Top 17 Apps Similar to Sou Católico

Catolico Orante 10.1.1
Totus Mundi
App in Portuguese only for praying
Digital Chaplet
Pray Catholics Chaplets practice andcontagiousway, anytime and anywhere. Strengthen your faith, recordyour bestmoments and share with your friends!Pray:- Chaplet of Rosary (Marian Chaplet)- Chaplet of Divine Mercy- Byzantine Chaplet- Chaplet of LiberationExtras:- Prayers in three languages ​​(Portuguese, EnglishandSpanish)- Daily Alerts- Frequent UpdatesAll in one app.
Frases Católicas 1.0.0
Pinnacolo Games
Frases e mensagens ditas por santos,padresepapas católicos para você. Uma mensagem de paz, luz eamorparainspirar seus dias e de seus amigos. Aplicativo100%grátis.Phrases andspokenmessagesby saints, Catholic priests and popes for you. Amessageof peace,light and love to inspire your day and yourfriends. App100%free.
Catholic Quiz 2023.05
Catholic Quiz with thousand of questions (Bible,doctrine,catechism...)
My catholic prayers 11.0
Set of Catholic prayers that allow us to feel the light andenergyof the Lord.
Messages from Pope Francis
Messages from the Pope is the onlyinstantmessaging app for Catholics that notifies you each time theHolyFather sends a message to the world. Follow the path ofhisHoliness into making the world a better place foreveryone.Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; bornJorgeMario Bergoglio, 17 December 1936) is the reigning pope oftheCatholic Church, in which capacity he is both Bishop of Romeandabsolute Sovereign of the Vatican City State.Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bergoglio worked briefly asachemical technician and nightclub bouncer before beginningseminarystudies.He was ordained a Catholic priest in 1969 and from1973 to1979 was Argentina's Provincial Superior of the Society ofJesus.He became the Archbishop of Buenos Aires in 1998 and wascreated acardinal in 2001 by Pope John Paul II.Following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 28 February2013,a papal conclave elected Bergoglio as his successor on 13March. Hechose Francis as his papal name in honor of Saint FrancisofAssisi. Francis is the first Jesuit pope, the first fromtheAmericas, the first from the Southern Hemisphere and thefirstnon-European pope since the Syrian Gregory III in 741, 1,272yearsearlier.Throughout his public life, both as an individual and as areligiousleader, Pope Francis has been noted for his humility, hisconcernfor the poor and his commitment to dialogue as a way tobuildbridges between people of all backgrounds, beliefs andfaiths. He isknown for having a simpler and less formal approachto the papacy,most notably by choosing to reside in the DomusSanctae Marthaeguesthouse rather than the papal apartments of theApostolic Palaceused by his predecessors. In addition, due to bothhis Jesuit andIgnatian aesthetic, he is known for favoring simplervestments voidof ornamentation, including refusing the traditionalpapal mozzettacape upon his election, choosing silver instead ofgold for hispiscatory ring, and keeping the same pectoral cross hehad when hewas cardinal.The Pontiff has affirmed Catholic doctrine on abortion,artificialcontraception, and homosexuality. Whilst maintaining theChurch'steaching against homosexual acts, he has said that gaypeopleshould not be marginalized. As a cardinal, he opposedsame-sexmarriage in Argentina. In addition, he maintains that he isa "sonof the Church" regarding loyalty to Church doctrine, and hasspokenagainst abortion as "horrific", suggested that women bevalued notclericalized. Summarily Pope Francis reiterates that "Itis absurdto say you follow Jesus Christ but reject theChurch."Accordingly, he urged Bishop Charles J. Scicluna of Malta tospeakout against adoption by same-sex couples,[17][18] maintainedthatdivorced and re-married Catholics may not receivetheEucharist,[19][20] and excommunicated a former Catholic priestforEucharistic sacrilege and heretical views.[21][22] Furthermore,heemphasized the Christian obligation to assist the poor andtheneedy in an optimistic tone, as well as promotingpeacenegotiations and interfaith dialogue.[23][24][25][26][7]PopeFrancis has also announced a zero-tolerance policy towardssexabuse in the Church, saying that sex abuse was "as badasperforming a satanic mass."[27][28][29]
Rezando o Terço 3.1
ATENÇÃO: Caso deseja instalar o aplicativo, não deixedeavaliá-lo.Sua colaboração é de fundamental importânciaparacriarmos sempreprodutos de qualidade e que satisfaçamasnecessidades de nossosusuários. Aplicativo voltado para oscristãosiniciantes que queremrezar o Terço do Rosário mas nãolembram decor qual é o respectivoMistério do dia (Gozosos,Dolorosos,Gloriosos ou Luminosos).Auxilia também na oração inicialeoferecimento inicial, tal como,agradecimento final e aSalveRainha... Aplicativo de interfacesimples, agradável e defácilmanuseio... OBS.: Este aplicativo nãoisenta o uso do SantoTerço.Para sugestões ou erros não deixem deenviar um Controle deVersão: V 1.4 -Inserçãode aviso para o uso do Santo Terço. V 2.0- Inclusão deoratóriascompletas como Glória ao Pai, Credo,Jaculatória... Bastaclicarsobre a palavra para visualizar aoratória completa. V 3.0-Reestruturação de layout, imagens ecomponentes (botões avançarevoltar).
200 Oraciones Católicas 0.0.19
¿Quieres una App GRATIS con 200 ORACIONES Católicas para todoslosdías?
DezPray: Catholic Prayer/Bible 18.9
Prayers, Songs, Bible, Rosary, Gospel. Liturgy, Novenas,Breviary& Lectionary.
Meditaciones Catolicas 10.0.0
Fine Catholic Meditations you fill the Heart of Spiritual Love
Religión Católica 1.0
Completísima aplicación que te ofreceunamanerade vivir la Fé Católica. Creemos que es de sumaimportanciaconocer ,y no olvidar , los verdaderos pilares de lareligióncatólica.Elcatolicismo es un «sacramento», un «signo einstrumentode la unióníntima con Dios y de la unidad de todo elgénerohumano».Por ello te ofrecemos temas y como estos:- Oraciones Básicas- Los sacramentos- Los 10 mandamientos- Bienaventuranzas- Misericordia- Música ristiana- El evangelio del día- Liturgia de las horas- Diccionario Católico- Santa Misa- Libro del pueblo- Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica ( Catolicismo(delgriegoκαθολικός, katholikós, 'universal, que comprende todo')esuntérmino que hace referencia a la principal ramaactualdelcristianismo, surgida tras el Cisma de Oriente en1054.Loscatólicos son fieles a la Iglesia católica, como asítambién alateología, doctrina, liturgia, principios éticos ynormasdecomportamiento derivadas, al igual que al conjuntodesusseguidores como un todo, a quienes selesdenomina«católicos»)- y algunos más.La Fé católica , espiritualidad, doctrina, Biblia, y todaformadevida Cristiana es de los temas importantes que unCatóliconecesitaconocer y vivir, para que se cumplan en nosotroslaspalabras deJesús que dicen: Vosotros sois la luz delmundo.Dentro de la sección "Más Apps Bíblicas Gratis"podrásencontraraplicaciones de ayuda como:Temas bíblicos para predicar , Diccionario Teológico,DiccionarioHebreo , Geografía e Historia Bíblica , MúsicaCristiana, TeologíaBíblica , Oraciones , El Evangelio del día , LosSalmos ,BíbliaInfantil , Recursos Católicos , Matrimonio Cristiano,RadiosCristianas , Himnario Adventista .. y algunas más.Para cumplir la normativa de las autoridades de proteccióndedatoscomunicamos:En este sítio se usan identificadores dedispositivoparapersonalizar el contenido y los anuncios, con el findeofreceranuncios de medios y para analizar el tráfico.Ademáscompartimosesos identificadores y otra información deldispositivoconpartners de medios sociales de publicidad y análisisweb.Másdetalles en: way of living the Catholic faith. We believe itisextremelyimportant to know, and not to forget, the truepillarsofCatholicism is a religion católica.El "sacrament", a"signandinstrument of intimate union with God and of the unityofallmankind".Therefore we offer topics as these:- Basic Prayers- The sacraments- The 10 Commandments- beatitudes- Mercy- Ristiana Music- The Gospel of the day- Liturgy of the Hours- Catholic Dictionary- Mass- Book Village- Catechism of the Catholic Church (Catholicism (theκαθολικόςGreekkatholikos, 'universal, comprising all') is a termthatrefers tothe main current branch of Christianity thatemergedafter theSchism in 1054. Catholics are faithful theCatholicChurch, as wellas theology, doctrine, liturgy, ethicsandstandards of behaviorderived, like the whole of his followers asawhole, who are called"Catholic")- and some more.The Catholic faith, spirituality, doctrine, Bible, and allformsofChristian life is one of the important issues that aCatholicneedto know and live, to be fulfilled in us Jesus' wordsthat say:Youare the light of the world.Within the "More Free Bible Apps" section you canfindhelperapplications such as:Biblical themes to preach, Theological Dictionary,DictionaryHebrew,Biblical Geography and History, Christian Music,BiblicalTheology,Prayers, The Gospel of the day, Psalms, BibleChildren,CatholicResources, Christian Marriage, Radio Christian,AdventistHymnal ..and some plus.To comply with the rules of the dataprotectionauthoritiescommunicate:On this site device identifiers are used to personalizecontentandads, in order to provide media ads and to analyzetraffic. Wealsoshare those identifiers and other device informationwithpartnerssocial media advertising and web analytics. Moredetailsat:
Comunidade Católica Servir
Esse é o aplicativo oficialdaComunidadeCatólica Servir, vivemos sob um Carisma que nasce noladoaberto deJesus na cruz, onde a redenção primeiro nos alcançouparaqueatravés de nossa Consagração de Vida possamossermultiplicadoresdesta graça do encontro com Nosso Senhor.Destaforma, temos comoobjetivo levar outros homens e mulheresàexperiência do batismo noEspírito Santo, e desta formagastaremsuas vidas no amor e serviçoà Igreja. Sendo assim, estaspalavrasse tornam expressivas enecessárias na vida daquele queexperimentouo Carisma Servir:anúncio, redenção, amor incondicional,JesusCristo e SantaIgreja.This is the officialappofthe Catholic Serving Community, we live under a charism thatisbornon the open side of Jesus on the cross, where thefirstredemptionreached us that through our Consecration of Lifecan bemultipliersof this grace of the encounter with the Lord. Inthisway, we aim tolead men and women to experience baptism in theHolySpirit, and thusspend their lives in love and service totheChurch. Thus, thesewords become significant and necessary inthelife of one who hasexperienced Charisma Serving:advertising,redemption, unconditionallove, Jesus Christ and HolyChurch.
Orações Poderosas 1
As melhores Orações para aquelas pessoas que precisam de ajudaemalgum momento para lutar contra as forças do mal. Estaaplicaçãodá-lhe a possibilidade de encontrar sua paz interior,confira ! Sevocê acha bom nosso aplicativo e quer ajudar, porfavor, deixe-nosuma avaliação e uma opinião. Será muito útil paraque possamosoferecer melhores atualizações ! Muito obrigado ! Esteaplicativo é100 % GRATIS !!
El Nono
Want to know how to pray ?? Teachings on Basic Prayers oftheCatholic Church.
Devocionales Católicos 1.5
Con esta aplicación recibirás todo los días un devocionalbíblicoque consisten en lecturas breves de versos bíblicosrelacionados,te ayudaran a estar más de cerca de Dios todos losdías. ¡Seasbendecido! ¡Comparte la aplicación con tus amigos!
Evangelización Activa 1.8
Evangelización Activa(una organización delaIglesia Católica dirigida por el Padre Ernesto María Caro)enconjunto con SISMOV, han desarrollado una aplicación quebuscallevar el Evangelio a todos los hombres siguiendo el mandatodeJesús: "vayan a todos los pueblos y hagan discípulos, enséñenlesaguardar todo lo que yo les he enseñado" (Cfr. Mt 28,19-20).Como parte de este esfuerzo por acercar la Palabra de Dios atodala humanidad, se ha desarrollado esta aplicación en lacualencontrarás las herramientas para acercarte a Dios y conocersudoctrina. Particularmente descubrirás con la constancia,queefectivamente, la Palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz (Heb 4,12) yquees capaz de darnos vida y dárnosla en abundancia (Jn 10,10).Funcionalidad--INICIO--- Recibe el evangelio diariamente en un formato amigable.- Conoce sobre la vida y obra de nuestros Santos y lasfestividadescatólicas.---DETALLE DEL EVANGELIO---- Dentro del detalle podrás observar la primera lectura,meditación,oración, acción, Evangelio y la reflexión.- Permite modificar el tamaño de la letra para que no dañestuvista.- Publica en tu muro de facebook que la lectura del día tehizomucho sentido, el evangelio y su reflexión serán publicadosdeigual forma.- Podrás almacenar localmente toda ésta información del día,sidecides voluntariamente archivarla.---LISTADO DE EVANGELIOS---- Se listarán los días pasados (la cantidad que tú elijas dentrodeAjustes) con la información completa de lectura yevangelio.- Los días DOMINGO no se lista la lectura ni el evangelio conelfino propósito de invitarte a que asistas a presenciar elmilagrodivino de la Santa Misa en tu comunidad parroquial.---ROSARIO---- Se listan los grupos de misterios correspondientes al díaquetenga el dispositivo configurado. La navegación del SantoRosarioes deslizando la pantalla con tu dedo hacia los lados.- Son 5 piezas de música instrumental y una excelente seleccióndeimágenes de fondo para mejor concentración en el rezo.---PARROQUIAS---- Apreciarás una serie de iconos de parroquias que se encuentranatu alrededor, podrás ver cómo llegar, los teléfonos, horarios delaSanta Misa, etc.- La funcionalidad de parroquias es un servicio de la comunidadparala comunidad, si tu parroquia no está, da de altasuinformación.---DEVOCIONARIO---- Lista una serie de oraciones que podrás seleccionar para leeryque podrás marcarlas como favoritas.- Permite buscar por nombre las oraciones---SANTORAL---- Lista el Santo del día y las siguientes 30 festividades,alseleccionar el dato se podrá observar vida, obra e historiadelSanto en cuestión.- Permite buscar por nombre los Santos y festividades.---PODCASTS---- Desde la Palabra de Dios : Acceso directo a lashomilíasdominicales de el Padre Ernesto Caro, se puedendescargarlocalmente a tu dispositivo de manera completamenteGRATUITA.- Vida en Cristo : Acceso directo a las reflexiones que elPadreErnesto Caro sube para vivir en el Espíritu Santo, éstas sepuedendescargar localmente a tu dispositivo de maneracompletamenteGRATUITA.---DONATIVOS---- Te permite aportar algo de tí para que se difunta la palabradeDios a todo el mundo.- Permite modificar el tamaño de la letra para toda laaplicación(secciones de desplegado de información)- Permite ajustar los kilómetros a la redonda para verlasparroquias más cercanas a tú ubicación.- Permite ajustar la cantidad de evangelios que deseamos mantenerennuestro dispositivo.*Gran parte de la aplicación requiere conexión a Internet.Evangelization Active(anorganization of the Catholic Church led by Father ErnestoMaríaCaro) in conjunction with SISMOV have developed an applicationthatseeks to bring the Gospel to all men follow Jesus' command: "Gotoall nations and make disciples , teaching them to observe allthatI have taught "(cfr. Mt 28,19-20).As part of this effort to bring the Word of God to allmankind,has developed this application where you will find thetools to getcloser to God and know his doctrine. Particularly findthe recordthat indeed the word of God is living and active (Heb4:12) and isable to give life and give it to us in abundance (Jn10:10).Functionality--HEAD START--- Get the gospel daily in a friendly format.- Learn about the life and work of our Holy andCatholicfestivities.DETAIL OF GOSPEL --- ---- Within the detail you can see the first reading,meditation,prayer, action, and reflection Gospel.- Modify the font size so you do not damage your hearing.- Post on your Facebook wall reading of the day made you a lotofsense, the gospel and its reflection likewise be published.- You can store this information locally every day, ifyouvoluntarily file it.LIST OF GOSPEL --- ---- The days of old (the amount of your choice in Settings) withfullinformation on reading and Gospel are listed.- The DOMINGO days no reading list or the gospel with fine ordertoinvite you to come to witness the divine miracle of the HolyMassin your parish community.ROSARIO --- ---- Mysteries groups for the day you have configured the devicearelisted. Navigation Santo Rosario is sliding the screen withyourfinger sideways.- There are 5 pieces of instrumental music and anexcellentselection of background images for better concentrationinprayer.PARISHES --- ---- You'll appreciate a series of icons parishes that are aroundyou,you will see how to get, mobile, Mass schedules, etc.- The functionality of parishes is a service of the communityforthe community, if your parish is not dischargedtheirinformation.PRAYER --- ---- List a series of prayers that you can select to read and youcanmark them as favorites.- You can search by name prayersSaints --- ---- List the Name Day and the following 30 festivals, selectingthedata you can observe life, work and history of the saintinquestion.- You can search by name Saints and festivities.PODCASTS --- ---- From the Word of God: Direct access to the Sunday homiliesofFather Ernesto Caro, can be downloaded locally to yourdevicecompletely FREE.- Life in Christ: Direct access to the reflections thatFatherErnesto Caro goes to live in the Holy Spirit, they canbedownloaded locally to your device completely FREE.DONATIONS --- ---- Allows you to bring something to you that the word of Godtoeveryone is dead.- Modify the font size for the entire application(sectionsdisplayed information)- Adjusts the miles around to see the location closest toyouparishes.- Adjusts the amount of gospels we want to keep our device.* Much of the application requires internet connection.