Top 16 Apps Similar to 100 chansons école maternelle

BEST Songs - FREE 3.0.1
Do you want to have to learn the best songs? BEST Songs - FREEisthe best compilation of videos with many different topics tolearntrending music... photo and music videos, including all themostpopular musical funny videos
Kindergarten Kids Learning
Learning games/puzzle activitiesforkindergarten & preschool children.To teach your kiddoABC,rhymes, counting, tracing, colors, shapes,vegetable/fruit/sportscharts. The interactive learning is a greatmode of education astoddlers enter kindergarten as kinestheticlearners(age 2-6yrs).==================================Kindergarten Kids Learning Top Features:==================================• Attractive and colorful designs and pictures for youngkids.• Learn alphabets with charts and fun quizzes.• Learn to count and math for preschoolers with ournumber’scharts.• Learn about rhymes and poems.• Learn to write alphabet with our alphabet tracing forEnglish,Spanish, and Hindi.• Color books and stickers.• Sing and dance with your preschoolers.• And many other kindergarten games and learning activities!Whether you are parents or kindergarten teachers, you can usetheactivities for preschoolers and kindergarten kids at home orinclass. Engage your toddlers in fun kids activities to keepthemfrom doing mischief because they are bored. Let them learnbasicearly education topics such as shapes, math, ABC, rhymes,sports,vegetables, colors, counting, and many more.So, download Kindergarten Kids Learning for FREE now anddiscoverall educational games for preschoolers that will keep yourkidshappy and active.You can also checkout other applications of Greysprings "PlayandLearn" series:Website:
ABC Kids – Phonics & Tracing 22.0
ABC Tracing games help kids learn English letters andalphabetphonics
Write ABC - Learn Alphabets 2.1.39
Teach preschool kids to write ABC in tracing game LearnAlphabetsGames for Kids
Comptines et chansons 1.0
Julien Chauveau
Répertoire de comptines et chansonspourlesenfants des écoles maternelles avec vidéos,illustrations,musiqueset partitions.Application HTML5 packagée avec le logiciel Intel XDKetpubliéesur Google Play dans le cadre du concoursdedéveloppementd'application Codefest Challenge 2014 parIntelDeveloper Zone.http://codefestchallenge.bemyapp.comDirectory ofrhymesandsongs for children nursery schools with videos,illustrations,andmusic scores.HTML5 Application packaged with Intel XDK softwareandpublishedon Google Play in the contest applicationdevelopmentCodeFestChallenge 2014 Intel Developer Zone.
Nombres en maternelle 1.4.1
Studio Feydm
educational tool for learning in kindergarten numbers
Bismillah - Chanson enfantine 1.0
Miraculous Apps
Chanson enfantine Bismillah - vidéo-sansinternet - France - Algeria - Morocco
Apprendre à lire / 1000 mots 1.1.0
1000 mots pour apprendre la lecture.Logiciel d'aide à l'apprentissage de la lecture pour les enfantsde5à 7 ans ainsi qu'en remédiation.Depuis 1996, le logiciel 1000 mots a aidé des milliersd'enfantsàdévelopper leur conscience phonologique et à entrer danslalecture.Les manipulations permises par les ordinateurspermettentuneacquisition du code écrit au rythme de chacun etunecompréhensionimplicite de son fonctionnement. L'applicationvientutilement encomplément des manuels de lecture ou desméthodesutilisées dans lesclasses mais est utilisable également defaçonautonome du fait deson aspect ludique.A l'occasion du vingtième anniversaire du logiciel, l'auteuretlasociété Netizis sont heureux de vous proposer cettepremièreversion,gratuite, pour tablette Androïd.------------L'application prend pour support seize phonèmes parmilesplusfacilement identifiables ce qui la rend utilisable dès laGS,voirela MS de maternelle pour la partie phonologie.Pour varier les activités tout en suivant une progressionsurlesdeux années du cycle 2, les domaines de compétencesvisésserépartissent pour chaque phonème en quinzeactivitésdifférentesselon quatre domaines :- savoir repérer à l'oral les unités syllabiquesetphonémiques;- établir la correspondance entre l'oral/écrit ;- différencier les mots, les identifier parrecherched'indices;- les décomposer en syllabes écrites puis utiliserlacombinatoirepour les recomposer et acquérir unepremièreconscienceorthographique.------------1000 mots est l'application gratuite adaptée àl'apprentissagedela lecture en maternelle et en CP.1000 learn to read using software for children 5 to 7 years aswellasremediation.Since 1996, the program has 1000 words helpedthousandsofchildren develop phonological awareness and enter intoplay.Themanipulations permitted by computers allow acquisitionofthewritten code paced and an implicit understanding ofitsoperation.The application usefully complements the readingmanualsor methodsused in classes but can also be usedindependentlybecause of hisplayfulness.To mark the twentieth anniversary of the software, theauthorandthe company Netizis are pleased to offer this firstversion,freefor Android tablet.------------The application supports for supporting sixteen phonemesamongthemost easily identifiable making it suitable from GSorkindergartenfor MS phonology part.To vary the activities while following a progression overthetwoyears of the cycle 2, the skills referred fall for eachphonemeinfifteen different activities in four areas:- Know how to spot oral syllabic and phonemic units;- Establish the correspondence between the oral / written;- Differentiate words, identify them by looking for clues;- Break them down into syllables written then usecombinatorialtoredial the first spell and gain awareness.------------1000 words is the free application suitable for learningtoreadin kindergarten and CP.
Le bonheur de lire
Le bonheur de lire offers a fun andcompellinggameplay. Children explore a charming village where cuteanimalsinvite them to learn how to read French words. A visit tothe storeallows children to select the next word to play with.Exercises arechosen by artificial intelligence and adapted to thechild’sspecific needs. If the child wishes to learn specific words,theycan be added in and recorded!After completing a series of challenges summarized in aprogressbar, the child receives a gold coin to buy a new word fromtheshop. It's also possible to improve the learning experiencebydirectly accessing the exercises from the menu, or by clickingonthe chest that stores all collected words to place emphasisoncertain skills.GAMEPLAY DESCRIPTIONWORDS I KNOWThis essential game features 3 different levels to help thechildvisualize and memorize new words.THE SOUND OF LETTERSThe kangaroo invites the player to correctly identify the soundofthe first letter of a word. With letter/sound associations,thechild is able to start comparing words: “’maman’, is like‘marelle’"SINGING LETTERSA bird sings different vowels (a, e, i, o, u, é). First, thechilddrags a vowel to complete a list of words on the screen. Thishelpsdevelop their understanding that a vowel always sounds thesame nomatter which word they’re in. After completing this task,the childtouches pictures to hear words and drags the onescontaining thecorrect vowel onto the wires.THE COLLECTIONSIt’s time for the squirrel to play. There are three levels inthisgame in which children make letter/ sound associations. Theyplaywith sounds like "ou", "ette", and "an”.WORD PUZZLESMeet with the beaver at the sawmill and learn how cut wordsintosyllables. Reassemble the pieces to restore the original words.Thefinal puzzle requires the child to reassemble 2 words bychoosingthe correct syllables.MATCHING LETTERSThe caterpillar and the butterfly ask players to testtheirknowledge by assembling vowels and consonants to formsyllables.The audio instructions in this game help facilitate theprocess.This is the famous B+A = BA rule.TRACING LETTERSReading and writing are intimately linked. Learning to tracelettershelps children memorize and use them as they learn toread.MY FIRST SENTENCESRead and illustrate simple sentences in this game!FEATURES> 8 unique, multi-level games targeting specificreadingskills> Multi-user interface> Pedagogical content developed with a renowned expert inearlyreading, Françoise Boulanger, and put to life by our teamofteachers, video game designers, and developers.> Personalized and customizable play> Real time dashboard to track progress> Bright, colourful, and encouraging characters> Clear, concise instructions> Secure gaming environment: No ads, no external links, noin-apppurchases, no social media access, no personalinformationrequestABOUT USEdoki Academy’s mission is to provide children withenjoyableearly-learning activities using the latest technologies.Our teammembers, many of whom are young parents or teachers, strivetoproduce tools that motivate and inspire children to learn,play,and progress.PRIVACYWe take your child’s privacy very seriously, for this reason, weareproud to offer a product that is certified COPPA compliantbyPRIVO.CONNECT WITH US!If you have any support requests, comments, or questions donothesitate to contact us at or visittheEdoki Academy Online Community at We’d lovetohear from you!
Dates en maternelle 1.1.8
Studio Feydm
Educational support tool for structuring time for kindergarten.
Comptines et jeux dansés 1.3
Diapason Apps
Cette app propose 15 vidéos etdesjeuxinteractifs"Comptines et jeux dansés - L'app compagnon" est l'appcompagnondel'ouvrage "100 comptines et jeux dansés"chezFormuletteEditions.This app features15videosand interactive games"Rhymes and danced games - The companion app" is the companionapptothe book "100 rhymes and danced Games" inFormuletteEditions.
Ambient Baby Songs 2.0
Babies easily get stressed. They cry when they feeluncomfortable,such as hot, wet feeling, full diaper, itchy, whenhungry, whenthirsty, even when it is too quiet. That is why parentspay fullattention to their babies and their needs all the time.When babiesdo not stop crying, the first thing parents do is tosing lullabysongs while checking what is wrong.  When sendingbabies tosleep, all parents do the same thing which is singlullabies. Theymake sure that their babies will fall asleep fastand that they arecomfortable in their bed position. Parents alwayswant the bestwith their children, even when sleeping. That is whythey sing tothem, because babies feel more safe to sleep when theyhearlullabies and relaxing music.  We may think that it isonly tohelp them sleep fast. Lullabies can also increase theirpotentialto speak in early age by grasping to song's lyrics.Whenever babieslisten to songs, they are able to grasp for words.Later on youwill be surprise that they have a lot of words to say!Singinglullabies to them every night can improve theircommunicationskills.  Baby songs also helps in widening ourbabiesimagination. When they hear lullabies before they sleep,there is99% of possibility that babies will have sweet dreams.Parentsusually see their babies smiling during sleep, which iscaused bywonderful dreams they have. They are probablyencounteringdinosaurs or different kinds of animals. Maybe they areexploringthe stars.  There would be times that you are busywithcooking or something and you need to sing lullabies for yourlittleone so they can fall asleep.  With the help oftechnologytoday, all traditional songs are compiled now in one app!This canprovide you all baby songs you wish to hear not only foryour babybut also for you. Whenever you are tired from work andwould liketo just sleep and relax beside your baby, just open thisapp andlisten to wonderful and soothing songs it has! Features ofthe App - This app offers its users to browse fornumerouslullabies and baby songs! From traditional up to modernones areavailable! Listen to traditional lullabies that you misswhen youwere young! - All music and sounds are all in high qualitywhichcan make you and your babies enjoy more as you listenandrelax. Your babies can easily pick new words fromhighdefinition sounds! - Sleep log is also featured which can helpyoudetermine the correct hours of your baby's sleep! This way youwillnever be troubled of thinking if your baby has able to getenoughsleep.  - Educational songs such as the Alphabet songare alsohere! Babies can start learning the letters and numbers assoon asthey can in a relaxing way which is bed time! - Animalsounds arealso available for your kids to listen! This can helpthem know allanimals and what kind of sounds they make. Theycan also hearthe sounds of animals in their sleep and play withthem in theirdreams! - You can also set timers to automaticallystop the musicso that your sleep or work would not be interruptedjust to turn itoff.   - Enjoy all Christmas songs included inthe list andfeel the breeze of Christmas season even if its wayahead! -Appreciate the sounds of nature as it surrounds your roomand givebetter ambiance for you and your baby! - Turn on whitenoise fromtime to time to calm new burns and help them relax ontheir newenvironment.  - Use your favorite lullaby songs asalarms andringtones! If you love the sound of nature or seasons,you can setthem as your ringtones and alarms! - Continue using yourphone ordevice as the songs and lullabies play in thebackground! This way you can still use your phone for textingandreading eBooks, or surf the net as you listen to lullabies! -Relaxyourselves with sound therapy and music therapy. 
Arabic Kids Nasheed - اناشيد 1.1
Arabic Kids Songs and Nasheed withoutMusic(اناشيد اطفال بدون ايقاع mp3 ) or Children Nasheeds (اناشيداطفالبدون ايقاع mp3 ) is an entertaining and aneducative,islamicapplication concerned with kids (boys/girls andbabies) .Arabickids songs include the latest kids Nasheeds that canhelpyourchildren to learn new vocabulary and develop theirlexicallevel .Anachid atfal / children songs MP3 is characterizedbyitsdiversity of songs : it includes songs that push your kidstosleepin a good atmosphere, Melody to learn Alphabet ABC,Musicthatdefines God and religion , Song of colors , Melodyofnumbers,fruits, vegetables , songs to start your morning in afreshway andsong for bath time and so onsongs for kids 2016 is a mixture of melodies, tonalitiesandsongsin arabic, frensh and english whose rythm can help alittlebaby orchild to memorize words and to pay more attention tothecontext andthe meaning of the songschildren songs contain a useful list of songs / anachid/aghanipour enfants/ atfal that be easily uploaded and it doesnotneedinternet nor 3G,4GNursery Rhymes contain some coolest dancing music for babiesandsomefamous children's anachid with a calm musicalinstrumentWe added different simple songs such as ABC songs and123songssince they are the basic songs that a kid has to knowandlearn inan early ageso , if you want your child to learn and to have fun at thesametime, all you have to do is to download this songs MP3’s application:- can be defined as ringtones- as SMS notifications- to be set as an alarm to wake up for Fajr Salat orareminder- will serve the audio file directly from yourdevice(nointernet,3G,Wifi needed)
MathGames Elementary School 1.2.5
MathGames helps your child to learn math in a fun way.
Arabic Songs For Kids | Atfal 1.1
Famous Ring
Arabic Songs For Kids (Aghani atfal andAnahidislamia) contains new songs for children, free to download,and thebest of repertoire of nursery rhymes for children broadcastonchannels : toyor al janah toyor and toyor baby.Our goal is collected tops music 2015 (arabic kids songs)theyare classified as educational and entertainment songs, free+without internet (Aghani Atfal toyor al janawithoutinternet).According to studies and research that are interested inthepsychology of the child; The song plays an important role intheeducation of children , Arts and morality also evoke achild'scuriosity and desire to study a subject especiallyinkindergarten.This application includes the songs of al toyor janah withhighquality, you can use it all day for your children or used atnightas lullabies, for helping your children to get a deeply sleep. Thesongs are used to teach children in an easy way and with asimplemethod.
Comic & Meme Creator 1.8.0
Tilted Chair
Create Marvel style comics with super heroes and villains andsharethem online.