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Gynecology and Obstetrics 2.8.02
** Practical Point-of-Care Recommendations for OB/GYN DiagnosisandTreatment **
IJGO 6.1.1_PROD_2017-04-11
Elsevier Inc
International Journal of Gynecology&ObstetricsNow available for android tablets and smartphones! It just gotawhole lot easier to keep up with current research in the fieldsofobstetrics and gynecology. The International Journal ofGynecologyand Obstetrics app brings you the convenience of readingyourfavorite journal from anywhere in the world with just atap.• Stay ahead with alerts when new issues are available andreadArticles in Press throughout the month• Experience innovative digital content with the newlyintroducedArticle enhancements; featuring AudioSlides, VirtualMicroscope, 3DRadiological Viewer, 3D Neuroimaging Viewer, andmore.• Get access to the journal content on the app viayourinstitution’s IP• Enjoy Open Access and Open Archive Content without havingtologin• Accessibility support to assist the visually impaired• Interact with figures, tables, and supplementary content• Stream multimedia for faster viewing or download for later• Take notes, highlight articles and share via email andsocialmedia• Personalize your experience with My Reading List and savearticlesfor offline readingJournal Subscribers: Log in with the same username and passwordthatgrants you access to the full journal content on theInternationalJournal of Gynecology & Obstetrics website. Thesecredentialswill allow full access to all content on the app.About the International Journal of Gynecology &ObstetricsThe International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetricspublishesarticles on all aspects of basic and clinical research inthefields of obstetrics and gynecology and related subjects,withemphasis on matters of worldwide interest.Since its inception, the International Journal of Gynecology&Obstetrics (IJGO) has had two primary purposes. One has beentoserve an international audience by publishing originalscientificarticles and communications originating in low-incomecountrieswhich emphasize important obstetric and gynecologicproblems,issues, and perspectives, such as maternal mortality andfamilyplanning; as well as publishing original articlesandcommunications from the scientific community ofhigh-incomecountries, with particular emphasis on sharing advancesin thespecialty of obstetrics and gynecology; and the other hasbeen tofurther the organizational purposes of the InternationalFederationof Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) by providing a meansofbringing to the readership decisions of the officers andexecutiveboard, reports of the standing committees of FIGO, andinformationfrom the FIGO Secretariat in the intervals betweenmeetings of theexecutive board and the international congresses;and by providinginformation from the World Health Organization andthose otherimportant international organizations that deal withwomen's healthand the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology.Our privacy policy ishere:
PostPartum Hemorrhage 1.0.1
Tech Morphosis
This app contains the ACOGrecommendedsafetychecklists for management of postpartumhemorrhage.FounderAnkita Gupta, MD, MPH;Kelli Daniels, MD;Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CrozerChesterMedicalCenter, Upland, PA, USAMissionThis app was designed as a quick reference toolforObstetricproviders to assess and manage postpartumhemorrhageReferences1. American College of Obstetricians &GynecologistsDistrictII. Optimizing Protocols in ObstetricsManagement ofObstetricHemorrhage Series 2. October 2012.Accessedfrom on June 12, 20152. Lyndon A, Lagrew D, Shields L, Main E, Cape V.ImprovingHealthCare Response to Obstetric Hemorrhage. (CaliforniaMaternalQualityCare Collaborative Toolkit to Transform MaternityCare)Developedunder contract #11-10006 with the CaliforniaDepartmentof PublicHealth; Maternal, Child and Adolescent HealthDivision;Published bythe California Maternal Quality CareCollaborative,3/17/15.3. Pereira N, Delvadia D. A tool for teaching theB-Lynchbracesuture method: an inexpensive new simulatorallowsobstetricians topolish an essential technique. Am J ObstetGynecol2013;209:591.e1.Pereira N, Delvadia D. [ObGyn Procedures].(2012,October 5).B-LynchSuture: From Low-Cost Model to Intra-OperativeApplication[Videofile].Retrievedfrom Permission for use of Bakri Postpartum balloonwithRapidInstillation Instructional Video granted byCookMedical,Bloomington, Indiana.
ForMed GynObst 2.1.0
An Application for different formulas and scores in ObstetricsandGynaecology.
Editor Journal
OBGYN Blog updates regularly to address women’s healthqueriesacross the lifespan from teens through menopause. Thisuniqueservice is completely free. OBGYN is a blog by anObstetrician andGynecologist, writing about the challenges,exclusively related totwo individual patient populations. Theprimary purpose of theOBGYN Blog is to promote awareness in thehealth and well-being ofmother and newborn through evidence basedapproach. We update youwith authentic information of science andtechnologies through thisplatform. OBGYN Blog works under theumbrella of InternationalJournal of Obstetrics and GynaecologyResearch (IJOGR). IJOGR is apeer-reviewed, open access journal thatpublishes original researcharticles, review articles,up-to-dateresults of clinical studies inall areas of Obstetrics &Gynecology. The information on thisBlog is not intended to replacethe advice of a doctor. IJOGRdisclaims any liability for thedecisions you make based on thisinformation.
Obstetricia en preguntas 7.0
Repasa y aprende sobre obstetricia con esta fabulosa coleccióndemásde 400 preguntas cortas obtenidas de exámenes deuniversidad.Poseela opción de preguntas aleatorias. Ideal paraestudiantes.
Medical Formulas 3.0.1
Sanapps Dev
Use intuitively the validated scores and formulas formedicalpractice.
OB Wheel: Pregnancy calculator
Pregnancy due date calculator. Created by a board-certifiedObGyndoctor.
Pregnancy Calculator Pro 3.2
iMedical Apps
Pregnancy, gestational age, baby weight, & due datecalculatorduring maternity
Guidelines summaries at your fingertips
Calculador Obstetrico 1.9
Con este calculador usted puede determinar la fecha aproximadaenquesu bebé nacerá. Se basa en que una gestación normal duraenpromedio40 semanas contadas desde el primer día de la fecha delaúltimaregla normal y que la concepción usualmente ocurre 2semanasdespuésdel primer día de la última regla.
Gestograma CONAMED 1.0
Mahuina Campos
¡AVISO IMPORTANTE! Esta versión funciona en dispositivos Android4a6, ofrecemos una disculpa por los inconvenientes Teinvitamosaprobar estanuevaversiónónUngestograma, calendario obstétrico o disco prenatal,esunaherramienta del control prenatal, cuya función básica esauxiliaralprofesional de la salud, en el cálculo de la edadgestacional ylafecha probable de parto de una pacienteembarazada, a partir delafecha de la última menstruación. ElGESTOGRAMA PARA ELCONTROLPRENATAL SEGURO agrega otros rubros deinterés y utilidadpara elprofesional de la salud, basados endocumentos normativosquerepresentan la lex artis de la atención ala mujer embarazadaenMéxico, organizados por consulta y edadgestacional, para queelprofesional de la salud se oriente acercade los cuidadosmínimosindispensables a realizar en el momento dela gestación enque se dael encuentro con la paciente embarazada.* COMPATIBLE HASTAANDROID6.0 * Los datos registrados ydisponibles en esta herramientason: •Semanas. Se refiere a lassemanas de gestación e identificadesde elprimer día del últimoperiodo menstrual o Fecha deÚltimaMenstruación (FUM), hasta lasemana 44. • Mes. Establecemeseslunares (1 mes = 4 semanas), apartir de la FUM. •Momentosrelevantes. Señala periodos conrelevancia clínica omédico-legalque guían el actuar delprofesional de la salud durantela atenciónobstétrica. • Inicio debúsqueda (de) datos de alarma.Conforme a laevolución delembarazo, existen diversos riesgos parael binomiomadre-feto, porlo que se señala el momento en que se debecomenzara buscar, demanera intencionada, la presencia del dato dealarmaseñalado. Losdatos de alarma son sumativos durante lagestación ydebedocumentarse en el expediente clínico, el resultadode labúsquedaintencionada, sea positiva (se encontró el dato dealarma)onegativa (no se encontró el dato de alarma). •Valoraciónmínimadurante cada consulta que establece la NormaOficialMexicanaNOM-007-SSA2-1993, Atención de la mujer duranteelembarazo, partoy puerperio y del recién nacido. Criteriosyprocedimientos para laprestación delserviciolink,así como los factores de riesgo obstétrico yreproductivomáscomunes a considerar en la Valoración del riesgo queseñalalamisma NOM 007. • Plan de seguridad obstétrica. Tiene lafuncióndeorientar y educar a la embarazada y a su familia cercana,atravésde la reducción de riesgos, la identificación tempranadedatos dealarma y la planeación de acciones que permitanreducirlaemergencia obstétrica. • Educación para la salud.Recomiendatemasa tratar con la embarazada durante las consultas,establecidosenlas normas oficiales mexicanas. • Producto. Orientaalprofesionalde la salud sobre la denominación científicaapropiadadel productode la concepción, de acuerdo a su evolución.•Consultas y cuidadoprenatal mínimos. La NOM 007 establece quelaunidad de salud debepromover que la embarazada de bajoriesgoreciba como mínimo cincoconsultas prenatales,iniciandopreferentemente en las primeras 12semanas de gestación yatendiendoal calendario que se señala en elgestograma. •Consultasrecomendables. Recomendacionesinternacionales sobrefrecuencia yacciones de salud básicas arealizar durante el controlprenatal. •Índice de masa corporal.Incluye una herramienta para elcálculo yla interpretación de laganancia de peso recomendadadurante elembarazo. • Crecimientouterino (en cm) desde el borde delasínfisis del pubis, conreferencia al valor promedio establecidoenla percentila 50% delas tablas de Fescina. El GESTOGRAMA PARAELCONTROL PRENATALSEGURO forma parte de las Herramientas paraelCuidado PrenatalSeguro, desarrolladas por la Comisión NacionaldeArbitraje Médico.Más informaciónen: .UA-41846902-1
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator 1.96
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator, Due Date Countdown,PregnancyCalendar & Tracker
Medical Terminology Offline 1.4
YoPlus Corp
Medical Terminology with common anduncommonwords, terms and phrases. Used by physicians, nurses, PAs,NPs,medical students, nursing students and more.FEATURES:★ A very quickly Search;★ Completely offline and free;★ Big database of terminology;★ Unlimited bookmark and favourites;★ Very fast and good performance;The handbook contains a description of Medical Terms suchas:Keloid , AANAT , Eucoleus , Cyriax , Quitina , Radiografar andmanyother termsSupport multi language : English , Deutsch , Português , Français,EspañolThe dictionary has also been expanded in many areas,withparticular attention paid to pharmacology, obstetricsandgynaecology, paediatrics, ethics, nephrology, andpsychiatry.Selling over a million copies in previous editions, thisis anindispensable reference guide for students, as well asthoseworking in the medical and allied professions. It is alsoaninvaluable home reference guide for the general reader.