including before you bring in your favorite pet intoyourhome, to selection of breed, training your loved one, andhealthcare.
Dog Obedience Tips 1.0
The "Dog Obedience Tips" app is theultimateapp for everyone who is interested in dog training andobedience.It is jam-packed with great information and advice foreverythingrelated to dog obedience.Each section of the app is full of useful tips and advice,aswell as sections featuring images and videos.The first section of the app is called "Dog Obedience" andinthis section you will find information and tips on a rangeoftopics such as ...** A guide to Behavior Training** Basic Commands** Being the Boss** Dog obedience and socialization** House training** Insights on Dog Obedience... and many more other interesting and important topics fordogobedience.The second section of the app is called "Training Tips"andcontains a wealth of useful information such as ...** On Come or Recall Command** Stop a Nuisance Barker** Importance of dog obedience games** Things you should learn** Training sniffer dogs** Useful Training Tips... and many other useful topics for dog training.The third section of the app is a selection of dogobediencevideo clips, featuring various aspects of dog training.The fourthsection of the app is a photo gallery featuring abeautifulselection of dog images.This app is the ideal companion for anyone who is interestedindog training and obedience. Whether you are a complete beginnerora seasoned pro, this app will be the ideal guide for yourdogobedience training.
Bark Busters Dog Training 1.3
Free Behaviour QuizRate your dog's behaviour with our free dog behaviour quizFind a UK TrainerEnter your postcode to find the nearest trainer in your areaDog Training TipsFree tips and advice on some of the most common behaviourissuesSend an EnquiryContact a trainer or send an enquiry straight from the appNews and MediaCurrent news and Media form Bark Busters UKComing soon...Dog Bite Prevention for ChildrenThe Dally SaysT Dog Bite Prevention Programme, teacheschildrenhowto act and communicate with dogs to help to prevent dogbitesandto stay safe around familiar and unfamiliar dogsEmergency AdviceThe "what to do" advice if your dog gets into trouble,fromeatingthe wrong food to wounds or breaking limbs.Barking SolutionsThis information pack can be downloaded then printed andispackedfull of useful information if you have a dog thatbarkswhilst youare away from the home or steps you can take ifyourneighbour hasa dog that barks whilst they are away fromthehome.DogoscopeDoggy Horoscopes & Star signs - These fun and lightheartedpagesare based on the findings of the founders of BarkBustersHome DogTraining and are presented for the enjoyment ofourreaders and as afun way to get to know your dog.
K9 Professional Dog Services 3.0.5
Our VisionWe have in-depth and wide-ranging experience and expertise indogtraining.We import all kinds of good dogs around the world.We train and handle all behaviours and sizes of dogs.We know you want solutions to your problems quickly and youwantissues resolved the first time.We provide the best value and service to meet ourcustomers'needs.Let us serve you better.Our MissionOur aim is not only about making more money or expandingourbusiness rapidly but our aim is to convey the importance ofaproper dog-to-owner relationship and successfully buildthisrelationship through effective communication, positiveinteractionand consistency through out the world. Our ultimate goalis to helpdog owners enjoy that special relationship with theircanine bestfriend and, conversely, prevent dog owners from feelingthe need toabandon or surrender their dog due to their perceivedinability toproperly train their dog or fix behavioralproblems.Training ObjectiveTo raise a well respected canine citizen. I want happy,involved,outgoing dogs who are valued and trusted members ofthecommunity.To build a genuinely strong owner-dog relationship based ontrust,co-operation and well defined roles.To have confidence in, and control of my dogs in any situation–including around kids and other animals.To work with my dog's natural drives and instincts, notagainstthem.Absolutely no cruelty or harsh "old school" dogtrainingtechniques.I certainly don't believe you have to "break a dog's spirit" inthetraining process.
Walkies Dog Training 1.0.5
Dog training soundboard forteachingobedienceon walks. These sounds are designed to get yourdogsattention -combine them with treats to get them to respondeverytime!
Dog Training Tips 1.0
Glover Sacenri
Looking for the Dog Training Tips? Thisappisfor you! That is very easy and fast application withbigcollectionof dating tips.Try " Dog Training Tips" now, application absolutelyfree,butcontains ads.
Clicker Trainer (free) 1.0.1
James Gardner
The Clicker Trainer app is acollectionofclicker-oriented dog training lessons packaged with asharp,clear*CLICK* recording.Clicker training is a positive reinforcementbasedtrainingtechnique designed to use positive association with acue,in thiscase the sound of a clicker, to aid in the training ofadog.The free version of Clicker Trainer has the firstthreelessonsunlocked. The clicker itself, however, is fullyunlocked andcan beaccessed through the menu to use as a standalonetrainingaid.The three lessons that come with the free version are:1) Charging the Clicker2) Teaching the Dog Its Name3) Palm TouchIf you find the lessons useful you can purchase thefullversionof the app to get access to the other nine lessons.
Tips For Dog Potty Training 2.0
Puppies need to be house trained inordertounderstand that it’s not okay to eliminate in yourhouse.Housetraining is a simple process, but one that must becarriedoutpositively without punishment that scares thepuppyandconsistently, following two main guidelines, first-preventindooraccidents through confinement and close supervision,andsecondly-take the puppy outside on a frequent and regularscheduleandreward him for eliminating where you want him to go.House soiling can occur in any location in the homebutsometimespet parents will notice that their puppy soils moreincertainlocations, such as infrequently used rooms or on aspecifickind ofsurface.In order to understand these behaviors and to train on these,wehavedesigned this exclusive app for dog training.Here's a sneak-peak of the content you will receiveinsidethisapp:While training dogs for particular parts goes again toRomantimesat any rate, the training for dogs to be good familyunitpetscreated with suburbanization in the 1950s.A dog learns from each interaction it has withitsenvironment.This can be through classical conditioning, whereitforms anassociation between two stimuli; non-associativelearning,whereits conduct is changed through habituationorsensitization;Act now, it’s free..!!Note: - This Is Content - Only App. It providesyouinformationregarding tips for dog potty training.
Perfect Pooch Puppy Training 1.0
San Diego Apps
The Perfect Pooch Puppy Training app getsyouserious about training your puppy or dog. Not just anotherdogwhistle app, the app is meant to be much broader resource totrainyour new puppy. Full of tips and tricks, find out newinformationabout your puppy that will save you headaches, and makeyours andyour new friend's life a lot more enjoyable.Your puppy's emotional and mental wellness is as crucial asherphysical health. This is why house training such as puppypottytraining or puppy crate training to your home is absolutelycrucialto do first thing for puppy training.When you book your puppy's first veterinary stay, it'scrucialthat you schedule her into a puppy socialization class.Why?Because the sooner you both get into training, the sooner youwillsee that you may need it as well. There is also the not soobvious"Pack Relationships" that need to be felt as well.Puppies and any other animal in captivity have analtogetherdifferent perspective to life. Or more to the point, whatis called"The Wild". It is simply respectful to them and yourselfto keepMother Nature's way as a consideration before you dive intoraising another life.Puppy socialization courses offers your puppy a chance tomingleabout the other dogs, as well as their human counterparts ina safeand controlled environment.The Perfect Pooch Dog Training app also comes with apuppytraining whistle of varying frequencies to help you organizeyourtraining patterns. Along with this, the puppy training app aimstoarm you with ideas, methods and reading that will help createavaluable relationship with your new friend. That's just waytooawesome!Check inside for more information on puppy training tipsandother responsible forms of puppy obedience that will make youfeelyou are on the right path.The Perfect Pooch Puppy Training app is brought to youby Topics of Perfect Pooch Puppy Obedience Training:• Brand New Puppy!• Crate Training• Biting Behaviors• Whining and Howling• Obedience Training• Ultimate Potty Training• Why Puppies Hate Cars• Train Her With Games• Teach Your New Pooch Tricks• Puppy Training Resources• Puppy Training CalendarEasy app to use. Handy for everyday application. A verycoolpocket training reference!tags:puppy trainingpuppy potty trainingpuppy house trainingdog whistlepuppy trainingpuppy potty trainingpotty training puppypuppy crate trainingpuppy training classespuppy obedience trainingpuppy obedience training classespuppy training padspuppy training housebreakingpuppy carepuppy whistleEnjoy the Perfect Pooch Puppy Training App and please seethe"VOLUME CAUTIONS!" NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE WITH HEADPHONES.
Dog Training Secrets 1.01
If you love your dog then you will lovethisdogtraining app.You will discover:- Latest dog training videos- Photos of dog training- Latest dog training tipsDownload this dog training app today.100% free.Updated daily.