Top 9 Games Similar to Real View Target Practice FREE

Target Tracker
The Target Tracker is a unique applicationforyour ANdroid device which provides you with a powerful trainingaidfor your ISSF Olympic shooting training, match and finalssessions.The application utilizes the touch screen features oftheSmartphone, allowing you to record the position of each shot asitis fired during your practice session or match. It also keepstrackof the time elapsed between shots, and helps you analyze thistimeto show what speed of shooting produces your best results. Youcanselect from several shooting disciplines, including 10m AirRifle,10m Air Pistol, 50m Rifle and Standard pistol 25 and 50m, and300mRifle. Each discipline records the shots on the correcttargetdesign and shot size.The application complies with the latest ISSF regulationsforMatch and Finals.
Strelok Pro
Igor Borisov
Professional ballistics calculator
Real View Target Practice PRO 1.05
- PRO version has unlimited ammo.- PRO version does not contain advertisements.Shoot at real objects through the camera in your phone.1. Steady your phone.2. Look through the scope.3. Place the target between the cross hairs.4. Touch the screen and fire a shot.Choose from 5 different types of guns.This app is just a simulation. When using a realgun,alwayspractice gun safety rules.The fundamental NRA rules for safe gun handling are:1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.This is the primary rule of gun safety. A safe directionmeansthatthe gun is pointed so that even if it were to go off itwouldnotcause injury or damage. The key to this rule is tocontrolwherethe muzzle or front end of the barrel is pointed atalltimes.Common sense dictates the safest direction, dependingondifferentcircumstances.2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger untilreadytoshoot.When holding a gun, rest your finger on the trigger guardoralongthe side of the gun. Until you are actually ready to fire,donottouch the trigger.3. ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready to use.Whenever you pick up a gun, immediately engage the safetydeviceifpossible, and, if the gun has a magazine, remove itbeforeopeningthe action and looking into the chamber(s) whichshould beclear ofammunition. If you do not know how to open theaction orinspectthe chamber(s), leave the gun alone and get helpfromsomeone whodoes.
Bullseye Target Manager 5.0.0
New and Improved successor to the Bullseye Target Manager!
Lapua Ballistics 2.0.74
Lapua Ballistics is the ultimate inaccurateexterior ballistic software for deriving elevation(shootingdistance) and wind correction solutions on the range, inspecialoperations or in the hunting fields. Whereas Lapua’s QuickTargetUnlimited (QTU) software is for calculations, bulletcomparison,ballistic table printing etc. purposes at home with aPC, the newLapua Ballistics program is always available in yourpocket- withthe same astonishingly high level of accuracy.Lapua Ballistics is based on precisely accurate Dopplerradarballistic measurements of Lapua bullets- professionaldataavailable only for Lapua bullets. This makes Lapua Ballisticsmuchmore accurate than any other ballistic program for mobilephones.Only Quick Target Unlimited software can compare to thisdegree ofaccuracy. As an example, error with this program inelevation isless than 2.5 cm (1”) for 338 Lapua Magnum at 1,500meters (1,640yds) –less than a quarter of one click, with astandard 1⁄4 MOAclick scope . With traditional B.C. (G1), errorwould be over 1meter (>40”).
On Target 2.5
Cherry Olive
Shot detection application used withtheOnTarget camera system. This application allows the usertoaddmarkers to the target on screen and saves snapshots tothedefaultgallery.
IR Target 1.0
Jon Lennersten
Target or Flag for IR-shooting toys likethe"Combat Twister" helicopter from Nine Eagles.Unless you're playing in a complete dark room you will needanIR-filter in front of the camera. A simple solution is to addapiece of processed but unexposed film (the black part atbeginningand end of a roll). Just tape it with a transparent tapein frontof the camera. See screenshots for details.Avoid aiming at windows during game and while calibrating,thesun is pretty disturbing.
Scope Sighter 1.3.3
Simple app that does your sight scoping math for you!
Starting Pistol 1.2.1
Pablo Tobalina
Detect if you FALSE STARTED ordisplayyourREACTION TIME! Just with your phone while you sprint outofyourblocks and react to the shot played by the phone.Test & Improve your starting blocks sprint reactiontimeswithSPistol. Enable the detection of false start and you'llbeable tocheck and store your reaction times with the dateandmoment of thetest. You can also use it as a simple startingpistolfor your blockstart by disabling the detection of falsestart.Manage your results and share them with yourfriends,trainingmates and trainer easily.Trank you very much for using SPistol and dont hesitatetocontactme for any feedback!Good luck with your block starts!