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2048 - The best puzzle Game 1.0
What is 2048?2048 puzzle game is an addictive mathematics based puzzlegamewhere you have to merge the similar number tiles (2n) by movingthearrow keys in four different directions. Every time you make amovea new tile (2 or 4) will appear at random empty position. Themaintarget of the game is to get the 2048 tile.【2048 game hack cheat】1. Understand how the board movesIn 2048 you only have 4 main gestures and they are up, down,left,and right. Every time you swipe, every tile on the board movesinthat position as far as it possibly can. If multiple cardscancombine at once, they will do so. Keep this in mind andunderstandhow moves work before swiping a tile that may or may notend upwhere you thought it would.2. Don't chase large tilesSometimes it's really hard to resist temptation and chaselargernumbered tiles across the board in order to combine them.Thisalmost always puts you in a worse position than a betterone.Instead, focus on combining smaller tiles and worry less aboutaspecific set of tiles. They'll almost always meet up at somepoint,or you end up making a tile that ends up right next toit.3. Work your way towards the cornersStaying in the corners assures you have more of the main gameboardto bring in new tiles. I've found that keeping tiles groupedintothe corners works the best. Bring new tiles into the middleareawhen you can and then you can swipe them to the corners inorder tocombine. Sometimes I start off in the upper left handcorner butsee an opportunity to make larger combos by moving theentire boardto the bottom left or diagonal. Working in the cornersmakes ashift in strategy a lot easier.4. Plan aheadThis somewhat goes along with my first tip, but seriously,planahead. Look at everything you have on the board and whatbringing a2 or 4 card in will do to change it. Perhaps you see amatch rightnow but bringing a 2 down on the other side would createmultiplematches in one move. That's what you want to do.5. Slow down and thinkSometimes it's hard to tell what the absolute best move is, andifwe don't make it, that's okay too. 2048 gives you lotsofopportunities to recover from a bad move as long as you haveemptyspaces on the board to work with. If you really aren't surewhatthe best move is, re-evaluate where cards are on the boardandwhether or not you need to change their position beforeworryingabout new cards.6. Always make moves where multiple tiles merge firstIf you come across an instance where you can merge multiplestacksof cards at once, take it. The more spaces you keep open ontheboard, the better flexibility you have when bringing in newcardsand getting them where you want. With single moves you'rebasicallyreplacing a card you stacked with a new one. When multiplecardscan be combined, you're only bringing one new card onto theboardbut you're getting rid of more than one. And that's always agoodthing.7. Check out our tips for Threes!If you like 2048, why not check out the game that "inspired"it,Threes! While Threes! and 2048 aren't played exactly the sameway,they are very similar when it comes to game play strategy. Ourveryown Simon Sage put together a killer guide on Threes! a whilebackand a lot of his tips apply to 2048 as well, so be sure tocheck itout!