Top 17 Apps Similar to Any OTP

OpenOTP Token 1.5.17
OpenOTP Token - Push Login & One Time Password (OTP) forStrongAuthentication.
andOTP - Android OTP Authenticator
Jakob Nixdorf
andOTP implements Time-based One-time Passwords (TOTP)likespecifiedin RFC 6238 (HOTP support is currently in betatesting).Simply scanthe QR code and login with the generated6-digit code.Features: • Free and Open-Source •  Requires minimalpermissions: •  Cameraaccess for QR code scanning  •  Storageaccess forimport and exportof the database •  Encrypted storagewith twobackends:  •  AndroidKeyStore (can cause problems, pleaseonly useif you absolutely haveto)  •  Password / PIN •  Multiplebackupoptions:  •  Plain-text  • Password-protected • OpenPGP-encrypted •  Sleek minimalisticMaterial Design withthreedifferent themes:  •  Light  •  Dark  • Black (for OLEDscreens)•  Great Usability •  Compatible with GoogleAuthenticatorBackups:To keep your account information as secure aspossibleandOTP onlystores it in encrypted data files. There are twomethodsofencryption which can be used: the Android KeyStore or aPassword/PIN. The KeyStore is a system component of Androidforsecurelystoring cryptographic keys, the advantage of thisapproachis thatthe key is kept separate from the apps data and, asa bonus,can bebacked by hardware cryptography (if your devicesupportsthis).However, due to that separation, backups with3rd-party appslikeTitanium Backup can not be used if this method ischosen. Suchappsonly backup the encrypted data files and not theencryptionkey,which renders them useless. In this case you willhave to relyonthe internal backup functions provided by andOTP! TheKeyStoreisknown to cause a lot of problems, so please only use itifyouabsolutely have to and know what you are doing. In thatcasepleasemake sure to make regular backups in case somethinggoeswrong. Itis always recommended to use a password or PINinstead!Betatesting: If you found a bug during beta testing, pleasesubmityourfeedback directlyonGithub( because forsomereason Idon't always get notified when new beta feedbackissubmitted onthe Google Play Store. Open source: This app isfullyopen source(licenses under the MIT license), you can check outthesource onGitHub: andOTP is aforkof thegreat OTP Authenticator app written by BrunoBierbaumer,which hassadly been inactive for a while. All credit fortheoriginalversion goes to Bruno. It has since been removedfromGoogle Play,but you can still find the code of hisapphere:
FreeOTP Authenticator 2.0.1
Red Hat
FreeOTP secures your online accounts using one-time passwords.
FreeOTP+ (2FA Authenticator) 2.9
Haowen Ning
The free and open-sourced Authenticator replacement for 2FAinpopular services.
SafeNet MobilePASS
SafeNet Inc.
SafeNet MobilePASS turns your mobile phone into apowerfulauthentication device
Zenith Bank eToken 7.0
Zenith Bank
e-Token App is a mobile application that generates OneTimePasswords (OTPs) used in the authentication ofelectronictransactions. COST OF TOKEN / CHARGES The Customer willincur asingle charge of N1500 for activation of the e-Token. Byactivatingthe e-token on your device, you hereby consent to debitof therelevant linked account with the applicable activationcharge. Notethat the Bank may review the activation charge fromtime to timewithout notice to Customer. A one-time password (OTP)is a seriesof characters that automatically authenticates the userfor asingle transaction or session. It is also an alternative totheHardware Token. Activate the App using the activationdetailsstated below Register as an Individual Select ActivationMethodHardware Token: Account Number + 4-digit Server PIN andHardwareToken Code Debit Cards: Account Number + ZENITH Bank issuedATMcard (last 6-digits of the customer's PAN #) and the 4-digitcardPIN Quick Access: Visit Bank branch and generate activationcoderequired for enabling access on the E-token App Register asaCorporate Select Activation Method Quick Access: Visit Bankbranchand generate activation code required for enabling access ontheE-token App
Buypass ID
Buypass AS
Safe, fast and single-sign-on Free to use, regardless of mobileorbank.
Tranzfar 2.15.2
Send Money to Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, and Kenya). Theworld'sbestAfrica-focused money transfer service! 1. Safe,Secure&Reliable 2. Send Money Direct to any Nigerian, GhanaianandKenyanBank Account 3. Quick Delivery Time 4. Low Fees&GreatExchange Rates
TalkRemit - Worldwide Money Transfer Online 1.33.7
Immediately send money to friends and family withtheultimateservice from TalkRemit. 🎁🎁🎁 Use the 3FREE promo code togetyourfirst three Xfer for free! 💸💸💸 TalkRemit’s moneytransferservicecan help you deliver funds all over the world inseconds.The setupprocess is fast and simple. There aren’t anyhidden fees -just amoney transfer charge. Install the app for anInstant Quotein justa few seconds! 👍What makes TalkRemit the bestchoice to sendmoneyabroad? 👍 ✔️ Look after your loved ones fromyour living roomwitha simple app to send money ✔️ Hook up your bankaccount and useamobile wallet for even easier money transfers ✔️Cashcollectionand bank deposit options are simple to set up✔️Automaticconfirmation receipts keep you updated about yourtransfer💰Aren’tall remittance services the same?💰 Nowadays almostall majoronlineways to send money abroad are safe, relativelylow-cost, andmaketransfers very quickly. Probably you’ve heardaboutTransferwise,Worldremit, SendWave, Taptap Send, Remitly,Paysend,TransferGo,Western Union, RIA, and Moneygram. We believewe’re abetter choicebecause of our commitment to no confusingpricingstructures, goodexchange rates, and ease of use for thesender andthe receiver.💬What else makes TalkRemit better thanotherservices?💬 TalkRemitis a community-focused business. Since2018,TalkRemit has helpedmore than 12,000 UK migrants stayconnected totheir communities. 1of 3 users joins TalkRemit becausesomeone intheir communityrecommends the service. TalkRemit is thecheapestway to send moneyto Africa. Support your parents, pay off acardbill, debtfinancing, or help build your home communitywithlow-costtransfers. TalkRemit has close connections tomanyAfricancommunities and has expanded in the EU to help evenmorepeoplesend money back to their family and friends.TalkRemitprocessesmore than 15,000 transactions to African andAsiancommunitiesevery month. Loans and utility bills are being paidoff,familiesare being supported, and home communities arestayingconnectedthrough TalkRemit’s money transfer service. 🗺️Wherecan Isendmoney from?🗺️ United Kingdom (GBP) - Switzerland (CHF)-Sweden(SEK) - Denmark (DKK) - Norway (NOK) - Spain -Portugal-Netherlands - Malta - Italy - Ireland - Greece - Germany -France-Finland - Cyprus - Belgium - Austria (all - EUR) - Croatia(HRK)-Bulgaria (BGN) 💱Where can someone pick up my moneytransfer?💱Fundscan be collected in 60+ countries worldwideincludingAustralia,Bangladesh, Cambodia, Canada, Cote D'Ivoire,Djibouti,Ghana,India, Indonesia, Kenya, Morocco, Nigeria,Pakistan,Philippines,Qatar, Senegal, Thailand, Uganda, United ArabEmirates,UnitedStates TalkRemit covers popular transfer corridorsto sendmoney toAfrica and Asia: UK to India UK to Kenya Sweden toNigeriaGermanyto Nigeria France to Morocco UK to United ArabEmirates UKtoBangladesh 📲How do I get started?📲 Download the app,and thenenteryour mobile number, a username and a password. We’llsend youatext to confirm your identity. We’ll have a fewquicksecurityquestions, and then you’re good to go! If moresecurity isneeded,we may ask for a photo ID. 🏦When will my moneyarrive?🏦Payments toa bank account, cash pickup, and mobile walletareusuallyinstantaneous. Bank account payments can take longerifthere is adelay in the receiving country. The TalkRemitCustomerSupport teamis available 24/7 for you! Check our SupportPortal,in-app Helpsection, or chat options if you have aquestion.TalkRemit, 6thFloor, 2 Kingdom Street, Paddington, London,W2 6BD.Talkremit Ltdis authorised and regulated by the FinancialConductAuthority(FCA) of the United Kingdom in accordance with thePaymentServiceRegulations 2017 and Electronic Money Regulation2011.Registrationnumber: 900825.
Stax - Automated USSD Banking
Hover Inc.
Do you have more than one financial account (traditionalanddigitalbank, mobile money etc.)? We created Stax to helpmanagethem all inone place. It is fast, secure, convenient, freeandworks offline.It takes less than 1 minute to download. JustStaxit! What can youdo with Stax? - Send money - Buy airtime -Keepyour balances hidden- Transfer money between your accounts-Securely transact with allyour existing financial accounts. -Checkaccount balance &transaction history across all youraccountsfrom one place - Createpayment links to request money andsend thelinks via WhatsApp,Instagram, or SMS. - Do all of thesewithoutinternet connection ordata -Automated USSD Banking: Neverdial aUSSD code again, Staxdoes it for you - USSD library: Accessourin-app USSD library whereyou can search, view and copy USSDcodes ofall bank and mobilemoney operators in Africa. How doesStax work?:We dial USSD codesin the background for you, so youdon't have to.Stax is USSDRedefined. For all transactions andacross every servicewe cover,we have automated the USSD flow soyou can spend andreceive moneyfaster, easier and with lessstress. Why Stax: - It'sfree todownload - It is lightning fastand secure - We never chargeyou anyextra fees - It is alight-weight app (less than 10MB) - Youcantransact offline for upto 14 days - We never store your pin andnosignup is required -Experience a new type of USSD banking. -Staxis built by HoverDeveloper Services, a U.S. company withteammembers across fourcountries on a mission to build aninclusiveInternet, startingwith mobile payments. We want to buildaninternet that has you andyour convenience in the centre of itall.What do you need to do: -Download the app - Give us overlayandaccessibility permission todial USSDs automatically for you-Connect your bank or MoMoaccounts - Start spending, sendingandreceiving money. Coverage:Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda,Zimbabwe,Côte d'Ivoire, Tanzania,Zambia, Congo, Cameroon. Acrossthesecountries, we cover multipleservices and are adding more eachweek.You are not alone: We arealways with you, offering 24/7customersupport and informing youabout our latest features,expansionplans, deals and countries onsocial media: Instagram /Twitter:@joinstax. and via It's that easy. HowSecureis Stax? The shortanswer is very secure! - Stax requiresafingerprint or passcodeauthentication before you open the app.Thismeans that randompersons will never be able to gain access toyourStax account. -Stax lets you hide your account balances whenyouare in public. Soeven when the app is already open, peoplewon'timmediately seemuch you have in any of your accounts. - Staxuses2-factorauthentication by design for every singletransaction.Every timeyou refresh a balance, send money or buyairtime, youneed yourunique SIM card and your bank or mobile moneyPIN. - Staxneverstores your PIN. Your PIN never leaves your device.Wheneveryouare asked for your PIN in the app, we encrypt the PINonyourdevice with Android Key Store and delete it as soonyoucompleteyour transaction.
Aegis Authenticator - 2FA App 3.1
Beem Development
A secure 2-step authenticator to manage your one-time passwords
KingsPay v3.2.3
Quickly send money to any of our pre-approvedorganizations,fromanywhere in the world, in any currency — forFREE! SAFE:protectedby 128-bit encryption and exclusive to ouresteemedKingsChat usersFAST: payments are transferred to theorganizationfrom your cardimmediately EASY: just link your Visa,MasterCard, orDiscoverdebit card and set your currency to send cashIt providesan easyand instant way to send payments to authorizedorganizationsusinga simple 3 step process: Enter Amount ->Select Card ->EnterOrganization Code. The platform also providesreceipts, adetailedhistory section, the ability to save paymentssources,switchcurrencies and much more! NOTE: Recipientorganizations mustbelegally registered in either of thesecountries: USA, Europe,UK,Canada & Australia. To join,'d love to hear from you! JointheKingsChat
Senditoo - International Mobile Recharge 1.9.0
Send instant mobile phone credit to over 150 destinations intheworld in 3 easy steps. Surprise a loved one by offering themmobiletop-ups in just a few seconds. In three easy steps, tell uswhereyou are sending, choose how much and pay and leave the rest tous.We accept all major debit and credit cards and paymentsareprocessed securely using bank level encryption. Send mobilephonecredits to 150 countries instantly. Senditoo internationalmobiletop-up is connected to over 500 mobile network operators.Surprisea loved one living abroad with mobile airtime that isdelivered inseconds to their phones. Call it reload, mobile refill,airtime ormobile recharge, Senditoo is the most convenient way tokeep yourloved ones phones in credit. Send airtime to any phone inZimbabweincluding Econet, Telecel or telone. Send a smile to yourfamily inNigeria and buy them top-up for their Glo, MTN, Airtel,Vodafone orEtisalat network. In Guinea you can instantly sendmobilerechargeto any Orange, MTN or Cellcom number. Send MobileRecharge to 400operators in the world including: Afghan Wireless,Roshan,Etisalat, MTN, Vodafone, Djezzy, Mobilis, Ooredoo,BlueSky,Movicel, Digicel, Flow, Lime, Claro, Movistar, Nextel,Personal,Ucom, Vivacell, BTC, Zain, Viva, Batelco, Grameenphone,Robi,Banglalink, Teletalk, Citycell, Airtel, Moov, Tigo, Entel, OI,TIM,Onatel, LEO, Econet, Smart, CamGSM, Metfone, Orange, Telsur,VTR,Virgin Mobile, Falabella, Wom, China mobile, China Unicom,ChinaTelecom, Uff Movil, Avantel, Tuyo, Kolbi, Moun, Tricom,CNT,Mobinil, Vodafone, Etisalat, Lebara, Bouygues,Lycamobile,Africell, Qcell, Expresso, Glo, Paqueton, Cellcom, GTT,Natcom,Reliance GSM, Reliance CDMA, Tata, Aircel, IDEA, BSNL, TataDocomo,Videocon GSM, MTS, Telenor, Indosat, Telkomsel, Axis,Ceria,SmartFren, Three Telecom, XL, Umniah, Yu, Safaricom,Beeline,Fonex, MegaCom, O!, Beeline, OneVip, DiGi, Maxis,TuneTalk,UMobile, Unefon, Iusacell, Moldcell, Meditel, MarocTelecom, Inwi,Bayn, MCel, Vodacom, Telenor, MPT, NCell, NTC, UTL,Visafone,Mobilink, Telenor, Warid, Zong, Ufone, Vox, GlobeTelecom,Smartgold, Sun, Plus Poland, Tak Tak, Heyah, Play, TelekomRomaniaMobile, KB Impuls Beeline, Megafon, Motiv, Singtel, Starhub,M1Singapore, NationLink Somalia Mogadishu, Telkom Mobile,Yoigo,LLamaya Movil, Digimobil, Hits Mobile, Masmovil, Blau,Carrefour,CLM, Euskaltel, Hablafacil, Hong Da Mobile, Mundimovil,Simyo,Talkout, Best Movil, Happy Movil, Jazzcard Movil, Mobilcat,Tuenti,Alow, Dialog, Mobitel, Suntel, Hutchison, TKMobile,BabilonMobile,Zantel, DTAC, True Move, AIS, True Move, bMobileTrinidad Tobago,Telecom Tunisia, Ooredoo, Avea, Turkcell, UgandaTelecom, Kyivstar,Lifecell, MTS, Utel, Intertelecom, ATT, T-Mobile,Verizon, Net10,DollarPhone, Black Wireless, Expo Mobile,SimpleMobile, Tracfone,PagePlus, MetroPCS, Gmobile, Vinaphone,Mobifone, Viettel Mobile,SFone, VietnamMobile, Sabafon, Zamtel,Telecel, Netone. Rechargemobile phones in seconds with the Senditooapp.
You can now also send money to Ghana,Nigeria,Kenya and Uganda.>> Accolades★ Overall Winner in the largest competition of Africa’smostinnovative startups - DEMO Africa 2015★ Barclays Techstars 2016 alumnus★ Best Fintech Innovation Finalist - AppsAfricaInnovationAwards★ World’s first international access to M-Pesa PayBill -DailyNationTransfer money quickly and conveniently between Africancountriesand also from Europe to Africa.We deliver instantly to Mobile Money wallets (M-PESA, AirtelMoney,MTN Money, etc) and Bank Accounts in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya&Uganda.SimbaPay allows you to complete a money transfer in a fewminuteswith only your debit or credit card. You can also makepayment byother payment methods such as Mobile Money.>> WHATS NEW- You can now send money to Ghana and Uganda- You can now send money from Kenya to other African countriesandEuropeAll banks in Nigeria and Kenya are covered by SimbaPay.
Hacked? - have i been pwned? 3.7.5
Marc Doerflinger
This app allows to search the database of foralist of accounts (or email addresses) that have been leaked inadata breach that was exposed to the internet. Once the name ofoneor more account(s) or email address(es) are added in the theapp,it will check if any of those are found in thehaveibeenpwned.comdatabase. Schedule a daily (or weekly) check andthe app will showa notification when a new account breach wasdetected. The newfunction "Pwned password" can check if a passwordwas included in adata breach. Thanks to Troy Hunt for running 'haveI been pwned?'( Without his database,this app wouldnot be possible! Hacked? will send all the accountsyou entered tothe website to check forpotentialmatches in the database. When checking for PwnedPasswords, thefirst 5 characters of the SHA-1 Hash of the passwordare sent to Apart from that nopassword data issent anywhere else. Permissions: - access to thestate of cellularand wireless network to decide if wireless networkis available or(if enabled) cellular network is to be used.
Authenticator Pro
2FA OTP code generator with backups and Wear OS support