Top 10 Games Similar to Vehicle Puzzles for Toddlers
LittleOnes Toddler Puzzle 1.1.3
*** Fun EDUCATIONAL game for toddlersandkidsof AGE 2 and up (2,3,4,5 years old)*** SORT AND CLASSIFY by shape, color, animal, and much more*** Developed with certified child psychologists and teachers*** First 3 puzzles are FREE, others are offered now ataspecialprice, total 15 beautiful mini puzzle game boardsLittleOnes Toddler Puzzle Shapes: ToddlersEducationalLearningGames and Toddler Puzzles to Learn PatterningSortingShapes andColors for Under 5 Years Old Preschool Kids,BabyDevelopment andEarly EducationThe game is designed to enhance the following skills:- Sorting and classifying- Problem solving- Hand eye coordination- Concentration- Visual perception- Shape recognition- Vocabulary- Matching- Fine motorWhat's Inside1-Jungle: Sort parrots (different postures) by COLOR.2-Bathroom: Sort objects by SIZE.3-Village: Classify objects with different PERSPECTIVE.4-Farm: Classify foods with different SHAPES.5-Kites: Classify kites (differentcolors&shapes)byPATTERN.6-Barn: Short horses (different colors) by SIZE.7-Beach: Classify animals (different viewpoints)bytheirHABITAT.8-Underwater: Classify seahorses (differentviewpoints)bySIZE.9-Pirates: Classify buttons by SHAPES.10-Door: Classify objects (different colors&angles)asTriangle,circle or square.11-Cave: Classify objects (differentcolors&perspectives)bySHAPES.12-Ship: Classify objects SHAPES.13-Jungle: Classify animals (different colors&shapes)bytheirHABITATS.14-Tent: Contextually sort objects by TIME OF DAY.15-Valley: Contextually sort by SEASON.Note for ParentsLittleOnes Games are designed to provide qualityplaytimeforparents and children together. Playing along with yourchildrenishighly recommended, this will surely make them benefitthemostfrom this app and help them expand their vocabulary. Thisappisfree to play but certain in-game items may be purchasedforrealmoney. You may restrict in-app purchases by disabling themonyourdevice.We advice Parent to only observe their kids during theirfirstplayof LittleOnes Games:- Observe their response time- Observe if they listen the guide- Observe if they response consciously or not- Observe the number and frequency of their wrong attemptsPrivacy PolicyWe take personal data protection very seriously. Whenusingourapp, your child will never come across advertising, linkstosocialnetworks or personal data request. You can read ourprivacypolicyhere: MayademMayadem is a digital education institute that hasinternalizedthemotto ‘Play, Discover, Learn’. We are a team ofpassionateengineers,artists, designers, child psychologists andexperiencededucatorsdedicated to the best education+entertainmentapps forkids.Our games will help them out acquire new concepts andimprovetheirskills.If you have questions or comments on our app,
Kids Preschool Puzzles (Lite)
Kids learning games is all we do!The most downloaded of all the kids educational apps on GooglePlay,Kids Preschool Puzzles Lite, contains two categories ofpuzzles totry out (Animals and Food), before you buy the fullversion (whichcontains Animals, Food, Transport, Sports,Professions, GeometricFigures, Numbers, Letters, andAssorted).Your child will slide and snap the colorful puzzle pieces intoplaceto reveal the delightful image.Once kids complete the puzzle, the pleasant voice of aladyannouncer congratulates the child on an excellent job and tellsthechild what the image depicts.Children enjoy success time after time and receivepositivereinforcement from the likable teacher. So they want tokeeplearning.★★★ What will my children learn? ★★★Like all Intellijoy games, the game focuses on aspecificeducational lesson, so children and their parents find thegamereally inviting and distraction-free. Kids Preschool Puzzleshelpschildren build and practice cognitive skills, visualspatialskills, shape recognition, as well as tactile and finemotorskills.★★★ What won't my children learn? ★★★The game does not overload children and parents with too manyaudioand visual stimuli. Coping with stress and over-stimulationistherefore one skill that your kids won't be practicing duringthisgame. Its clear focus makes the game a delight for children andawinning choice for parents.Although it's perfect for preschoolers, who just love the game,manychildren of kindergarten age and in the early grades alsoenjoysnapping the puzzle pieces into place and learning the100-plusimages (in the full version) the puzzles represent.✔ Our games are laser focused. For example, the numbers gamedoesn'tteach letters, and the letters game doesn't teach math. Wekeep thegames simple but magically inviting and nourishing.✔ We strive to give children just the right balancebetweeneducation and fun. So our games don't feature fun at theexpense ofeducation – or education at the expense of fun. We alsoknow gamesthat are too complicated don’t involve and delightkids.